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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 512
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Chapter 512

Amy went silent after we mocked her too much. Emma tagged her and apologized, 'Sorry. You actually do have a

good point.'

Amy texted right away, 'What good point?'

'Like how you can turn your idol into your boyfriend.'

Amy went silent once again.

Emma urged, 'Quick. Add him to the group.' She was a smart woman. She knew what had happened even without

seeing it.

Amy asked curiously, 'How did you know?'

'You're in Europe, and he helped you with the match. Like hell, there's nothing going on between you two.'

Amy couldn't think of a response to that.

May asked, 'So, you guys are together?'

Reluctantly, Amy replied, 'Yes.'

'Oh, can he be the teahouse's ambassador, then?'

Amy was rendered speechless at that.

May was merely kidding. She didn't open the teahouse just for money. If Troy did become the ambassador, then her

tea shop would be filled with noisy customers. That wasn't what she wanted.

Emma added, 'Come on, add him to the group. You're the only one without a supporting character. That's weird.'

Shawn, Christopher, and Sir never said a word in the group. They were nothing but supporting characters, but I

wouldn't say that out loud.

Amy was silent for a long while, but Emma kept tagging her, and May joined in as well. In the end, she caved. With

trembling fingers, she added Troy to the group.

The moment she did, Emma tagged him. 'So, when did you two get together? I love your work. Oh, and you used to

be my wallpaper. After all, you're the idol I admire so much!'

Emma was younger than Troy. I wasn't surprised she was following him. It was out of admiration rather than love.

When I first met her, she had her earphones on, listening to Christopher's tune. She liked his music, though that

didn't necessarily mean she liked Christopher. It was one of the reasons he had to spend two years just to woo her.

Before long, Christopher texted a group of ellipsis in the group chat.

May laughed at his response. 'Hey, he's telling you to be polite.'

Troy texted politely, 'Thanks. Just call me Troy. A pleasure knowing you guys.'

Emma didn't make any response after that. Everyone knew Christopher must be lecturing her, and the group went


It was a bit awkward that everyone had gone silent right after Troy came in. So, I posted a QR code, and Amy

quickly scanned it. 'Dammit. One dollar? May got fifteen dollars. Curse my luck.'

May texted, 'Hey, I'm the broke girl here.'

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Troy posted a QR code as well. This time, everyone got thirty dollars.

I took the money and put my phone down. Then, I grabbed Shawn's phone and logged into his WhatsApp to scan

the QR code and take the thirty dollars. Shawn looked at me, confused. "It's just thirty dollars."

"Well, this is just for fun," I said.

Shawn took the phone and tried to post a QR code to his other group. Everyone would get thirty dollars as well, but

then he received a notification telling him that he didn't have enough balance. "Oh, I didn't bind my card to this


He barely used his phone for anything other than calls. Tentatively, I said, "I can give you 300 dollars if you want."

"Nah." Right then, he posted a QR code to his other group. It was the one Troy had sent.

Kevin and everyone else scanned the code, and they complained, 'Hey, you're richer than this, aren't you?'

I explained, 'He didn't bind a card to this account. The money's from Troy from the other group.'

When he saw the text, Kevin asked, 'You have another group?'

Oh, he wants to get into the group. Forgetting that Ian was in this group, I explained, 'Yeah. A good friends group.

My friends, our husbands, and I are the only members. Sorry, I can't let you in.'

Ian then texted, 'Hold on. Who is Troy married to?'

I looked at Shawn instantly. "Shoot. I said something wrong. He's going to find out. Oh, no. I'm sorry, Amy."

Shawn shrugged. "This is bound to happen sooner or later. And I've looked into Troy's case. He might just be a

celebrity on the surface, but he's also the heir to a military family. Not even Amy knows about that. Don't worry

about them."

"Wait. You knew who he was?"

"Yeah. I got the files of a military family in Imperia during a certain investigation. That's when I found out about


I didn't know Troy came from a powerful family since he had hidden his identity pretty well, but even so, Shawn

managed to find out everything about him.

I ignored Ian, but then Amy tagged me in the other group. 'I am so dead, Renee.'

'I thought you wanted me to do this.'

When she sent that text the night before, Shawn said she did it on purpose. Now, I was simply pushing the progress

further, though I didn't mean it.

Emma texted, 'There's no need to be scared.'

Amy was once again in a dilemma.

She was lying on the couch, unmoving. Troy turned his phone off and lay on the couch as well. Then, he pulled her

into his embrace. "Why did you say that, Eve?" He might be an introvert, but he still had to talk to his girlfriend to

show his concern for her.

"Nothing. My cousin doesn't like me dating anyone. I might have to go back to Bryxton so that I don't have to see

him." Amy continued, "I'll call my folks. They're going to be over the moon when they find out I have a boyfriend

now." Of course, they would. As long as it wasn't Ian, they would let her date anyone. It had been two years since

she left them. Now, they just wanted her to go home.

Troy stroked her head and rested his chin on her head. "We're going back together. We can keep this relationship a

secret or go public depending on what you want. I've never had a girlfriend before, Eve. If I do anything wrong, talk

to me. We can solve things together. Don't just sulk all by yourself. Sulking girlfriends are scary."

Oh, let's tease him a bit. "Someone's a Casanova. Girlfriends? As in plural?"

Troy froze for a moment before he broke into a smile. He knew she was just teasing him. The public knew almost

everything about his relationship status. He barely had any secrets to keep. He patted her head and kissed her

cheeks. Then, he realized he couldn't hold himself back. He was a virgin, so anything sexual was stimulating for

him. Any stimulation could drive him insane. He heaved a long sigh and pulled her closer as if that would cool him


Sensing something had gone amiss, Amy asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said glumly.

"You know what? I don't mind giving it to you…"

That was the last straw. Troy quickly took Amy's clothes off, though it was a bit of an arduous task for him due to his

inexperience. Amy was acting coy. It was their first time, and she wanted to look polite. He was delighted when he

saw her blush, but he was also at a loss since she didn't make a move on him. As it was their first time, it ended in

failure, but Troy had a taste of what intimacy felt like at long last. He lay on the bed with his eyes on her. The lad

looked a little frail, but he was slowly buffing up.

Amy took her phone and went through Twitter. It was filled with nothing but boring stuff. Just then, she keyed in

Troy's name and pressed the search button. The results that came out were his photos. Troy was indeed a

handsome man. He was gentle and manly at the same time. Though, the guy was an introvert. No matter what the

reporters asked him, all he did was smile, or he would only give them short answers. Eventually, everyone

recognized him as the most introverted guy in the industry who could yet handle his business well.

Since he was everyone's dream man, the fans wouldn't even fantasize about him. They loved him for his aloof and

introverted attitude. It was also why Amy liked him, and now, he was lying right beside her. The idol of every young

lady, sleeping with her. Though, their first time ended in failure, the fans would go crazy if they found out what Troy

had done. Amy smiled to herself as she thought of that.

Troy held her ankle. "Why are you laughing?" He liked fiddling with her ankle. It was cool to the touch.

"Looking at your pics. You're handsome." She then looked at him. And you look even better in person. She leaned in

and pressed her lips against his. "I can't believe we just did it."

"I'm not a god. You don't have to be this surprised. I'm a human, too."

He's so hot when he talks. She quickly tossed the phone away and kissed him again. He could feel her passion, and

he pinned her down once more. This time, he finally found the right spot, and he said, "If we do this, we're getting

married, alright?"

Troy took relationships seriously. He trusted his gut. This was the woman he wanted, and he knew he could protect


At the same time, Christopher was disgruntled that Emma had texted so much about Troy. He pulled her into his

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embrace and snatched her phone away. "Be careful when you speak."

Emma frowned. "That's an exhausting way to live." She had a lot of facades, and she loved acting weak the most.

"Don't worship other guys, don't look at them, and don't call them handsome. I've been working out for you."

"You've been working out since forever. Not like you did it for me."

Christopher was a disciplined man. He worked out and had a skincare routine. The latter was something he started

two years ago. He didn't want to look too old. He looked like he was in his late twenties, but Emma was still young.

He didn't want to look like an old man when she still looked like she was in her thirties. And after they had gotten

married, he noticed she had a lot of skincare products. Every time Emma used her mask, she would give him one

as well. She even applied the mask on his face herself, and he didn't even have to move. He loved this kind of life.

Renee did the same thing for Shawn as well. Shawn never used masks, but she would give him one every time she

started her skincare routine. Not once did he refuse. In fact, he enjoyed every second of it. As for Sir, he might not

have trained his combat skills like Shawn, but he had also worked out.

He's jealous. Emma wrapped her arms around Christopher's neck. "I was just admiring him. Back when I didn't

know you, I listened to your music all the time."

Curious, he asked, "Wait, you liked my music, but you didn't like me? You could have dated me, and I would have

played my music for you every day."

Realization struck Emma just then. "You have a point. How come I didn't think of that? I refused you because of

your age. I didn't put too much thought—" She noticed the upset look he was giving her. Oh, he doesn't like me

talking about his age. She quickly said, "The age gap bothers me, but I relented anyway. And it's because you're so

mesmerizing. I love you so much. It's an honor to be your wife."

I love it when she talks like that. Christopher smiled. "Do you have any tunes you'd like to hear? I can play it for you.

Oh, I've worked with Troy on a song before. He was not a professional, but he was good enough. He's a brilliant


"Everyone says he's an introvert."

"He is. Barely talks. Unless it's about business. He's quiet most of the time. Didn't expect him to date Amy, though."

"Eve burns hot like a ball of flames while he's calm and cool. Like us. You're quiet, but I like merry places."

"And you're good at acting."

"But I'm the real me when I'm with you."

"You weren't when we first met. You thought I was stingy because I only gave you 450 dollars, yet you pretended to

thank me. But then, you complained about it to everyone after that."

Emma smiled awkwardly. "But you were stingy, though."

Christopher only wanted to give her something at that time. He didn't expect her to be this petty. I should've given

her a card. "I'll give you my card, then."

She declined immediately, "No. Dealing with accounts is tiring."

And I'm just a poor girl. I can't be in control of finances. It will get to my head, and I'll be spending money like it's

nothing. Christopher isn't exactly a capitalist. He worked hard to earn his money. I can't spend it how I want.

He asked in return, "Who should I give it to, then?" He then added, "You're my wife and my family."