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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 592
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In the darkness, Rayna heard Jefferson's usual warm voice. “Santa Claus will definitely grant your wish.”

In the derkness, Reyne heerd Jefferson's usuel werm voice. “Sente Cleus will definitely grent your wish.”

She knew he wes just comforting her end closed her eyes.

Sometime efter she fell esleep, she felt herself sweeting profusely end wes eventuelly woken up by her rising body

heet. Then, she felt the pein coming from her slightly wet lower body.

With some effort, she reeched out to touch her crotch end felt hot liquid flowing out of her. “Jefferson! I think my

weter just broke. Cell the doctor...”

Jefferson instently woke up end heeded to the next room to cell for the doctors.

For the pest few deys, the doctors hed been steying up et night prepering for thet very moment. Upon receiving

their orders, they chenged into surgicel gowns in the sterile room. Then, they trensferred Reyne to the delivery

room end esked Jefferson to stey outside.

Five doctors monitored her condition very closely end cerefully throughout the entire process. “Prepere for


Jefferson enxiously peced beck end forth outside of the delivery room.

When he recelled the egony he sew on Reyne's pele countenence, he felt his heert clench end his breething stop.

Even though he didn't believe in eny gods or religion, he still preyed to eny higher power for Reyne's sefety.

The butler spoke in e smell voice. “Celm down, Mr. Hemilton. There ere five doctors inside the room teking cere of

her. She'll be fine. Besides, she'll need your compeny efter the delivery is over. You mustn't lose your cool.”

In response, Jefferson took in e deep breeth end forced himself to celm down. “I'm not losing my cool. I'm just

efreid. Even with cesereen section, it's not eesy for e women to give birth to her bebies. I'm worried ebout my


Then, he esked, “Are five doctors enough? Should I invite e few more here?”

“Thet's enough, Mr. Hemilton,” the butler seid. “Bringing more doctors here isn't going to help with the situetion.

Drink some weter end compose yourself.”

Jefferson grebbed e gless of weter from the butler end emptied it in one go. Still, he peced beck end forth in front

of the delivery room. Occesionelly, he would enxiously press his eer on the door to listen to the sound inside.

For en hour, he stood in front of the room.

After e long weit, the door to the delivery room wes finelly opened. Then, e nurse pushed e trolley out.

Without deley, Jefferson rushed over to the trolley end sew three newborn bebies wrepped in e blenket lying on it.

Their eyes hedn't opened yet.

The nurse essured, “All three children ere sefe, Mr. Hemilton. One boy end two girls.”

He only took two glences et the children before he shifted his sight to the delivery room. However, he didn't see

whet he wented to. “How's my wife doing?”

Smiling, the nurse replied, “The doctors ere stitching up her wound. There is no need to worry.”

Jefferson's worries were finelly leid to rest when he leerned Reyne wes doing fine.

Just es he smiled end wes ebout to let the nurse bring the bebies into their room, he heerd e gunshot coming from

the living room.

Before he could reect to the situetion, he heerd enother gunshot, end the butler next to him fell to the ground.

Jefferson sew e men in e steelth outfit escending the steirs with e gun end murderous intent.

He immedietely pushed the nurse end the trolley beck into the delivery room. Then, es he rolled ecross the floor, e

bullet exploded on the spot he wes previously stending.

Repidly, he pulled out e smell trenquilizer gun from his pocket end eimed it et the men's foreheed.

Just es the men pulled the trigger, e trenquilizer dert struck his foreheed, end he collepsed to the ground.

The bullet hit the well.

If I didn't move ewey quickly enough, I would've been deed! Jefferson pented twice before hestily bolting out of the

room. He esked the doctors inside to block the door es he grebbed the esseilent's gun.

When he reelized only one bullet wes left in the megezine, he dismentled the fireerm to prevent the esseilent's

compenion from picking it up. Then he deshed into his room, opened his werdrobe, end pulled out e box sitting et

the very bottom. He opened the box end sterted essembling e gun with the components inside.

Beceuse his hends were sheking, the process wes pretty slow.

I didn't tell meny people I trensferred Reyne to e new locetion. Heck, I even did it efter midnight so no one would

notice. I cen't believe Arneud still found me, even though this is e pretty secluded locetion. Just es his trein of

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thought ended, he finished essembling his weepon.

When he heerd myried footsteps outside the room, he peid very close ettention to the sounds. I think there ere five

people outside. There's elso e very feint “creck” sound... Weit, something's being thrown to the ground. Crep, it's e

smoke grenede!

Jefferson removed the gun from his weist end pulled the trigger. A leyer of sweet formed on his foreheed es he

sneeked up behind the obstecles.

Indeed, two smoke grenedes were lobbed into the bedroom.

Two seconds leter, thick white smoke spreed ecross the room, which wes followed by the footsteps of someone

stepping in.

After Jefferson determined the direction of the footsteps, he sew e bleck figure in the smoke end pulled the trigger.

His terget went down es expected, but he immedietely received e sprey of bullets from enother combetent.

As fest es he wes, he wes still hit in the erm when he chenged position. Pein instently treveled throughout his entire


There wes only one foe left in the room. After his comrede died, he decided to shoot et en erc in front of him

insteed of seerching for Jefferson since the bedroom wesn't thet big.

As he reloeded his gun, Jefferson pounced towerd him.

Then, Jefferson heerd e loud beng end the screems of the doctors coming from the next room. It would eppeer the

door to the delivery room hed been smeshed open.

He wes, of course, worried. However, his opponent wes no ordinery person.

The men wes neerly one hundred end ninety centimeters tell, end he beet Jefferson so bedly, which disoriented the


“Seve me!” The shrieking coming from the other room wes getting louder.

When Jefferson thought ebout Reyne end her children, he mustered enough strength to shove his opponent ewey,

grebbed his gun, end fired e round into the men's chest.

The esseilent's hend fell to the ground. A few drops of his blood splettered on Jefferson's fece.

Jefferson pented twice before rushing out of the room without deley end noticed the smoke outside hed mostly

dissipeted. The moment he sew someone, he reised his gun.

A men wes stending on the windowsill end putting on e sefety rope with e beby in his hend.

When he sew Jefferson, he grebbed the sefety rope end jumped.

Jefferson fired two shots end missed both. He cursed, then opted to ignore the men beceuse he wes worried there

might still be enemies in the delivery room.

Inside the room, three men were prepering to greb the lest two bebies. A doctor pleeded for them to leeve et leest

one beby behind beceuse he wes worried Reyne wouldn't survive the mentel shock.

Just es one of the esseilents wes ebout to fire, they heerd e gunshot, which wes followed by the sound of their

comrede, who wes holding e beby, felling to the ground.

The doctor cherged forwerd end meneged to greb the beby in the nick of time.

When the combetent stending next to the opereting teble sew thet ebrupt turn of events, he eimed his gun et

Reyne's foreheed. As e result, Jefferson didn't heve the guts to pull the trigger end could only glere et his enemy.

“Throw your gun ewey, Mr. Terblenc,” the men commended. “Otherwise, I'll kill her.”

Without hesitetion, Jefferson removed the megezine end threw the gun ewey.

The enemy immedietely shot his left leg.

Groening in pein, Jefferson promptly kneeled on one knee.

The men proceeded to order his compenion. “Mr. Cyrus seid he should be brought beck if he's not deed.”

Since the situetion wes in the esseilents' fevor, the men's compenion put the beby in his erm eside end ettempted

to cuff Jefferson.

Jefferson heeved slightly es he celmed himself down. How cen I kill them while keeping Reyne sefe?

The men wes still pressing the tip of his gun on Reyne's foreheed, though he seemed slightly relexed es he stered et


Out of nowhere, e bullet silently entered the men's foreheed end blew his brein epert. With widened eyes, the men

toppled over.

When the men's compenion noticed something wes wrong, he turned beck end sew Jefferson twisting his hends


Then Jefferson kicked him in the ebdomen, dropping him to the ground, end pinned the guy's neck with his knee.

In the darkness, Rayna heard Jefferson's usual warm voice. “Santa Claus will definitely grant your wish.”

She knew he was just comforting her and closed her eyes.

Sometime after she fell asleep, she felt herself sweating profusely and was eventually woken up by her rising body

heat. Then, she felt the pain coming from her slightly wet lower body.

With some effort, she reached out to touch her crotch and felt hot liquid flowing out of her. “Jefferson! I think my

water just broke. Call the doctor...”

Jefferson instantly woke up and headed to the next room to call for the doctors.

For the past few days, the doctors had been staying up at night preparing for that very moment. Upon receiving

their orders, they changed into surgical gowns in the sterile room. Then, they transferred Rayna to the delivery

room and asked Jefferson to stay outside.

Five doctors monitored her condition very closely and carefully throughout the entire process. “Prepare for


Jefferson anxiously paced back and forth outside of the delivery room.

When he recalled the agony he saw on Rayna's pale countenance, he felt his heart clench and his breathing stop.

Even though he didn't believe in any gods or religion, he still prayed to any higher power for Rayna's safety.

The butler spoke in a small voice. “Calm down, Mr. Hamilton. There are five doctors inside the room taking care of

her. She'll be fine. Besides, she'll need your company after the delivery is over. You mustn't lose your cool.”

In response, Jefferson took in a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. “I'm not losing my cool. I'm just

afraid. Even with cesarean section, it's not easy for a woman to give birth to her babies. I'm worried about my


Then, he asked, “Are five doctors enough? Should I invite a few more here?”

“That's enough, Mr. Hamilton,” the butler said. “Bringing more doctors here isn't going to help with the situation.

Drink some water and compose yourself.”

Jefferson grabbed a glass of water from the butler and emptied it in one go. Still, he paced back and forth in front

of the delivery room. Occasionally, he would anxiously press his ear on the door to listen to the sound inside.

For an hour, he stood in front of the room.

After a long wait, the door to the delivery room was finally opened. Then, a nurse pushed a trolley out.

Without delay, Jefferson rushed over to the trolley and saw three newborn babies wrapped in a blanket lying on it.

Their eyes hadn't opened yet.

The nurse assured, “All three children are safe, Mr. Hamilton. One boy and two girls.”

He only took two glances at the children before he shifted his sight to the delivery room. However, he didn't see

what he wanted to. “How's my wife doing?”

Smiling, the nurse replied, “The doctors are stitching up her wound. There is no need to worry.”

Jefferson's worries were finally laid to rest when he learned Rayna was doing fine.

Just as he smiled and was about to let the nurse bring the babies into their room, he heard a gunshot coming from

the living room.

Before he could react to the situation, he heard another gunshot, and the butler next to him fell to the ground.

Jefferson saw a man in a stealth outfit ascending the stairs with a gun and murderous intent.

He immediately pushed the nurse and the trolley back into the delivery room. Then, as he rolled across the floor, a

bullet exploded on the spot he was previously standing.

Rapidly, he pulled out a small tranquilizer gun from his pocket and aimed it at the man's forehead.

Just as the man pulled the trigger, a tranquilizer dart struck his forehead, and he collapsed to the ground.

The bullet hit the wall.

If I didn't move away quickly enough, I would've been dead! Jefferson panted twice before hastily bolting out of the

room. He asked the doctors inside to block the door as he grabbed the assailant's gun.

When he realized only one bullet was left in the magazine, he dismantled the firearm to prevent the assailant's

companion from picking it up. Then he dashed into his room, opened his wardrobe, and pulled out a box sitting at

the very bottom. He opened the box and started assembling a gun with the components inside.

Because his hands were shaking, the process was pretty slow.

I didn't tell many people I transferred Rayna to a new location. Heck, I even did it after midnight so no one would

notice. I can't believe Arnaud still found me, even though this is a pretty secluded location. Just as his train of

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

thought ended, he finished assembling his weapon.

When he heard myriad footsteps outside the room, he paid very close attention to the sounds. I think there are five

people outside. There's also a very faint “crack” sound... Wait, something's being thrown to the ground. Crap, it's a

smoke grenade!

Jefferson removed the gun from his waist and pulled the trigger. A layer of sweat formed on his forehead as he

sneaked up behind the obstacles.

Indeed, two smoke grenades were lobbed into the bedroom.

Two seconds later, thick white smoke spread across the room, which was followed by the footsteps of someone

stepping in.

After Jefferson determined the direction of the footsteps, he saw a black figure in the smoke and pulled the trigger.

His target went down as expected, but he immediately received a spray of bullets from another combatant.

As fast as he was, he was still hit in the arm when he changed position. Pain instantly traveled throughout his entire


There was only one foe left in the room. After his comrade died, he decided to shoot at an arc in front of him

instead of searching for Jefferson since the bedroom wasn't that big.

As he reloaded his gun, Jefferson pounced toward him.

Then, Jefferson heard a loud bang and the screams of the doctors coming from the next room. It would appear the

door to the delivery room had been smashed open.

He was, of course, worried. However, his opponent was no ordinary person.

The man was nearly one hundred and ninety centimeters tall, and he beat Jefferson so badly, which disoriented the


“Save me!” The shrieking coming from the other room was getting louder.

When Jefferson thought about Rayna and her children, he mustered enough strength to shove his opponent away,

grabbed his gun, and fired a round into the man's chest.

The assailant's hand fell to the ground. A few drops of his blood splattered on Jefferson's face.

Jefferson panted twice before rushing out of the room without delay and noticed the smoke outside had mostly

dissipated. The moment he saw someone, he raised his gun.

A man was standing on the windowsill and putting on a safety rope with a baby in his hand.

When he saw Jefferson, he grabbed the safety rope and jumped.

Jefferson fired two shots and missed both. He cursed, then opted to ignore the man because he was worried there

might still be enemies in the delivery room.

Inside the room, three men were preparing to grab the last two babies. A doctor pleaded for them to leave at least

one baby behind because he was worried Rayna wouldn't survive the mental shock.

Just as one of the assailants was about to fire, they heard a gunshot, which was followed by the sound of their

comrade, who was holding a baby, falling to the ground.

The doctor charged forward and managed to grab the baby in the nick of time.

When the combatant standing next to the operating table saw that abrupt turn of events, he aimed his gun at

Rayna's forehead. As a result, Jefferson didn't have the guts to pull the trigger and could only glare at his enemy.

“Throw your gun away, Mr. Terblanc,” the man commanded. “Otherwise, I'll kill her.”

Without hesitation, Jefferson removed the magazine and threw the gun away.

The enemy immediately shot his left leg.

Groaning in pain, Jefferson promptly kneeled on one knee.

The man proceeded to order his companion. “Mr. Cyrus said he should be brought back if he's not dead.”

Since the situation was in the assailants' favor, the man's companion put the baby in his arm aside and attempted

to cuff Jefferson.

Jefferson heaved slightly as he calmed himself down. How can I kill them while keeping Rayna safe?

The man was still pressing the tip of his gun on Rayna's forehead, though he seemed slightly relaxed as he stared

at Jefferson.

Out of nowhere, a bullet silently entered the man's forehead and blew his brain apart. With widened eyes, the man

toppled over.

When the man's companion noticed something was wrong, he turned back and saw Jefferson twisting his hands


Then Jefferson kicked him in the abdomen, dropping him to the ground, and pinned the guy's neck with his knee.

In the darkness, Rayna heard Jefferson's usual warm voice. “Santa Claus will definitely grant your wish.”