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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38: His possession

Avery opened the door

“What are you doing Avery!” Grey asked suddenly as Avery got down from the car.

Avery turned to look at him

Chris asked me out on a date. That’s where I’m off to.”

Grey felt a slight stab of annoyance. “We are married, Avery,” he reminded quickly. “You are not

supposed to go out with any man. You are mine already,” he muttered thickly.

Avery laughed, ‘Are you kidding me? You didn’t pay my dowry. You didn’t marry me, Grey. I married


* Heck, ‘Grey cursed.” It doesn’t matter. We are now a couple. You are not supposed to look at any

other man,” he stressed He may not love Avery but he feels like he owns her. They were married for

crying out loud. While Grey was trying to protect that, Avery was behaving as she liked.

Grey had not slept with any girls ever since he got married to Avery even though Avery didn’t let him

touch her. He had been forcing himself to look away because he was married. Was he the only one

liable in the marriage?

“See, Grey,” she started. “We shouldn’t be deceiving ourselves. What we had was nothing Do I have a

ring on my finger? No, I don’t,’ she raised her hands for him to see.

* Fuck Avery! I can buy you a ning if you want to,” he announced

Avery regarded him for a moment and burst into laughter. ‘Seriously? Where? Where are you getting

the money from? You got fired, remember?” She teased,

Chris moved closer Hi Avery, are you ready?” He smiled at Avery

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Grey felt a switch in his head at the smile Chris was giving Avery. Chris was playing with his wife and it

was annoying him,

“Heyl Dumbass! Do you know that she’s my wife?” Grey said quickly, with imitation.

Chris looked at him.” No, she’s not. She doesn’t have a ring and her mother said she’s single and


What! My mom said that?” Avery couldn’t stop the astonishment that flashed across her face,

“You better stay away. She’s my wife!”Grey acknowledged

Your mom is just worried about you. I mean she wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you, would

she?” Chris brought it up and Avery nodded

She looked over at Grey again.” You can take my car home. I will come over to the house when we are

done,” with that she turned to Chris. “Let’s go.”

“No! Avery!” Grey yelled after her ” i will buy you a ring if you want! I will buy you_,” he stopped after

Avery got inside the car

Chris turned towards him and winked.

Grey felt a rush of anger. He felt like getting out of the car to punch Chris Why wouldn’t he accept that

Avery was his? Grey was the first man that slept with her. He was the first to marry her. Chris was late

in everything. He should learn to accept it.

Angrily, he hit the car and watched Chris drive away.

After his anger had cooled off, he headed home. He was hungry but he didn’t know if Emma would


him to eal. So, he ordered some pizza.

Grey walked inside the house. Emma was on the chair, fuming. Something seemed to have angered


“Greetings mother,” he greeted politely.

The dirty look that Emma gave him told him that Emma was actually angry at him. If looks could kill,

Grey would be dead already

Benjamin wasn’t in the living room but Grey had to wait for the pizza guy or he might die of starvation

before the next day. So, he moved to sit in front of the eagle’s eyes.

Emma was watching her with such intensity that was making Grey very uncomfortable. On second

thought, he thought of going inside the room.

“So, it’s true. Right?” Emma questioned suddenly.

Grey looked up at her. “What is true?” He was confused.

“That you got fired by Alfred.”

Grey sighed. Were they going to crucify him for losing the post of an office manager?

“I’m sorry. Though I’ve applied for a job opportunity at another company, It’s likely I will see the result

today,” he explained.

Emma scoffed. You must be kidding me. Alfred fired you and you think you can get another job?” Her

voice went higher than normal.

Grey sighed and looked away as he didn’t know what to say

“I knew you would get on Alfred’s toes. You are just an idiot orphan that thought he could leeched out

on Alfred. Alfred saw through this and fired you immediately,” she explained,

No, that’s not it,” Grey replied quickly.

Then what is it? What had really happened? You got a job and you can even keep it. How fit are you for

a husband? How do you take care of my daughter?” The heat emanating from Emma could get eggs.

“I can take care of her. I just need you to trust me,” he assured.

Emma huffed.” What a lie! Anyways, I don’t need to disturb myself too much. My daughter’s husband is

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Chris,” she announced.

“I’m Avery’s husband,” Grey corrected softly. We are married, you have to accept that and stop telling

men that she’s single and searching,” Grey was angry but he still talked calmly.

Emma found herself laughing for a few minutes. “To me, you are not Avery’s husband and you will

never be. You are fit to be her driver and not her husband,”

Grey regarded Emma for a moment.” I promised to make you accept me and I’m still going to prove to

you that I am the best son-in-law you can ever have,” he promised.

A smile curved up at Emma’s lips. “By getting fired? What more do you need to prove to me? That you

are nothing but a useless and worthless orphan?”

Grey felt a stab of annoyance. His parents were actually dead. His mother died the moment he came

into the world. He wasn’t even opportune to see her. Only pictures of her were what Grey grew up to

know. And his father was killed when he was just fifteen. Was it fair for Emma to insult him with

something so relevant?

“Will you please stop talking about my parents? I’m the one who’s married. You sincerely don’t need to

talk about them,” despite how angry he was, he still managed to reply to her as calmly as he could.

Emma scoffed. Anyways, my daughter is no longer single. She’s going to be fully married soon.”

Grey raised skeptical brows at her. “What do you mean?”

Emma smiled. “Avery is spending the night with Chris.”

“What !” Grey yelled, unable to control his emotion. What do you mean? She’s married! She’s mine!

Why would she spend the night with Chris?” His voice was deep and vivid with emotions. Emma stood

up. Well, be ready to leave this house. When my daughter is pregnant with Chris’s child, the divorce

papers will be signed.”

Grey rose.” That can’t happen! Chris has no right to sleep with my wife. She’s my wife!” He expressed

strongly as Emma walked inside, not interested in exchanging more words with him

Grey felt the blade in his heart switch and a headache set in dangerously. The only thing he could think

of was to stop Chris from sleeping with Avery. But how?