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Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife by Lil’ Bamboo

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40

“Dad, you miss Mira too, don’t you?” asked Jenny. “When I saw Serenity Lewis that day, she did not

look remorseful about Mira’s death at all.”

“Enough. Stop speaking of that woman,” said Quinton.

The sound of footsteps made them turn around. They saw Jackson Valor walking down the stairs.

“You want to see me?” Jackson asked indifferently as he eyed the two people in front of him.

When Jackson’s icy gaze swept past her, Jenny felt her body stiffen. This was the man her sister was

madly in love with back in the days!

Jenny still remembered her sister Mira once telling her with a dreamy face, “Jenny, I once thought that

I’d never be able to make a man like Jackson Valor mine. He’s too cold, too rational. Even if you hold

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him, you can’t feel his warmth. He’s like a delicate and beautiful porcelain; you can see his surface, but

never his inside.”

Jenny felt the same way about Jackson Valor. Every time she saw him, she felt that she could never tell

what’s on his mind.

Therefore, even though Jackson Valor was extremely handsome and was the CEO of the Valor Group,

Jenny never had any intention of dating him.

He was simply too scary, too cold.

Even though Mira loved Jackson Valor wholeheartedly and even managed to convince him to marry

her, Jenny felt that Jackson Valor never actually loved her sister.

At her sister’s funeral, Jackson did not shed a single tear. He did not look sad at all.

“Jack, Jenny is young and naive, so she often makes mistakes. I already gave her a talking–to. I hope

you can attend the engagement party. Jenny is Mira’s only sister. I believe Mira would have wanted you

to attend Jenny’s engagement party too,” said Quinton with an earnest look.

Jackson looked at Quinton with a strange smile. Quinton instantly felt like his throat had gone dry. He

could not say another word.

Quinton had been involved in the business world for many years, but now, in front of a man who almost

became his son–in- law, he felt pressured, as if the man could see through his thoughts and plans.

“She’s young and naive indeed. She didn’t even lose any ring, but even if she did, so what? It’s not

important enough to make such a big fuss about it. You raised such a good daughter, Quinton,” said

Jackson with a faint smile.

Quinton forced a smile in return.

Jenny’s face was flushed red. She was a young lady from the Hall family and a famous celebrity.

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People treated her with respect wherever she went. She had never been mocked like this before.

But the person who was mocking her right now was jackson Valor. She could only endure it!

“I can go to the engagement party.” Jackson slowly stood up and said, “But since your daughter likes to

look for things so much, then maybe she can help me look for something first.”


Quinton and Jenny looked at Jackson in confusion.

Jackson walked to the side of the living room and pulled open the glass door. There was a man–made

pond outside the door. He threw a ring he was playing with into the pond and told Quinton indifferently,

“If your daughter can find the ring, I’ll attend the engagement party.”

The two Halls were dumbfounded.

They had to look for a tiny ring… in a pond?! He’s gotta be kidding!