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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

As she recorded the call, Audrey controlled her emotions and spoke with composure.

She retorted, “How can you be so shameless to utter such words? My birth mother had a happy family before

she was taken to your town. You didn’t give her clothes, fed her like a pig once a day, and kept her chained in a

cellar, beaten and abused. Her legs were broken.

“You call that kindness? She was abducted at 16, forced to bear children from the age of 17. Any girl she birthed

was killed. After eight children, she died on the operating table with her ninth. Is that your definition of


Audrey’s words enraged Donna, who reflexively tried to destroy Audrey with the most vile and vulgar


“You! You dirty, despicable woman! Going to a place filled where men and women are crammed together into

one room under the guise of studying. Behind closed doors, it's nothing but debauchery and lowly acts. All of you

are nothing but loose women in need!”

Audrey's eyebrows lifted slightly. She raised her voice, “Shesyea University is a top-tier institution. A sacred

place that has nurtured countless talents for our nation. Don’t tarnish its students with your filthy thoughts!”

Donna thought she had hit a nerve and intensified her vile assault.

“Hmph! A prestigious school? The girls from your school have been tangled up with so many men, they're

nothing but spoiled goods. Who knows if they can even bear children in the future!”

“Mom, givethe phone!”

Adam'’s aunt, Tia Yeomans, snatched the phone from Donna. As always, she played the good cop. She said

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calmly, “Audrey, don’t be mad at your grandma. We're still family, after all. Bones may break, but the sinew

remains connected.

“You're 25, unmarried, and spending money on college. Your dad only asked you to get the tuition back for your

own good. That college is just a scam! A young girl should marry early... The better your your contribution to the

family, as he’s the marriage is, the more it helps your brother find a wife. It pillar of the Yeomans family.”

Audrey cut her off.

“Has the Yeomans family ever paid a penny for my education since | was a child? What right do they have to

demand my tuition? I didn’t go to school until | was ten. | faced endless beatings and endless work. At ten, |

escaped with Aunt Anne. You tried to kill me, only sparing my life for the 20 thousand dollars Aunt Anne lent


once. | was in a

She continued, “Did you visitonce after my accident four years ago? Oh, right coma for over a year, and you

heard | was in a vegetative state. You went to the hospital to see if | was dead, plotting to pull my oxygen tube

and extort money from the hospital. And now you call us

Chapter 20


“Ah, foolish child...” Pla sighed.

“Why aren’t you mentioning the 10 thousand dollars we spent to bury your mother? You let her escape, causing

your father’s imprisonment. The 20 thousand dollars to Aunt Anne was compensation!.

“If we hadn't given you away, would you have the life you have now? The money we wanted from the hospital

was retirement money for your dad. Besides, you're fine now, aren't you?”

Tla abruptly changed her tone. She shouted suddenly, “Enough, enough! Let's not talk about this!”

“Audrey, you and your brother have your grandfather's blood. He paid for your education. Now that Adam is of

age to be married, shouldn't your grandfather help him too?”

Chapter at

Tia didn’t wait for Audrey to reply.

She spoke with a nagging tone, “Audrey, please persuade your grandfather. We really don’t want to ruin his

reputation, and yours, by bringing this onto the show. He’s a university professor, isn’t he? Won't his reputation

as an educator be tarnished If this blows up?”

Audrey's face darkened, “What do you want?”

“I heard professors are given houses by the university. Ask your grandfather to transfer a house to your brother

Adam. If not, buy him a villa in Sheysea and a car worth half a million dollars. The isn’t our demand. It's what the

bride’s family wants.”

e car

Tia continued, “They're also asking for a wedding gift of 660 thousand dollars. Your mother was your

grandfather's only child. Now that she’s gone, he only has Adam.

“Everything your grandfather owns should belong to Adam. If he’s holding onto his wealth so Adam doesn’t

inherit what's rightfully his, your mother would be turning in her grave!”


Audrey replied in a calm voice, “You tortured my birth mother to death! If Mr. Lambert helps you, will never rest

in peace.

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“Givethe phone!” bellowed Wayne Yeomans, Audrey's biological father. He couldn't contain his anger and

snatched the phone.

He spat insultingly, “Audrey! Am | being too nice to you? Don't think | can’t see that you're keeping Mr. Lambert

from seeing Adam so you can monopolize the house and money for yourself. That old man’s house and money

belong to Adam. If you dare covet them, I'll kill you!”

“Bullshit! When she was 12, we received a five thousand dollar deposit from Jolin Watson's family. But your sister

couldn’t bring Audrey back, and | had to pay them 600 dollars to settle it!”

Donna interrupted Wayne, “This time, we got 30 thousand dollars from Claude, promising to bring Audrey back

to bear his children. If you kill her, we'll have to compensate him, and he’s not someone to mess with!”

“Her life is mine to take. If | want her dead, she has no right to live. That's just how it is!” Wayne yelled at Donna.

He told Audrey, “Call that old man right now. If he doesn’t transfer the house to Adam, send us the money, and

buy him the car, I'll kill you. You're nothing but a shameless, greedy wretch coveting your brother's inheritance!”

Wayne's voice was sinister and nasty. He sounded as vicious as Audrey remembered him being when he beat her

and her mother in the cellar, a stark contrast to the usual fagade of kindness he showed


“It seems you haven't had enough prison food in seven years! Killingwill be your death sentence! If you take

30 thousand dollars from Claude to sell me, that’s human trafficking. If you succeed, there

Chapter 21

will be consequences!”


Having obtained the recording she needed, Audrey decided not to engage with her family further. She hung up

the phone.