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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 368 Kiki is Penny’s Bridesmaid
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After thinking about it, Quinn sent another message to Fabian, the most active thinker, "Pryce, how can you make a

woman fall in love with you?"

"That is easy! Oh! Push her, conquer her, make her tremble in your masculinity!"

Quinn frowned, thinking this single man was so damned unreliable!

As Quinn was just about to tell Fabian to get lost, he received another message from Fabian, "If you can't get the

gist of the moves, I can send you a copy of my collection of sexploiters!"

"Get lost!" Quinn could not stand it anymore and decisively told Fabian to get lost.

Quinn felt that, compared to Fabian, it was more reliable to go to Stephen.

He sent a message to Stephen, who replied quickly, only with words full of sorrow.

"If I had a way to make women fall in love with me, I would have snatched my Freya long ago.”

The corners of Quinn's lips twitched as he continued to send it to Diego, who was the slowest one to reply, "What

made you want to fall in love with a woman?"

Quinn looked at the phone screen in a daze, he seemed to have discovered some great secret, could it be that

Diego liked men?

Quinn felt that it was not necessary to ask Bradley for advice, because he was single, but he had been with Kieran,

so he might have learned how to chase women.

So, Quinn still secretly sent this message to Bradley.

Bradley's reply was well organized, "First, identify the target, second, formulate a plan. For the specific battle plan,

you can refer to the 'Secret Book of Wife Chasing' I compiled for Boss."

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Fitz's charm isn't that great, he's chasing after Freya with this "Secret Book of Wife Chasing"! He seems to have

learned something else!

When Kieran saw that Bradley kept laughing strangely, he couldn't help but glance at Bradley's face. Bradley

hurriedly pressed the screen of his mobile phone, but Kieran still saw the words "Secret Book of Wife Chasing".

Kieran's handsome face was instantly black. It was true that his pursuit of Freya was difficult, but what was wrong

with him bragging about it? What's the point of exposing him like this?

Kieran elegantly picked up his proposal ring for the evening, well, seeing as it was a good day, he wouldn't bother

with this lonely single Bradley!

On New Year's Day, all homes were lit up and happy.

According to the 109th principle of "The Secret of Wife Chasing" provided by Bradley, Quinn has done a great job.

He bought the flat opposite Freya and Kiki, moving in the same day.

At the wedding shop, Quinn's appearance did help Kiki a lot, and now that they had become neighbours. Since

Quinn asked her to visit, so of course she could not refuse.

But Kiki didn't want to spend time alone with Quinn, so she decisively dragged Freya over.

Quinn said he would cook a meal himself tonight to thank them for coming over.

When she thought of Quinn's cooking skills, every cell in Kiki's body was filled with resistance, especially since she

had dragged Freya along tonight, she could not bear to see Freya's stomach being poisoned, so she decided to cook

for them.

Quinn was conflicted in his heart, he couldn't let Kiki's warm and soft hands get covered in grease, but he also felt

that it was too warm for Kiki to cook for him.

It was so warm that he couldn't control his giggles.

Quinn was especially happy to see Kiki tying on his newly bought apron.

The feeling is like a virtuous wife cooking a good meal for her beloved husband, with the inexhaustible love in every


The matter of Quinn moving from a large villa of several thousand square feet to a small flat was also known to

Fabian, who was particularly keen to see how the gentry Quinn abused himself in the small flat and came over too.

When Fabian, Bradley, Stephen and Diego came over, Quinn was all very happy, except that did not expect that

Christ would have brought Penny along with him.

Christ and Quinn had recently been at loggerheads, but with several close friends present, the two of them did not

flare up in front of everyone.

As soon as he entered Quinn's small flat, his eyes were glued to Kiki, who was busy in the kitchen. No matter how

much Penny snuggled up to him, he could not withdraw his eyes from Kiki.

Looking at Kiki, who was carefully chopping vegetables on the kitchen counter, Christ could not help but remember

that during the time when they were first married, he went home earlier in the evening and she was busy in the

kitchen like this every night.

Later, he came home later and later, and the exquisite meals on the table were never broken, the same way she

did when he was out of sight, in the kitchen carefully cooking a good meal for him.

Kiki, who had loved him so carefully and humbly, waiting for him to give her some response, had now washed her

hands and made soup for another man?

Christ closed his eyes hard and when he opened them again, it was as if he saw the Kiki of six years ago.

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Six years ago, Kiki's face was not like now, always with a fake smile that made him want to tear it apart; she looked

at him with devout love and joy on her face.

She could rejoice for days when he looked at her one more time.

So many times, even if he had eaten out in the evenings, and she still cooked four dishes and one soup every night,

each one was his favourite meal.

Unfortunately, the warmth he once discarded was too short-lived, and it wasn't until it was lost that he realised how

precious the person waiting under the eaves was.

Christ's eyes were red. He had forgotten how many times in the past six years that he used to look at the table in

the living room every night when he returned home.

But even in his dreams, he could not see the table, with meal full of love.

The chef at Villa is much better than Kiki's cooking skills, but even a great chef cannot make the taste of home that

once made him almost unable to hold on to his promise to Penny.

Christ’s hand trembled. Once, he had a home, but he had shattered it with his own hands!

Originally, the atmosphere in Quinn's living room was still harmonious, and after Christ and Penny came over, all

that was left was awkwardness.

The atmosphere in the living room became more awkward when Kiki came out of the kitchen.

Penny looked at Kiki and Quinn with a smile on her face, "Kiki, I didn't expect you and Quinn to be a couple. Christ

and I are getting married and we still need bridesmaid and groomsman, so why don't you and Quinn be our

bridesmaid and groomsman?"