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The Man's Decree

Chapter 2437
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Chapter 2437 Worldly Emotions And Desires

Meanwhile, in the secret realm of Evil Heart Sect, Tanner looked grim as he faced the six purple-robed

emissaries before him.

Within a short period, he had lost two purple-robed emissaries, and Jared had invaded two secret


If Jared hadn't rung the Dragon Bell to remind himself after his breakthrough, he might have

unintentionally infiltrated all of the Eight Major Secret Realms.

“None of you are to leave this place until the Spiritual Energy Restoration Formation activates. I don't

want Jared to defeat any of you. Once the spiritual energy is restored, he will be of no further use to

me,” Tanner sternly addressed the six purple-robed emissaries.

The six emissaries exchanged concerned glances, and one of them stepped forward to address

Tanner. “Lord Tanner, our families are still in the secret realm. If we stay here, what will Jared do to


“That's right. Our businesses and hard work are all in the secret realm. What will happen to them if we

remain here?”

“Can you please bring our families and disciples here? Besides, the spiritual energy will soon recover. If

the secret realm collapses then, we can live in the mundane world.”

The purple-robed emissaries, all weighing their options, couldn't bear the thought of abandoning their

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hard work and families in the other secret realm. None of them wanted to stay in Evil Heart Sect's

secret realm, for they couldn't turn a blind eye to their responsibilities and loved ones.

Tanner's expression turned even colder as he fixed a piercing glare upon the purple-robed emissaries.

Filled with anger, he sternly reprimanded them, “As cultivators, you should forsake all worldly

attachments and desires. The notion of family ties will only hinder your cultivation progress. Once the

spiritual energy is restored and we establish our dominion over the mundane world, I can guide you to

the Ethereal Realm, where you can pursue even greater levels of cultivation. In that realm, you will

have the potential to live for thousands of years. What use do you have for kinship?”

The purple-robed emissories fell silent, their lips seoled tightly in submission, os they understood thot

there wos no room for them to voice their concerns in Tonner's presence.

Just then, o crystol orb suspended in front of Tonner emitted o rodiont glow. Within moments, it

projected o vivid imoge depicting Jored's current whereobouts inside the secret reolm of Divine Quest


“How dore thot b*stord come to the secret reolm?” Tonner wos token obock when he sow the scene.

Right then, Skylor stored fixedly ot the imoge of Jored os he wolked forword. “Lord Tonner, I implore

you. Let me deol with Jored.”

Skylor, fueled by o deep-seoted grudge, hod dedicoted extensive time ond effort to overcome Jored.

Now thot the opportunity for revenge hod finolly presented itself, Skylor wos determined to settle the

score once ond for oll.

Tonner, recognizing the burning onger rodioting from Skylor, nodded in ocknowledgment ond issued o

stern reminder, “Beor in mind, Skylor, we connot offord to kill him just yet. We still need him for the

Spirituol Energy Restorotion Formotion.”

“Understood.” Skylor nodded in understonding ond hurried off.

The purple-robed emissaries fell silent, their lips sealed tightly in submission, as they understood that

there was no room for them to voice their concerns in Tanner's presence.

Just then, a crystal orb suspended in front of Tanner emitted a radiant glow. Within moments, it

projected a vivid image depicting Jared's current whereabouts inside the secret realm of Divine Quest


“How dare that b*stard come to the secret realm?” Tanner was taken aback when he saw the scene.

Right then, Skylar stared fixedly at the image of Jared as he walked forward. “Lord Tanner, I implore

you. Let me deal with Jared.”

Skylar, fueled by a deep-seated grudge, had dedicated extensive time and effort to overcome Jared.

Now that the opportunity for revenge had finally presented itself, Skylar was determined to settle the

score once and for all.

Tanner, recognizing the burning anger radiating from Skylar, nodded in acknowledgment and issued a

stern reminder, “Bear in mind, Skylar, we cannot afford to kill him just yet. We still need him for the

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Spiritual Energy Restoration Formation.”

“Understood.” Skylar nodded in understanding and hurried off.

Tanner then redirected his attention to the six purple-robed emissaries and issued his instructions,

“Accompany Skylar and ensure that Jared remains confined within the secret realm. This way, he will

be unable to cause disturbances elsewhere.”

He dispatched the purple-robed emissaries to accompany Skylar out of concern that Skylar's anger

might overpower him, potentially leading to Jared's demise. Things would get tricky if that were to


The six purple-robed emissaries accepted their assignment and departed. If we can make Jared stay in

that secret realm, then we won't have to worry about our families!

However, despite their commitment to the mission, the six purple-robed emissaries couldn't help but

feel displeased about having to assist Skylar.

Meanwhile, in the secret realm of Divine Quest Sect, Jared explored every nook and cranny of the

realm. Apart from the towering statues that emanated mysterious energy, he couldn't find anything else

out of the ordinary. There were no visible traces of arcane arrays either.

How did Divine Quest Sect manage to set up the Spiritual Energy Restoration Formation? Typically, the

presence of arcane arrays would leave behind distinct traces and a distinct aura. However, I couldn't

detect any despite thoroughly exploring the realm.

“Jared, you should leave as soon as possible. We're doing just fine over here, and we're not in danger

either. If people from Evil Heart Sect find out that you're here, they'll definitely want to harm you,”

Josephine persuaded, her concern for his safety evident in her words.