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In Love With My Evil Stepbrother

Chapter 21
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Chapter Twenty-One This just officially became the most awkward moment in my entire life. I bet my

face is twisted with anger. But I try not to let my fury show because that’s exactly what he wants to see.

“Eason,” I grit out through clenched teeth. “This is HARDLY a good time.” He gives me a calm smile.

“Emergency, like I said. Do you want to follow me out? Or should I stay, and we can talk here?”

I want to throw a punch at his smug face. But my rationality calls me off.

The entire classroom has wakened from their afternoon slumber, looking at us with great enthusiasm. I

bet rumors about us will fly across the entire school sooner than I expected.

“Umm…Miss Ramirez?” the history teacher interrupts our staring contest.

I dart him an angry glare. “My last name is Moore, sir.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Miss Moore. But if Mr. Ramirez insists that there’s an emergency, maybe you should go

with him. See what’s happening.”

He has made the judgmental call. Better sacrifice me alone than let Eason ruin the entire class. I’m left

with no other options now. Infuriated, I sweep all my belongings into my backpack with one arm, knock

Eason aside with my shoulder and stride towards the classroom door.

Eason follows me. He even has the audacity to greet the teacher on the way out. “Have a nice day sir.”

Before the door closes behind me, I hear Mr. Robinson announces dryly. “OK OK back to class… that’s

none of your business…”

I march down the empty hallway with strong emotions bubbling up inside of me. When we reach the

corner of staircase, I spin around to him roaring into his face:

“What the fuck! Eason Ramirez, are you fucking out of your damn mind??!” “That’s a lot of curses.” He


I am shocked by his indifference.

How can be so calm just standing here? Does he think this is no big deal? Does he think that he can

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just meddle with my life however he wants?

I take in a deep breathe before asking him. “OK. So tell me, what’s the family emergency?” His eyes

cast down me, cold and condescending. “You walked out on me this morning.”

“Yeah, so? How many times have you done that to a girl? Walked away after you done sleeping with

them? Well here’s your payback asshole!”



My mind is clouded by anger. I was planning to talk to him nice and calmly about how I feel and where

this is going.

But he ruined it. Why does he have to be so difficult all the time!

A furious scowl takes over his face.

Suddenly he takes a step closer. His hand comes to brace on the banister besides my waist. His face is

only an inch away from mine.

“Stop pretending to be the saint here Natalia,” his voice so cold that it makes the hair on my arms

stand. “Who wet my fucking fingers yesterday hmm? Who cum so hard under me, grabbing my hair,

begging me to fu-” His words are interrupted by my rage-filled punch. But he moves so fast that he

catches my wrist in the midair and forces it back of my back. We glare at each other, both infuriated,

with rough panting and chest moving up and down rapidly.

I feel so embarrassed. After the initial rush of angry, now I want to cry.

I’ve worked so hard to move pass Zack. But my life seems to be down in another shithole all over


Why did he have to tempt me? Why did I let myself fall?

Now he has seen through my heart, and I’ve fallen to a chess piece in his palm. My eyes become

glossy. His rough breathing stops for one second, then I hear his low and hoarse voice, “…seriously?”

I blink back my tears and look away. He signs and lets go off me. After a long awkward silence, he

says: “Fine…I’m sorry. I was only trying to talk to you.” I can’t believe he is apologizing. But even when

he says sorry, his tone is still harsh.

“Natalia. Can we just talk for a minute?” he asks.

I sniff and try to fight back waves of strong emotions. He’s right. We’ve already come this far. Too late

to backtrack or change our minds. I’ll tell him how I feel, the way I’ve planned.


I organize my feelings and look straight at him meeting his dark eyes.

“We can do this. I’ll sleep with you. But no one should know. And you must stop messing with my life.”

With that, his expression changes.

First, it’s blank, like he’s still processing my words. Then, it goes to shock. Wide-eyed, nostril flared

shock. Then gradually his shock accelerates till everything reaches its final stage… rage.


irt Toonty-One

I’ve prepared myself for his reactions. But his face still intimidates me a little.

He suddenly bursts into laughter, shoulders shaking. “This what you want? To be my fuck buddy?”

My check flames. There’s a strong disdain behind his tone.

“…yes. That’s what I meant.”

“And why do you think I’d agree?” He snorts, “There’s like a hundred of girls in this school waiting in

line to sleep with me. Each hotter than you. Each better in bed. What’s so special about you?”

My chest hurts especially because of his comment on sex. He told me himself yesterday that I can

make him so happy and I’m awesome. It feels like a dream now.

“Then why did you provoke me?” I try to say without trembling. “You said it yourself. That you want me.

There are no other possible ways for us. We can only do this…friends with benefits.”

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More like stepbrothers and sisters with benefits.

I know what I propose is horrible. The wiser way to do is walk away from him right not. But my mind

and body refuse to do so. I’m pathetic. Pathetically drawn to him. Maybe sleeping with him for a while

will eventually wake me up from this obsession. He studies my face for a long period of time, as if he is

assessing my value like a piece of cargo. It is nerve-racking. Eventually, he brings one hand to touch

my face, his fingertips so cold. A cold smile comes over on his handsome face. “Sure,” he says. I forget

to breath for one second. “…Really?”

“Yeah why not. We’ll do this the way you want it. Fuck buddy. In secret.” His thumb moves across my

cheek and caress my skin. “I’m tired of waiting anyway. Next time I want to fuck you, you’ll lay on your

back and spread your legs for me.” I bite my lips and swallow back the shame.“…sure.” “And

remember you ask for this yourself. I’ll treat you like every other girl I’ve fucked.”

He talks as if he’s given me any special treatment before.

I say sternly, “I know.” His thumb moves to my bottom lip and press on it hard. My heart skips a beat

when his cold eyes cast down on to my lips.

“Shall we seal the deal then?” he asks. Before I even reply, he grabs my hair forcing my head up and

catches my lips hungrily.


abier Twenty-One

A surprise gasp escapes my parted lips. He takes the opportunity to slide his tongue pass my teeth and

starts exploring every corner of my mouth. That’s when the bell rings, loudly across the campus.

Immediately after, sound of door opening, footsteps, and buzzing chattering fills the empty hallway.

There are students and teachers coming towards us from every direction.

But he’s still kissing me, fiercely.

I start to panic and try breaking free from his arms, but he won’t let go. He even increases the grip on

my waist to hold me still.

The sound of people is approaching quickly. I feel like I’m going to pass out. He’ll make us get caught!