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Monster Integration (Web Novel)

Chapter 3875: Break
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"I am never going to travel the fucking sea again," said an unknown man as he landed byand laid down on the deck.

My eyes are closed; I had woken up a few minutes ago.

I am on the deck of a ship, sleeping. I didn't even get to my suite. It is a waste of tto see how quickly things could change.

It had been nineteen and half days since we had entered the suppressive zone and there hadn't been a single day where we hadn't been attacked by the horde at least three times.

The number has been increasing past few days; yesterday it was seven and today, we had already been attacked by the horde five times. These hordes are big and far more powerful than the first one we had faced here.

The last one had been an hour and a half ago, and the next one would csoon. I am sure of it.

"Nine hours more and it all would end," said the familiar voice.

I opened my eyes and turned to Audin.

"How are feeling?" I asked.

"Not shit," he said and looked at his hand, which had been badly damaged. It is healed, not fully, but enough to let him fight at his peak.

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The journey had been harder than any of us had imagined. Even the captain is surprised and the likely culprit of that is the tauras whales; the reason we had chere.

They had pushed the monsters into a suppressive zone. Which are now attacking us crazily.

In these three weeks, I had practiced the methods only once. I really wanted to practice, but there was no time. The one time, I had practiced, the horde attacked; I was ten minutes late in joining it and had to listen to quite harsh words from the captain.

Though I may have not had tto practice, I was able to gain an immense fighting experience.

I am now aware of every part of my strength. I could use it more efficiently. I needed it; it had been a while since I had felt simprovement in my fighting style.

There is also the massive data, I had gotten from the Sky Sovereigns.

I had used my seeds, and they providedwith the data on the Sky Sovereigns. There are thousands of them here, and I was able to record them using every bit of their strength against the monsters.

Pushing themselves hard, swere able to go beyond their limit, providingwith invaluable data.

This data will help tremendously. Especially with my inheritance.

It could be said, I had enough of it, that I don't need the combat data anymore. That doesn't mean I won't collect the data further; I will.

There are all types of Sky Sovereigns on the ship, but they are a fraction compared to the wide world and I will keep collecting more and more data. The more, I have, the more it will helpwith inheritance and other projects.

Speaking of inheritance; I am at least making progress in it.

Every day, I would sneak in an hour, which is five hours inside. It is enough forto direct the clones in the direction of the inheritance and look at other projects.

I really miss my lessons; it is because of them; that I was able to progress so fast. In three weeks, there were only three lessons.

I shook my head and focused on the inheritance.

I did well last time, and I hope to maintain the sspeed and I might despite the difficulty and less time, I have after getting off the ship, thanks to the eleventh clone, which I had made right after the breakthrough.

Now, there are seven clones working on the inheritance.

Soon, three hours passed, and I walked out of the library and checked out the other things.

My bees are doing great, a new generation was born yesterday. They are tougher, with slightly bigger honey-sacks. They will help a lot. When I cacross the army of Grimms next time.

Though the Grimms aren't the sole reason for it. An on-off incident like that isn't enough to spark the change.

The biggest factor that caused that is the plants. The Grimms had helpedtake my plants to Sky Sovereigns; there are a lot of plants and since I control the number of bees, each bee needs to carry more nectar from the plants.

So, it is no surprise that they would get bigger sacks.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Speaking of bees, after the new plants, the quality of honey had grown exponentially. A large number of plants have given the bees greater freedom to choose and experiment to create the best honey.

Every day, there would be more bottles of honey added on the shelf.

Except for Sarena and Ven, I hadn't sold the honey to anyone. The risk is big, and I don't want to take it, despite the price people will pay for it.

I don't mind storing the honey. I have everything, I need, and I will sell it, eventually. Till then, I will keep it safe.

I walked out of the honeycomb and turned to the octopus.

It is eating, the special diet my clone had created for it. It is a very expensive diet. I need to use many precious things to make it; the most precious to them all is the metal essence fruits.

The octopus loves them, the smell of it is enough to wake it from its lethargy.

I had fed them to it, which is fair seeing, I had harvested quite a lot of metal from it. All the metal covering his body right now new metal; I had harvested the metal from its body three times already, creating quite a cache of it.

I looked at the data about it for a few minutes, before walking toward the alchemy clone.

It is working on something, which I am crafting for someone here. I heard someone needs these things and is willing to pay a good price.

Since it is difficult enough to craft, I decided to do it. It is good practice and the things I will get in exchange for it will also be great.


I looked at it for a few minutes, before walking toward the clone, practicing healing, when I suddenly stopped.

"The break is over. They have arrived." I said.