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All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 248 38th Floor, Dangerous Jungle
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How did Damian end up on the 38th floor of the Skyfall Tower? That was the question that perplexed him as he faced the tiny mushroom standing before him. The entire coliseum fight segment had been nothing more than a dream caused by this minuscule creature. But now, Damian needed answers.

"How did you find me? What happened?" Damian inquired, his curiosity piqued.

To his surprise, the mushroom responded in his language, an impressive feat for such a small being. "You fell from the sky! I don't know how you did that, but you did."

"Fell from the sky?" Damian repeated, perplexed. "Does that mean the entrance to this floor is located in the sky?"

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The mushroom shook its head. "No, that's the strange part. The portal to this floor is far from where we are. It seems you entered using some other means."

Damian furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the situation. If the staircase he had ascended to reach the fourth floor was an illusion caused by the mushroom, then what else was not real? He couldn't even be certain if the resting room he had encountered after the third floor truly existed. It should be real, but doubts lingered.

"Did something happen in the staircase to the fourth floor? Perhaps I activated a teleportation device or someone forcibly brought me here," Damian speculated aloud, his thoughts racing.

Recalling the snake that appeared in his dream, he couldn't help but connect it to the egg he carried inside his Spatial Ring—the enormous snake he had encountered in the mermaid city. The egg had shown signs of life, but Damian remained uncertain about when, or even if, it would hatch.

Amidst his musings, Damian realized that the mushroom, despite the harm it had caused him, was no longer able to control his mind. Its powers had failed to work on him once he regained consciousness. However, he couldn't help but wonder why he had no recollection of the fall. It was as if a portion of his memory had been deliberately erased by whoever or whatever had placed him on the 38th floor.

"You will come with me and help me escape," Damian commanded sternly, fixing his gaze upon the tiny mushroom.

The creature, its face contorted with fear, took a few hesitant steps back. "I apologize for what I did to you. Please spare my life."

"I didn't promise to kill you. However, if you refuse to assist me, I will have no choice," Damian replied, his tone firm.

Cornered and devoid of options, the mushroom reluctantly agreed to aid Damian. It hopped onto his right shoulder, perching itself there.

"This floor of the tower is a vast jungle. It is teeming with dangerous beasts, and only a few humanoid creatures like yourself," the mushroom informed Damian, its voice filled with caution.

Damian pushed aside the abundant vegetation in a futile attempt to find a path through the dense jungle. He realized that no one had ventured this far before him, leaving him to forge his own path through the untamed wilderness.

With each step Damian took, he could feel the oppressive humidity of the jungle pressing against him. The air was thick, suffused with the scents of earth, foliage, and the distant roar of unseen creatures. He forged ahead, parting the dense undergrowth with his hands, hoping to uncover a hidden path or glimpse a trace of civilization.

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The mushroom perched on his shoulder whispered cautionary warnings about the dangers lurking within the jungle. It spoke of colossal serpents with venomous fangs, agile predators that prowled the shadows, and sentient plants that ensnared unwary travelers. Damian knew he needed to tread carefully, for this floor of the tower held perils beyond his imagination.

As they continued their arduous journey, the jungle seemed to stretch endlessly before them. The towering trees formed a verdant canopy, casting dappled shadows upon the forest floor. Strange chirps, rustlings, and distant cries echoed through the air, heightening Damian's sense of unease. He knew that danger lurked just out of sight, ready to strike at any moment.

Hours turned into days as Damian and his unlikely companion ventured deeper into the labyrinthine jungle. Exhaustion gnawed at his muscles, yet he pushed forward, driven by an unyielding determination to find his way out. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that unseen eyes observed his every move from the depths of the foliage.

Just as despair threatened to take hold, a glimmer of hope flickered before Damian's eyes. A faint ray of sunlight managed to penetrate the dense canopy, illuminating a narrow opening amidst the trees. Eagerly, he quickened his pace, the mushroom clinging tightly to his shoulder.

The opening led to a hidden clearing, a small oasis within the vast expanse of the jungle. A gentle breeze whispered through the tall grass, carrying the scent of distant flowers and the promise of freedom. Damian's heart swelled with relief as he gazed upon the tranquil scene.

Yet, his respite was short-lived. As he stepped into the clearing, he felt a tremor beneath his feet, the ground shifting and quivering. Panic surged through him as a colossal form emerged from the foliage, its enormous frame casting a shadow over the entire clearing.

When Damian looked up, he saw a massive tree with a face and limbs towering over him. It was a Trent, as he had come to call them. Trents were known as protectors of the forests, ensuring that no harm befell the sacred realm.

Damian wondered if this Trent might be different, maybe even friendly. After all, he hadn't done anything to provoke it. Perhaps a conversation could resolve the situation.

"I am just trying to find my way out of here," Damian said, hoping to reason with the towering creature.

To his dismay, the Trent regarded him with disdain and moved its massive hand, threatening to crush Damian into a pulp of flesh and bones. It seemed that diplomacy was out of the question.