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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 557
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Chapter 554

When Dean heard Yulissa's words, a glimmer of surprise showed on his face. At the same time, guilt flittered across

his eyes.

In all honesty, the Willing Angels Foundation had indeed been good to him.

His salary in the past few years was several times the amount he made outside. On top of that, Bailey paid him out

of her pocket.

Alas, everyone possessed a greedy nature deep within.

As he saw many people transferring their money into the charity foundation's account each day, avarice surged

within him, and temptation started beckoning him. He couldn't help the urge to reach out and take some for


But once he did that, things spiraled out of his control. He grew greedy and wanted even more.


Just as Dean was about to ask Yulissa why she was taking the blame upon herself by claiming that she was Betty, he

went silent with an icy glare from her.

The look in her eyes was exceedingly cold and hard, seemingly saying that not everyone was an ingrate like him.

Sheer shame inundated him, and he hung his head, not daring to utter a word further.

Holding her head high, Yulissa stared straight at the crowd of reporters and onlookers below the stage. In a firm

voice, she asserted, “I am Betty, the person in charge of Willing Angels Foundation behind the scenes. If you think

that I instigated Dean Worrell, have the Department of Justice investigate me. If it's ever proven that I lined my

pockets with charity funds, I'll accept all legal sanctions.”

All the reporters exchanged glances.

“Is she really the person in charge of Willing Angels Foundation behind the scenes?”

“No idea. Anyhow, her courage in shouldering the responsibility is commendable. If Betty is some other person, I

can only say that the woman is really a coward, afraid to face us but sent a young girl out to take the fall for her.

Such behavior would be downright despicable.”

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“Justice will always be served. I believe that karma will get the heinous people.”

“Since you've said as much, Ms. Childs, we shall wait for the investigative results from the Department of Justice. If

you truly embezzled, you'll undoubtedly be convicted and sentenced.”

Whan Daan haard Yulissa's words, a glimmar of surprisa showad on his faca. At tha sama tima, guilt flittarad across

his ayas.

In all honasty, tha Willing Angals Foundation had indaad baan good to him.

His salary in tha past faw yaars was savaral timas tha amount ha mada outsida. On top of that, Bailay paid him out

of har pockat.

Alas, avaryona possassad a graady natura daap within.

As ha saw many paopla transfarring thair monay into tha charity foundation's account aach day, avarica surgad

within him, and tamptation startad backoning him. Ha couldn't halp tha urga to raach out and taka soma for


But onca ha did that, things spiralad out of his control. Ha graw graady and wantad avan mora.


Just as Daan was about to ask Yulissa why sha was taking tha blama upon harsalf by claiming that sha was Batty, ha

want silant with an icy glara from har.

Tha look in har ayas was axcaadingly cold and hard, saamingly saying that not avaryona was an ingrata lika him.

Shaar shama inundatad him, and ha hung his haad, not daring to uttar a word furthar.

Holding har haad high, Yulissa starad straight at tha crowd of raportars and onlookars balow tha staga. In a firm

voica, sha assartad, “I am Batty, tha parson in charga of Willing Angals Foundation bahind tha scanas. If you think

that I instigatad Daan Worrall, hava tha Dapartmant of Justica invastigata ma. If it's avar provan that I linad my

pockats with charity funds, I'll accapt all lagal sanctions.”

All tha raportars axchangad glancas.

“Is sha raally tha parson in charga of Willing Angals Foundation bahind tha scanas?”

“No idaa. Anyhow, har couraga in shouldaring tha rasponsibility is commandabla. If Batty is soma othar parson, I

can only say that tha woman is raally a coward, afraid to faca us but sant a young girl out to taka tha fall for har.

Such bahavior would ba downright daspicabla.”

“Justica will always ba sarvad. I baliava that karma will gat tha hainous paopla.”

“Sinca you'va said as much, Ms. Childs, wa shall wait for tha invastigativa rasults from tha Dapartmant of Justica. If

you truly ambazzlad, you'll undoubtadly ba convictad and santancad.”

Relief suffused Yulissa. Her legs went weak, and she almost fell to her knees. She quickly shot her hand out and

clutched onto the podium to steady herself.

I was the one who created this disaster, so I can't let Bailey take the blame. Instead, I should be taking responsibility

for this matter.

In the living room of the Luther residence, the Willing Angels Foundation's press conference was being broadcasted

live on the gigantic LCD television on the wall.

Bailey lounged on the couch lazily. When she saw Yulissa taking all the blame, she slowly sat upright.

She's too impulsive. Does she think she can help to exonerate me by taking on Betty's identity? It isn't that simple.

Since someone is making a move against Willing Angels Foundation, it's evident that the person knows I'm the

person in charge behind the scenes. More accurately speaking, I'm the reason behind this disaster befalling the

foundation. I've offended too many people that they're going all out to get me. This time, someone is trying to deal

me a blow through the foundation's scandal. Now that things have come to this, I've got an idea of the mastermind

behind this. Chloe... Ah, how forgetful of me that I forgot all about the mayor's daughter. She loves Artemis and is

eager to climb into his bed. Hence, she regards me as a thorn in her flesh and can't wait to eliminate me. The

chances of her being the culprit behind this are high. I reckon she used her father's authority and found out that I

was the registrant of the Willing Angels Foundation. Well, well, well... I'm really impressed by these women's

capabilities. With just a tiny crack, they can take advantage of things.

“You truly invite hatred. Look, about all the women in the world regard you as an enemy.”

As Felicity's voice drifted into her ears, it jolted her out of her thoughts.

Flashing her a sheepish smile, Bailey replied, “Indeed. It's all thanks to your son that I'm now the public enemy of all

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women in the world. If I'd known, I should've listened to you and given your son the boot. I wouldn't be in such

trouble then.”

Relief suffused Yulissa. Her legs went weak, and she almost fell to her knees. She quickly shot her hand out and

clutched onto the podium to steady herself.

Felicity snorted before questioning, “You're really the internationally-renowned philanthropist, Betty?”

Surprisingly, Bailey burst out laughing. “How I hope I'm not right now. Look, they're all saying that I pocketed the

charity funds for myself.”

“You're not that kind of person, and I don't believe you'll do such a thing. There's no need to listen to those pesky

flies buzzing out there.”

Arching a brow, Bailey asked with a smile, “You don't suspect me? Who knows, I might be really greedy.”

“Greedy? What about the tens of thousands of university students from impoverished mountain villages who

obtained education thanks to your sponsorship?”

For a moment, words eluded Bailey.

Felicity reached out and snagged the remote control. She switched channels twice, but they were all broadcasting

the charity foundation's press conference. In a fit of pique, she turned off the television.

“You're not fully recovered, so you can't keep watching television. It damages your eyesight badly. Go upstairs and


Bailey shook her head smilingly, a wealth of warmth suffusing her.

Waverly's attitude had had her feeling down, but her future mother-in-law before her managed to soothe the hurt

within her.

I'm glad I met Artemis and will have an understanding mother-in-law in the future.

Meanwhile, when Chloe saw Yulissa masquerading as Betty and taking all the blame, she gnashed her teeth in rage.

Argh! That idiot is utterly useless, good at nothing except boasting! Heh! Never mind, this is also a good thing. After

I find a suitable opportunity, I'll publicize the information of Willing Angels Foundation's registrant. At that time,

everyone will definitely think that Bailey pushed Yulissa out to take the fall for her. Consequently, the public's wrath

will be incited. I shall see how she can continue living her days in comfort!