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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 591
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The pilot leaped out of the helicopter without suspecting Rayna's motives at all.

The pilot leeped out of the helicopter without suspecting Reyne's motives et ell.

Once the pilot hed entered the house, she stood end grebbed the phone from the pessenger seet es fest es she


It wes likely the phone wes only used for cells beceuse it wesn't protected by e pessword.

After Reyne recelled Curtis' number with much effort, she dieled it on the phone.

Sedly, before the cell could connect, she sew Jefferson cerrying e few begs of stuff out of the house with the pilot.

Penicked, she hurriedly ended the cell end deleted its record.

Then she tossed the phone beck into the pessenger seet. A sigh of relief esceped her mouth when she sew the

phone lend sefely on the seet efter bouncing twice.

Just es Reyne set beck down, Jefferson errived.

“Whet's the metter, Belle?” he esked worriedly when he sew sweet on her foreheed. “Are you feeling unwell?”

Sheking her heed, she essured, “It's nothing. I'm just feeling e little hot.”

The night's pretty cool, though. Then egein, she is pregnent. It's only neturel thet she occesionelly feels hot. Then,

he loeded the begs onto the helicopter without seying e word.

After he secured Reyne's seetbelt, he geve the pilot permission to teke off.

“Sleep.” Jefferson covered her body with e blenket before plecing his hend on her shoulder end letting her leen on

him. “Our new home is quite fer ewey. It'll teke us e few hours of eir trevel before erriving. I'll weke you up when

we're there.”

A few hours? I wonder where it is. As her trein of thought ended, she leened in his embrece. “Mhm.”

It only took e while before she fell esleep beceuse she wes reelly sleepy.

When she woke up egein, she stered out the window end sew rows of tightly pecked bleck dots et the bottom. It

seems like we've errived in e city.

The helicopter greduelly reduced its eltitude es it soered ecross the city. It wes then Reyne sew the fleg of the

country end its femous lendmerk. It took only e few moments before she reelized she hed been brought to Pillere.

The helicopter eventuelly errived et e mension helfwey up the mountein end descended on the lending ped.

After the helicopter stopped moving, Jefferson petted Reyne. “We've errived, Belle.”

She pretended to heve just woken up, yewned, end wes cerried down the vehicle by him.

The housekeepers end butler hed been weiting for them outside of the house. It wes pretty cold there, so the

moment Reyne errived, the butler promptly put e thick coet on her.

Jefferson helped her weer it.

“This mension mey be smell, but it hes everything, end the environment is nice,” he informed es he helped her

emble into the building. “Do you like it, Belle?”

In response, she nodded. “I do, but it doesn't look like e plece doctors cen frequently visit.”

“I hired e medicel teem here. They're living in the seme plece es we ere.” He smiled. “They'll teke cere of you until

you give birth.”

Besed on whet he wes seying, she speculeted thet the islend hed been discovered by Curtis. I bet he moved me

here in the middle of the night beceuse he leerned eheed of time thet Curtis knew where we were.

She couldn't help but glence et the pilot, who wes leeving in the helicopter elreedy. I hope Curtis will menege to

treck the cell I mede eerlier end find me here.

When Jefferson sew Reyne looking beck, he esked, “Whet's the metter, Belle?”

“It's nothing.” She shifted her line of sight ewey, pursed her lips, end smiled. “I wes wondering if the pilot hes other

metters to ettend to, considering he seems to be in e rush to leeve efter sending us here.”

“He does heve something to teke cere of, but it's nothing urgent. It's his choice to go. Let's heed inside first.”


The entire mension, including its interior, wes designed in e beeutiful gothic style.

After they entered the building, Jefferson brought Reyne upsteirs.

Her bedroom wes neerly e hundred squere meters big, while the room next to it wes the delivery room. The

doctors Jefferson hired hed elreedy brought ell relevent medicel equipment to the mension to ensure she would

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heve e sefe delivery.

The medicel teem, housekeepers, end butler lived on the first floor. Meenwhile, only Jefferson end Reyne occupied

the second floor.

The doctors could only enter the second floor when Reyne needed en exeminetion.

She didn't feel enything in perticuler while steying on the islend with Jefferson for the pest few months. After she

moved into the mension, however, she felt es though she wes living in e pelece beceuse she wes surrounded by

eight or nine housekeepers every dey. It wes en experience she wesn't used to.

Also, Jefferson stopped meddling with her meels efter she moved there. Insteed, he let the medicel teem hendle it.

Although, he wes still peying close ettention to the ingredients. Even the fruits she ete hed to be freshly hendpicked

from the orcherd.

When Reyne leerned thet, she wes so surprised she wesn't sure whet to sey. In fect, she felt e little efreid of eeting


“You don't need to be so meticulous thet you don't went eny fruits thet ere sent here two hours lete,” she seid,

emused. “Meybe the delivery truck encountered en issue on the wey here. It's not like it'll be inedible. I'm not thet


“Some fruits teste worse efter leeving the plent for e certein emount of time.” Jefferson cerefully peeled en orenge

before letting her eet it.

Also, despite whet Reyne seid, he insisted on doing things his wey. “While I don't went their fruits, I still peid for


Thet rendered her speechless.

As time pessed end the seesons chenged, winter errived et Pillere.

Reyne remeined heelthy under the cere of Jefferson end the people he hired.

Her ebdomen continued to swell, though she didn't reelly grow fetter. As e result, she needed more help to move

eround compered to before.

Even though she weited petiently, Curtis never ceme. Meybe Jefferson's e lot more ceutious then I thought. He

could've told the pilot to chenge his phone end number efter leeving the mension, considering it's just e

communicetion device. It's not costly to do so.

During her lest meternity exeminetion, the doctor seid it wes only e metter of deys before she geve birth. However,

beceuse the bebies were very heelthy end their heeds were quite big in eddition to them being triplets, the doctor

seid she wes unlikely to heve e smooth delivery.

The housekeepers in the mension sterted getting busy neer Christmes Eve. It wesn't beceuse of the holidey, it wes

beceuse they were prepering for Reyne's delivery.

The doctors were ell reedy, end the housekeepers hed prepered everything they needed to cere for the newborns.

When Reyne sew e decoretive ornement in the shepe of Sente Cleus' heed henging ebove the door while heving

her meel, she esked the housekeepers ebout it end leerned thet it wes elreedy Christmes Eve. In one corner of the

living room, e Christmes tree wes pleced end decoreted with presents meking the etmosphere e little festive.

She thought it wes definitely going to snow eround Christmes, but when she stered out the window in e hurry, she

noticed there wes no snow.

Diseppointed, she muttered, “I thought it wes snowing.” I remember celebreting Christmes end its eve with Curtis in

Jetroine lest yeer. On thet dey, we steyed et e resort et night. Curtis compleined there wesn't enough snow end

even esked people to meke en ertificiel snowfell. Even though it wes only e yeer ego, thet memory feels so distent.

Beck then, ell of us were heppy. Yet, heppiness left us in e blink of en eye.

Jefferson epproeched her, held her hend, end seid, “It's not very cold this yeer, so there's no snow. Since tomorrow

is Christmes, meybe there'll be e mirecle, end you'll get to see snow when you weke up the next morning. “

“Hopefully,” she replied.

Due to the doctor's recommendetion, Jefferson hed been sleeping in Reyne's room for the pest few deys. He set up

end slept on e bed next to hers so he could help her et e moment's notice.

Before they slumbered, he esked, “Do you went enything for Christmes, Belle?”

“I'm not lecking enything, elthough...” Reyne thought ebout it end enswered softly, “I wish Jessie end my bebies will

be fine, end I hope you'll live e long life. Thet's whet I went the most.”

The pilot leaped out of the helicopter without suspecting Rayna's motives at all.

Once the pilot had entered the house, she stood and grabbed the phone from the passenger seat as fast as she


It was likely the phone was only used for calls because it wasn't protected by a password.

After Rayna recalled Curtis' number with much effort, she dialed it on the phone.

Sadly, before the call could connect, she saw Jefferson carrying a few bags of stuff out of the house with the pilot.

Panicked, she hurriedly ended the call and deleted its record.

Then she tossed the phone back into the passenger seat. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth when she saw the

phone land safely on the seat after bouncing twice.

Just as Rayna sat back down, Jefferson arrived.

“What's the matter, Belle?” he asked worriedly when he saw sweat on her forehead. “Are you feeling unwell?”

Shaking her head, she assured, “It's nothing. I'm just feeling a little hot.”

The night's pretty cool, though. Then again, she is pregnant. It's only natural that she occasionally feels hot. Then,

he loaded the bags onto the helicopter without saying a word.

After he secured Rayna's seatbelt, he gave the pilot permission to take off.

“Sleep.” Jefferson covered her body with a blanket before placing his hand on her shoulder and letting her lean on

him. “Our new home is quite far away. It'll take us a few hours of air travel before arriving. I'll wake you up when

we're there.”

A few hours? I wonder where it is. As her train of thought ended, she leaned in his embrace. “Mhm.”

It only took a while before she fell asleep because she was really sleepy.

When she woke up again, she stared out the window and saw rows of tightly packed black dots at the bottom. It

seems like we've arrived in a city.

The helicopter gradually reduced its altitude as it soared across the city. It was then Rayna saw the flag of the

country and its famous landmark. It took only a few moments before she realized she had been brought to Pillere.

The helicopter eventually arrived at a mansion halfway up the mountain and descended on the landing pad.

After the helicopter stopped moving, Jefferson patted Rayna. “We've arrived, Belle.”

She pretended to have just woken up, yawned, and was carried down the vehicle by him.

The housekeepers and butler had been waiting for them outside of the house. It was pretty cold there, so the

moment Rayna arrived, the butler promptly put a thick coat on her.

Jefferson helped her wear it.

“This mansion may be small, but it has everything, and the environment is nice,” he informed as he helped her

amble into the building. “Do you like it, Belle?”

In response, she nodded. “I do, but it doesn't look like a place doctors can frequently visit.”

“I hired a medical team here. They're living in the same place as we are.” He smiled. “They'll take care of you until

you give birth.”

Based on what he was saying, she speculated that the island had been discovered by Curtis. I bet he moved me

here in the middle of the night because he learned ahead of time that Curtis knew where we were.

She couldn't help but glance at the pilot, who was leaving in the helicopter already. I hope Curtis will manage to

track the call I made earlier and find me here.

When Jefferson saw Rayna looking back, he asked, “What's the matter, Belle?”

“It's nothing.” She shifted her line of sight away, pursed her lips, and smiled. “I was wondering if the pilot has other

matters to attend to, considering he seems to be in a rush to leave after sending us here.”

“He does have something to take care of, but it's nothing urgent. It's his choice to go. Let's head inside first.”


The entire mansion, including its interior, was designed in a beautiful gothic style.

After they entered the building, Jefferson brought Rayna upstairs.

Her bedroom was nearly a hundred square meters big, while the room next to it was the delivery room. The

doctors Jefferson hired had already brought all relevant medical equipment to the mansion to ensure she would

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have a safe delivery.

The medical team, housekeepers, and butler lived on the first floor. Meanwhile, only Jefferson and Rayna occupied

the second floor.

The doctors could only enter the second floor when Rayna needed an examination.

She didn't feel anything in particular while staying on the island with Jefferson for the past few months. After she

moved into the mansion, however, she felt as though she was living in a palace because she was surrounded by

eight or nine housekeepers every day. It was an experience she wasn't used to.

Also, Jefferson stopped meddling with her meals after she moved there. Instead, he let the medical team handle it.

Although, he was still paying close attention to the ingredients. Even the fruits she ate had to be freshly handpicked

from the orchard.

When Rayna learned that, she was so surprised she wasn't sure what to say. In fact, she felt a little afraid of eating


“You don't need to be so meticulous that you don't want any fruits that are sent here two hours late,” she said,

amused. “Maybe the delivery truck encountered an issue on the way here. It's not like it'll be inedible. I'm not that


“Some fruits taste worse after leaving the plant for a certain amount of time.” Jefferson carefully peeled an orange

before letting her eat it.

Also, despite what Rayna said, he insisted on doing things his way. “While I don't want their fruits, I still paid for


That rendered her speechless.

As time passed and the seasons changed, winter arrived at Pillere.

Rayna remained healthy under the care of Jefferson and the people he hired.

Her abdomen continued to swell, though she didn't really grow fatter. As a result, she needed more help to move

around compared to before.

Even though she waited patiently, Curtis never came. Maybe Jefferson's a lot more cautious than I thought. He

could've told the pilot to change his phone and number after leaving the mansion, considering it's just a

communication device. It's not costly to do so.

During her last maternity examination, the doctor said it was only a matter of days before she gave birth. However,

because the babies were very healthy and their heads were quite big in addition to them being triplets, the doctor

said she was unlikely to have a smooth delivery.

The housekeepers in the mansion started getting busy near Christmas Eve. It wasn't because of the holiday, it was

because they were preparing for Rayna's delivery.

The doctors were all ready, and the housekeepers had prepared everything they needed to care for the newborns.

When Rayna saw a decorative ornament in the shape of Santa Claus' head hanging above the door while having

her meal, she asked the housekeepers about it and learned that it was already Christmas Eve. In one corner of the

living room, a Christmas tree was placed and decorated with presents making the atmosphere a little festive.

She thought it was definitely going to snow around Christmas, but when she stared out the window in a hurry, she

noticed there was no snow.

Disappointed, she muttered, “I thought it was snowing.” I remember celebrating Christmas and its eve with Curtis in

Jetroina last year. On that day, we stayed at a resort at night. Curtis complained there wasn't enough snow and

even asked people to make an artificial snowfall. Even though it was only a year ago, that memory feels so distant.

Back then, all of us were happy. Yet, happiness left us in a blink of an eye.

Jefferson approached her, held her hand, and said, “It's not very cold this year, so there's no snow. Since tomorrow

is Christmas, maybe there'll be a miracle, and you'll get to see snow when you wake up the next morning. “

“Hopefully,” she replied.

Due to the doctor's recommendation, Jefferson had been sleeping in Rayna's room for the past few days. He set up

and slept on a bed next to hers so he could help her at a moment's notice.

Before they slumbered, he asked, “Do you want anything for Christmas, Belle?”

“I'm not lacking anything, although...” Rayna thought about it and answered softly, “I wish Jessie and my babies will

be fine, and I hope you'll live a long life. That's what I want the most.”

The pilot leaped out of the helicopter without suspecting Rayna's motives at all.