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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1776
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Chapter 1776

“You!” Presley’s face darkened instantly feeling provoked and ready to lash out, but a frigid gaze from Alyssa

silenced him

Yes, he couldn’t. He was here to make amends, not to argue Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before

speaking again, “What do you want me to so that you will stop this?”

Alyssa’s patience was wearing thin, “Are you deaf or just stupid that you can’t understand what I’m saying?”

Presley’s face twitched uncontrollably, his hand gripping his walking cane shaking.

How should i

Alyssa could probably quess that Presley was maching his limit. From the moment he showed up again, she knew

that her previous words hadet convinced him to let her go.c2

Today she had tried both kindness, and harshness. If he still insisted on holding on, then he had only himself to

blame. Moreover, the wasn’t intentionally trying to provokue

him This was the truth

“Presies. I’ve made it very clear. Do you think I left any room for us

Alyssa emphasized again, then laughed coldly. “Or perhaps you’re just embarrassed about the divorce since it was

my idea. Should I clarify to the press that i never wanted a divorce, but you insisted, and I was merely complying

with your wishes? After all, you seem to enjoy kicking people out. You’ve kicked out your son, daughter in law and

even your grandson. Am I the only one left? That’s fine. I don’t mind. Kick me out too. It’ll make you feel better!

She struggled to her feet leaning heavily on her legs. The divorce is inevitable. As for the details, you can decide As

long as we divorce, I don’t care how it happens

Presley looked at Alyssa, surprise flickering in his eyes. “You

“Are you referring to my legs? Yes, I’ve been working hard to recover for the sake of my two future great–

grandchildren. Even though it’s painful, I need to get better so I can take care of them for a few more years. That’s

what grandparents should be doing. But you wouldn’t understand. In your eyes, only the Harper family matters

Presley’s gaze lingered on Alyssa’s legs. Hearing her words, he slowly looked up at her

“You said two

Alyssa gave him a mocking smile. “Who’s been keeping it from you?”

Presley was silent, recalling the times when Damon and Chloe had mentioned their children in front of him. From

the time he went to see them before the Global Economic Summit and overheard their argument about naming the

children at the restaurant, there were hints

His face lit up at the thought, but then quickly darkened again.

Two great–grandchildren

However. Alyssa watched his changing expressions, her face growing colder again, “I don’t want to see you now.

Please leave immediately You better give me the divorce agreement voluntarily Otherwise, when the court hearing

comes, and we’re declared divorced in front of all the media, won’t that be more embarrassing for you?

“Do you really want to take this step? Presley asked solemnly

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“Do you think I’ve been talking shit all this time?

Presley was taken aback by her crude language, but it only confirmed Alyssas determination. There was no turning


He slowly stood up, closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh. After a while, he opened his eyes, stared Alyssa for a

long time, and left the mansion silently.

Alyssa didn’t know what he was thinking, but she had a feeling that Presley could no longer find a reason to

continue fighting

Hannah looked at Alyssa helplessly. “Madam, after all these years, why do you insist on this? Mr. Presley rarely

admits his mistakes.”

After many years of serving Alyssa, she knew that Presley still cared for her. Every few weeks, he would send over

daily necessities, exotic items, and things that Alyssa

Alyssa never said anything, but Hannah knew that she understood. He still loved her, but he just didn’t know how to

express it

Hannah too had experienced countless arguments and disagreements with her husband. They had even considered

divorce, but after calming down, they felt it was unnecessary Especially since they had children. They didn’t want to

cause psychological trauma or raise them in a single parent family, they considered their children wellbeing. This

mindset may not be correct in today’s society, but which mother wouldn’t want to consider their children’s best


If Alyssa hadn’t been worned about the impact of her divorce on her son and daughter in law there wouldn’t be the

situation they were in now, thirty years later

All these years, she could we continued living her life, waiting for her beloved great–grandchildrens arrival. This

could also be a happy life

Alyssa shook her head If I don’t do this, he’ll never realize how many things he has done wrong in his life and how

outrageous his mistakes are

“But there’s no need to actually go through with the divorce

“No. I need to tell him that his actions are unforgivable and he has no chance to regret them if i forgive him in the

end, or out Hannah, he’s made unforgivable mistakes Why should i forgive him?”

own, he might still thank

has à mat

Hannah was stunned Yes, why should one forgue unforgivable mustakes?

Sometimes, there was no clear night or wrong in the world and no simple choices Many things contained great

contradictions, making chorces dificul

In the following days, Alyssa didn’t receive any divorce agreement from Presley But the court hearing was


Chloe never thought that the matter would. ually wing up in court

Presley stubbornly resisted divorcing Alyssa, dragging the process on for much longer than expected. With tes fury

temperament, Chice had assured he’d be infutated viku agreeing, yet he seemed to haw no concern for his public

umage and was willing to take things to court

On their way to the courthouse Chloe asked Damon, What on earth is Presley thinking? Does he not want to

divorce, or is there something on Alyssa that he after?

Damon pursed his lips. I’m not sure But when Grandma first moved out, the look nothing with her?

Chloe raised an eyebrow lazily leaning into him as she pondered. So what is be up to? For a man who values ha

reputation, why woul he let things escalate to

Damon’s thin lips tightened and he flicked her forehead with a finger ‘Can’t you just relax and enjoy the nde? Must

you always be worrying?”

Chloe covered her slightly aching forehead, leigning anger at him. You’re so heartless”

Damon amirked Yep. Daddy has to be tough”

Chloe pouted “So you’re trying to turn me into a clueless princess, so you can kick me out one day


Damon frowned. “I think you need to be taught a lesson.”

Chloe sat up straight, distancing herself from him, as she cradled her own belly, a pained look on her face. ‘Don’t

worry, babies. Even if one day he really kicks us out. Fil take you with me, and find you a new daddy”

Damon’s expression darkened, his long legs striding across Chloe’s folded ones, swiftly pulling her back into his


Chloe sat steadily in his embrace, her hands instinctively clutching onto his shirt. Before she could let out a gasp, his

lips were on hers.

“How dare you!”

Chloe bit her own lip, casting him a reproachful glance.

“If you dare think about this again, I’ll skin you alive

Nate, sitting up front, was nearly driven mad by their lovey–dovey banter. There was no one in the world quite like

these two

Chloe couldn’t help but smirk. “So aggressive! Regardless, if you ever bully me, I’ll do just that”

Damon chuckled “Just wait until these two little rascals come out. Then I’ll show you..

Chloe’s cheeks turned red. This man, his words were too explicit. Burying her face in his chest, she bit her lip and

fell silent

Always pushing her luck, she had lost count of how many times she had been bested by him in a war of words. She

had sworn not to compete with him werbally, but she couldn’t help herself

Damon, the victor, looked at the shy woman hiding in his arms, feeling particularly good.

They quickly arrived at the courthouse. As soon as they stepped out of the car, they were surrounded by reporters.

The questions were all about the divorce of the two elders Damon and Chloe, previously laughing and joking in the

car, now wore poker faces, keeping a tight grip on their emotions as they moved forward.

At this moment, one was the unreachable, cold and indifferent CEO of Obsidian Corporation The other was the

intelligent and strong–willed CEO of Starlight International

Although Chloe was pregnant, she still exuded an air of cold strength. Their cool demeanor made them a

surprisingly perfect pair. Many were curious about the relationship dynamics of such dispassionate people. Little did

they know, these two cold, high–profile individuals were just moments ago caught up in sweet nothings and playful

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banter. The strong–willed woman was blushing and hiding in the mans arms.

If these people knew the truth, they’d be flabbergasted, to say the least.

Nate had arranged for bodyguards to protect them at all times. They continued forward and before long, another

car pulled up to the courthouse Damon and Chloe,

standing on the steps of the courthouse, looked over

Out stepped Elizabeth and Alyssa.

The reporters hesitated, before finally giving up on Damon and Chloe and swarming Alyssa and Elizabeth instead.

“Thank you all for your concern about this matter. Being here today is not something I wanted, but I have no

choice. My stance is firm. As for what will unfold today and what the outcome will be, I cannot predict. Please be

patient. There will be a resolution” Alyssa’s words were light but clear, and many reporters‘ questions were silenced

by her dismissive tone

“Alyssa, have you two talked privately? Or has Presley been absent all along?”

“We’ve spoken”

“So, he doesn’t want a divorce? Or is there a dispute over assets between the two of you?”

Elizabeth coldly smirked, “If he’s concerned about assets, I’m willing to leave with nothing”

Everyone could hear the determination in Alyssa’s words.

Chloe, standing in front of Damon, suddenly thought of something and asked, “What have you been busy with these

past few days?”

Damon raised an eyebrow surprised by Chloe’s sudden question “Why do you ask?”

Chloe smirked, ‘I asked Azriel. You haven’t been dealing with the company’s affairs these past few days, but you’ve

been visibly busy”

At her words, Damon furrowed his brows, casting a sidelong glance at her “When did you get his contact


Chloe’s eyes flickered, landing on Alyssa in the distance. ‘I forgot.”

With bodyguards leading the way. Elizabeth and Alyssa joined them, and Chloe gave the two women a smile. They

all entered the courthouse together

In the waiting room, Alyssa looked tense, her face a bit unsightly

Everyone kept their silence Decisions always involved struggle and conflict. After decades together, to reach this

point was emotionally challenging

The atmosphere in the room was tense it was only when court was in session that Alyssa stood, her expression

blank, and left the room.

In the courtroom, the two elderly people sat facing each other

Normally in divorce cases, there was an initial attempt at reconciliation, to avoid taking the final step if at all

possible, especially considering the advanced age of the couple

However, Alyssa cut off these conciliations decisively. “You all can save your breath. I’m sitting here, and i have no

intention of backing out. Today, I’m here to get a divorce. Whatever demands he has, tell me. If he’s concerned

about the property issue, then he need not worry. I can walk away with nothing but the clothes on my back. Any

other conditions, I can agree to, as long as he agrees to divorce me