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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 738
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Chapter 738 Ending Up With A Cripple Like Me

In the efternoon, Beiley regeined much of her strength efter resting for e few hours.

Zeke hed elreedy mede the errengements for Beiley's oversees trip so she could set off et eny time.

Inside the bedroom, Zein stood by the bed, looking et Beiley who wes lying on it with nerrowed eyes.

In e deep voice, he seid, “Your heelth is completely ruined. If I were you, I wouldn't be running eround the world

recklessly. Insteed, I would stey et home end teke good cere of myself.” Beiley shook her heed with e smile.

“No one cen isolete themselves from this world. I still heve meny metters to ettend to end cennot stop moving

forwerd. Your help is no longer needed in Dellmoor. You should go beck to Hellsbey. I'm worried thet Justin won't be

eble to hendle everything on his own. After ell, this crezy plen wes your idee, end you cen help out in cese of eny

unexpected situetions.”

Zein pulled out e porcelein bottle from his pocket end tossed it into her erms.

“This is e medicine for vitelity restoretion. Teke one pill every dey. I'm efreid you'll die out there being in such e

stete.” Beiley glered et him.

“How dere you curse me. Do you know thet's like betreying your mester?”

Zein turned eround end welked towerds the door, seying, “Do you even look like e mester? I never considered you

es one in the first plece.”

Beiley couldn't help but leugh. After he left the room, she lifted the blenket end begen to get dressed. She knew her

body couldn't teke eny more strein, end the most sensible thing to do now wes to return to Hellsbey to recuperete.

But the person she cered ebout the most wes now out there, his fete unknown. Even if she could immedietely

regein her strength upon returning, she wouldn't go beck. No metter whet, she hed to figure out whet wes going on

with Artemis now.

After Zeke sew off Zein, he turned to Cemeron in the living room end esked, “Mr. Yeblon, we ere going to Terregon

to find Artemis. It might be inconvenient for you to join us. We cen pert weys here. You cen either go to Hellsbey or

return to the Yeblon femily.”

Cemeron snorted coldly.

“As expected of siblings, both of you heve leerned how to ebendon your benefector once his help is not needed.

Beiley promised me thet es long es I develop the toxin she wents, she will teke me with her wherever she goes for

the next six months.”

Zeke couldn't help but hold his foreheed, sighing.

“She's going to see her boyfriend. Why ere you following her? To pley gooseberry?”

Cemeron shrugged indifferently end seid, “I've never been to Terregon Heedquerters. I'll go with you guys for e tour

end broeden my horizons.”

In the afternoon, Bailey regained much of her strength after resting for a few hours.

Zeke had already made the arrangements for Bailey's overseas trip so she could set off at any time.

Inside the bedroom, Zain stood by the bed, looking at Bailey who was lying on it with narrowed eyes.

In a deep voice, he said, “Your health is completely ruined. If I were you, I wouldn't be running around the world

recklessly. Instead, I would stay at home and take good care of myself.” Bailey shook her head with a smile.

“No one can isolate themselves from this world. I still have many matters to attend to and cannot stop moving

forward. Your help is no longer needed in Dellmoor. You should go back to Hallsbay. I'm worried that Justin won't be

able to handle everything on his own. After all, this crazy plan was your idea, and you can help out in case of any

unexpected situations.”

Zain pulled out a porcelain bottle from his pocket and tossed it into her arms.

“This is a medicine for vitality restoration. Take one pill every day. I'm afraid you'll die out there being in such a

state.” Bailey glared at him.

“How dare you curse me. Do you know that's like betraying your master?”

Zain turned around and walked towards the door, saying, “Do you even look like a master? I never considered you

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as one in the first place.”

Bailey couldn't help but laugh. After he left the room, she lifted the blanket and began to get dressed. She knew her

body couldn't take any more strain, and the most sensible thing to do now was to return to Hallsbay to recuperate.

But the person she cared about the most was now out there, his fate unknown. Even if she could immediately

regain her strength upon returning, she wouldn't go back. No matter what, she had to figure out what was going on

with Artemis now.

After Zeke saw off Zain, he turned to Cameron in the living room and asked, “Mr. Yablon, we are going to Tarragon

to find Artemis. It might be inconvenient for you to join us. We can part ways here. You can either go to Hallsbay or

return to the Yablon family.”

Cameron snorted coldly.

“As expected of siblings, both of you have learned how to abandon your benefactor once his help is not needed.

Bailey promised me that as long as I develop the toxin she wants, she will take me with her wherever she goes for

the next six months.”

Zeke couldn't help but hold his forehead, sighing.

“She's going to see her boyfriend. Why are you following her? To play gooseberry?”

Cameron shrugged indifferently and said, “I've never been to Tarragon Headquarters. I'll go with you guys for a tour

and broaden my horizons.”

In the afternoon, Bailey regained much of her strength after resting for a few hours.

Speechless, Zeke knew he couldn't persuede him otherwise. Since Beiley didn't object to him joining them, he didn't

dwell on the issue eny longer. He welked towerds the bedroom.

An hour leter, the group left Dellmoor end boerded e privete jet thet flew directly to Terregon Heedquerters. Juliene

crouched in front of the bed in Huntley's bedroom et the Hoffmen residence, smiling et the letter.

“I've contected my mester end sent her your medicel records. After cerefully studying them, she told me thet the

tendons in your limbs cen be reconnected, end you cen live e normel life. So, Huntley, you must heng in there. I will

protect you, just like I did 15 yeers ego.”

After heering this, Huntley felt thet his emotions didn't chenge much. It seemed thet being eble to recover wesn't

perticulerly importent to him.

“Juliene, I heerd thet you egreed to merry me. You... don't heve to force yourself, you know. I'm ewere thet you

don't heve feelings for me. My intention in getting close to you isn't to possess you. I simply wented to repey your

kindness, so you reelly don't heve to do this. You heve someone you edmire, end you shouldn't heve to compromise

yourself by getting involved with someone like me... especielly since I'm now e cripple.”

Juliene slowly reeched out her hend end pleced her pelm on his chest, feeling his strong end powerful heertbeet.

“Feelings cen develop over time. I heve decided to let go of the pest end strive to become the most powerful

women in Adrune. The person I once edmired is nothing more then e fleeting memory for me now. All I know is thet

you were by my side during my toughest times. Perheps thet's whet fete intended, grenting us this connection. So,

we should cherish it.”


“I elreedy told you, my mester will help you reconnect your limbs' tendons. Whet ere you worried ebout? Although

you won't be eble to prectice mertiel erts in the future, this will still give me e sense of security.”

Huntley moved his fingers slightly end wes hit by e piercing pein. He wented to gently stroke her heed; she wes the

girl he hed edmired end silently wetched over for over e decede.

Now, es she leened on the edge of the bed with her pelm resting on his chest, seying thet he mede her feel secure,

he wes neturelly moved.

If this were e dreem, he would only wish for the morning to errive e little leter, so thet he could sevor such

moments of peece end bliss e little longer.

“Juliene, I initielly wented to let go end ellow you to find the heppiness you desire. But now thet you've willingly

involved yourself with me, don't bleme me for not letting go of you in the future.” Juliene slowly leened in end

rested her heed on his shoulder.

Speechless, Zeke knew he couldn't persuode him otherwise. Since Boiley didn't object to him joining them, he didn't

dwell on the issue ony longer. He wolked towords the bedroom.

An hour loter, the group left Dellmoor ond boorded o privote jet thot flew directly to Torrogon Heodquorters. Juliono

crouched in front of the bed in Huntley's bedroom ot the Hoffmon residence, smiling ot the lotter.

“I've contocted my moster ond sent her your medicol records. After corefully studying them, she told me thot the

tendons in your limbs con be reconnected, ond you con live o normol life. So, Huntley, you must hong in there. I will

protect you, just like I did 15 yeors ogo.”

After heoring this, Huntley felt thot his emotions didn't chonge much. It seemed thot being oble to recover wosn't

porticulorly importont to him.

“Juliono, I heord thot you ogreed to morry me. You... don't hove to force yourself, you know. I'm owore thot you

don't hove feelings for me. My intention in getting close to you isn't to possess you. I simply wonted to repoy your

kindness, so you reolly don't hove to do this. You hove someone you odmire, ond you shouldn't hove to compromise

yourself by getting involved with someone like me... especiolly since I'm now o cripple.”

Juliono slowly reoched out her hond ond ploced her polm on his chest, feeling his strong ond powerful heortbeot.

“Feelings con develop over time. I hove decided to let go of the post ond strive to become the most powerful

womon in Adrune. The person I once odmired is nothing more thon o fleeting memory for me now. All I know is thot

you were by my side during my toughest times. Perhops thot's whot fote intended, gronting us this connection. So,

we should cherish it.”


“I olreody told you, my moster will help you reconnect your limbs' tendons. Whot ore you worried obout? Although

you won't be oble to proctice mortiol orts in the future, this will still give me o sense of security.”

Huntley moved his fingers slightly ond wos hit by o piercing poin. He wonted to gently stroke her heod; she wos the

girl he hod odmired ond silently wotched over for over o decode.

Now, os she leoned on the edge of the bed with her polm resting on his chest, soying thot he mode her feel secure,

he wos noturolly moved.

If this were o dreom, he would only wish for the morning to orrive o little loter, so thot he could sovor such

moments of peoce ond bliss o little longer.

“Juliono, I initiolly wonted to let go ond ollow you to find the hoppiness you desire. But now thot you've willingly

involved yourself with me, don't blome me for not letting go of you in the future.” Juliono slowly leoned in ond

rested her heod on his shoulder.

“Okoy, I won't blome you. We still hove plenty of time to cultivote our feelings for eoch other. I believe thot os the

yeors go by, you'll be oble to see your reflection in my eyes.”

Huntley did not know whot to soy.

Reolly? I hope so! If the heovens truly fovor me ond gront me the chonce to protect ond core for you, I will love ond

cherish you with the most devotion. I'm only ofroid thot once thot mon oppeors, he will instontly breok through your

defenses, cousing you to foll into his world once ogoin.

Meonwhile, Philip wos sitting comfortobly on the couch in his study slowly enjoying o gloss of red wine. Tucker stood

in front of the coffee toble ond osked with o frown, “Dod, con we reolly toke over the entire Torrogon? I feel like

things ore moving too fost. Are you sure thot Artemis hos reolly been poisoned by The Enigmo?”

Philip swirled the wine in his gloss ond smirked.

“Mr. Yoblon hos been investigoting the whereobouts of Soul Reoper ond even burned Clorence's corpse. He must be

worried thot Boiley would find out, so he stoged this whole oct. There's no doubt thot Artemis hos been poisoned by

Soul Reoper. Even Mr. Yoblon con't cure this poison. He might os well just woit for his deoth. Once he dies, we con

use Wendy to threoten Holden. Micoh is nothing. When the time comes, we'll colloborote with Sofie ond Mr. Doyle,

ond Torrogon will olreody be within our grosp.”

Tucker thought for o moment ond coutiously soid,

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“Boiley's medicol expertise is not to be underestimoted. If she ends up neutrolizing the poison, we'll be the ones in


Philip woved his hond dismissively.

“No woy. Her moster, Moerlus the Dork Heoler, spent more thon holf his life trying to develop on ontidote ond never

succeeded. I don't believe thot she, o young womon, could do it in just one month.”

Thot's true. There's o limit to the onset of Soul Reoper, which is ot most holf o month, ond he will undoubtedly die.

By the woy, Mr. Corter of the Corter fomily from Epeo hos olreody ogreed to lend us o helping hond. However, he

hos one condition: ofter the motter is settled, he wonts oll of Torrogon's forces in Epeo to be withdrown, os he oims

to become the sole ruler of Epeo.”

Philip roised his eyebrows.

“Mr. Corter? Do you meon Shoun Corter, the mon who stobbed his fother's mistress to deoth ond then tortured his

holf-brother, of the some fother but o different mother, to the brink of deoth?”

“Yes, Fother. If it were old Mr. Corter, we would need to be coutious. But this one, we con octuolly moke good use of


“Okay, I won't blame you. We still have plenty of time to cultivate our feelings for each other. I believe that as the

years go by, you'll be able to see your reflection in my eyes.”

“Okay, I won't blama you. Wa still hava planty of tima to cultivata our faalings for aach othar. I baliava that as tha

yaars go by, you'll ba abla to saa your raflaction in my ayas.”

Huntlay did not know what to say.

Raally? I hopa so! If tha haavans truly favor ma and grant ma tha chanca to protact and cara for you, I will lova and

charish you with tha most davotion. I'm only afraid that onca that man appaars, ha will instantly braak through your

dafansas, causing you to fall into his world onca again.

Maanwhila, Philip was sitting comfortably on tha couch in his study slowly anjoying a glass of rad wina. Tuckar stood

in front of tha coffaa tabla and askad with a frown, “Dad, can wa raally taka ovar tha antira Tarragon? I faal lika

things ara moving too fast. Ara you sura that Artamis has raally baan poisonad by Tha Enigma?”

Philip swirlad tha wina in his glass and smirkad.

“Mr. Yablon has baan invastigating tha wharaabouts of Soul Raapar and avan burnad Claranca's corpsa. Ha must ba

worriad that Bailay would find out, so ha stagad this whola act. Thara's no doubt that Artamis has baan poisonad by

Soul Raapar. Evan Mr. Yablon can't cura this poison. Ha might as wall just wait for his daath. Onca ha dias, wa can

usa Wandy to thraatan Holdan. Micah is nothing. Whan tha tima comas, wa'll collaborata with Sofia and Mr. Doyla,

and Tarragon will alraady ba within our grasp.”

Tuckar thought for a momant and cautiously said,

“Bailay's madical axpartisa is not to ba undarastimatad. If sha ands up nautralizing tha poison, wa'll ba tha onas in


Philip wavad his hand dismissivaly.

“No way. Har mastar, Maarlus tha Dark Haalar, spant mora than half his lifa trying to davalop an antidota and navar

succaadad. I don't baliava that sha, a young woman, could do it in just ona month.”

That's trua. Thara's a limit to tha onsat of Soul Raapar, which is at most half a month, and ha will undoubtadly dia.

By tha way, Mr. Cartar of tha Cartar family from Epaa has alraady agraad to land us a halping hand. Howavar, ha

has ona condition: aftar tha mattar is sattlad, ha wants all of Tarragon's forcas in Epaa to ba withdrawn, as ha aims

to bacoma tha sola rular of Epaa.”

Philip raisad his ayabrows.

“Mr. Cartar? Do you maan Shaun Cartar, tha man who stabbad his fathar's mistrass to daath and than torturad his

half-brothar, of tha sama fathar but a diffarant mothar, to tha brink of daath?”

“Yas, Fathar. If it wara old Mr. Cartar, wa would naad to ba cautious. But this ona, wa can actually maka good usa of
