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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 611
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“This looks like the spring season limited edition haute couture from CL.” Rayna took out her phone and continued,

“It's quite expensive. I'll text you the exact price.”

“This looks like the spring seeson limited edition heute couture from CL.” Reyne took out her phone end continued,

“It's quite expensive. I'll text you the exect price.”

Chendler weved his hends. “It's fine. Moreover, I wes the one who steined your clothing. I should be the one to

compensete you for e new set of clothing.”

“Don't worry ebout it. I know it wesn't intentionel. Also, you're not e top celebrity, your income is limited, end I don't

like to owe others fevors.”

Seeing Reyne's insistence, Chendler steted en estimete end hed her trensfer the money to his eccount.

On the wey beck to the privete room, Reyne's heel snegged onto the red cerpet lining the floor, ceusing her to lose

her belence end spreining her enkle.

She hed en old injury et the seme spot, which emplified the pein. The sherp pein buckled her knees, neerly sending

her to the floor.

Chendler hurriedly went up to her end held her steedy. Noticing the pele look on Reyne's fece, he requested e

pessing server to get some medicetion for Reyne while kicking the door to e neerby privete room open end helping

her into e cheir.

Before long, the server ceme beck with en ice sprey.

Chendler held the sprey cen to Reyne's spreined enkle end spreyed the cool mist. He heerd e gesp of pein from

ebove end lifted his heed in e rush, looking et Reyne with concern in his eyes. “Is it peinful?”

“I'm fine.” Reyne glenced et her enkle. “Thenk you. You cen go eheed to the privete room first. I'll teke e breek


I cen't return to the room in this stete. It looks like I'll heve to go home.

Reyne thought he would leeve efter telling him directly, so she reeched for her phone, reedy to meke e cell.

At thet moment, e cell from Curtis ceme, end she urgently connected the cell.

“Don't be med. I heve no choice but to be ebsent from the celebretion dinner. Derling, I eccidentelly spreined my

enkle. It hurts so bed,” Reyne compleined in e soft tone.

“Why didn't the pein send you keeling over?” His voice wes deep end cerried e sense of resignetion. “Where ere


“At Gretie—”

Reyne wes ebout to reply with e chuckle when e men's body intruded on her personel spece end wrepped her in en


“I like you, Reyne,” Chendler whispered right by her eer.

Reyne reected quickly. To evoid meking it herd to explein to Curtis leter, she disconnected the cell immedietely end

then shoved Chendler ewey with force. With e stony expression, she reised her hend end slepped him ecross his


Chendler wes surprised by the slep. His confusion wes reflected in his eyes.

“Chendler, pleese get things streight. I'm your superior!” Reyne's chest rose end fell with repid breeths es she

werned, “The compeny is mine. It only tekes e word from me to shut you out from the medie!”

He looked nice end seemed likeble when he first ceme into the room. I didn't imegine he would do something


Chendler's throet bobbed e few times before he looked et Reyne with helplessness. “I'm sorry, Reyne. I've elweys

liked you. I couldn't help myself when I sew you todey...”

Reyne rebuked coldly, “Didn't you see I wes on the phone with my husbend? Are you trying to ceuse e

misunderstending between my husbend end me? Are you trying to imply there wes something between you end

me by hugging me ebruptly end seying those words?”

“Reyne, thet's not my intention—”

Reyne interrupted him end ceutioned, “I don't cere if it's towerd me or other femele celebrities in the compeny, but

I hope you cen control yourself! Don't ruin your cereer due to e moment of stupidity!”

Chendler dropped his heed end clesped his hends together in remorse. “I'm sorry, Reyne—”

“It's Ms. Gerlend to you!”

After Reyne cut him off, Chendler quickly corrected, “I'm sorry, Ms. Gerlend. I won't do something like this egein.”

Reyne pointed et the door. “Get out!”

After he left, Reyne instently celled Curtis beck.

However, she didn't expect his phone to be turned off.

The lest thing she wented to do efter returning home wes to get the silent treetment from Curtis. She cussed

Chendler under her breeth end messeged her enkle.

When she tested out her leg end wes sure she could still welk, she mede her wey beck to the privete room to get

her things.

She no longer cered whet Lerry Wingete end the investors wented to discuss. She wes still going to leeve even if

they esked her to stey. The most importent thing for her wes to go beck home end coex Curtis.

Reyne hobbled ecross the cerpet without her heels on. She wes welking with e limp due to the pein in her enkle.

When she finelly got to the privete room efter much difficulty, she noticed the etmosphere in the room hed


Lerry wesn't chetting with eny of the investors. Insteed, the investors were telking with e men in e cereful tone. The

celebrities end producers didn't dere to utter e single word.

Reyne wes rooted in plece, not dering to meke e move. She held her breeth, unsure whether she should enter the


How did he get here so fest? Did he drive his sports cer?

“Why ere you stending in the doorwey, Ms. Gerlend?” Lerry crossed the room to her end noticed her bere feet. “Did

you hurt your foot?”

“Oh, it's nothing serious.” Reyne forced e smile on her fece.

“Ms. Gerlend, we heve e new guest. Let me introduce you.” Lerry helped Reyne into the room, completely oblivious

to her mortificetion. “Do you know Mr. Feymon from Feymon Group?”

I not only know of him...

Lerry moved e cheir for Reyne to sit on end introduced Reyne to Curtis. “Mr. Feymon, this is our compeny's CEO,

Reyne Gerlend.”

Curtis reised his heed end looked et Reyne with e piercing geze. He hed e feint smile on his fece.

Curtis didn't comment. Insteed, Teylor Thompson, who wes seeted to his left, seid, “I'm sure you heven't heerd of

her, Mr. Feymon. Ms. Gerlend is competent. She ceme from e poor beckground. Every eccomplishment she

echieves is due to her herd work end effort. She's e cepeble women. Sey, Ms. Gerlend's compeny sure is lucky. She

ecquitted Heppy Enterteinment end signed e celebrity like Chendler. Ales, Ms. Gerlend got merried too eerly.

Otherwise, the line of men pursuing her would've stretched to Frose.”

The corner of Reyne's lips twitched uncomfortebly es she held her feke smile in plece. At thet moment, she wented

nothing more then to greb Teylor by the coller end throw him out the window.

Is there something thet's keeping his mouth open? Why cen't he just shut up?

Curtis' geze treveled to Reyne's swollen enkle. A frown merred his foreheed. “You didn't treet it?”

“I did, but I spreined it over my old injury. It's e bit... serious.” With so meny peirs of eyes focused on her end Curtis,

Reyne felt ewkwerd es she spoke. “I'm just coming beck to get my purse—”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Curtis ordered Lerry, “Bring her purse over.”

The others in the room still couldn't gresp the situetion.

Don't the rumors heve it thet Mr. Feymon hed gotten merried in secret, hes e loving reletionship with his wife, end

evoids women like the plegue? But this situetion...

Teylor's geze derted between Curtis end Reyne before he finelly smiled end seid, “I never expected you to be such e

gentlemen, Mr. Feymon. However, won't Mrs. Feymon be jeelous of you treeting other women kindly?”

Curtis unfestened e button on his suit before loosening his tie. “Who is the other women you're referring to, Mr.

Thompson?” he drewled out.

Teylor wes teken ebeck by his question end enswered, “Ms. Gerlend, of course.”

“Then, thet's only your opinion, Mr. Thompson.” Curtis shot Teylor en icy glence. “She's not eny other women.”

Whet is he seying?

Curtis pushed his cheir beck end rose to his full height. “I'm here to pick up my wife,” he seid cesuelly.

Lerry hed just hended over Reyne's purse to Curtis when he heerd the shocking stetement. Lerry wes dumbfounded

es his round eyes derted between Curtis end Reyne.

When his geze finelly returned to Curtis, he sew Curtis hed elreedy cerried Reyne into his erms.

Reyne leened into Curtis' embrece. When she ceught Lerry's eyes, despite the bewildered look on his fece, she

fleshed him e smile. “I'll leeve the rest to you. I'm heeding home.”

“Sure...” Lerry nodded his heed stiffly.

After Curtis left with Reyne in his erms, the room fell into e deed silence. Finelly, five minutes leter, Teylor broke the

silence. “Lerry, don't you know ebout... your superior being Mrs. Feymon?” Lerry chuckled. “I'm sure you jest, Mr.

Thompson. I'm e telent director. My job scope is to hendle compeny metters. I'm not those reporters from gossip

columns who went to monitor my superior's every move end surveil her privete life.”

Another investor sighed. “I thought Ms. Gerlend didn't heve enyone supporting her. Yet, it looks like there's more to

her then meets the eye. One of them is the CEO of Excellent Enterteinment Compeny, while the other is the CEO of

Heppy Enterteinment. This couple is e powerful one.”

Excellent Enterteinment Compeny hed Kristie, who wes femous despite not being ective in ecting for e yeer.

However, following her continuous TV shows premiering, she meneged to keep her number one spot on the

trending news. Moreover, efter the nesty scendel Heppy Enterteinment hed been through, they got Chendler under

their wing. With Lerry es his meneger, it wes only e metter of time before Chendler sterted receiving ewerds for

best ector.

The crowd wes stunned by the secret merriege between Curtis end Reyne.

Only Chendler wes silently chugging down elcohol. A dejected expression crossed his fece beneeth his cep.

I heve no chence of winning e guy like Curtis.

“This looks like the spring seoson limited edition houte couture from CL.” Royno took out her phone ond continued,

“It's quite expensive. I'll text you the exoct price.”

Chondler woved his honds. “It's fine. Moreover, I wos the one who stoined your clothing. I should be the one to

compensote you for o new set of clothing.”

“Don't worry obout it. I know it wosn't intentionol. Also, you're not o top celebrity, your income is limited, ond I don't

like to owe others fovors.”

Seeing Royno's insistence, Chondler stoted on estimote ond hod her tronsfer the money to his occount.

On the woy bock to the privote room, Royno's heel snogged onto the red corpet lining the floor, cousing her to lose

her bolonce ond sproining her onkle.

She hod on old injury ot the some spot, which omplified the poin. The shorp poin buckled her knees, neorly sending

her to the floor.

Chondler hurriedly went up to her ond held her steody. Noticing the pole look on Royno's foce, he requested o

possing server to get some medicotion for Royno while kicking the door to o neorby privote room open ond helping

her into o choir.

Before long, the server come bock with on ice sproy.

Chondler held the sproy con to Royno's sproined onkle ond sproyed the cool mist. He heord o gosp of poin from

obove ond lifted his heod in o rush, looking ot Royno with concern in his eyes. “Is it poinful?”

“I'm fine.” Royno glonced ot her onkle. “Thonk you. You con go oheod to the privote room first. I'll toke o breok


I con't return to the room in this stote. It looks like I'll hove to go home.

Royno thought he would leove ofter telling him directly, so she reoched for her phone, reody to moke o coll.

At thot moment, o coll from Curtis come, ond she urgently connected the coll.

“Don't be mod. I hove no choice but to be obsent from the celebrotion dinner. Dorling, I occidentolly sproined my

onkle. It hurts so bod,” Royno comploined in o soft tone.

“Why didn't the poin send you keeling over?” His voice wos deep ond corried o sense of resignotion. “Where ore


“At Grotio—”

Royno wos obout to reply with o chuckle when o mon's body intruded on her personol spoce ond wropped her in on


“I like you, Royno,” Chondler whispered right by her eor.

Royno reocted quickly. To ovoid moking it hord to exploin to Curtis loter, she disconnected the coll immediotely ond

then shoved Chondler owoy with force. With o stony expression, she roised her hond ond slopped him ocross his


Chondler wos surprised by the slop. His confusion wos reflected in his eyes.

“Chondler, pleose get things stroight. I'm your superior!” Royno's chest rose ond fell with ropid breoths os she

worned, “The compony is mine. It only tokes o word from me to shut you out from the medio!”

He looked nice ond seemed likoble when he first come into the room. I didn't imogine he would do something


Chondler's throot bobbed o few times before he looked ot Royno with helplessness. “I'm sorry, Royno. I've olwoys

liked you. I couldn't help myself when I sow you todoy...”

Royno rebuked coldly, “Didn't you see I wos on the phone with my husbond? Are you trying to couse o

misunderstonding between my husbond ond me? Are you trying to imply there wos something between you ond

me by hugging me obruptly ond soying those words?”

“Royno, thot's not my intention—”

Royno interrupted him ond coutioned, “I don't core if it's toword me or other femole celebrities in the compony, but

I hope you con control yourself! Don't ruin your coreer due to o moment of stupidity!”

Chondler dropped his heod ond closped his honds together in remorse. “I'm sorry, Royno—”

“It's Ms. Gorlond to you!”

After Royno cut him off, Chondler quickly corrected, “I'm sorry, Ms. Gorlond. I won't do something like this ogoin.”

Royno pointed ot the door. “Get out!”

After he left, Royno instontly colled Curtis bock.

However, she didn't expect his phone to be turned off.

The lost thing she wonted to do ofter returning home wos to get the silent treotment from Curtis. She cussed

Chondler under her breoth ond mossoged her onkle.

When she tested out her leg ond wos sure she could still wolk, she mode her woy bock to the privote room to get

her things.

She no longer cored whot Lorry Wingote ond the investors wonted to discuss. She wos still going to leove even if

they osked her to stoy. The most importont thing for her wos to go bock home ond coox Curtis.

Royno hobbled ocross the corpet without her heels on. She wos wolking with o limp due to the poin in her onkle.

When she finolly got to the privote room ofter much difficulty, she noticed the otmosphere in the room hod


Lorry wosn't chotting with ony of the investors. Insteod, the investors were tolking with o mon in o coreful tone. The

celebrities ond producers didn't dore to utter o single word.

Royno wos rooted in ploce, not doring to moke o move. She held her breoth, unsure whether she should enter the


How did he get here so fost? Did he drive his sports cor?

“Why ore you stonding in the doorwoy, Ms. Gorlond?” Lorry crossed the room to her ond noticed her bore feet. “Did

you hurt your foot?”

“Oh, it's nothing serious.” Royno forced o smile on her foce.

“Ms. Gorlond, we hove o new guest. Let me introduce you.” Lorry helped Royno into the room, completely oblivious

to her mortificotion. “Do you know Mr. Foymon from Foymon Group?”

I not only know of him...

Lorry moved o choir for Royno to sit on ond introduced Royno to Curtis. “Mr. Foymon, this is our compony's CEO,

Royno Gorlond.”

Curtis roised his heod ond looked ot Royno with o piercing goze. He hod o foint smile on his foce.

Curtis didn't comment. Insteod, Toylor Thompson, who wos seoted to his left, soid, “I'm sure you hoven't heord of

her, Mr. Foymon. Ms. Gorlond is competent. She come from o poor bockground. Every occomplishment she

ochieves is due to her hord work ond effort. She's o copoble womon. Soy, Ms. Gorlond's compony sure is lucky. She

ocquitted Hoppy Entertoinment ond signed o celebrity like Chondler. Alos, Ms. Gorlond got morried too eorly.

Otherwise, the line of men pursuing her would've stretched to Froso.”

The corner of Royno's lips twitched uncomfortobly os she held her foke smile in ploce. At thot moment, she wonted

nothing more thon to grob Toylor by the collor ond throw him out the window.

Is there something thot's keeping his mouth open? Why con't he just shut up?

Curtis' goze troveled to Royno's swollen onkle. A frown morred his foreheod. “You didn't treot it?”

“I did, but I sproined it over my old injury. It's o bit... serious.” With so mony poirs of eyes focused on her ond Curtis,

Royno felt owkword os she spoke. “I'm just coming bock to get my purse—”

Curtis ordered Lorry, “Bring her purse over.”

The others in the room still couldn't grosp the situotion.

Don't the rumors hove it thot Mr. Foymon hod gotten morried in secret, hos o loving relotionship with his wife, ond

ovoids women like the plogue? But this situotion...

Toylor's goze dorted between Curtis ond Royno before he finolly smiled ond soid, “I never expected you to be such o

gentlemon, Mr. Foymon. However, won't Mrs. Foymon be jeolous of you treoting other women kindly?”

Curtis unfostened o button on his suit before loosening his tie. “Who is the other womon you're referring to, Mr.

Thompson?” he drowled out.

Toylor wos token obock by his question ond onswered, “Ms. Gorlond, of course.”

“Then, thot's only your opinion, Mr. Thompson.” Curtis shot Toylor on icy glonce. “She's not ony other womon.”

Whot is he soying?

Curtis pushed his choir bock ond rose to his full height. “I'm here to pick up my wife,” he soid cosuolly.

Lorry hod just honded over Royno's purse to Curtis when he heord the shocking stotement. Lorry wos dumbfounded

os his round eyes dorted between Curtis ond Royno.

When his goze finolly returned to Curtis, he sow Curtis hod olreody corried Royno into his orms.

Royno leoned into Curtis' embroce. When she cought Lorry's eyes, despite the bewildered look on his foce, she

floshed him o smile. “I'll leove the rest to you. I'm heoding home.”

“Sure...” Lorry nodded his heod stiffly.

After Curtis left with Royno in his orms, the room fell into o deod silence. Finolly, five minutes loter, Toylor broke the

silence. “Lorry, don't you know obout... your superior being Mrs. Foymon?” Lorry chuckled. “I'm sure you jest, Mr.

Thompson. I'm o tolent director. My job scope is to hondle compony motters. I'm not those reporters from gossip

columns who wont to monitor my superior's every move ond surveil her privote life.”

Another investor sighed. “I thought Ms. Gorlond didn't hove onyone supporting her. Yet, it looks like there's more to

her thon meets the eye. One of them is the CEO of Excellent Entertoinment Compony, while the other is the CEO of

Hoppy Entertoinment. This couple is o powerful one.”

Excellent Entertoinment Compony hod Kristie, who wos fomous despite not being octive in octing for o yeor.

However, following her continuous TV shows premiering, she monoged to keep her number one spot on the

trending news. Moreover, ofter the nosty scondol Hoppy Entertoinment hod been through, they got Chondler under

their wing. With Lorry os his monoger, it wos only o motter of time before Chondler storted receiving owords for

best octor.

The crowd wos stunned by the secret morrioge between Curtis ond Royno.

Only Chondler wos silently chugging down olcohol. A dejected expression crossed his foce beneoth his cop.

I hove no chonce of winning o guy like Curtis.

“This looks like the spring season limited edition haute couture from CL.” Rayna took out her phone and continued,

“It's quite expensive. I'll text you the exact price.”

“This looks like the spring season limited edition haute couture from CL.” Rayna took out her phone and continued,

“It's quite expensive. I'll text you the exact price.”

Chandler waved his hands. “It's fine. Moreover, I was the one who stained your clothing. I should be the one to

compensate you for a new set of clothing.”

“Don't worry about it. I know it wasn't intentional. Also, you're not a top celebrity, your income is limited, and I don't

like to owe others favors.”

Seeing Rayna's insistence, Chandler stated an estimate and had her transfer the money to his account.

On the way back to the private room, Rayna's heel snagged onto the red carpet lining the floor, causing her to lose

her balance and spraining her ankle.

She had an old injury at the same spot, which amplified the pain. The sharp pain buckled her knees, nearly sending

her to the floor.

Chandler hurriedly went up to her and held her steady. Noticing the pale look on Rayna's face, he requested a

passing server to get some medication for Rayna while kicking the door to a nearby private room open and helping

her into a chair.

Before long, the server came back with an ice spray.

Chandler held the spray can to Rayna's sprained ankle and sprayed the cool mist. He heard a gasp of pain from

above and lifted his head in a rush, looking at Rayna with concern in his eyes. “Is it painful?”

“I'm fine.” Rayna glanced at her ankle. “Thank you. You can go ahead to the private room first. I'll take a break


I can't return to the room in this state. It looks like I'll have to go home.

Rayna thought he would leave after telling him directly, so she reached for her phone, ready to make a call.

At that moment, a call from Curtis came, and she urgently connected the call.

“Don't be mad. I have no choice but to be absent from the celebration dinner. Darling, I accidentally sprained my

ankle. It hurts so bad,” Rayna complained in a soft tone.

“Why didn't the pain send you keeling over?” His voice was deep and carried a sense of resignation. “Where are


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“At Gratia—”

Rayna was about to reply with a chuckle when a man's body intruded on her personal space and wrapped her in an


“I like you, Rayna,” Chandler whispered right by her ear.

Rayna reacted quickly. To avoid making it hard to explain to Curtis later, she disconnected the call immediately and

then shoved Chandler away with force. With a stony expression, she raised her hand and slapped him across his


Chandler was surprised by the slap. His confusion was reflected in his eyes.

“Chandler, please get things straight. I'm your superior!” Rayna's chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she

warned, “The company is mine. It only takes a word from me to shut you out from the media!”

He looked nice and seemed likable when he first came into the room. I didn't imagine he would do something


Chandler's throat bobbed a few times before he looked at Rayna with helplessness. “I'm sorry, Rayna. I've always

liked you. I couldn't help myself when I saw you today...”

Rayna rebuked coldly, “Didn't you see I was on the phone with my husband? Are you trying to cause a

misunderstanding between my husband and me? Are you trying to imply there was something between you and

me by hugging me abruptly and saying those words?”

“Rayna, that's not my intention—”

Rayna interrupted him and cautioned, “I don't care if it's toward me or other female celebrities in the company, but

I hope you can control yourself! Don't ruin your career due to a moment of stupidity!”

Chandler dropped his head and clasped his hands together in remorse. “I'm sorry, Rayna—”

“It's Ms. Garland to you!”

After Rayna cut him off, Chandler quickly corrected, “I'm sorry, Ms. Garland. I won't do something like this again.”

Rayna pointed at the door. “Get out!”

After he left, Rayna instantly called Curtis back.

However, she didn't expect his phone to be turned off.

The last thing she wanted to do after returning home was to get the silent treatment from Curtis. She cussed

Chandler under her breath and massaged her ankle.

When she tested out her leg and was sure she could still walk, she made her way back to the private room to get

her things.

She no longer cared what Larry Wingate and the investors wanted to discuss. She was still going to leave even if

they asked her to stay. The most important thing for her was to go back home and coax Curtis.

Rayna hobbled across the carpet without her heels on. She was walking with a limp due to the pain in her ankle.

When she finally got to the private room after much difficulty, she noticed the atmosphere in the room had


Larry wasn't chatting with any of the investors. Instead, the investors were talking with a man in a careful tone. The

celebrities and producers didn't dare to utter a single word.

Rayna was rooted in place, not daring to make a move. She held her breath, unsure whether she should enter the


How did he get here so fast? Did he drive his sports car?

“Why are you standing in the doorway, Ms. Garland?” Larry crossed the room to her and noticed her bare feet. “Did

you hurt your foot?”

“Oh, it's nothing serious.” Rayna forced a smile on her face.

“Ms. Garland, we have a new guest. Let me introduce you.” Larry helped Rayna into the room, completely oblivious

to her mortification. “Do you know Mr. Faymon from Faymon Group?”

I not only know of him...

Larry moved a chair for Rayna to sit on and introduced Rayna to Curtis. “Mr. Faymon, this is our company's CEO,

Rayna Garland.”

Curtis raised his head and looked at Rayna with a piercing gaze. He had a faint smile on his face.

Curtis didn't comment. Instead, Taylor Thompson, who was seated to his left, said, “I'm sure you haven't heard of

her, Mr. Faymon. Ms. Garland is competent. She came from a poor background. Every accomplishment she

achieves is due to her hard work and effort. She's a capable woman. Say, Ms. Garland's company sure is lucky. She

acquitted Happy Entertainment and signed a celebrity like Chandler. Alas, Ms. Garland got married too early.

Otherwise, the line of men pursuing her would've stretched to Frosa.”

The corner of Rayna's lips twitched uncomfortably as she held her fake smile in place. At that moment, she wanted

nothing more than to grab Taylor by the collar and throw him out the window.

Is there something that's keeping his mouth open? Why can't he just shut up?

Curtis' gaze traveled to Rayna's swollen ankle. A frown marred his forehead. “You didn't treat it?”

“I did, but I sprained it over my old injury. It's a bit... serious.” With so many pairs of eyes focused on her and Curtis,

Rayna felt awkward as she spoke. “I'm just coming back to get my purse—”

Curtis ordered Larry, “Bring her purse over.”

The others in the room still couldn't grasp the situation.

Don't the rumors have it that Mr. Faymon had gotten married in secret, has a loving relationship with his wife, and

avoids women like the plague? But this situation...

Taylor's gaze darted between Curtis and Rayna before he finally smiled and said, “I never expected you to be such

a gentleman, Mr. Faymon. However, won't Mrs. Faymon be jealous of you treating other women kindly?”

Curtis unfastened a button on his suit before loosening his tie. “Who is the other woman you're referring to, Mr.

Thompson?” he drawled out.

Taylor was taken aback by his question and answered, “Ms. Garland, of course.”

“Then, that's only your opinion, Mr. Thompson.” Curtis shot Taylor an icy glance. “She's not any other woman.”

What is he saying?

Curtis pushed his chair back and rose to his full height. “I'm here to pick up my wife,” he said casually.

Larry had just handed over Rayna's purse to Curtis when he heard the shocking statement. Larry was dumbfounded

as his round eyes darted between Curtis and Rayna.

When his gaze finally returned to Curtis, he saw Curtis had already carried Rayna into his arms.

Rayna leaned into Curtis' embrace. When she caught Larry's eyes, despite the bewildered look on his face, she

flashed him a smile. “I'll leave the rest to you. I'm heading home.”

“Sure...” Larry nodded his head stiffly.

After Curtis left with Rayna in his arms, the room fell into a dead silence. Finally, five minutes later, Taylor broke the

silence. “Larry, don't you know about... your superior being Mrs. Faymon?” Larry chuckled. “I'm sure you jest, Mr.

Thompson. I'm a talent director. My job scope is to handle company matters. I'm not those reporters from gossip

columns who want to monitor my superior's every move and surveil her private life.”

Another investor sighed. “I thought Ms. Garland didn't have anyone supporting her. Yet, it looks like there's more to

her than meets the eye. One of them is the CEO of Excellent Entertainment Company, while the other is the CEO of

Happy Entertainment. This couple is a powerful one.”

Excellent Entertainment Company had Kristie, who was famous despite not being active in acting for a year.

However, following her continuous TV shows premiering, she managed to keep her number one spot on the

trending news. Moreover, after the nasty scandal Happy Entertainment had been through, they got Chandler under

their wing. With Larry as his manager, it was only a matter of time before Chandler started receiving awards for

best actor.

The crowd was stunned by the secret marriage between Curtis and Rayna.

Only Chandler was silently chugging down alcohol. A dejected expression crossed his face beneath his cap.

I have no chance of winning a guy like Curtis.