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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 286
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Chapter 286

Inside the ICU of the medical base, Felicity was sitting by the bed, holding Maxton's arm with one hand

and stroking his pale face with the other.

“My poor grandson. You used to be so energetic. What have we done for you to deserve such a fate?”

Standing behind Felicity, Rhonda—who was staring at the unconscious child—couldn't help but curl her

lips in schadenfreude.

Bailey, even though I failed to kill your three children seven years ago, there's still no escape for them

now. One has become a vegetable, while the other two have their lungs stricken with poison. These

b*stards of yours are fated to become my stepping stones to marrying into a prominent family. Haha, in

the meantime, you should enjoy the pain of losing your children. Hopefully, you'll be strong enough to

continue living after the b*stards' deaths because Zoey can't wait for the opportunity to teach you a


“M-Mrs. Luther...” she sobbed while reaching out to help Felicity up. “L-Let's go outside so that Max can

rest. I'm certain he'll regain consciousness one day. I have no doubt about it.”

After wiping the tears off her face, Felicity turned toward the teary-eyed Rhonda and lamented, “As his

mother, no one is more devastated than you are. And yet, I put you in a difficult position by needing you

to console me.”

Me? Devastated? Haha! I can't wait for the child to meet his maker! Perhaps if he is reincarnated as my

son, there's still a chance that I might feel sad for him.

Felicity, oh, Felicity. Despite dominating with a strong and shrewd hand your entire life, I never

expected you to be increasingly foolish as you get on in years. Even though I'm doing your three

grandchildren in, you're still unaware that I've been manipulating you.

“Mrs. Luther...” Rhonda blinked, allowing a huge teardrop to streak down her cheek. “I-It's true that I'm

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stricken with grief. If the doctor hadn't said that there's hope for Max still, I would definitely feel like

ending my life.”

“Nonsense,” Felicity couldn't resist admonishing her. “You're still young. Hence, you can still bear more

children when your body recovers. Going forward, I'm not going to tolerate you speaking about ending

your life. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, I understand. I'll do as you say. Let me help you out, Mrs. Luther.”

Rhonda was worried that if she stayed any longer, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back from

rushing to the ventilator and pulling out the tubes connected to Maxton, hastening his death.

No sooner had both of them left than Maxton, who was lying in bed, opened his eyes.

After what just happened, he had resolved to expose Rhonda within the next two days, for he could

tolerate her hypocrisy no more.

After leaving the ICU, Felicity and Rhonda headed back to the emergency room.

There, they learned that the two children's condition had worsened to the extent of falling into a coma.

The shocking news caused Felicity to faint on the spot.

Artemis instructed Caridee, “Help Rhonda take Mother back to the Luther residence, and don't let her

come here again. I'm worried that she'll be driven mad by the shock.”

“Sure, sure.” Caridee quickly helped Felicity out. When she saw that Rhonda was still frozen to the

spot, she couldn't resist snapping at the latter, “Rhonda, what are you spacing out for? Can't you see

that Mom has fainted? Hurry up and help me take her home.”

At that moment, Rhonda swept her gaze around the emergency room and saw that the Luther and

Chivers family were in chaos. On top of that, the presence of the medical teams deployed by both

families was a testament to the seriousness of the crisis.

Consequently, there was no reason for her to stay any longer since she wasn't going to get to see

Bailey anytime soon.

I'll come back when the two b*stards are dead. By then, watching her wallow in grief and despair will

definitely be an entertaining sight.

After leaving the medical base, Rhonda sent Cadence a message in the car: The Luther family has

brought in various medical teams to help save the children. I'm sure their lives are hanging by a thread

right now.

Ten seconds later, Cadence replied: I have a spy within the medical teams who has confirmed that the

children have indeed been poisoned. You have done well this time, so don't worry about your nude

photos being leaked.

Clenching her phone, Rhonda fell into a brief silence before sending him another message: If Bailey

falls into your hands, please make sure you treat her 'well.' Ideally, you should take some photos of her

so that I can shame her in public and forever destroy her reputation.

Cadence: You don't have to remind me as that's exactly what I intend to do.

Inside the study at the medical base, Artemis, Bailey, Simon, and Gerald were all sitting on the couch

amidst a deathly silence.

Bailey's face was pale as she exuded a sickly aura. Having just regained consciousness, she was still

mired in a sense of gloom.

After a moment, Gerald was the first to break the silence and ask, “What exactly happened? How did

the children end up ingesting a biologically-engineered poison?”

“It's because of me,” Bailey responded in a broken voice. “When my newly researched drug was put

into production by Dyke Pharmaceutical, someone tampered with it. Our subsequent investigations

revealed that it was Cadence of Uramuzor. Upon obtaining the evidence, we tried to apprehend him,

but he managed to slip away.”

The sharp Gerald swiftly understood the crux of the situation. “He must be worried that the evidence in

your hands will destroy his reputation. Is that why he poisoned the children? To force you into a

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“That's right.” Bailey gradually lowered her head as she blamed herself, “It's my fault. I was the one

who got the children involved in the affairs of adults. But don't you worry. I'll think of a way to wrest the

antidote from Cadence's hands.”

Narrowing his eyes, Gerald asked in a deep voice, “Is trying to get the antidote the only way?

Considering that you're capable of inventing a drug to fight cancer, can't you research an antidote?”

Shaking her head, Bailey elaborated in a raspy voice, “Uramuzor specializes in creating poisons, and

Cadence loves to take his experiments to the extreme. Hence, I'm not sure what sort of outrageous

ingredients that madman used to concoct his poison. Since I can't afford to gamble on my children's

lives, I have no choice but to get the antidote from him.”

Turning toward Artemis with his brows furrowed, Gerald asked, “What do you think?”

Instead of answering, Artemis shifted his gaze to Simon, his intention obvious.

Wasn't he just defending his position as their father? Since he thinks so highly of himself, he should

figure out a plan on his own.

However, Simon was already on the brink of tears. “Artemis, please help me! They're your nephew and

niece, after all.”

Artemis snorted in response.

Nephew and niece? Those are my children!

“I agree with Bailey obtaining the antidote from Cadence as the children's lives are at stake. Besides,

our limited time doesn't allow us to take any risks.”

No sooner had he spoken than Bailey's phone rang.

Lowering her head slightly, she curled her lips into a devilish grin.

Cadence... That's really quick. Are you that impatient to meet your doom? Fine. If that's what you want,

I'll give it to you. I'm doing this for Max and also to rid the world of your evil.

“It's Cadence,” she informed everyone present.