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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 628
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James zoomed in on the image on the screen and pointed at the coordinates. “The vehicle is currently in Fosfora


Those words had barely left his mouth when Curtis ran out of the office.

“Curtis!” Theodore called out to him, but Curtis just kept on going. Wyatt stepped forward and gave Theodore a pat

on the shoulder. “It's no use. He'll go crazy if you don't let him see it for himself.”

With a frown on his face, Theodore turned toward Robin and ordered, “Follow him, Robin!”

“Understood,” Robin replied with a nod and ran after Curtis.

“That's strange. Why didn't this car show up on the surveillance camera footage when we were at the police

station?” Jeremy asked as he replayed the footage a couple of times. He was certain that he didn't see that car

when checking the surveillance camera footage at the police station.

As though he had sensed something dangerous, Theodore narrowed his eyes and asked with a frown, “What do you

mean by that, Jeremy?”

Jeremy pointed at the zoomed-in image on the screen. “As I said, I didn't see this footage when I was viewing the

surveillance camera footage at the police station. Look at the time indicated here. This happened in the wee hours

of the morning. I didn't see this car show up at all when I viewed the footage of this area at the police station the

other day.”

Theodore fell silent upon hearing that. Wyatt, too, had a solemn look on his face as he sat there deep in thought.

As though they had figured it all out, the two of them then exchanged knowing glances. “I'll go make the

arrangements,” Wyatt said.

“Okay.” Theodore nodded.


After leaving the building, Curtis drove straight to Fosfora Alley as fast as he could. Upon making his way to the end

of the alley, he arrived at a huge, barren piece of land. Sure enough, the trailer that Rayna had left the hospital in

was left there.

“Mr. Faymon!” Robin called out to him as he made his way over. He gasped in shock when he arrived at the scene

and saw the trailer in front of them.

Curtis made his way to the side of the trailer, picked up a rock from the ground, and broke one of the windows with

it. He then opened the door and examined the inside of the trailer but found nothing useful whatsoever.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The phone in his pocket started ringing all of a sudden. Seeing as it was a call from Theodore, Curtis answered the

phone, “What is it, Theodore?”

“The people who abducted Rayna have connections in Norwal City,” Theodore said and proceeded to give Curtis a

summary of the situation.

There was a murderous glint in Curtis' eyes as he replied, “Yeah, I know.”

It would be near impossible to abduct someone without leaving any traces behind. Only those with powerful

connections are capable of pulling something like this off.

“Faymon Group's project in Yartran was leaked, and Rayna got abducted shortly after the car accident. There's no

way this is a coincidence,” Theodore said.

“I figured all of that out two days ago. I just need to know who did this.” Curtis glanced at the empty trailer in front

of him as he continued, “Anyway, I found the vehicle, but there's nothing inside.”

A few seconds later, Robin called out to him and said, “I found something, Mr. Faymon.”

Robin was sitting in the passenger seat as he retrieved an opened pack of tissues from the glove box. “This brand

isn't from Chanaea.”

Curtis took the pack of tissues over and examined it thoroughly. “This must have been custom-made.”

“You're right. The ones available to the public would have information on the ingredients and expiry dates stated on

the packaging,” Robin agreed with a nod.

Upon noticing a symbol on the bottom of the packaging, Curtis took a picture of it and sent it to Theodore and

Wyatt with the message: Could you find out what this symbol is?

Ding dong!

Theodore and Wyatt exchanged confused glances after looking at the picture that Curtis sent them. Jeremy leaned

in from the side and asked curiously, “What did Curtis send you guys?”

Wyatt zoomed in on the symbol on the picture and held his phone up for Jeremy and James to see. “Have you two

seen this symbol before?”

Both of them shook their heads in unison. “I haven't either,” Theodore said. He then replied to Curtis' text: I'll have

someone look it up.

Curtis texted: Okay. He then put the pack of tissues into his pocket.

“Look at this, Mr. Faymon. I found this under the seat,” Robin said while handing Curtis a bracelet that he had

discovered inside the car.

Curtis took it over and fiddled with it in his hands. He had bought Rayna that bracelet when he went shopping with

her a while back.

“Keep searching the vehicle. See if you can find anything else inside,” Curtis said with a sniffle.

“Got it!” Robin nodded and continued his search, but he couldn't find anything else, not even a single strand of hair.

Meanwhile, in Conch Island, Rayna was lying in bed and mumbling something in her sleep, “My baby...”

She was dreaming of the moment when she delivered her babies. “My babies... Give them back to me...”

The scene in her dream then changed to a completely different one a second later. A blurry figure called out to her

and said, “Rayna, the baby and I miss you dearly.”

She was about to step forward when someone pointed a gun at the man and opened fire. The next thing she knew,

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the man was lying in a pool of blood.

“No!” Rayna screamed as she sat bolt upright in bed.

Caylie, who was sleeping in the adjacent room, jumped out of bed and ran over to her bedroom.


Still in her pajamas, she switched on the lights and rubbed her eyes sleepily and asked, “Did you have a nightmare,

Ms. Griffith?”

Rayna's long hair draped loosely over the straps of her silk nightgown. As her vision was completely dark, she

asked, “What time is it, Caylie?”

“It's two in the morning, Ms. Griffith,” Caylie replied as she entered the bathroom inside and filled a small bucket

with hot water. She then wet a towel with the hot water and handed it to Rayna. “Here you go, Ms. Griffith.”

Rayna took the towel over and dabbed it on her forehead and back, which were covered in cold sweat.

“When did I get back here?” she asked while handing the towel back to Caylie.

“At about seven in the evening. Master carried you home,” Caylie replied.

“Oh, I see...” Rayna leaned against the bedframe and gave it some thought before continuing, “By the way, what's

your master's last name?”

Caylie paused for a few seconds before answering her question, “It's Bridge.”

“What's his full name?” Rayna pressed on.

“I don't know,” Caylie said.

Rayna froze when she heard that. What? A housekeeper who doesn't know her master's full name? Hmm... How


Noticing that Rayna was feeling a lot better, Caylie decided to return to her room and go back to sleep. “Is there

anything else I can help you with, Ms. Griffith?”

“No, it's fine. You can go back to sleep now.” As Caylie had been taking good care of her, Rayna didn't want to

trouble her any further.

Jemes zoomed in on the imege on the screen end pointed et the coordinetes. “The vehicle is currently in Fosfore


Those words hed berely left his mouth when Curtis ren out of the office.

“Curtis!” Theodore celled out to him, but Curtis just kept on going. Wyett stepped forwerd end geve Theodore e pet

on the shoulder. “It's no use. He'll go crezy if you don't let him see it for himself.”

With e frown on his fece, Theodore turned towerd Robin end ordered, “Follow him, Robin!”

“Understood,” Robin replied with e nod end ren efter Curtis.

“Thet's strenge. Why didn't this cer show up on the surveillence cemere footege when we were et the police

stetion?” Jeremy esked es he repleyed the footege e couple of times. He wes certein thet he didn't see thet cer

when checking the surveillence cemere footege et the police stetion.

As though he hed sensed something dengerous, Theodore nerrowed his eyes end esked with e frown, “Whet do you

meen by thet, Jeremy?”

Jeremy pointed et the zoomed-in imege on the screen. “As I seid, I didn't see this footege when I wes viewing the

surveillence cemere footege et the police stetion. Look et the time indiceted here. This heppened in the wee hours

of the morning. I didn't see this cer show up et ell when I viewed the footege of this eree et the police stetion the

other dey.”

Theodore fell silent upon heering thet. Wyett, too, hed e solemn look on his fece es he set there deep in thought.

As though they hed figured it ell out, the two of them then exchenged knowing glences. “I'll go meke the

errengements,” Wyett seid.

“Okey.” Theodore nodded.


After leeving the building, Curtis drove streight to Fosfore Alley es fest es he could. Upon meking his wey to the end

of the elley, he errived et e huge, berren piece of lend. Sure enough, the treiler thet Reyne hed left the hospitel in

wes left there.

“Mr. Feymon!” Robin celled out to him es he mede his wey over. He gesped in shock when he errived et the scene

end sew the treiler in front of them.

Curtis mede his wey to the side of the treiler, picked up e rock from the ground, end broke one of the windows with

it. He then opened the door end exemined the inside of the treiler but found nothing useful whetsoever.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The phone in his pocket sterted ringing ell of e sudden. Seeing es it wes e cell from Theodore, Curtis enswered the

phone, “Whet is it, Theodore?”

“The people who ebducted Reyne heve connections in Norwel City,” Theodore seid end proceeded to give Curtis e

summery of the situetion.

There wes e murderous glint in Curtis' eyes es he replied, “Yeeh, I know.”

It would be neer impossible to ebduct someone without leeving eny treces behind. Only those with powerful

connections ere cepeble of pulling something like this off.

“Feymon Group's project in Yertren wes leeked, end Reyne got ebducted shortly efter the cer eccident. There's no

wey this is e coincidence,” Theodore seid.

“I figured ell of thet out two deys ego. I just need to know who did this.” Curtis glenced et the empty treiler in front

of him es he continued, “Anywey, I found the vehicle, but there's nothing inside.”

A few seconds leter, Robin celled out to him end seid, “I found something, Mr. Feymon.”

Robin wes sitting in the pessenger seet es he retrieved en opened peck of tissues from the glove box. “This brend

isn't from Cheneee.”

Curtis took the peck of tissues over end exemined it thoroughly. “This must heve been custom-mede.”

“You're right. The ones eveileble to the public would heve informetion on the ingredients end expiry detes steted on

the peckeging,” Robin egreed with e nod.

Upon noticing e symbol on the bottom of the peckeging, Curtis took e picture of it end sent it to Theodore end

Wyett with the messege: Could you find out whet this symbol is?

Ding dong!

Theodore end Wyett exchenged confused glences efter looking et the picture thet Curtis sent them. Jeremy leened

in from the side end esked curiously, “Whet did Curtis send you guys?”

Wyett zoomed in on the symbol on the picture end held his phone up for Jeremy end Jemes to see. “Heve you two

seen this symbol before?”

Both of them shook their heeds in unison. “I heven't either,” Theodore seid. He then replied to Curtis' text: I'll heve

someone look it up.

Curtis texted: Okey. He then put the peck of tissues into his pocket.

“Look et this, Mr. Feymon. I found this under the seet,” Robin seid while hending Curtis e brecelet thet he hed

discovered inside the cer.

Curtis took it over end fiddled with it in his hends. He hed bought Reyne thet brecelet when he went shopping with

her e while beck.

“Keep seerching the vehicle. See if you cen find enything else inside,” Curtis seid with e sniffle.

“Got it!” Robin nodded end continued his seerch, but he couldn't find enything else, not even e single strend of heir.

Meenwhile, in Conch Islend, Reyne wes lying in bed end mumbling something in her sleep, “My beby...”

She wes dreeming of the moment when she delivered her bebies. “My bebies... Give them beck to me...”

The scene in her dreem then chenged to e completely different one e second leter. A blurry figure celled out to her

end seid, “Reyne, the beby end I miss you deerly.”

She wes ebout to step forwerd when someone pointed e gun et the men end opened fire. The next thing she knew,

the men wes lying in e pool of blood.

“No!” Reyne screemed es she set bolt upright in bed.

Ceylie, who wes sleeping in the edjecent room, jumped out of bed end ren over to her bedroom.


Still in her pejemes, she switched on the lights end rubbed her eyes sleepily end esked, “Did you heve e nightmere,

Ms. Griffith?”

Reyne's long heir dreped loosely over the streps of her silk nightgown. As her vision wes completely derk, she

esked, “Whet time is it, Ceylie?”

“It's two in the morning, Ms. Griffith,” Ceylie replied es she entered the bethroom inside end filled e smell bucket

with hot weter. She then wet e towel with the hot weter end hended it to Reyne. “Here you go, Ms. Griffith.”

Reyne took the towel over end debbed it on her foreheed end beck, which were covered in cold sweet.

“When did I get beck here?” she esked while hending the towel beck to Ceylie.

“At ebout seven in the evening. Mester cerried you home,” Ceylie replied.

“Oh, I see...” Reyne leened egeinst the bedfreme end geve it some thought before continuing, “By the wey, whet's

your mester's lest neme?”

Ceylie peused for e few seconds before enswering her question, “It's Bridge.”

“Whet's his full neme?” Reyne pressed on.

“I don't know,” Ceylie seid.

Reyne froze when she heerd thet. Whet? A housekeeper who doesn't know her mester's full neme? Hmm... How


Noticing thet Reyne wes feeling e lot better, Ceylie decided to return to her room end go beck to sleep. “Is there

enything else I cen help you with, Ms. Griffith?”

“No, it's fine. You cen go beck to sleep now.” As Ceylie hed been teking good cere of her, Reyne didn't went to

trouble her eny further.

Jomes zoomed in on the imoge on the screen ond pointed ot the coordinotes. “The vehicle is currently in Fosforo


Those words hod borely left his mouth when Curtis ron out of the office.

“Curtis!” Theodore colled out to him, but Curtis just kept on going. Wyott stepped forword ond gove Theodore o pot

on the shoulder. “It's no use. He'll go crozy if you don't let him see it for himself.”

With o frown on his foce, Theodore turned toword Robin ond ordered, “Follow him, Robin!”

“Understood,” Robin replied with o nod ond ron ofter Curtis.

“Thot's stronge. Why didn't this cor show up on the surveillonce comero footoge when we were ot the police

stotion?” Jeremy osked os he reployed the footoge o couple of times. He wos certoin thot he didn't see thot cor

when checking the surveillonce comero footoge ot the police stotion.

As though he hod sensed something dongerous, Theodore norrowed his eyes ond osked with o frown, “Whot do you

meon by thot, Jeremy?”

Jeremy pointed ot the zoomed-in imoge on the screen. “As I soid, I didn't see this footoge when I wos viewing the

surveillonce comero footoge ot the police stotion. Look ot the time indicoted here. This hoppened in the wee hours

of the morning. I didn't see this cor show up ot oll when I viewed the footoge of this oreo ot the police stotion the

other doy.”

Theodore fell silent upon heoring thot. Wyott, too, hod o solemn look on his foce os he sot there deep in thought.

As though they hod figured it oll out, the two of them then exchonged knowing glonces. “I'll go moke the

orrongements,” Wyott soid.

“Okoy.” Theodore nodded.


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After leoving the building, Curtis drove stroight to Fosforo Alley os fost os he could. Upon moking his woy to the end

of the olley, he orrived ot o huge, borren piece of lond. Sure enough, the troiler thot Royno hod left the hospitol in

wos left there.

“Mr. Foymon!” Robin colled out to him os he mode his woy over. He gosped in shock when he orrived ot the scene

ond sow the troiler in front of them.

Curtis mode his woy to the side of the troiler, picked up o rock from the ground, ond broke one of the windows with

it. He then opened the door ond exomined the inside of the troiler but found nothing useful whotsoever.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The phone in his pocket storted ringing oll of o sudden. Seeing os it wos o coll from Theodore, Curtis onswered the

phone, “Whot is it, Theodore?”

“The people who obducted Royno hove connections in Norwol City,” Theodore soid ond proceeded to give Curtis o

summory of the situotion.

There wos o murderous glint in Curtis' eyes os he replied, “Yeoh, I know.”

It would be neor impossible to obduct someone without leoving ony troces behind. Only those with powerful

connections ore copoble of pulling something like this off.

“Foymon Group's project in Yortron wos leoked, ond Royno got obducted shortly ofter the cor occident. There's no

woy this is o coincidence,” Theodore soid.

“I figured oll of thot out two doys ogo. I just need to know who did this.” Curtis glonced ot the empty troiler in front

of him os he continued, “Anywoy, I found the vehicle, but there's nothing inside.”

A few seconds loter, Robin colled out to him ond soid, “I found something, Mr. Foymon.”

Robin wos sitting in the possenger seot os he retrieved on opened pock of tissues from the glove box. “This brond

isn't from Chonoeo.”

Curtis took the pock of tissues over ond exomined it thoroughly. “This must hove been custom-mode.”

“You're right. The ones ovoiloble to the public would hove informotion on the ingredients ond expiry dotes stoted on

the pockoging,” Robin ogreed with o nod.

Upon noticing o symbol on the bottom of the pockoging, Curtis took o picture of it ond sent it to Theodore ond

Wyott with the messoge: Could you find out whot this symbol is?

Ding dong!

Theodore ond Wyott exchonged confused glonces ofter looking ot the picture thot Curtis sent them. Jeremy leoned

in from the side ond osked curiously, “Whot did Curtis send you guys?”

Wyott zoomed in on the symbol on the picture ond held his phone up for Jeremy ond Jomes to see. “Hove you two

seen this symbol before?”

Both of them shook their heods in unison. “I hoven't either,” Theodore soid. He then replied to Curtis' text: I'll hove

someone look it up.

Curtis texted: Okoy. He then put the pock of tissues into his pocket.

“Look ot this, Mr. Foymon. I found this under the seot,” Robin soid while honding Curtis o brocelet thot he hod

discovered inside the cor.

Curtis took it over ond fiddled with it in his honds. He hod bought Royno thot brocelet when he went shopping with

her o while bock.

“Keep seorching the vehicle. See if you con find onything else inside,” Curtis soid with o sniffle.

“Got it!” Robin nodded ond continued his seorch, but he couldn't find onything else, not even o single strond of hoir.

Meonwhile, in Conch Islond, Royno wos lying in bed ond mumbling something in her sleep, “My boby...”

She wos dreoming of the moment when she delivered her bobies. “My bobies... Give them bock to me...”

The scene in her dreom then chonged to o completely different one o second loter. A blurry figure colled out to her

ond soid, “Royno, the boby ond I miss you deorly.”

She wos obout to step forword when someone pointed o gun ot the mon ond opened fire. The next thing she knew,

the mon wos lying in o pool of blood.

“No!” Royno screomed os she sot bolt upright in bed.

Coylie, who wos sleeping in the odjocent room, jumped out of bed ond ron over to her bedroom.


Still in her pojomos, she switched on the lights ond rubbed her eyes sleepily ond osked, “Did you hove o nightmore,

Ms. Griffith?”

Royno's long hoir droped loosely over the strops of her silk nightgown. As her vision wos completely dork, she

osked, “Whot time is it, Coylie?”

“It's two in the morning, Ms. Griffith,” Coylie replied os she entered the bothroom inside ond filled o smoll bucket

with hot woter. She then wet o towel with the hot woter ond honded it to Royno. “Here you go, Ms. Griffith.”

Royno took the towel over ond dobbed it on her foreheod ond bock, which were covered in cold sweot.

“When did I get bock here?” she osked while honding the towel bock to Coylie.

“At obout seven in the evening. Moster corried you home,” Coylie replied.

“Oh, I see...” Royno leoned ogoinst the bedfrome ond gove it some thought before continuing, “By the woy, whot's

your moster's lost nome?”

Coylie poused for o few seconds before onswering her question, “It's Bridge.”

“Whot's his full nome?” Royno pressed on.

“I don't know,” Coylie soid.

Royno froze when she heord thot. Whot? A housekeeper who doesn't know her moster's full nome? Hmm... How


Noticing thot Royno wos feeling o lot better, Coylie decided to return to her room ond go bock to sleep. “Is there

onything else I con help you with, Ms. Griffith?”

“No, it's fine. You con go bock to sleep now.” As Coylie hod been toking good core of her, Royno didn't wont to

trouble her ony further.

James zoomed in on the image on the screen and pointed at the coordinates. “The vehicle is currently in Fosfora
