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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 309
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“Don’t be have With the Nathonsai Invest A you really dont wat ge osse Nea
Sarah sare becily said, Youre scapade,
“It seems like you have a good teadvusegata (No
Grace idly let go of her hand, I SLANKA, NO NOG
rushed upstairs, bicced ne deccay, and covered
handcuts on Sarah and red to take Second)
Sarah struggled desperately, N She d at Grace with hatred. Grace ShowUCCÈ
up to her I’m loving them did edg
The intense hatted was unabashedly displayed
her words Grace remained slent and who lai pilkova Nokta *****
the JC officers
She surveyed the room once move, and may, in the drugs & NGANAGA whh she won c album. On opening it, there was a poete
i stade hou AAN
She stared solemnly at the phets at the suding At that similar teddig velg baking Neck G again
From the first time she saw Ava, she telt something was out about this gul the wax oxy since Ava knew about bet past D
Now that she’s thinking about it, it seems that Away ted to you thou relationship to het
What tricks was this gut playing with

When Grace left the Grammer family valla Sarah had alwady been taken away
Euro and Fatima talked to a man with his back toward het, seemingly phad my aww* even appeared distressed, cryin
Grace calmly walked over, looking at the military figure that resembled Nick
Adam heard the footsteps and turned to look at her. A faint smile appeared in his amber phoenix eyes. “Miss Smith, do you
remember me?”

His brows and eyes resemble Nick’s. When he smiled, his amber phoenix eyes were even sharper than the latter’s.
“Hello. Adam.” Grace politely smiled in response. “You’re now the Knight family’s person in power. Who wouldn’t know your
Adam. ranked second in the Knight family, and also second in command of the National Investigation Bureau, second only to
As Adam looked at her, he felt sentimental and reached out to touch her head, saying. “You used to enjoy playing with the Fourth
Young Master of the Knight family in the past. It’s been a few years. and you’ve grown even more beautiful.”
Grace took a step back in order to avoid his hand.
“I’m sorry, but I have a jealous flance at home. He wouldn’t be happy if he knew another man touched my head.”
“It’s really enviable, the relationship between the two of you.”
Adam withdrew his hand and smiled kindly, not feeling awkward. “It’s been a long time since I last saw the Eder. He hasn’t
returned to the National Investigation Bureau either. I wonder if he’s been well recently?”
Grace squinted her eyes slightly, scrutinizing the hidden probe in his words.
Working together at the National Investigation Bureau. Eder’s condition was known to all the brothers. But Adam seemed
completely unaware?
Grace spoke casually: “Of course he’s doing well. He’s always been strong and rarely falls ill, unlike.

“Then, Miss Smith, take care of yourself and convey my regards to the Eder.”
The two exchanged pleasantries for a while. Their conversation was interrupted by a tearful Fatima.
*Adam, our Sarah is still young and naive; that’s why she made those mistakes. She was previously diagnosed with mental
illness. Adam, please help her!”
Adam smiled and reassured her, “Aunt, don’t worry. The National Investigation Bureau never wronged anyone. During the
investigation, she won’t be mistreated.”
With nothing else to do, Grace turned her head to leave.
Adrian suddenly came out of the villa. Because the injuries inflicted by Eric hadn’t fully healed yet, he could only support himself
on the doorframe and call out to her from a distance.
“Grace! Are you really going to target the Grammer family along with Eder? Since we’ve known each other since childhood, can’t
you spare Sarah?”

In the garden, all eyes turned towards Grace because of his words.
Grace paused but didn’t turn around. Her voice carried a hint of coldness. “Adrain, the punishment she’s about to face is what
she deserves. It’s also the consequence of your Grammer family’s indulgence and tolerance since childhood.”
She took two steps forward, seemingly realizing something, and looked at Adam. “If Sarali really has a inental illness, she should
be sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment instead of using it as an excuse for her to escape punishment. What do you think,
Adam smiled and said, “That’s certainly the case.”
“Oh, my unfortunate daughter...” Fatima nearly choked on her words. She would have fallen if Euro hadn’t supported her.
Grace was too lazy to pay attention to the hypocritical behavior of this family and left in a carefree manner. Just as she got into
the car, preparing to return home, her phone rang.
It was Mark calling.

“Miss Smith, after repeated testing, this blue–colored medicine has been confirmed to be safe. If the Eder takes the injection, it
will effectively alleviate the symptoms of his viral–induced degenerative disorder and angina, even causing them to subside.”
Grace was delighted. “That’s great! I’ll come over in a bit.”
After hanging up the phone, she first returned to the Golden Castle residence. Eder was still wearing a thick robe and lazily
sitting on the sofa, reading a book.
As soon as Grace returned, she happily cupped his face and showered him with kisses. “Big brother Eder, change your clothes
and come with me.”
“Where are we going?
Grace smiled mysteriously. “You’ll know when we get there!”
Seeing her enthusiasm, Eder didn’t ask any further questions. He immediately went upstairs to change his outfit, allowing her to
hold his hand and lead him out.
The two of them arrived together at the laboratory.
Looking at the blue liquid in Mark’s syringe. Eder’s expression became serious. “Is this what you traded Nick for in exchange for
his freedom?”
Grace nodded and gently caressed his face, speaking cheerfully. “Dr. Mark has tested it multiple times. The medicine is safe,
and once you take the injection, it will revitalize you. Big Brother Eder!”
A smile spread across Eric’s face and echoed, “Torget about the degenerative disorder and all that. My Lord will always be the
most powerful man!”
Their playful banter created a lively atmosphere in the laboratory.
Amidst this lively atmosphere, Eder stared intently at the blue medicine, his gaze deep and his tone resolute. “I won’t take it,
Mark. Take it away.”