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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1777
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Chapter 1777

Presley sat there expressionless, but upon hearing Alyssa’s words, his expression couldn’t help but change slightly.

Her relentless determination to divorce him, no matter what, made him look like an awful person

The judge’s mediation hadn’t gone smoothly Looking at the divorce papers Alyssa presented, he didn’t have any

excuses to favor Presley

Alyssa’s lawyer voiced her wishes clearly Citing irreconcilable differences, years of accumulated resentment, and

the need for her future health, he proposed a divorce. He pointed out several of Presley’s flaws to justify the


After the lawyer had said everything and expressed the hope that Presley would agree to the divorce, everyone

turned their gaze toward Presley c2

“Mr. Presley, do you have anything to say about the points we’ve just listed?”

Presley responded indifferently. “No” All the accusations against him were true, and he couldn’t deny them.

“Then, do you have any reasons why you can’t divorce your wife, Ms Alyssa

Presley spoke again, just as nonchalantly, “No”

Chloe raised an eyebrow, everything was proceeding too smoothly. She had thought Presley would have a solid

reason to resist the divorce, but she didn’t expect it to go so smoothly

“So, are you both certain about getting a divorce today”

Presley closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath, then slowly nodded, “Yes”

Alyssa sat across from him, her eyes flickering slightly at his words.

A few seconds later, a small smile spread across her face. She didn’t say anything more. This outcome was enough

for her

Chloe, sitting in the audience, raised her eyebrow again. Presley hadn’t offered any defense from start to finish.

The whole process had taken only about ten minutes. If there were no objections, why had he even bothered to

bring the matter to court?

With his domineering and highly vain nature, she found it hard to guess his intentions in the current situation.

Damon watched her, leaning back in her chair, pensively staring at Presley. He couldn’t help but smirk.

This woman just can’t stay still for a moment. Other women would eagerly look for a well–off man to marry, aiming

for a lifetime of comfort as a pampered lady of a wealthy household, indulging in a life of luxury and leisure.

But here she was, with a super wealthy man right by her side, not to mention the fact that she was carrying two

little ones in her belly. He urged her every day to simply enjoy a life of luxury and leisure, but she just wouldn’t listen

Just what had he done in his past life to end up with such a unique woman?

Chloe, deep in thought, felt Damon’s gaze and turned to give him a smile, then turned her attention back to

Presley, continuing to unravel the mysteries in her mind

Damon felt a pang of jealousy This woman was too easily distracted

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Just as he was starting to frown, Presley spoke again, I agree to the divorce, but I have one request”

Alyssa looked at him coldly. “Let’s hear it.”

‘I hope I can visit you occasionally to see my two great–grandchildren”

Hearing this, most people’s gaze turned to Chloe. The two great grandchildren he mentioned must be the twins she

was carrying

No matter how unreasonable Presley could be, he still had the right to see his great–grandchildren. There was no

need to make it a request

However, Chloe chuckled softly at his words. He was still the same old man, too proud to admit defeat, but willing to

use Alyssa to achieve his goals.

Alyssa glanced at Chloe

Chloe gave a resigned smile. She couldn’t refuse him in front of everyone, could she? Even if she wanted to, she

wouldn’t dare to risk the legal consequences. This was the court, after all, and she had no right to deny him his

duties and responsibilities.

Alyssa ignored Presley’s words and gave a cold laugh, “Even now, you’re still using me for your own gains Typical of

you. Do you really need to make such a request? You’re happy to drive your own children and grandchildren away,

thinking others will feel the same? Only you would believe that kicking someone out is a sign of power. But you’re

truly impressive, raising this issue in court if I refuse, will the court sentence me on the spot?”

Presley didn’t react to Alyssas intentional attack. He simply asked, “So you agree?”

Alyssa gave a cold laugh without giving a clear answer

However, Presley nodded and spoke again “After being married for so many years, I wouldn’t let you leave empty

handed. As for the compensation, I won’t shortchange you.” Alyssa glanced at him coldly. ‘I don’t need anything”

Presley gave her a long look, then turned to the lawyer.

The lawyer stood up, holding a file in his hand, and said, ‘Ms. Alyssa, as divorce compensation, in addition to the old

house in Hong Kong and the Harper’s Mansion here, all other properties under Presley’s name will be yours. Your

savings will be split equally Moreover, Mr. Harper is unconditionally giving you 30% of the Harper Group’s shares”

Everyone was stunned by this statement, not just Alyssa Despite the Harper Group’s current reputation, it was still a

significant player in the business world. Thirty percent of the shares was an astronomical figure.

He only kept two properties for himself and split the rest evenly with her. He even gave nearly all of the Harper

Group to her

Decades of marriage, ending up in a courtroom in front of strangers as if they were tearing each other’s faces off,

its astonishing to have such a turnaround. Chloe was also surprised, and even more puzzled.

Hadrit Presley already given all his shares to Robin? So where did this current 30% stake come from?

Contemplating this, she looked around and noticed that Robin was

nowhere to be seen

She furrowed her brow and a few seconds later, she turned to Damon and asked in a low voice, “What have you

been up to these past few days?”

He’d deflected her question at the door earlier.

Damon looked at her as she continued, “Where’s Robin? And how did Presley get hold of that thirty percent?”

Did Presley take it from him and Nathan, or did he reclaim it from Robin?

“Which question do you want me to answer first?”

Chloe glanced at him and said flatly. “The first one.”

Damon moistened his lips, looked at Presley on the stage and said casually. “The reason for the plane crash that my

parents should have been on was found recently, so we took the opportunity to settle it

Chloe paused, “Was it Robin“” She asked cautiously After all, Robin was Damon’s uncle. If it wasn’t him, it would be

incredibly awkward

Gradually, Damon’s expression darkened. ‘He’s been in touch with Ava so he must have known about your identity.

That’s why he tried to set me up with Wendy While Wendy had Ava, the adopted daughter of the Queen of Y

Country, as a support, compared to this genuine royal princess, it was not much to be feared. Besides, he and Ava

are allies. It doesn’t hurt him if you were not recognized by the royal family, it even brings him the convenience

that Ava can provide. But if you were recognized by the royal family my relationship with Wendy would inevitably be

targeted and suppressed, which isn’t a bad thing for him either

“He wants to have his cake and eat it too, all for the sake of gaining control over the Harper Group” Damon spoke

softly, his gaze fixed on Presley in front as if discussing something mundane

Chloe didn’t reply. She couldn’t figure out Robin’s thoughts, but she was surprised that he knew her real identity

“He’s been helping Ava a lot. The incidents you’ve experienced were their joint efforts, including hiring online trolls

to attack you, and even the reporter you scolded


As Chloe listened, her expression grew darker. After a while, she let out a cold laugh. resorting to underhanded

tactics I knew he had designs on the Harper family, but

to be a mature and respectable elder, but turns out to be a despicable man expect him to stoop so low. I must have

overestimated his intelligence”

Damon remained silent, but a sense of coldness and anger began to rise faintly in Chloe’s heart. So, the plane

accident was his doing? When Elizabeth left in a rage followed by Royce, Presley was certainly displeased with

them. So, he took their shares and gave them to Robin, right? Just for those shares, Robin even planned to harm his

own brother and sister–in–law?”

She was a rational person. Despite her anger, she tried to keep her voice steady,

Since Damon said he’d settled some matters, and the shares were now back in the hands of Presley, something

must had happened to Robin. The reason there were no rumors was probably because Damon deliberately

suppressed the news.

Although she desperately wanted to expose all of Robin’s actions, Damon chose to keep it quiet, which probably had

its own

Damans face was somber, but noticing Chloe’s agitation, he took her hand in his. Tm sorry the outcome might not

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Chloe’s anger gradually subsided at Damon’s unexpected apology. She looked at Alyssa in front of her, took a deep

breath, and said calmly if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have known about all this. I was just a bit upset earlier. No

matter how monstrous Robin’s actions were, he’s still her son. If she knew about everything he’s done, I cant

imagine how disappointed she’d be if her health deteriorates due to this, it wouldn’t be worth it.”

Upon hearing her understanding words, Damon felt even more guilty and was completely honest with Chloe My

cousin has been doing well in the military, and these years are critical for him. If Robin’s deeds were exposed, his

reputation in the military would plummet, and he might even lose his job.

“No matter what Robin has done, I highly respect my cousin. Regardless of his future military rank, achievements,

or how much glory he brings to the Harper family, he’s an irreplaceable soldier for the country. I’m being selfish in

this regard”

Chloe nodded slightly, her fingers tightening around Damon’s hand. “You don’t have to feel guilty about this. I know

how important this is Misfortune shouldn’t fall on the innocent Your cousin shouldn’t bear the consequences for

Robin Grandma just said that everyone has their own life, and we only live once. No one should attempt to

interfere, controlling others lives won’t bring true happiness. Right now, all I want is to spend the rest of my life

peacefully with our children and you. I don’t want to meddle

in others lives anymore

Damon gently squeezed her hand, “We will”

Alyssa was equally surprised by Presley’s arrangement. She frowned at him and said coldly, “You’re giving me all

these? At my age, you want me to manage a company? Isn’t the Harper Group your baby? What’s the meaning of

giving me this, to make me pity you? It won’t work, because I’ve always known that those who are pitiable must

have done something hateful Don’t try to play innocent with me”

Presley sighed deeply and slowly rose from his seat, “Rest assured, I’ve set aside half of the property for myself, so

it won’t be so dire that you need to pity me. These things have long lost any meaning to me. Consider this as doing

me a favor. How you handle it is entirely up to you. I no longer have the right to interfere with your


He paused for a moment. ‘Til let my lawyer handle the divorce proceedings, and I’ll make sure you’re satisfied. I’m

tired, I’ll leave first.”

After saying this, he looked up at the judge above. The judge, coming back to focus, followed the procedure and

concluded the trial that had lasted just a short twenty

minutes or so

Alyssa remained seated her gaze following her husband’s retreating figure. Her face was still taut, and finally, she

rose from her seat with an icy air Elizabeth, who was behind her quickly stepped forward to support her

Chloe also slowly stood up. The confusion in her heart finally found an answer after Presley announced the divorce
