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Night of Destiny Novel by Vanessa K

Chapter 655
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“Of course! You can bring me those sketches anytime,” Anastasia agreed with a smile.

“Really? Thank you so much, Mrs.. Presgrave!” Lorelai nodded earnestly, then continued, “I’m

designing the jewelry for a friend of mine as a gift. With your feedback, I’m sure the gift will be perfect

for her!”

Anastasia asked curiously, “Did you ever go to design school?”

“No, I’m just doing this as a hobby, which is rare for me. I picked it up and I fell in love with it, but I

didn’t, like, receive professional instruction or anything like that. I guess that’s what sets you and me

apart, huh?” Lorelai replied modestly.

Laughing, Anastasia said, “Well, I’d rather you keep this up as a hobby. It can be cabng if you turn a

hobby into full fledged work.”

Lorelai chuckled as well. “Yeah, I guess you have a point.”

At that moment, someone at the dining table caught sight of the piano sitting in the corner and started

pushing Lorelai to perform a tune. The girl very obligingly walked over to the grand-looking instrument

and took her seat, then started playing a song with the sort of quiet grace that lulled everyone into a

trance. While the melody carried on, someone said in a low voice, “Lorelai sure is talented. She could

be a maestro if she wanted!”

‘I’m sure she’ll marry well someday,” another person added..

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Upon hearing this, Kendra smiled and said, “That’s very sweet of you to say, but Lorelai is just an

ordinary girl.”

Most of the guests had left three days. after the wedding. After that, Anastasia and Elliot returned to the

Presgrave Residence alongside Harriet.

Jared was due to go back to school soon, and Elliot had plenty of work piled up for him at the company.

In stark contrast, Anastasia had a lot of free time on her hands, and she had seen the press release

about their wedding. However, the exclusivity of the event meant that the media did not have much

information to proceed with, and the journalists dared not use it as clickbait either.

Meanwhile, Arthur had stopped living in bars and bought himself a villa close to Elliot’s as a temporary

dwelling place. Initially, Sophia wanted to go back to visit her parents, but Arthur refused to let her do

so. As such, she ended up following him wherever he went.

That day, two world-class etiquette instructors dropped by the villa to specifically teach and guide

Sophia on the ways of upper-class societies. Thus, beginning the first steps of molding her into a lady

of nobility.

Sophia was admittedly frustrated by this. She wondered why Arthur was splurging on unnecessary

things because she thought it would be better for everyone if she remained as carefree as she had

always been, unbridled by the stuffy rules of fine society.

Nevertheless, the instructors were dedicated to their jobs, and they carried out the lessons according to

a strict plan. Sophia ended up spending two hours each day learning how to stand, walk and sit

properly. At the end of each lesson, she was exhausted and found herself questioning her own sanity.

While she was having these lessons, Arthur would be upstairs doing heaven knows-what. Occasionally,

fortune tellers would drop by the house, and she wondered if the young master truly believed in such

things, or if he was helplessly superstitious because he certainly did not appear to her as such.

Presently, in the living room of the second floor, a medium had apparently thrown a seance to

communicate with Arthur’s grandfather’s spirit in order to pinpoint the location the old man best

preferred to be laid to rest.

After sending off the medium, Arthur decided that he would go to the location and scope things out for


Meanwhile, Sophia had just said goodbye to her instructors. She was rubbing her aching shoulder

while walking up the stairs when she suddenly heard Arthur calling out to her, “Sophia, please come

over here.”

She did as she was told and presented herself before him, then asked, “Is there something you need

help with, Young Master Weiss?”

“A shoulder rub,” he answered curtly as he cast her a sideways glance.

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She then stood right behind him and began to rub his shoulders, kneading out the tense muscles as he

closed his eyes and disengaged with the rest of the world.

Just as Sophia was admiring his chiseled features, she suddenly felt an alarming tickle in her nose, and

before she could stop herself, she sneezed onto his face. “Ah-choo!”

She froze after the sneeze. She could not believe that she had sprayed her germs and saliva all over

the features she had been admiring just seconds ago.

The air around them grew cold. Arthur’s brows furrowed as he said, ‘Wash my face for me.”

‘I am so sorry” she squeaked, running off into the adjoining bathroom and retrieving a moist, patterned

towel. She half-knelt on the couch and began to carefully wipe his face. He kept his eyes closed the

entire time, and because he had a sharp sense of smell, he could pick up the faint fragrance lingering

on her.

His long lashes fluttered as he opened his eyes, and it was then that he saw Sophia wiping his face

with a towel.

When she met his gaze, she flushed and said, “I am so sorry for what happened. I promise it won’t

happen again.”

Arthur was speechless as well, but what made him even more incredulous wast the fact that he did not

mind the incident at all.