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Kids from One Alpha

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40: Renovations in Action
Back in pack territory, Serena went back to her life and her routine. The kids continued to talk about their journey for days,
always bringing up the park and their trip to the zoo with Logan. The Alpha had been a little concerned about all the animals in
captivity, but he hadn’t made a scene or done anything that was too suspicious.
With her newly acquired resources, Serena busied herself with making deals and getting the equipment ready to update the
hospital. Adriana was busy with handling the renovations of the rooms and offices, all the interior work. The exterior had been
repaired, the interior had been painted, and Adriana had gotten the furniture and appliances in the lounges and offices updated.
She was still trying to plan when the lighting systems could be updated, which was harder to orchestrate. “These renovations are
interfering with every day patient care,” Adriana whined, coming up to the nurse’s station. Serena was checking the boxes on yet
another order form for updated monitors and lead lines. “It is more work,” Serena admitted. “But the two of us can work it out.”
“You have practice, being a single mom and a med student and everything,” Adriana pointed out. Serena chuckled. “Maybe, but
you’re a doctor, used to the stress of emergencies,” she said. “You can get it done.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Adriana said. “Speaking of the renovations, how was your trip to the human world, with the Alpha?”
Serena rolled her eyes, dropping the order form in the delivery box. “It was fine,” Serena said. Adriana gave Serena a sharp look.
“Uh-huh,” she said teasingly. Serena rolled her eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?” she asked. Adriana shrugged. “You don’t
do a weekend away with the Alpha and your kids without something happening,” Adriana pried. Serena gave a humorless laugh.
She was being honest when she said nothing happened. She couldn’t tell Adriana that the weekend had felt like a family
vacation. “Look, the kids love Logan,” she said. “They call him their ‘uncle’ sometimes. He loves them too, and his mother has
been so great at helping out while we’ve been waiting for my house to get fixed.” “I think there is more to it than that,” Adriana
said. Serena shook her head. “You’re seeing things that aren’t there,” she said, grabbing her clip board and heading down the
hall to a patient she needed to check on. Adriana followed her. “Come on,” she said. “Please give me the details on what
happened while you were in
a hotel with him.” Serena rolled her eyes again, stopping with her hand on the doorknob to a patient room. She turned around to

smile at her friend. “Adriana, nothing happened,” she said. “We went to a zoo to look at captive animals, which Logan didn’t
understand as a human past time, and the kids had fun. I showed him about delivery food and fed him fried dough. He was very
confused when we got back.”
Adriana laughed, shaking her head.

“You’re talking about him like he is another one of your children,” she said. “I know Logan has gone out of his way to be nice to
you, but you’ve been so resistant.” “What are you trying to say?” Serena asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do you have some kind of
history with the Alpha?” she asked straightforward. Serena sighed heavily, looking at her patient’s room door again. “We crossed
paths a few times at pack parties when we were younger,” she said. “Nothing worth bringing up.” She hated lying to Adriana, but
her friend was already asking prying questions. She didn’t want to let it get too far.
“Well, I can’t deny that you and the Alpha have some kind of chemistry,” Adriana said. “We work together,” she said. “So, can I
do my job?” Adriana laughed and nodded. Serena went into the room to look at her patient. She checked the patient’s vitals and
bandages. Nothing needed to be changed or altered, so she made notes in the chart and moved on.
Back that the nurse’s station, Serena sat at a computer and pulled up an order form for new computers with updated operating
systems and new medical programs. She was also ordering scanners and copiers to help digitize everything. Serena spent her
days checking on patients and doing routine exams, and then quickly filling out order forms and followed up on deliveries. A
couple delivery men came in and headed to the reception desk. “We have a delivery,” they said, handing the nurse at reception a
delivery form. Serena jumped up and went to intervene. “How big of a delivery is it?” she asked, taking the order form and
scanning what equipment was coming in. It was a shipment of new hospital beds and mattresses, the kind of beds that were
adjustable with a remote control. “Pretty big,” one of the delivery men said. “We can get it all in, but it will take a few trips.” “Can
you bring it in around back?” Serena asked, signing the delivery form. “There is a service entrance back there.” “Yea, we’ll bring
the truck around,” the delivery man said.
“Great, thank you,” Serena said with a nod. “I’ll meet you back there.” Serena grabbed her own folder of renovation plans, which
was so thick she’d need to transfer it to a binder soon, and took off to meet the drivers around back. They were already
unloading the beds through the service entrance. “Please, just push them up against the walls, here,” Serena said, directing
them to put the boxes to one side of the hallway. Adriana joined her, checking the box stickers to make sure they were the right
products. “This is really great,” she said. “It is going to be fun scheduling a shift in all the beds and patients to get these things

unpackaged and situated in every room.” “This isn’t the first big overhaul we‘ve done,” Serena pointed out. “Remember when the
painters were here?” Adriana laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, yea,” she said.
Getting the bed delivery squared away was just another step to getting the hospital renovated. As much as Serena liked seeing
her facilities get updated, she was working long hours and she was completely ragged by the time she got home. Olivia and
Oliver were happy at daycare and happy with Flo and Logan, but Serena felt like she was missing time with them. She was
looking forward to when the renovations would be done and she could relax a little bit! “Come on, let’s grab some lunch before
we have to get back to work,” Adriana said, taking Serena’s hand and leading her in the direction of the cafeteria. It wasn’t the
best food, but at least it was quick. “Fortunately, that is the biggest delivery this week,” Serena said, grabbing a salad and some

soup for herself while Adriana got a large sandwich and a cookie. Serena, having second thoughts, grabbed herself a slice of pie
too. “Yes, I feel the pie,” Adriana said, trading her cookie in for pie. Serena chuckled. “At least, once it is done, this hospital will
be completely sate of the art,” she said. Adriana nodded. They got themselves seats in the cafeteria; Serena set her phone on
the table so she could see if any urgent texts came in. “Enjoy this moment with me,” Adriana said. “At least, when I get home, I
get to rest.” Serena chuckled.
“My kids have so much fun without me around,” she said, shaking her head. “They are kept busy. I miss having time with them
though.” “Well, I know you are already putting so much time into this project, but we’ve hit another snag,” Adriana said. Serena
paused in chewing her salad. “What now?” she asked. She’d been meticulous with her ordering and monitoring the deliveries. If
something had hit a bump, she hoped it was something that was easily
“So, some of the nurses and other medical staff aren’t very versed with using the new equipment,” Adriana said. “Do you think
you could...help teach them how to use the new stuff?” Adriana batted her eyelashes hopefully. Serena laughed and shook her
“Yes, I can put in some extra time and teach them how to use the new stuff,” she said. “Though, the new computers, I’ll have to
brush up on my skills with those too. The software has been updated since I left school.”
“Oh, this will be fun,” Adriana said slightly sarcastically. Serena rolled her eyes. Her phone began to vibrate as she was polishing
off her salad.
“Oh, I’ve got to run,” she said. “I have a patient who needs an abscess drained.” Adriana cringed, but nodded. Serena grabbed
her phone and her files and took off to get back to work. With a deep breath, she composed herself. Teaching nurses and
medical staff was a new experience, but she would do it if it meant the hospital would get back to full operation sooner.
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