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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

Amber froze in shock.

She couldn’t understand why Kevan had transformed in a split second from being. caring and

concerned about her wellbeing to being distant, arrogant, and


“But–but why?” Her eyes filled with tears and her voice quivered.

However, at that moment, the only thing Kevan had eyes for was the gradually disappearing car in the

distance. He did not hear Amber’s question at all, nor did he realize that Dylan’s car had stopped

beside him.

It wasn’t until a horn blared shrilly that he was pulled out of his trance. Pulling open the back door, he

boarded the car, leaving Amber standing alone indignantly.

Dylan eyed the coat on Amber and teased, “That coat has to cost at least tens of thousands, right? And

you gave it away without even giving it a second thought? Mr. Rogers, if you’re so rich, how about you

increase my year–end bonuses just a tiny bit more.”

Kevan’s brows remained knitted as he brushed away the nonexistent dirt on his arms. “Dirty. So dirty.”

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His tone was filled with disgust.

Dylan clicked his tongue and remarked jokingly, “From now on, if I see any article of clothing of yours

that suits my taste, I’ll just come over and touch them a few times.”

Kevan sneered coldly. “I’d rather throw them in the garbage bin downstairs than give them to you.”

Dylan sneered at him in response. “If you’re so smart, don’t you come to me for information next time!”

Kevan’s expression froze.

He rubbed his nose and looked out of the window uncomfortably. Then, in a low voice, he said, “If

there’s any piece of my clothes that you want, just tell me. I’ll buy you a new one.”

Dylan almost burst out laughing. It was fortunate that he managed to stop the car in time.

This was the first time since he had met Kevan that he had come out victorious in their exchanges.

He had already decided to hold on tight to Larissa as his bounty from there onward and never let go.

“Speaking of which, you had the security guard let that mistress in right in front of Larissa. You even

gave her your own coat. Aren’t you afraid of Larissa

misunderstanding your intentions?” Dylan asked in concern as he recalled the

incident earlier.

The two of them recognized Larissa’s car almost immediately. Kevan had only gone down himself to

investigate because of that.

Was he afraid of Larissa misunderstanding his intentions?

Kevan pursued his lips. “No,” he spat.

What he was really afraid of…was her not even sparing him a single glance.

Larissa witnessed all that Kevan had done–helping Amber out and giving her his coat to keep her


Her chest felt tight.

She was well aware that despite that one absurd night she’d had with Kevan, they were nothing more

than casual acquaintances.

What Kevan did, the friends he made, and to whom he showed kindness to were his own decisions and

were independent of how she felt or what she thought about them.

Larissa collapsed on the couch and gulped down half a cup of warm milk. Her previously tense nerves

from her encounter with Amber finally relaxed.

She glanced at the time. It was past 9 pm now.

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Usually, if Travis had no project deadlines he was rushing to meet, he would’ve gotten off work by this


Larissa called him again. This time was different from the last few times she had called–his phone was

switched off.

Larissa thought something felt off about the entire situation.

Travis was the head of the technology department at the security company he worked in, and the

company’s system relied entirely on their continuous development and maintenance. In order to

prevent the system from crashing suddenly, Travis‘ phone had always been switched on 24 hours a

day so that he

could promptly troubleshoot and repair any problem that may arise without affecting the normal affairs

of the company.

Larissa recalled Amber’s crazy appearance just now-

Perhaps something had indeed happened.

Still, it shouldn’t have anything to do with her, or else Travis would have called her a long time ago.

Toward midnight, when Larissa was sleeping, she heard the blaring of sirens downstairs.

She had never been able to differentiate between the sirens of police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks.

Worried that the building might be on fire, she quickly got out of bed.