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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chatper 1764
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Chapter 1764

Robin just nodded, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Of course”

The others remained silent, clearly affected by the situation.

Everyone was eager to see their businesses thrive and prosper. They wanted to get along with the Harpers, but

they were even more eager to maintain good relations with the Obsidian Corporation

In this dog–eat–dog world, everyone wanted to ally themselves with the truly powerful They were well aware of the

Harper’s and Obsidian’s rivalry and secretly delighted in it. As long as the two powerhouses didn’t join forces and

leave them in the dust, they were more than happy to see them at odds. And they were trying to play both ends

against the middle, hoping to manoeuvre smoothly between the two giants

In this world, might was night and connections were everything Building relationships was crucial not only in politics

but also in business Otherwise, there wouldn’t be departments of foreign affairs and PR departments in

corporations c2

Take Damon, for instance Even though he didn’t have much to his name, he managed to snag Ms Summers of

Starlight International and hence, managed to land a spot in the prestigious Global Economic Summit

No one expected that the Harpers would extend an olive branch to the Obsidian Corporation today

Such a pity

Everyone’s thoughts were all over the place, their gaze shifting to Damon Although no words were spoken, the

looks exchanged were clear as day

It was common knowledge that the patriarch of the Harper family had recently held a press conference that

sounded like he was severing ties with Damon. However, judging by his reaction today, he clearly wasn’t ready to

let go of his grandson

His every word and action showed his concern for Damon. Although his words were often laced with sarcasm, they

did reveal a certain stance Since he still considered Damon his grandson everyone had witnessed Damon openly

offending Mr. Azriel.

Mr. Aznel didn’t reject the idea of negotiating with the Harpers after the summit. So the sincerity of his words was

anyone’s guess.

Everyone understood this and there was no way Robin couldn’t see through it. After a moment of contemplation,

Robin took a few steps forward and spoke to Damon “Damon, you’re aware that your grandfather’s actions were

driven by his high expectations of you No matter what, you’re still a Harper Since the Harper family might form a

frendly relationship with Obsidian, I believe Mr. Aznel won’t hold it against the Harper family if you apologize to him

for your earlier actions Everyone nodded in agreement. That made sense. If the two families wanted to collaborate,

it was only night for Damon to swallow his pride and apologize to the CEO of Obsidian

Damon furrowed his brows and shot a cold glance at Azriel, who seemed to be enjoying the show

Chloe, however, was amused by Robin’s words “Has the Harper family become so humble just for a successful

cooperation with Obsidian? Are they so afraid the deal might fall through that they re making the guy they kicked

out apologize?”

Upon hearing this, Robin’s brows knitted together ‘Damon offended Mr. Azriel because of you, Ms. Summers

Chice raised an eyebrow “is that so? But I see no need to apologize”


“Damon, if you still consider yourself a Harper, then go apologize to Mr Azriel Presley finally spoke, his icy gaze

fixed on Damon. If you’re still upset about my past actions, I admit that I let my emotions get the best of me I could

apologize to you if you want. But today, you must apologize to Mr. Azriel

Indeed, he didn’t want to lose his grandson. Some of his past actions were indeed driven by anger. When he had

cooled down, he realized that he had been too impulsive

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Now was the perfect opportunity. He could show Damon what it felt like to bow down to the powerful, and also find

a reason to apologize for his past fictions.

Damon was still his grandson He could not afford to lose his grandson over a woman Otherwise, he would be the

only loser

Nathan rolled his eyes “Grandpa, it’s the Harper family who wants to cozy up to Obsidian, not my brother. Since you

still consider him your grandson, have you ever thought that your decision is no different from begging Obsidian for

mercy? How desperate is our family to stoop so low just to cooperate with Obsidian? Aren’t you feel ashamed?”

Presley shot him a furious glance Keep your mouth shut if you don’t understand anything! Does he even have any

dignity left? Look at him, he’s a laughing I’m doing him a favour by acknowledging him as a Harper He still wants to

be ungrateful and act against me?”

This old man really had a high opinion of himself Nathan was so frustrated that he didn’t bother responding

That woman is carrying Mr. Azriel’s child, and you’re still in denial. How does it feel right now? is it pleasant?”

Aznel, who had been silent till now couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the turn of events What in the world was

going on? Chloe was carrying his child?

He glanced at the woman in Damon’s arms, his face turning ashen But he had to admit that she was a stunner


However, the idea of having a child with her was quite scary

“Do you want me to gouge your eyes out?” Damon’s voice rang out coldly, his expression frosty

Everyone was still surprised by Damon’s attitude, but Azriel averted his gaze coughing awkwardly into his fist

Robins eyebrows furrowed slightly, sensing that something was off Damon was a man of pride and it was hard to

imagine him apologizing to anyone, let alone Aznel His arrogance was already a given But Aznels behavior was

unexpected especially for someone of his stature. He had been disrespected, yet he hadn’t said a word, let alone

showed any anger This was beyond his expectations

Aznel ran his fingers through his hair and said. “He doesn’t need to apologize to me I couldn’t handle it, anyway.

His honesty was evident His CEO, even if he was wrong was always right. Asking him to apologize was too much

Besides, he wanted to live a peaceful life for a few more years, and not be under the constant scrutiny of his boss

However, everyone else took it the wrong way and thought he was genuinely upset

Presley frowned, sending a cold glance at Damon befom turning to Azriel with a smile 1 sincerely apologize” he

said. “My grandson has always

| headstrong.

and I’m afraid ”

Chapter 1764

Azriel held up his hand to stop him “Mr Presley,” he said. “I believe there must be some misunderstanding. Ms.

Summers and I are not in the kind of relationship you think we are. And the babies she’s carrying are not mine. You

don’t have to apologize to me”

Silence filled the room. Everyone was puzzled

Presley felt a lump in his throat, almost choking on his anger “What did you say? The babies she’s carrying aren’t


Azriel nodded. ‘Of course not Ms Summers is out of my league and I am not fortunate enough to win her heart“

The surrounding crowd and reporters, however, were not calm anymore

“The babies aren’t yours? But she just said she was carrying your babies

“She also said you were her support! So that’s not true?!”

“Oh my God, her lies are being exposed on the spot. This is so embarrassing! But why did she have to say Obsidian

was her support? Was she just trying to

scene at the summit?”

“Exactly! Look at how she’s dressed tonight she’s clearly trying to steal the show”

Aznel rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on

People always stuck with their first impressions

It was so obvious what was going on, so why wouldn’t everyone just put the root of the matter on Damon, and

instead always assumed he was a complete and

utter boy toy?

He shook his head and looked at Damon, who was wearing an expression of utter resignation ‘It seems you play the

role of the boy toy better than anyone else Damon, he said “Everyone here is so convinced that you’re the one

being kept, I don’t know whether to admire you or the gmat Mrs Harper”

Damon’s face hardened “Her of course” he said coldly

Nathan and Kane smirked. Damn, even when he was angry, he still sided with his wife

Whether right or wrong, the wife was always night. Whether good or bad, the wife always got the credit. And no

matter what, they were always showing off their


It was infuriating

Aznel couldn’t help but laugh at Damon’s response. He looked at Chloe and said, “She is indeed extraordinary

Chloe forced a smile.

The conversation between Azriel and Damon had finally made everyone realize that something was amiss Everyone

was completely lost.

What was going on? It seemed like Mr. Azriel wasn’t actually angry, and it also seemed like he and Damon knew

each other

The babies in Chloe’s belly wasn’t his? But hadn’t she said earlier that the babies were the head of Obsidians? What

on earth was happening?

Meanwhile Asher checked his watch, his expression growing senous Alright, it’s about time. Everyone, please take

your seats in the next room for the Global Economic Summit roundtable discussion That’s the real reason we’re all


The most important part of the Global Economic Summit was the roundtable discussion, where all the international

entrepreneurs present would discuss past achievements and future prospects for various businesses

These discussions often required approval from the World Economic Council

If any controversial methods or tactics were proposed, they would need to be unanimously agreed upon by the

representatives of all countries before they could be


Given the sheer scale of the event, the Global Economic Summit usually lasted several days.

“This year were fortunate to have the head of Obsidian in attendance. Their aggressive and sharp business tactics,

as well as their unique and accurate understanding of the world economy and future trends, will be invaluable. We

will begin the Global Economic Summit roundtable discussion by inviting the head of Obsidian to deliver a speech,

helping us analyze future economic developments and predict trends. I believe this is something everyone here is

truly interested

The Obsidian Group had risen to prominence in just a few short years if they could leam from Obsidian’s success, it

would undoubtedly be a great boon. There was enthusiastic applause from the audience Led by the emcee, they all

headed to the next room

A conference room of similar size to the banquet hall awaited them, its round tables arranged in three concentric

rings. The seating

delineated by rank with the highest rankung individuals seated closest to the center


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Presley didn’t look pleased. Though seated in the middle, he was slightly off center from the prime position at the

head of the table a spot that had always been reserved for the Harper family in the past years.

Being placed second in the hierarchy was a bitter pill to swallow, but to add salt to the wound, Asher had led him to

the third seal with a well–known businessman who usually occupied the second seat, was relegated to the third

Although slightly disgruntled Steve graciously moved back a position with his wife Presley, initially consider

Steves acc

nce and took his place at the third

Seating arrangements were a delicate matter. The

ser you were to the host, the higher your status was However, the

conspicuously empty

Watching Presley’s obvious discomfort. Robir

his breath. “If everyone keeps being

do you think Ms. Summers and Damon wil

without a sear?”

Presley gloomy face lightened a touch. That would serve them right this situation

› mediona ka fur that

When everyone was seated, Kane, Nathan and his group made a leisurely entrance from the back of the room

Naturaly, they Chloe and Azriel were at the tail end

Perhaps sensing the awkward uation they were about to face, everyone i

Nous expressions, pet



Presley watched them with cold eyes

“Thank you all for attending this year’s Global Economic Summit Asher stood at the head of the table and

announced warmest welcome and gratitude to all the distinguished antepreneurs present ”

Applause filled the room. However, everyone’s gaze was freed on the three people who had yet to take their seats

Damon silently led Chloe to the second seat on the left pulling out the chair for her to at. Predlay’s face darkened,

and he addrettet Ashar dæctly

there a mistake in the seating arrangement“:

Asher’s smile stiffened slightly as he turned to Arnel who marply emilled and gestured that it was so big deal

causing a dir among the attendees

“Actually Mr Aznei specifically requested this seating arrangement and (nouldn’t safuma Kopa 16 Bobin will

understand. Acha ngisinet withi

Presley furrowed his bows and Asher quickly continued: “Without further ado (4) “

management and future trends. Taal time to and any gunstırını

ralphad to so

After his speech, he led the applause which was quickly achined throughout the room

As everyone’s gaze followed Apriai: they saw hơn quietly take the second seat or


And now besider Acher the only person left standing was Damon

Ther ever were fræed on him. Robin’s expression changed drastically as if he had malized

“How embarrassing

But before he could finish his sentence, there was a collective gasp. Looking

The applause gradually ded down and everyone

Damon standing whi

ched his hands