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New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 120 Leon Was Discovered?!
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Leon took note of the events and information that he deemed useful from the journal. Most of the cases recorded display the same symptom and same outcome - death.

But in this memoirs he managed to gather one big clue, the being called Birsha!

According to the last priest of Solany, he was the source of the curses, also he seems to be mortal yet not mortal.

To be a bonafied immortal, one has to live forever with no conditions nor consequences. But according to this journal, in order for him to continue to live, he has to have a vessel to use, if not, he would most likely disappear.

He had already read through the three memoirs and estimated that it was already late in the afternoon, checking his notification papers, it seems like the rest also didn't go home yet.

He still had time.

He was about to scan through the other books to know the clues about Birsha, but shook his head after realizing that all the other books were written prior to the time the Priest of Solany revealed this information.

Also, the succeeding journals mentioned that they had attempted to investigate his identity until the matter slowly died down in vain through the years.

In short, there was no more information about the being called Birsha, at least in the restricted section.

His crystal blue eyes frowned in unwillingness.

Now that he had found an important clue, his leads were blocked. With the remaining time, it was impossible for him to research in the open section of the library.

'It seems like I have to leave this task to Mort and Julian.'

Letting out a sigh, he summoned Biggie once again and swam through the walls, to the library exit.

Returning to the small store room, where he could hear Julian munching his snacks happily, he knocked at the dilapidated door according to their agreed rhythm.

"Master! You're back! Are you hungry? I have some food here!" Julian breathed a big sigh of relief after seeing Leon well and good.

He immediately turned into a fawning little lad afterwards and led Leon inside to eat for a while.

Looking at the fiery orange sky and dimming surroundings, Leon gently shook his head and said, "I appreciate your offer, but your future Madame is waiting for me to come home. She especially cooked the dinner for me and I am looking forward to it."

While he was saying this, the raging ocean in his crystal blue eyes became as calm as the still waters of the river. The corner of his lips curved into a beautiful smile that could make every lady's heart burst in affection.

"P-pardon, master? Am I hearing things wrong?" Julian was scared stiff.

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If not for personally seeing Leon transform in his presence after stepping into the store room, he would suspect that a capable enemy managed to disguise as him and intercepted Leon.

"Your future Madam. My future wife." Leon clarified the matter without a change in his gentle expression.

All their subordinates knew that he hated explaining things twice, but somehow, there was not a hint of annoyance in his tone when he mentioned "Future Madame" twice.

"..." Julian broke.

He was not able to continue chewing, rather he forgot how to chew!

He was just a simple lad earlier, happily eating his carefully prepared sandwiches, until Leon rendered him unable to function as a human with his revelations.

"Oh, I had a son too! He was born just more than a week ago." He proudly added.


The poor sandwich in Julian's hand died without justice on the store room's cold and moldy floor. Poor sandwich didn't get a proper burial!

"I… I see, Master! I am happy! Don't worry much about my reaction right now! It's just so unreal and sudden!" After a few seconds, Julian came back to earth from the shock he just received.

Just a while ago, he was still suspecting that his master had developed weird habits because of this almost thirty years of singleness. But who would have known!

His master had already gotten a wife and he even had a son with her!

Oh, the heaven's didn't shy away from their master and gave him the magical opportunity of a married life!

He was one hundred percent sure that the roaming blades would even organize a meet up to commemorate this day!

Their Master finally found a Madame!

They even have a young master already!

"Oh! What a great day!" Julian's eyes formed two crescent moons as he happily picked up the juice and served his master.

"Master, it is only juice for now, but let me offer you this toast to wish you, our future Madame and young master's happy life!!!"

"Uhn!" Leon didn't mock Julian's gesture, instead he properly received the toast.

After that, Leon immediately changed his clothes, they wrapped everything up about the investigations, identified the next steps to do, and silently went back to the lounge.

But before they reached the building, Julian whispered, "Master, about the matter you have said, could we share it with others?"

"You may, but I forbid you to approach them yet, this is the same for the crimson blades. Your future Madame, is Eli, the riverfort Asani. I am sure that with this information, you know what I meant and what you all need to do."

Leon didn't restrict this information from them, for the Roaming Blades had all taken an oath of absolute loyalty to him.

What he was just worried of was the risk of Eli and Little Han being brought into limelight because of their movements.

Julian nodded with understanding.

As a roaming blade, he had access to information even more than the Crimsons. He and his comrades knew the gravity of Leon's order. He was more than happy that Leon allowed them to know her identity.

It's better not to attract enemies. No matter how excited they were for Leon, they had to grit their teeth and restrain themselves for their master's good.

"Do not worry, after the missions, I would make way for all of you to meet them officially, this is the same with the Crimson Blades." Leon consoled him, by patting his shoulders.

"Understood master.." He replied with a whisper, but his hazel brown eyes were filled with yearning and excitement.

He really looked forward to the day where his master would openly share to the whole empire his little family.

Bidding goodbye, Leon headed back to the lounge and saw that everyone was here except for Emperor Valentin.

"His Majesty, Father Emperor, hasn't come back yet?" He asked Blaze and Olivier in a hushed tone.

"Yes, Your Highness." They replied.

Hearing this, worry appeared in his eyes, as he would be late in his dinner appointment with Eli. How long would his father chat around the temple, did he plan to stay here overnight?

Helpless about it, he could only sit beside his mother and wait in impatience.

After around five minutes, Emperor Valentine came back, with the High Priest beside him.

While exchanging greetings, the high priest took a good look on all of them. Leon found it interesting to witness the High Priest, who had long detached himself on worldy matters, spare the Imperial Family attention for a few seconds.

But afterwards, the High Priest smiled, and recited words of benediction for them. He even had his trusted aide send them off on the way back.

Since it was already dark, they each boarded their own enclosed carriages.

"Blaze and Olivier, please escort Mother for me." He quickly instructed and had the coach man speed off to his palace.

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The two were helpless to see their master rush on the way home, yet they didn't dare to utter a word, lest any outsider hear about the reason why.

They could only exchange a knowing look and proceeded to ensure Queen Tehila's safety on her way back home.

Meanwhile, Eli was currently happy with her work in the kitchen. She prepared a lot of vegetable side dishes and meat.

With the help of Rosea and Ron, they cut the meat into thin slices, ensuring that each slice had a layer of fat and meat distributed. She then divided it into three portions.

The first portion, she seasoned with salt and black pepper. The second one, she seasoned it with a mixture of soy sauce, honey, black pepper and garlic. The third one with sesame oil, salt, brown sugar and ground chilli red peppers.

Moreover, she had the other four blades set up a peculiar outdoor long table; there were three holes in the long table, where a round iron grill was installed with exact fitting.

What else could she be preparing but a Korean Barbeque Feast!

Feeling a little proud of herself for finishing all the preparations, she sat back to her study table after checking the sleeping Little Han.

On her study table, she flipped the pages of the book of knowledge to continue her research about her project while waiting for Leon.


Just as she was about to type a word  for searching, she heard a chime sound and a notification bell appeared on the top right corner of the search bar.

Curious, what could the notification be, she clicked it and read the message.

"An information has been updated on your pinned search - Leon Andrae de Seirende. Click to check the new information out."

Eli's brow raised in curiosity, she didn't know that the book had this feature when she pins a search topic. Eli pinned Leon's information in the book of knowledge during the time she first met Leon.

It actually slipped her mind to take the pin off Leon's information. But who would have known that she would receive an update.

Eli's heart skipped a beat. She became worried about the nature of information that has been updated. She knew that there were classifications of information in the book of knowledge, depending on how many people knew of such.

If this information turned public, it may most likely be a big matter.

If it was private information turned exclusive, or worse public, then it means one of Leon's secrets were brought out in the open!

Mentally preparing herself for whatever the information was, she clicked the notification.

A five-word phrase appeared in blue text in addition to all the registered information about Leon.

"S Class, Open Path Mage."