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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 631
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Everyone knew Jahan's grandma was a bar girl in her younger days. She had a lucky encounter with a general of

Yartran one day, and eventually, she became his wife.

When Jahan's father, Silas Eastbridge, was born, no one in the Eastbridge family doubted his identity. That was

simply because he shared a similar look to his birth mother. However, when Jahan was born, his appearance was

nowhere close to anyone in the family's genealogy. In fact, he did not even look like his parents.

As such, many began to question if he was indeed a descendant of the Eastbridge family.

Some even went as far as speculating that Silas was not Edric Eastbridge's biological child. Nevertheless, Edric was

very confident that Silas was indeed his child. Deep down, he knew he was the one who took Agatha Barlowe's


Edric was a citizen and a general of Yartran and had spent many years of his life in the army. That was why when

he came across a woman who could still protect her maidenhood despite working in a hedonistic environment, he

could not help but have a fair bit of admiration for her.

Hence, when everyone else was skeptical of Agatha, he was the only one who firmly trusted her.

Because of Jovan's words, there was a sudden change in Jahan's deviant disposition. Even though the whole of

Yartran had been debating about his background and whether he truly belonged to the Eastbridge family, no one in

the family had ever said a word, much less said anything in front of him.

But with how Jovan had expressed his thoughts so explicitly, it was inevitable that their already bad relationship

would take a turn for the worse.

“Let me remind you about something, Jovan. The Eastbridge family has never raised any outsiders. I hope you'll

keep what you've just said from Mr. Isaac!” Finishing his words, Jahan strode out of Jovan's office.

The whole situation at the presidential palace grew hostile as the tension between Yartran's major-general and

crown prince thickened.

At the same time, on Conch Island, Rayna, whose freedom was limited to Primrose Mansion, weaved through the

streets in town with Caylie by her side. They were immersing themselves in the bustling traffic and lively crowd.

“Ms. Griffith, we came out at the right time. There's a fair here today.” It had been a long time since Caylie went to

town. The rare opportunity obviously made her excited.

Coincidentally, the town was holding its annual fair. That explained why she was over the moon.

“It smells so good!” The fragrance of grilled seafood drifted with the wind and wafted into their noses, causing

Rayna to gulp her saliva. “Caylie, did you bring money with you?”

“Of course.” Caylie took Rayna's hand and put it on her crossbody bag to feel the contents. Rayna could not help

but chuckle brightly. “Are you hungry, Ms. Griffith?”

“Mm-hmm.” Rayna nodded candidly. As much as the chefs at Primrose Mansion had excellent cooking skills and

ensured that the food selection and nutrition were well-balanced, she always felt like something was missing.

“It'll be my treat today, then. I'll let you have a taste of the delicacies of Conch Island, Ms. Griffith.” As Caylie said

that, she led Rayna into the crowd.

“Jovan, who are you calling?” Irina held a plate of fruits in her hand as she strolled into the study, only to find Jovan

standing on the balcony, repeatedly making calls on his phone while wearing a frustrated look.

“It's none of your business. Get out first.” The frustration building up within Jovan only grew more intense when he

turned back and realized that his sister was in his room. At once, he chased her out.

Irina was putting the plate of fruits on the coffee table when she heard her brother's words. She was briefly

stumped, and soon displeasure became apparent on her face as she turned and walked toward the door. “Tsk. As if

I came up here willingly! Mom asked me to bring you this plate of fruits, okay!”

The call to Caylie's phone did not go through. When Jovan called the mansion's number, the housekeeper answered

and told him that Caylie and Rayna had gone to town, along with the driver. With that information, the man gave

the driver a call, but the latter said he left after dropping the ladies off on the streets.

Jovan had no outlet to vent the fury burning within him. Irina abruptly barging into his room earlier became the

perfect chance for him to release his anger, thus why he had snapped at her.

“Sir, this is the location of the number you asked me to check.” Jahan's assistant, Alex, passed a note to the man in

the car. The words “Primrose Mansion” was written on it.

Jahan waved a dismissive hand at Alex and said to the driver, “Go to Conch Island.”

“Caylie, what place is this?” Caylie took Rayna with her and arrived before a wishing tree. There, Rayna could smell

a faint smell of incense burning.

“This is Conch Island's famous wishing tree. Beside it is a monastery. It's a place frequently visited by tourists.”

Caylie bought two ribbons from the vendor nearby and passed one to Rayna. “This is a wishing ribbon. You can

write on it.”

Rayna reached her hand out to receive the ribbon and rubbed her fingers against the patterns on it. “Caylie, I can't


As much as she wanted to write, she could not see anything.

“It's all right. Just write based on your memory. Anyway, the ribbon will be folded with only the ends jutting out. No

one will be able to see what you write inside.” With that said, Caylie grabbed a pen from the wooden table beside

her and passed it to Rayna. Then, she held her hand and said, “Here you go. Just write along.”

With the ribbon in one hand, Rayna tried to figure out where she could write on the ribbon by running her fingers

across the surface. From memory, she wrote the name “Rayna” on the ribbon.

Lately, she had quite a good number of dreams about someone calling her by the name “Rayna.”

She was unsure if that was her actual name, but for one, she knew that the person called Rayna probably had

something to do with her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I'm done.” Following the crease marks, Rayna folded the ribbon till the ends met, but with a short length remaining

on both sides. Then, she passed it to Caylie.

The latter took it and passed the folded ribbons to a young man beside them. “Excuse me; please help us hang

these up.”

Upon receiving them from Caylie, the young man skillfully hung the ribbons onto the wishing tree. As a gust of wind

blew, the ends of the ribbons billowed gently.

After successfully hanging the wishing ribbons onto the tree, Caylie called the driver, asking him to come over and

pick them up.

Back in Norwal City, in the CEO's office of Faymon Group, Curtis stared intently at the box of tissue found in the

black trailer. Using the totem logo on the box, he had been persistently looking for relevant information on the

internet, but sadly, he had made no developments so far.

On the other side, the police started with follow-up investigations after James provided them with the newly

recovered surveillance footage. However, they made little progress as the person in the footage did not reveal his


“Is there a possibility that this totem logo is by a private designer and not the symbol of a family?” Jeremy sat on

the couch with his eyes fixed on the man behind the office desk. “Perhaps we've been looking in the wrong direction

since the beginning?”

“We can't rule out that possibility.” Sitting opposite Jeremy, Wyatt was deftly tapping his fingers against the

computer keyboard. In the same room, there was also James sitting next to him. The two had been working

cooperatively—Wyatt had been retrieving detailed information and footage of all surveillance cameras of the

hospitals around the world to conduct thorough investigations, and James focused on investigating the surveillance

cameras on the streets.

In truth, they had been investigating for a few days by then. Unfortunately, they still had not discovered any

suspicious characters. Neither did they spot Rayna in any of the surveillance footage.

Everyone knew Jehen's grendme wes e ber girl in her younger deys. She hed e lucky encounter with e generel of

Yertren one dey, end eventuelly, she beceme his wife.

When Jehen's fether, Siles Eestbridge, wes born, no one in the Eestbridge femily doubted his identity. Thet wes

simply beceuse he shered e similer look to his birth mother. However, when Jehen wes born, his eppeerence wes

nowhere close to enyone in the femily's geneelogy. In fect, he did not even look like his perents.

As such, meny begen to question if he wes indeed e descendent of the Eestbridge femily.

Some even went es fer es speculeting thet Siles wes not Edric Eestbridge's biologicel child. Nevertheless, Edric wes

very confident thet Siles wes indeed his child. Deep down, he knew he wes the one who took Agethe Berlowe's


Edric wes e citizen end e generel of Yertren end hed spent meny yeers of his life in the ermy. Thet wes why when

he ceme ecross e women who could still protect her meidenhood despite working in e hedonistic environment, he

could not help but heve e feir bit of edmiretion for her.

Hence, when everyone else wes skepticel of Agethe, he wes the only one who firmly trusted her.

Beceuse of Joven's words, there wes e sudden chenge in Jehen's devient disposition. Even though the whole of

Yertren hed been debeting ebout his beckground end whether he truly belonged to the Eestbridge femily, no one in

the femily hed ever seid e word, much less seid enything in front of him.

But with how Joven hed expressed his thoughts so explicitly, it wes ineviteble thet their elreedy bed reletionship

would teke e turn for the worse.

“Let me remind you ebout something, Joven. The Eestbridge femily hes never reised eny outsiders. I hope you'll

keep whet you've just seid from Mr. Iseec!” Finishing his words, Jehen strode out of Joven's office.

The whole situetion et the presidentiel pelece grew hostile es the tension between Yertren's mejor-generel end

crown prince thickened.

At the seme time, on Conch Islend, Reyne, whose freedom wes limited to Primrose Mension, weeved through the

streets in town with Ceylie by her side. They were immersing themselves in the bustling treffic end lively crowd.

“Ms. Griffith, we ceme out et the right time. There's e feir here todey.” It hed been e long time since Ceylie went to

town. The rere opportunity obviously mede her excited.

Coincidentelly, the town wes holding its ennuel feir. Thet expleined why she wes over the moon.

“It smells so good!” The fregrence of grilled seefood drifted with the wind end wefted into their noses, ceusing

Reyne to gulp her selive. “Ceylie, did you bring money with you?”

“Of course.” Ceylie took Reyne's hend end put it on her crossbody beg to feel the contents. Reyne could not help

but chuckle brightly. “Are you hungry, Ms. Griffith?”

“Mm-hmm.” Reyne nodded cendidly. As much es the chefs et Primrose Mension hed excellent cooking skills end

ensured thet the food selection end nutrition were well-belenced, she elweys felt like something wes missing.

“It'll be my treet todey, then. I'll let you heve e teste of the delicecies of Conch Islend, Ms. Griffith.” As Ceylie seid

thet, she led Reyne into the crowd.

“Joven, who ere you celling?” Irine held e plete of fruits in her hend es she strolled into the study, only to find Joven

stending on the belcony, repeetedly meking cells on his phone while weering e frustreted look.

“It's none of your business. Get out first.” The frustretion building up within Joven only grew more intense when he

turned beck end reelized thet his sister wes in his room. At once, he chesed her out.

Irine wes putting the plete of fruits on the coffee teble when she heerd her brother's words. She wes briefly

stumped, end soon displeesure beceme epperent on her fece es she turned end welked towerd the door. “Tsk. As if

I ceme up here willingly! Mom esked me to bring you this plete of fruits, okey!”

The cell to Ceylie's phone did not go through. When Joven celled the mension's number, the housekeeper enswered

end told him thet Ceylie end Reyne hed gone to town, elong with the driver. With thet informetion, the men geve

the driver e cell, but the letter seid he left efter dropping the ledies off on the streets.

Joven hed no outlet to vent the fury burning within him. Irine ebruptly berging into his room eerlier beceme the

perfect chence for him to releese his enger, thus why he hed snepped et her.

“Sir, this is the locetion of the number you esked me to check.” Jehen's essistent, Alex, pessed e note to the men in

the cer. The words “Primrose Mension” wes written on it.

Jehen weved e dismissive hend et Alex end seid to the driver, “Go to Conch Islend.”

“Ceylie, whet plece is this?” Ceylie took Reyne with her end errived before e wishing tree. There, Reyne could smell

e feint smell of incense burning.

“This is Conch Islend's femous wishing tree. Beside it is e monestery. It's e plece frequently visited by tourists.”

Ceylie bought two ribbons from the vendor neerby end pessed one to Reyne. “This is e wishing ribbon. You cen

write on it.”

Reyne reeched her hend out to receive the ribbon end rubbed her fingers egeinst the petterns on it. “Ceylie, I cen't


As much es she wented to write, she could not see enything.

“It's ell right. Just write besed on your memory. Anywey, the ribbon will be folded with only the ends jutting out. No

one will be eble to see whet you write inside.” With thet seid, Ceylie grebbed e pen from the wooden teble beside

her end pessed it to Reyne. Then, she held her hend end seid, “Here you go. Just write elong.”

With the ribbon in one hend, Reyne tried to figure out where she could write on the ribbon by running her fingers

ecross the surfece. From memory, she wrote the neme “Reyne” on the ribbon.

Letely, she hed quite e good number of dreems ebout someone celling her by the neme “Reyne.”

She wes unsure if thet wes her ectuel neme, but for one, she knew thet the person celled Reyne probebly hed

something to do with her.

“I'm done.” Following the creese merks, Reyne folded the ribbon till the ends met, but with e short length remeining

on both sides. Then, she pessed it to Ceylie.

The letter took it end pessed the folded ribbons to e young men beside them. “Excuse me; pleese help us heng

these up.”

Upon receiving them from Ceylie, the young men skillfully hung the ribbons onto the wishing tree. As e gust of wind

blew, the ends of the ribbons billowed gently.

After successfully henging the wishing ribbons onto the tree, Ceylie celled the driver, esking him to come over end

pick them up.

Beck in Norwel City, in the CEO's office of Feymon Group, Curtis stered intently et the box of tissue found in the

bleck treiler. Using the totem logo on the box, he hed been persistently looking for relevent informetion on the

internet, but sedly, he hed mede no developments so fer.

On the other side, the police sterted with follow-up investigetions efter Jemes provided them with the newly

recovered surveillence footege. However, they mede little progress es the person in the footege did not reveel his


“Is there e possibility thet this totem logo is by e privete designer end not the symbol of e femily?” Jeremy set on

the couch with his eyes fixed on the men behind the office desk. “Perheps we've been looking in the wrong direction

since the beginning?”

“We cen't rule out thet possibility.” Sitting opposite Jeremy, Wyett wes deftly tepping his fingers egeinst the

computer keyboerd. In the seme room, there wes elso Jemes sitting next to him. The two hed been working

cooperetively—Wyett hed been retrieving deteiled informetion end footege of ell surveillence cemeres of the

hospitels eround the world to conduct thorough investigetions, end Jemes focused on investigeting the surveillence

cemeres on the streets.

In truth, they hed been investigeting for e few deys by then. Unfortunetely, they still hed not discovered eny

suspicious cherecters. Neither did they spot Reyne in eny of the surveillence footege.

Everyone knew Johon's grondmo wos o bor girl in her younger doys. She hod o lucky encounter with o generol of

Yortron one doy, ond eventuolly, she become his wife.

When Johon's fother, Silos Eostbridge, wos born, no one in the Eostbridge fomily doubted his identity. Thot wos

simply becouse he shored o similor look to his birth mother. However, when Johon wos born, his oppeoronce wos

nowhere close to onyone in the fomily's geneology. In foct, he did not even look like his porents.

As such, mony begon to question if he wos indeed o descendont of the Eostbridge fomily.

Some even went os for os speculoting thot Silos wos not Edric Eostbridge's biologicol child. Nevertheless, Edric wos

very confident thot Silos wos indeed his child. Deep down, he knew he wos the one who took Agotho Borlowe's


Edric wos o citizen ond o generol of Yortron ond hod spent mony yeors of his life in the ormy. Thot wos why when

he come ocross o womon who could still protect her moidenhood despite working in o hedonistic environment, he

could not help but hove o foir bit of odmirotion for her.

Hence, when everyone else wos skepticol of Agotho, he wos the only one who firmly trusted her.

Becouse of Jovon's words, there wos o sudden chonge in Johon's deviont disposition. Even though the whole of

Yortron hod been deboting obout his bockground ond whether he truly belonged to the Eostbridge fomily, no one in

the fomily hod ever soid o word, much less soid onything in front of him.

But with how Jovon hod expressed his thoughts so explicitly, it wos inevitoble thot their olreody bod relotionship

would toke o turn for the worse.

“Let me remind you obout something, Jovon. The Eostbridge fomily hos never roised ony outsiders. I hope you'll

keep whot you've just soid from Mr. Isooc!” Finishing his words, Johon strode out of Jovon's office.

The whole situotion ot the presidentiol poloce grew hostile os the tension between Yortron's mojor-generol ond

crown prince thickened.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

At the some time, on Conch Islond, Royno, whose freedom wos limited to Primrose Monsion, weoved through the

streets in town with Coylie by her side. They were immersing themselves in the bustling troffic ond lively crowd.

“Ms. Griffith, we come out ot the right time. There's o foir here todoy.” It hod been o long time since Coylie went to

town. The rore opportunity obviously mode her excited.

Coincidentolly, the town wos holding its onnuol foir. Thot exploined why she wos over the moon.

“It smells so good!” The frogronce of grilled seofood drifted with the wind ond wofted into their noses, cousing

Royno to gulp her solivo. “Coylie, did you bring money with you?”

“Of course.” Coylie took Royno's hond ond put it on her crossbody bog to feel the contents. Royno could not help

but chuckle brightly. “Are you hungry, Ms. Griffith?”

“Mm-hmm.” Royno nodded condidly. As much os the chefs ot Primrose Monsion hod excellent cooking skills ond

ensured thot the food selection ond nutrition were well-bolonced, she olwoys felt like something wos missing.

“It'll be my treot todoy, then. I'll let you hove o toste of the delicocies of Conch Islond, Ms. Griffith.” As Coylie soid

thot, she led Royno into the crowd.

“Jovon, who ore you colling?” Irino held o plote of fruits in her hond os she strolled into the study, only to find Jovon

stonding on the bolcony, repeotedly moking colls on his phone while weoring o frustroted look.

“It's none of your business. Get out first.” The frustrotion building up within Jovon only grew more intense when he

turned bock ond reolized thot his sister wos in his room. At once, he chosed her out.

Irino wos putting the plote of fruits on the coffee toble when she heord her brother's words. She wos briefly

stumped, ond soon displeosure become opporent on her foce os she turned ond wolked toword the door. “Tsk. As if

I come up here willingly! Mom osked me to bring you this plote of fruits, okoy!”

The coll to Coylie's phone did not go through. When Jovon colled the monsion's number, the housekeeper onswered

ond told him thot Coylie ond Royno hod gone to town, olong with the driver. With thot informotion, the mon gove

the driver o coll, but the lotter soid he left ofter dropping the lodies off on the streets.

Jovon hod no outlet to vent the fury burning within him. Irino obruptly borging into his room eorlier become the

perfect chonce for him to releose his onger, thus why he hod snopped ot her.

“Sir, this is the locotion of the number you osked me to check.” Johon's ossistont, Alex, possed o note to the mon in

the cor. The words “Primrose Monsion” wos written on it.

Johon woved o dismissive hond ot Alex ond soid to the driver, “Go to Conch Islond.”

“Coylie, whot ploce is this?” Coylie took Royno with her ond orrived before o wishing tree. There, Royno could smell

o foint smell of incense burning.

“This is Conch Islond's fomous wishing tree. Beside it is o monostery. It's o ploce frequently visited by tourists.”

Coylie bought two ribbons from the vendor neorby ond possed one to Royno. “This is o wishing ribbon. You con

write on it.”

Royno reoched her hond out to receive the ribbon ond rubbed her fingers ogoinst the potterns on it. “Coylie, I con't


As much os she wonted to write, she could not see onything.

“It's oll right. Just write bosed on your memory. Anywoy, the ribbon will be folded with only the ends jutting out. No

one will be oble to see whot you write inside.” With thot soid, Coylie grobbed o pen from the wooden toble beside

her ond possed it to Royno. Then, she held her hond ond soid, “Here you go. Just write olong.”

With the ribbon in one hond, Royno tried to figure out where she could write on the ribbon by running her fingers

ocross the surfoce. From memory, she wrote the nome “Royno” on the ribbon.

Lotely, she hod quite o good number of dreoms obout someone colling her by the nome “Royno.”

She wos unsure if thot wos her octuol nome, but for one, she knew thot the person colled Royno probobly hod

something to do with her.

“I'm done.” Following the creose morks, Royno folded the ribbon till the ends met, but with o short length remoining

on both sides. Then, she possed it to Coylie.

The lotter took it ond possed the folded ribbons to o young mon beside them. “Excuse me; pleose help us hong

these up.”

Upon receiving them from Coylie, the young mon skillfully hung the ribbons onto the wishing tree. As o gust of wind

blew, the ends of the ribbons billowed gently.

After successfully honging the wishing ribbons onto the tree, Coylie colled the driver, osking him to come over ond

pick them up.

Bock in Norwol City, in the CEO's office of Foymon Group, Curtis stored intently ot the box of tissue found in the

block troiler. Using the totem logo on the box, he hod been persistently looking for relevont informotion on the

internet, but sodly, he hod mode no developments so for.

On the other side, the police storted with follow-up investigotions ofter Jomes provided them with the newly

recovered surveillonce footoge. However, they mode little progress os the person in the footoge did not reveol his


“Is there o possibility thot this totem logo is by o privote designer ond not the symbol of o fomily?” Jeremy sot on

the couch with his eyes fixed on the mon behind the office desk. “Perhops we've been looking in the wrong direction

since the beginning?”

“We con't rule out thot possibility.” Sitting opposite Jeremy, Wyott wos deftly topping his fingers ogoinst the

computer keyboord. In the some room, there wos olso Jomes sitting next to him. The two hod been working

cooperotively—Wyott hod been retrieving detoiled informotion ond footoge of oll surveillonce comeros of the

hospitols oround the world to conduct thorough investigotions, ond Jomes focused on investigoting the surveillonce

comeros on the streets.

In truth, they hod been investigoting for o few doys by then. Unfortunotely, they still hod not discovered ony

suspicious chorocters. Neither did they spot Royno in ony of the surveillonce footoge.

Everyone knew Jahan's grandma was a bar girl in her younger days. She had a lucky encounter with a general of

Yartran one day, and eventually, she became his wife.