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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1780
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Chapter 1780

When Grandma returned home, her mood was quite sour Chloe noticed and felt a twinge of curiosity, but with the

day’s events still fresh in her mind, she refrained from asking what was wrong If it was about the divorce, it was

best not to probe

Alyssa chatted with everyone in the living room for a while but wasn’t feeling well. She went into

mom to rest

“What’s wrong with Grandma? Didn’t she go to Robin’s place? Did Robin upset her?”

Elizabeth sighed deeply “More or less. Even though Robin has given up his shares, he still feels the need for some

personal growth, so he applied to go to the U Country to help the Harper family expand their market. Who knows

when we’ll see him again. Grandma is not happy. She thinks at his age, he shouldn’t be so busy around but should

be home with her”

Upon hearing this Chloe furrowed her brows slightly. She glanced at Royce next to her and said softly. “Is that so?

Well, if Robin’s made his choice, there isn’t much we can do. No one wants to live a mediocre life forever ‘c2

Elizabeth nodded, “Exactly that’s what he thinks too. He is stubborn just like his father”

Chloe smiled but didn’t continue the conversation

Later, Royce accompanied Elizabeth upstairs, leaving Chloe alone in the living room. After a while, she checked the

time, and saw that Rose was still asleep. She stood up. feeling a bit bored

The weather outside was lovely, the afternoon sun felt particularly warm and comforting She put on her coat and

went outside for a stroll

Living in Greenfield Village for so long, she still hadn’t explored the entire estate In fact, she didn’t dare to venture

too far out, fearing she might not have the energy to


Halfway there, she ran into Nate who was busy washing cars with a few others. Several high–end cars were parked

nearby, undoubtedly the spare ones from the estate.

Chloe stood by, quietly watching them for a while.

The atmosphere among the men was more relaxed than usual, but the matters at hand were still being dealt with


Nate saw Chloe and quickly wiped his hands before running over “Maam

Chloe smiled, observing Nate as he took off his suit jacket, leaving only a shirt. He rolled up his sleeves, and there

was a hint of sweat on his face. She couldn’t help but think that this man was full of vitality.

“Are you washing the cars?”

Nate nodded. “Yeah, these cars haven’t been used for a few days. I took them out for a spin with the guys and

thought we’d give them a wash since the weather is nice‘

Chloe nodded and changed the subject, “I don’t usually see you around when you’re free. It’s rare to see you with

nothing to do.”

Nate chuckled awkwardly. “Well, I can’t always be busy. There were indeed a lot of things going on recently”

Chloe paused for a moment, then continued, “Nate, I didn’t see Robin in court today. Damon told me that some of

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the incidents I’ve experienced were orchestrated by Robin You knew all about this, didn’t you?”

Nate didn’t hesitate to nod, “Yes, I did.”

“Then you also knew about Robin relinquishing his thirty percent stake”

Nate looked a bit uneasy but nodded. “Madam What do you mean?”

Chloe could not help but laugh at his reaction, “Am I really that scary? I am just having a chat with you”

Nate scratched his head awkwardly. He knew Chloe’s capabilities, a few words from her could leave someone


“Madam, how can you be scary?”

“Exactly” Chloe replied nonchalantly ‘One thing I don’t understand is why Robin decided to go to the U Country? Did

he request it, was he forced, or did someone suggest

Nate exhaled in relief, “It’s just an excuse He can’t really leave the country”

Chloe raised her brow. “What do you mean?”.

“Because of the plane crash and the other incidents, including the journalist who interviewed you at the airport. We

caught the imposter journalist. Do you know he almost got killed that night? He led us to uncover a senes of illegal

activities by Mr Robin. Even though Rubin is part of the Harper family, he can’t escape the law.”

“Of course, the key point is that Mr. Damon won’t let him off easily. If it weren’t for Mr. Robin “Nate paused, his

expression conflicted

Chloe looked at him, “What is it?”

Nate sighed, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said reluctantly. “Initially, Mr. Robin pleaded with Mr. Damon,

asking him not to publicize the matter. Traves is in the military and is at a crucial point in his career Presley and

Alyssa are also not getting any younger, and if they found out Mr. Robin attempted to kill his own brother, it might

be too much for them”

“In the end. Mr. Damon, being the man he is, couldn’t be entirely heartless. Travis is innocent, and who wouldn’t

want their grandparents to be healthy and live a long t Mr Damon agreed not to make the matter public”

Chloe pursed her lips slowly nodding. So you’re telling me, Robin isn’t going to the U Country, but he’s been

sentenced to prison?”

Nate nodded. Life imprisonment

A pang in Chloe’s heart. She thought about how Alyssa had been upset just knowing Robin was going to the U

Country, this news could completely break her

Life imprisonment

She took a deep breath. “Presley doesn’t know about this, does he?”

Nate nodded. “Yes, it was Mr Robin himself who first proposed to return the shares. He didn’t say anything else, and

he’s keeping it all a secret. So, ma am.

“I know” Chloe accepted Nate’s concerns Naturally, she knew keeping it a secret was the best choice.

Nate breathed a sigh of relief.

Chloe ended up visiting the alpaca alone.


Chapter 1780

Damon had hired someone to take care of it. Every time she visited it, it seemed like it had become a bit stronger

than the last time. Its fur was clean and white, its head was neatly groomed, and it had a pair of big eyes with thick,

black eyelashes. It always had a smiling face, looking cute no matter how you looked at it

She found it particularly funny that this was a gift from Damon when he was courting her. It was initially a joke, but

he took it seriously and had Nate deliver it to the company Probably no one else in the world would give such a

unique gift

She picked up a branch with green leaves on it from the side and fed it, watching it eat with grace and pride She

stroked its chubby cheeks. “You should thank me You’re probably the happiest alpaca in the world. Even some

people don’t live as comfy as you, you know”

The alpaca raised its neck slightly as if it was even more proud

Chloe chuckled, fed it some more, and as if remembering something, suddenly turned to the caretaker next to her,

“Is it male or female?”

The caretaker quickly said. “Male”

Chloe nodded. Should we find it a mate

The caretaker paused somewhat amused, “Of course, that can be arranged”

Chloe chuckled took a deep breath, and turned back the way she came

Halfway there she saw Damon not far off. Upon seeing her, he strode towards her.

“Hey Chloe greeted him with a smile

Damon furrowed his brows. “Where have you been?”

Chloe pointed backwards, “To see the alpaca By the way. I have something to tell you”

“Forget it” Damon cut her off, ‘Robin broke the law, that’s undisputed I’ve made the biggest concession. He should

be thankful I even acknowledge him as my uncle”

Chloe gaped at him, surprised, guessing Nate had tattled on her

That Nate, such a brown–noser Could they even have a pleasant chat in the future?

“I just wanted to tell you about finding a mate for the alpaca What does it have to do with Robin?”

This time, Damon was the one who paused “Finding a mate for the alpaca

Chloe nodded, looked at him for a few seconds, then suddenly chuckled ‘Did you think I was going to plead for

Robin? Do you think I’m that kind?”

Tm a lawful citizen, and this is a country of law. It’s natural to face consequences for breaking the law What’s more,

what Robin did to me is not something I can forgive. At most, I feel sorry for Alyssa, but that’s a separate issue. My

sympathy for her has nothing to do with whether Robin serves his sentence. He’s an adult who has ruined not only

his own life but also the lives of many others. And he expects forgiveness? That’s impossible. I’m not some saint. I

don’t have a halo to shine on the world.”

She patted Damon’s shoulder, ‘Sorry to disappoint you”

Damon glanced at her, “No need for apologies. Why the long speech?”

Chloe choked up

“Are you saying this for me or for yourself?”

Chloe was left speechless, her expression slightly stiff.

Damon took her hand, “You don’t need to feel guilty or try to comfort me. Everything you said is correct. Robin

doesn’t need anyone else’s sympathy or forgiveness. If he chose to do it, he should bear the consequences. It’s his

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own business and has nothing to do with anyone else”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “That’s exactly what I meant, why are you repeating my words?

Damon smirked, leading her back towards the villa “Happy wife, happy life”

Chloe grinned She rubbed her belly. “I think it’s getting bigger

Damon smiled. “Let me check when we get home”

With Rose by her side, Chloe had no chance to think about anything extra

Hannah probably comforted Alyssa a lot, and with Elizabeth and the other two by her side, she gradually got better

Everyone in the house knew about the Robin situation, but not many knew the details. And Damon, Chloe, and

Royce were smart enough to keep certain things from


The women had plenty to chat about, sometimes they’d play a round of poker while chatting.

The men usually became decorations in these scenarios. Sometimes when Royce and Damon had some free time

and wanted to spend time with their wives, they found no opportunity The two would either smoke outside or stay in

the study

The two of them had nothing to say so Damon filled him in on the development history of Obsidian Corporation,

what he remembered and made up

Royce shared his experience managing the Harper family for those years, seventy percent of which was about his

wife, Elizabeth

In just a few days, the father and son found themselves in the study, silent for a long time, feeling they had nothing

to say

Royce ‘Being with you is really boring”

Damon. Yes, we definitely are father and son

Apparently, after a few days, the two of them started to get on each other’s nerves. The two exchanged glances

Two minutes later, they both looked away, sighing in unison, their faces full of sonow

“How much can they possibly have to talk about?”

“I don’t know”

Father and son exchanged a look, both feeling like they had encountered the most perplexing enigma in the history

of mankind. What secrets did women harbor in their minds?

Occasionally, they attempted to join the women’s ‘gossip clubs,” but such attempts invariably resulted in confusion.

Every discussion was about something different

The women were like walking encyclopedias, capable of engaging in deep conversation about anything, and they

always seemed to know everything. This would inevitably plunge the men into a deep pool of self doubt.

Chapter 1780

By the time they managed to decipher their conversations in their own way, the women had already moved on to a

new topic.

The two men heaved a sigh once again.

Finally, Royce said, I’ve been with your mom for thirty years, and I’ve never once been bored. How is it that after

just a few days with you, I’m already feeling bored? You’re still young. It might be a good idea to take a hard look at

yourself and figure out what you’re not doing right.”