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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 679
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Chapter 679 True Reaction

Kaliyah then walked back to her room without looking back.

Bryan couldn't help but burst into laughter. "With these, the Packer Group will definitely be fine."

Roman handed a black USB drive to Ainsley, explaining its purpose. "Ms. Easton, this USB drive contains the

program I set up. Just insert it into Daniel's computer, and you will have access to all the information on his

computer. However, you need to turn on his computer."

Ainsley took the USB drive and placed it in her briefcase. "Is that all I need to do?"

"Yes, once you insert lire USB drive, a progress bar will appear. Once it reaches 100%, you can remove it. T have

implemented anti tracking and anti alert programs on the USB drive. T wish you all the best," Roman said in a deep


Nodding, Ainsley got out of Roman's car.

Manuel's black Cayenne was parked beside her, and she took the passenger seal, Lightly gripping the briefcase.

She was going to treat Daniel Hume's mental illness.

Manuel, being her assistant, naturally accompanied her, not only for protection but also for another important


"Do you really have a way to handle that psychiatrist? I le was hired by Daniel at a high price just to guard against

me. How could ho possibly leave Daniel's side?" Ainsley inquired.

A faint smile appeared on Manuel's face. "Nothing will go wrong as long as you're here. Don't worry. I understand

the significance of this matter."

"Humor me."

"Some things require your genuine reaction. Speaking them out loud would diminish their authenticity," Manuel

replied cryptically.

The Cayenne drove into Daniel's villa, and upon seeing Manuel stepping out of the car, Aaden reached out a hand,

stopping him.

"Are you telling us to go back?"

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"No, Ms. Easton is Mr. Hume's psychiatrist, so she can go upstairs. But Mr. Gage..."

Ainsley cut him off coldly. "He is my assistant and should accompany me. If you don't let him come along, I'll just go


Witnessing her determination, Aaden stepped aside and made a phone call to Daniel. After receiving confirmation,

he cleared the way for them.

Together, Ainsley and Manuel entered the mansion and followed Aaden into the study.

As expected, Daniel occupied the main seat, accompanied by the same psychiatrist as before.

Manuel greeted Daniel casually. "Don't you welcome me?"

"Aisy, let's get started," Daniel dismissed Manuel's presence.

Ainsley began the treatment. "Have you been experiencing nightmares lately?"

Daniel smiled and fixed his gaze on Ainsley. "Yes, do you recall the dream I mentioned when I visited you for

treatment at the University of Washington? The dreams I've been having recently are related to that."

"Recall the content of the dream and tell me," Ainsley urged.

As Daniel began recalling the dream, Manuel suddenly slammed the cup he was holding heavily on the table,

startling Daniel.

Suppressing his temper, Daniel questioned Manuel's action. "What are you doing?"

"I have a strange feeling right now, and I need your help," Manuel said, directing his gaze at Ainsley.

Concerned by his pale face and unfathomable expression, Ainsley interrupted the therapy session and approached

Manuel. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I suddenly felt a fire in my heart, as if there were countless voices in my ears telling me to run out, and some

shouting 'kill him', I couldn't control myself." His voice was heavy and serious.

"Manuel, open your eyes wide! Take a good look al where you are!"

Manuel's body swayed, almost on the verge of tainting.

Ainsley comforted him with concern, which of course irritated Daniel.

In that moment, Daniel saw Manuel's sly smile, concealed from the others, and instantly understood his scheme.

Manuel was trying to divert Ainsley's attention!

That asshole!

"Ainsley is here to treat me. If you want treatment, you'll have to wait in line," Daniel coldly asserted.

Ainsley, however, cast a cold glance at Daniel. "Mr. Hume, this is an emergency. I have the right to choose whom to

prioritize in such situations."

Upon hearing this, Daniel grew even angrier. He glanced at the psychiatrist who had been silently observing. "You're

not the only psychiatrist here."

"This gentleman is also a renowned psychiatrist. He can treat Manuel if he wishes."

The doctor immediately stood up. "Mr. Gage, I can treat you."

Ainsley was about to speak but noticed Manuel lightly touching her palm with his fingertips.

She immediately understood and calmly asked, "Can you really do it?"

"Of course, Ms. Easton. Although my skills are not as exceptional as yours, I am among the best in Seattle."

Eager to get rid of Manuel, Daniel instructed, "Please take Mr. Gage out for treatment."

With Manuel causing trouble, he felt increasingly uncomfortable.

Manuel impatiently glanced at the doctor and reluctantly followed him out of the study.

The study seemed much quieter with them gone.

Ainsley sat with Daniel on the sofa. "Let's continue the therapy here. The chair is uncomfortable."

Observing Ainsley's absent-minded state, Daniel reminded her displeasedly, "lam your patient."

"Let's continue. You only reached haltway before," Ainsley responded coldly.

After a moment of thought, Daniel resumed where he left off.

After finishing talking about his dream, Daniel stared at Ainsley, curious about her approach.

In reality, the dream he described was entirely fabricated.

"This gentleman is also a renowned psychiatrist. He can treat Manuel if he wishes."

The doctor immediately stood up. "Mr. Gage, I can treat you."

Ainsley was about to speak but noticed Manuel lightly touching her palm with his fingertips.

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She immediately understood and calmly asked, "Can you really do it?"

"Of course, Ms. Easton. Although my skills are not as exceptional as yours, I am among the best in Seattle."

Eager to get rid of Manuel, Daniel instructed, "Please take Mr. Gage out for treatment."

With Manuel causing trouble, he felt increasingly uncomfortable.

Manuel impatiently glanced at the doctor and reluctantly followed him out of the study.

The study seemed much quieter with them gone.

Ainsley sat with Daniel on the sofa. "Let's continue the therapy here. The chair is uncomfortable."

Observing Ainsley's absent-minded state, Daniel reminded her displeasedly, "I am your patient."

"Let's continue. You only reached halfway before," Ainsley responded coldly.

After a moment of thought, Daniel resumed where he left off.

After finishing talking about his dream, Daniel stared at Ainsley, curious about her approach.

In reality, the dream he described was entirely fabricated.

Ainsley, however, proceeded to communicate with him as if it wore real, oblivious to the deception.

"I want you to close your eyes and imagine the person you saw in your dream, envision her hair blowing against

your face..."

A gentle voice lingered in Daniel's cars, and as the last word fell, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

Ainsley continued speaking for a few more minutes, and gradually, Daniel's arm slipped off the sofa, indicating his

complete slumber.

looking at Daniel sleeping peacefully, Ainsley tentatively called out, "Daniel? Are you asleep?" There was no

response, not even a flicker of his eyelashes.

Ainsley retrieved the USB drive which given by Roman from her briefcase and approached Daniel's seat. She

located llie computer's interface and inserted the USB drive.

She turned on the computer but a password prompt appeared on the screen.

It was evident that she didn't know llie password.

Meanwhile, Manuel kept the psychiatrist occupied outside the study, ensuring that Daniel remained hypnotized.

Who knows when he would wake up?