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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 The One They Were Looking For Mason almost spat blood, she was asking for so much!? Just these two packs of medicine, 50,000?

Wasn’t it too expensive! “How could this be 50,000 yuan worth of medicine? Also, I thought we’d

agreed on you repaying your debts with the treatment? Why are you asking for money now?”

Mason frowned at her. It was too outrageous.

He suspected that when she saw that Young Master Greens was rich she decided to really take

advantage of them. Emily looked back confidently. “Ordinary medicinal herbs are not worth much, but

the medicine in the prescription that is the most important is a rare herb that only I have. And even

then, I only have 3 plants. It’s priceless.” The medicine she cultivated was not cheap to begin with.

Even if she was doing business with Mr. Hawking, it was still the same price. She was giving them a

fair price, and they still doubted her? Thinking back to their negotiations from before, she added. “The

debt from the car crash is in exchange for my treatment services, but I’d said that the medicine cost

would be extra. You agreed at the time.”

She felt that it was reasonable. They did not object to the medicine fee at that time.

Mason was immediately angry and was about to accuse her of trying to extort them. But he was

interrupted by Lucas’ faint voice, “Give it to her.” Since his young master had said so, he accepted his

fate and took out his phone to transfer the money to her. He did not forget to mock Emily. “How can you

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be poor when you can charge these sums? You should be very wealthy by now!” Emily paid no mind to

Mason’s harsh words and shrugged.

“Do you think I choose to be poor? These are rare herbs that are incredibly difficult to grow. If I could

sell as many as I wanted, I wouldn’t be negotiating with you to pay my debts with treatment!” She had

worked for so long, but she had only managed to cultivate these three plants. She looked at Mason

unhappily. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask Mr. Hawking if my price is reasonable!”

Mason still wanted to say something, but he received Lucas’ signal and stopped talking. After calmly

receiving the money, Emily decided it was time for them to leave.

“Alright, it’s fine today. You can leave now. By the way, please give me a call before you come next

time. Don’t make such a big fuss and scare my family and neighbors. They thought I got mixed up with

a loan shark or something.” She rolled her eyes. Lucas was not angry. On the contrary, he felt that she

was a little cute.

“Goodbye.” Lucas said and left with his people. Before leaving, he said goodbye to Ethan and Sofia

gently, “Little ones, see you next time.” “Goodbye, uncle.”

They politely said goodbye to him. Sofia smiled. She liked this uncle very much. They would meet

again in the future. She said in her heart. Emily collapsed on the sofa, exhausted. This treatment took a

lot of energy and she was tired.

Ethan considerately poured her a glass of water. He said, “Mommy is tired. Take a rest. I will cook

lunch.” Sofia also came over and massaged Emily’s legs. Her children were obedient, and Emily was

very happy. She was not so tired.

“Good babies.”

She touched the heads of the two little ones. However, she could not really rest. She still had to take

care of the medicine garden. “Sofia, Mommy is going to the herbal garden. Don’t run around.” She

lowered her head and told her daughter.

Sofia was blinking her big watery eyes and looking at her. She was innocent and obedient. Hearing

this, she nodded slightly. Emily stopped Ethan again. He was wearing a small apron and preparing to

go to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

“Ethan, wait a minute. Later, when you cook, be careful when you use the gas. Don’t hurt yourself!” She

cautioned him over and over. Although her son was reliable and steady, he was still young after all.

“Don’t worry, Mommy.”

Ethan responded obediently. This was not the first time he had cooked.

But Mommy had to remind him every time.

He knew Mommy. She was just worried about their safety. He would take good care of himself and his

sister, so Mommy wouldn’t worry. Lucas came out of Emily’s house, got in the car, and headed straight

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to the airport. He still had a lot of work to do and had no time to rest. “Young Master, please take care

of your body. Don’t overwork yourself,” Mason said worriedly, thinking of what Ms. Armstrong had

entrusted him with just


He was afraid that his young master would be overworked and his body would relapse. Although he

had Ms. Armstrong’s medicine, if something happened abroad they were still far away from her.

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Ms. Armstrong’s treatment is very effective! After she did the acupuncture, my chest

immediately stopped hurting.” He was also very happy. Perhaps his body could really recover if he

followed her treatment plan.

When Mason heard this, he was also excited. He said, “It seems that she really has some skills.”

He had once doubted her medical skills and underestimated her. Lucas smiled and was not surprised.

“If she didn’t have something up her sleeve, she wouldn’t be so arrogant.” Lucas looked at the passing

old residential district and mused on his meeting and interactions with Emily. “Interesting. We had

searched long and hard for someone to treat my illness. And in the end, she was hiding in a place like


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