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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 200
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Winnie shot him a glance as she replied, “It’s nothing serious. Why are you getting all worked up?”

“I just find it strange. Why couldn’t he have called me instead?” Xavier asked with a frown.

Winnie chuckled in amusement when she heard that. “Are you seriously getting jealous over something

like this?”

“Do you really think I get jealous that easily? I’m just worried about you, that’s all.” Xavier reached out

to hold Winnie’s hand as he continued, “I know Grandpa likes you a lot, but I still can’t help but feel

worried. So, what was it about?”

“Don’t worry! He just wanted us over for dinner tonight. He said he tried calling you but couldn’t get

through.” Winnie was pleased with Xavier’s action.

Xavier frowned. “He couldn’t get through? How is that possible? My phone is in my pocket. Help me

take a look at it.”

“Okay. Make sure to stay focused on the road, okay?” Winnie said as she reached for his phone.

Xavier tensed up all of a sudden when he felt her hand in his pocket.

“Hey! Watch where you’re touching, Dumbo!”

“Shut up! I didn’t do anything! Honestly, is your mind perpetually filled with dirty thoughts?” Winnie

snapped back at him as she fished his phone out of his pocket.

“It’s funny you say that when you’re the one giving me all these dirty thoughts,” Xavier mumbled in


“Is that so? What are you thinking of, then? Come on, tell me!” Winnie asked with a seductive grin as

she traced her fingers along his thigh, sending a shiver down his spine.

“Be careful. You’re playing with fire here, Winnie,” Xavier warned her in a hoarse voice.

Winnie leaned against her seat and let out a carefree chuckle. “Haha! Just keep your eyes on the road!

I haven’t enjoyed you enough, so I’m not about to put my life at risk like this!”

Xavier’s eyes darkened when he heard that. “Enjoy me, huh? Why didn’t you say so sooner? I

would’ve put the driver behind the wheel instead!”

“Oh, well… It’s too late for that! You’re my personal driver now!” Winnie said with a smile. She then

plugged his phone into the power outlet as she continued, “By the way, your phone is dead. That’s why

Grandpa Rufus wasn’t able to reach you. He’s no longer in charge of the company’s affairs and lives all

by himself, so it’s normal for him to feel a little lonely at times. You should visit him more often, you


Xavier nodded. “All right, but you’ll have to go with me. Grandpa likes you very much, so seeing you

will make him really happy. By the way, I just remembered something…”

“What is it?” Winnie asked.

“I vaguely recalled something when you asked me about the badge back then. I felt like the badge

wasn’t the only thing I had forgotten, but I couldn’t quite recall what the other thing was. I remember

now. You wanted me to help your granny look for her grandson, right?”

Winnie smacked herself on the forehead. “Yes, you’re right! Man, I’ve been through so much lately that

I completely forgot about that! It looks like your men haven’t had any luck, huh? I mean, they’d have

informed you if they found something, right?”

“Theoretically, that should be the case. I’ll ask them about this when I arrive at the office later.” Xavier

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then shot her a glance as he continued, “Will you be coming with me to the company?”

“No,” Winnie rejected him without any hesitation as she had plans of her own. “I need to learn from Old

Mr. Xander while he’s still here. It’ll be hard once he returns to Yaleview. You could drive me there if it’s

convenient for you. Otherwise, just drop me in front, and I’ll take a cab there myself.”

Xavier frowned. “Drop you off so you can take a cab on your own? Winnie, please don’t say something

like that ever again. Not only am I going to drive you there, but I’ll also pick you up myself later.”

“Wait, are you seriously going to be my personal driver?”

“No, I’m going to be your dearest husband!”

Just like that, Xavier headed over to the office after dropping Winnie off at the Xander residence.

Xavier wasn’t joking when he said he’d pick her up himself, but Winnie declined his offer as she knew

how busy he was.

She hailed a cab after she was done studying that day, much to Xavier’s displeasure.

“I told you I’d go pick you up, didn’t I? Why can’t you learn to depend on me a little more?”

Winnie wanted to tell him that she wasn’t some helpless damsel, but she held herself back after giving

it some thought.

They say guys want to feel like they’re needed. If that’s the case, I suppose I could spoil my man every

now and then.

“All right, I’m sorry. You can pick me up at Aqua Moana, then. I’ll get a change of clothes, and we’ll

head over to the Fairchild residence together, okay?”

“Sure thing. Make sure to wait for me this time. Don’t go running off on your own again!”

Despite what he said, Xavier was already sitting in the living room by the time Winnie returned to the


He had arrived in advance, and Jacinta was sitting on the couch opposite him.

Judging by the look of displeasure on Jacinta’s face and the tense atmosphere around them, Winnie

could tell that the two of them weren’t exactly getting along very well.

“Hi, Granny!” she greeted Jacinta before turning toward Xavier. She asked, “When did you get here?

Why didn’t you tell me in advance? I could have at least let Granny know you were coming.”

“I sent you a text, but you didn’t reply,” Xavier explained.

Winnie frowned as she pulled out her phone, only to realize she had missed his text.

“You’re right. It’s my fault for not noticing,” she said while waving her phone at him.

Winnie was perfectly capable of handling negotiations with business partners and competitors.

That was especially the case when dealing with her enemies.

However, she found herself stumped when dealing with Xavier’s relationship with Jacinta.

I know Granny has always been prejudiced against Xavier. Even so, Granny is still my family. Even if

she’s in the wrong, I’ll forgive her as long as she doesn’t go overboard. I can’t be ruining my

relationship with Granny because of Xavier, so how should I resolve this tactfully? Hmm… Xavier is an

understanding person, so he should be fine with me taking Granny’s side…

“You can go wait for me outside, Xavier. I’ll get changed really quickly.”

“All right.” Xavier knew that Jacinta was only hostile toward him out of concern for Winnie, so he didn’t

mind putting up with it for Winnie’s sake.

In fact, he was even willing to treat Jacinta like his own grandmother.

“I’ll go wait outside, Granny,” he said while getting to his feet.

“Oh, you can just head on home. Don’t bother waiting for Winnie. She’s not going to the Fairchild

residence with you tonight.” Jacinta’s expression was stern as she glanced at Xavier.

Winnie wrapped her arm around Jacinta’s as she said affectionately, “We’re just having dinner there,

Granny. Besides, I’ve already promised Grandpa Rufus I’d be there.”

“No, it’s too dangerous there. Have you forgotten how you nearly died there?” Jacinta protested


“That was the act of ill-intentioned individuals. They have all received their punishments, so there’s

nothing to worry about,” Winnie reassured her patiently.

Their conversation was interrupted when Rufus’ call came in all of a sudden.

Winnie held her phone up to Jacinta’s face and said, “See? Grandpa Rufus is calling me again.”

“I’m still worried. I couldn’t sleep when that terrible incident happened to you, and I had nightmares

whenever I did manage to fall asleep. Winnie, you’re all I have in this world. I don’t want to see you put

yourself in danger anymore. Here, pass me the phone. I’ll talk to Old Mr. Fairchild myself.”

Wow, Granny sure is unbelievably stubborn! She isn’t usually like this!

“What are you going to say? Hmm… How about this? I’ll have Xavier go back all by himself while I stay

here and keep you company tonight. Will that be okay?”

“That works for me! I’ll cook you anything you want for dinner!” Jacinta said with a satisfied grin.

“All right, then. I’ll go tell Grandpa Rufus about this, okay? It’d be rude to ignore his phone call,” Winnie

said while shooting Xavier a glance.

Xavier frowned and pursed his lips in displeasure, but he still nodded at her anyway.

Winnie then answered the call and politely told Rufus that she would be busy that night.

However, Rufus was persistent and kept bombarding her with tons of questions, so Winnie had no

choice but to tell him about Jacinta’s concerns.

Hearing that, Rufus then decided to invite Jacinta over for dinner as well and asked Winnie to pass the

phone to the old woman. He wanted to personally extend the invitation.

Jacinta was reluctant to take the phone at first but gave in after a bit of coaxing and agreed to speak to


“Old Mr. Fairchild, just so you know, I do not approve of Winnie going to your house. She nearly died

after your other grandson pushed her off a cliff, and he is currently still at large. There’s no telling if he

could be hiding somewhere, waiting to get his revenge on her! Also, who’s to say you’re not harboring

that grandson of yours?” Jacinta was straightforward and blunt with her words.

“Oh, so that’s what you’re concerned about… You may rest assured that I will not forgive Zyon for what

he did. If he shows up, I will hand him over to the police without any hesitation. Besides, it’s not my

place to forgive him for what he did. Even if I do forgive him, the legal justice system won’t. If this has

been troubling you all this while, then we really need to have a proper talk about it. How about I come

pick you and Winnie up myself? I feel really bad for causing you two so much distress. As a token of

apology, I’d like to prepare a banquet for you two tonight.”

“That won’t be necessary—”

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“It is necessary. All right, it’s decided, then.”

Just like that, Rufus had successfully achieved a win-win situation. Not only would he be able to

address Jacinta’s concerns, but he would also be able to have dinner with them as planned.

Winnie had assumed Jacinta would refuse to go after hanging up the phone, but she actually went to

her room to get changed instead.

Winnie couldn’t help but find Jacinta’s behavior a little strange.

“What’s wrong?” Xavier asked while patting her on the head.

Winnie grabbed his hand and said, “I feel like there’s something off about Granny’s attitude toward your

grandpa, but I can’t quite put my finger on it… At first, I thought Granny objected to our relationship

because she deemed you unworthy of dating me. Now, I feel like Granny actually hates the entire

Fairchild family. She’d always get all worked up whenever I mention you or your grandpa.”

Xavier frowned. “Is that so? Do you think there might be some kind of history between them when they

were young?”

“I don’t think so. I tried asking Granny about it once. According to her, she never knew your grandpa

before all this. I tried doing a little investigation, but I couldn’t find anything that would link them

together. However, I was only investigating Granny, so it’s possible that I may have missed out on

some information. That’s especially common when looking into something from so many years ago.”

“Yeah. It can be hard investigating something from decades ago. I’ll ask Grandpa about it tonight. He

might know something we don’t. Granny is your family, so I really hope we can receive her blessings. I

want her to acknowledge me so she’ll feel at ease placing you in my care.”

Winnie nodded. “I’m sure she will. She just needs some time to know you better.”

Rufus showed up later that evening and apologized to Jacinta and Winnie before driving them over to

the Fairchild residence.

Apart from apologizing to Jacinta, the other reason he invited her over was to hand Winnie the keys to

the Fairchild residence in front of her.

“As you can see, I am sincere about making it up to these two. The young ones are simply too busy

lately. I promise I’ll hold a grand wedding for them once their schedule clears up a little. I know Winnie

has had it rough since she married into this family, but I’ve always thought of her as the best

granddaughter-in-law I could ever ask for. Xavier will eventually inherit everything the Fairchild family

has, including this mansion. Therefore, this is also Winnie’s home, so please treat it as your own and

come over anytime you like.”

What Rufus did was so unexpected that all three of them were surprised.

Xavier, too, felt guilty for everything that Winnie had suffered because of his family.

He held her hand and said with an apologetic look in his eyes, “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to give you

a proper wedding. I’ll be sure to make it happen.”

Winnie didn’t really seem to mind, though. “That wedding can wait. We still have plenty of other things

to take care of.”

Their conversation was interrupted when the butler came in and whispered something into Rufus’ ear.

Rufus frowned immediately after hearing that.

“What’s he doing here? How dare he show up here?”

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