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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1784
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Good news did not travel far, but bad news spread like wildfire.

The news that Cameron was chased out of the board and dismissed from his position because he embezzled public funds spread

across the KS Group at lightning speed.

Everyone was delighted to hear it.

Cameron had abused his power in the company, relying on his status as Wyatt's brother. Everyone had been dissatisfied with his

corrupt actions for many years. When Bella took office and got rid of the blood-sucking parasite, how could they not feel relieved?

Cameron returned hdejectedly and angrily threw his coat at the maid as he entered.

The maid did not react in time, letting the coat fall to the floor. It was a trivial matter, but Cameron furiously kicked the maid,

sending her sprawling and unable to get up for a long while.

“Useless trash! Get out!”

Cecily hurried over at this moment, full of anxiety. “Dad! Were you fired?! Is it true?”

Even his useless daughter, who only thought about spending money and plastic surgery, had heard of it. It was evident how

widespread this matter was.

The whole business community in Hatchbay probably knew about it too.

Cameron jumped up madly, smashing everything on the coffee table to the floor. He thought that with this board meeting, he could

take advantage of the fact that Wyatt and Asher were not in Hatchbay to give Bella a hard time.

Unexpectedly, he was utterly defeated and disgraced by Bella, making him lose face.

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“If you already knew about it, how could it be fake?!” Cameron was so furious that the corner of his lips twitched.

“If you have no position in KS Group anymore, what will happen to me?!” Cecily was burning with anxiety, quickly running over to

grab her father’s arm and shaking him furiously. “How will | stand in the elite circle? Those rich young men and women are too full

of themselves. If you're chased out of KS Group, they won't hang out withanymore! It'd be harder forto marry a wealthy


Thinking of this, Cameron had a worse headache. His daughter's marriage prospects were directly affected by his loss of power.

“It's all thanks to that bitch, Bella! She thinks she could take charge because those of higher status than her weren't here!”

“Dad, you should go and beg Uncle Wyatt! You are his only brother, and he’s always doted on you. If you beg him, perhaps...”

“No!” Cameron waved his hand, throwing Cecily off. “Bella knew that it waswho released the footage. She probably hasn't told

Wyatt yet, or things wouldn't be so calm! If | beg Wyatt to have mercy onat this time, she will immediately tell him about it.

“Wyatt doesn’t have any strange habits, but he values his image more than anything. If he knew | was the one who stomped on his

face, he would probably cut ties with me. Then my get-out-of-jail-free card would be gone!”

Cecily was stunned. “So... Bella used this matter as blackmail to threaten you. She already knew you would try to seek Uncle

Wyatt's help. That bitch! How could she be so cunning?”

Cameron's gaze was dark and gloomy as he fell into deep thought.

He knew Wyatt was always indulging his whims, not out of brotherly love. More of it was because he saved the life of Wyatt's one

true love—Yara Brown.

His goddess-like sister-in-law had passed away almost two decades ago but had protected him all this time.

But after Bella had taken office, his leverage was running out. Cameron had to think of another way to protect himself.

“Mr. Cameron! Shit! Things are bad!” His secretary ran in, panicking, “Just now, the IRS seized two restaurants under your name

and five beauty salons under Ms. Cecily’s name!”

The father and daughter paled. “What?!”

“Based on our initial estimate, the restaurants alone have to repay over $20 million in taxes. We still haven't calculated the taxes

for those five beauty salons. If they continue investigating, the total could reach $40 million to $50 million!

“Also, Mr. Rodriguez calledjust now. He said you're not picking up your calls. He wantedto inform you that you must

compensate his losses on the restaurants, not a penny less. Otherwise... He won't let it go!”

Cecily collapsed onto the sofa dejectedly, on the verge of tears.

Cameron felt his vision go black, and his heart suffered from intense pain under the emotional distress.

“Bella Thompson... How dare you backstab me?! I'll never forgive you!”

Yvonne was already at the entrance to greet him when he arrived.

“He's here?” Christopher asked indifferently.

“Yes. He's in the private room.”

“Is he easy to deal with?”

Yvonne frowned. “He’s a man with fewer words, and he feels strange.”


“You'll know when you meet him.”

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Christopher walked to the private room, and Yvonne opened the door.

“Wait at the door,” Christopher said before entering.

Yvonne's expression stiffened, secretly clenching her fingers. She knew that Christopher had started suspecting her.

If she did not make a move on Drew, she would gradually be marginalized. It was clear what would be waiting for her in the end.

His expression was cold and aloof as he downed one glass after another, as if the highly concentrated alcohol was merely water in

his throat.

Christopher composed himself and walked to the man with a smile. “Thanks for coming all this way.”

But the man did not even spare him a glance, focusing solely on his drink.

The man’s voice was hoarse and cold. “Jace Bailiff.”

“I'm Christopher Iverson, the person in charge of Sentania and Savrow markets for the Boss. Nice to meet you.”

Christopher extended his right hand, and Jace raised his head at this moment.

In the dim lights, with half his face covered by his hair, Christopher did not see his face clearly.

Now, he got a good view of Jace’s face, taking in his sharp eyebrows, handsfeatures, and the deep, cold pair of eyes that

seemed like he had seen too much.

Christopher stared straight at this decent-looking face, his heart skipping a beat!

Jace suddenly asked coldly, “Who do you want to kill?”