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Xianxia: Why am I here?

Chapter 48
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48 A strange village in the forest.

In the carriage the couple was bussy talking and laughing while the remaining dragon corpse was moved along using his strong consciousness until they reached a nice location.

After staying in the place for eight months the dragon meat had been exhausted and Wang was busy looking for mud fish.

Over the past week he had only managed to capture six and his body refinement has not stopped at all.

But rather continued to improve and his realm is in the mid of nine level.

Compared to him, Ruruo is even more stronger now. She has continued to refine her liquified Qi making it more pure and using it for refining her organs based on Wang’s suggestions.

Though the process was not easy the resources especially meat from the food dragon had played huge role.

As of three months ago Ago also reached the eight rank.

But improvement has slowed down considerably and without some chance he might require more time to breakthrough.

Wang on the other side had his Qi liquified into a golden liquid but with continued refinement it did not change much.


So he focused on organ refinement the thing allowed him to experience improving life level.

Though he was not able to sense by how much his life improved, it is indeed very useful.

And with the continued refinement of organs he could feel even the operation of body improving and clarity of world energy rising.

He speculated once organ refinement offers an opportunity to improve comprehension to some extent, he still had to continue using thunder body art.

The fist technique was also incorporated in the thunder body art.

During this period he did not ussually punch out to practice but rather consumed resources faster than even before.

The thunder body art had been improved but hw could not take it further due to lack of something.

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Lightening energy, yes it is important to ubdergo lightning baptism to take a step ahead.

In the same moment he was sitting opposite the river bank only to see, flactuations from Ruruo’s body.

She had indeed improved her strength by a point and from his perception ge could see she was trying to get insight into world energy.

He ussually spend his time in the evenings either taking about some of the stories he read in his previous life by focusing more on ideas about true meaning based on his understanding.

In this way he could give Ruruo a chance to open up her imagination, in the end, she could find it easier in taking up the higher cultivation levels.

So seeing her state of mind improving a little he was also somehow jealous.

But he did not dwell much on it, he also had been struggling so hard to comprehend a true meaning.

He spends some time in the bottom of the river trying to understand water.

But the results have not been show at all, which makes him somewhat curious about the main issue blocking his direction.

After today, he decided to spend his time studying the more than hundred of techniques he had collected to not only improve his strength but also search for a way foward from them.

Time passed like that and only after three years in the forest, Wang was busy practicing his final technique from the collection when he heard a huge sound shaking the ground.

He then stopped everything and moved towards the location Ruruo was.

She was also rushing towards the carriage as it was the meeting point.

When he saw this from his perception, he also headed in that direction.

Ago was already standing near the huge bull but his vigilance also impressed him.

After arriving, he decided they should immediately leave this place, as something was not right, but his perception also seemed to have showed him a small village somewhere close to five kilometers away.

Though he couldn’t perceive it completely with his consciousness, he could still see some vague outline of a village and people.

Thus he directed Ago to head in that direction, as he also wanted to rest and relax, since they started this journey.

In less than three days they indeed came to the village and Wang was dragging the huge flood dragon’s bones with him.

Due to the use of his consciousness, the bones were visible but his consciousness was capable of messing with people’s perceptions, making them ignore the bones.

Thus after entering the village, they obtained rhe most remote residence in the village and even exchanged with some full corpse of a huge beast.

In this way the place they got even had some bamboos growing around.

With such an attractive place, they had plans to stay around for some time.

Even Ruruo seemed to have gotten used to life traveling seemed happy too.

The feeling of being in a society was indeed different as it allowed them to completely relax.

Following an entire month of eat, sleep and attempts to comprehend true meaning, Wang eventually focused his attention on the huge bones.

His first thought was making a weapon but ge lacked skills.

In that respect, he decided to utilize some trick to slowly gain experience. Cut of small portions of the bones to practice after all it was big enough.

Using the golden flame it was possible to even melt the bones.

In such a case his time could also be properly managed in this time.

The house they brought was also converted to a home.

Most of the time, Wang would accompany Ruruo into town to purchase some things other than occasionally going in the first to hunt.

But he was still surprised at the location of the village and ability to defend itself, however this was not something he concerned himself with.

His tries in the time he stayed in the village did not yield any results until he realized something, from s in his past life he had already seen some talk of weapon refinement.

Just like the way mortals craft weapons, some materials are neccesary and for his case he lacked enough resources.

Looking at the bull standing in the distance an idea stuck him, and immediately he decided to do something else.

If he could make a new carriage with most of the dragon bones and leave behind only a portion he could easily transport or even use as a weapon before attaining other materials that could allow for crafting one.

This idea was indeed supported by his thoughts and a simple thing he had seen in hia previous life.

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Materials for designing planes were very light yet not easy to destroy.

In that case he couldn’t help but have the same thoughts for the flood dragon bones.

The bones still had some golden nature on them, compared and he could still feel he was far from reaching this level.

After this he started to try it, most of the uneccesary wood was stripped from the carriage and molten bones slowly crafted onto the carriage reducing its weight.

But the strength it contained was unimaginable and some of the pressure of a flood dragon seemed to still exist that could help supress some beasts.

It thus could be said to have convinience for their travel, and his agendas.

After half a year in the village, Wang decided to take over his old job as a doctor. But he ussually hides his face under some mask, for good reasons.

As a doctor he has been able to gain access to numerous resources from the village including medical herbs.

And a new medical farm has been set up behind the bamboo forest in their residence.

Ago also created hos own house some distance, after the couple carried out complete renovation of theirs.

Wang copied the system of his previous life, with the kitchen and rest area exposed outside, but above he set up a huge shed.

In the end even connecting it to the other areas.

This arrangement was so as to make it more convinient when cultivating or trying to comprehend nature.

From Wang’s expectations, he should be capable of staying in the village for a long time collect information and also try to enter grandmaster realm.

But he decided to let nature take it’s course, as he can strengthen himself slowly with time.

As even Ago at rank eight could still have a lifespan of close to 120 years.

The both stil had a long time too, and entering grandmaster could earn one another century.

With every improvement from their on would have great impact on lifespan.

All in all, they were not in a rush, and lived their lives more freely unlike back in the residence at the mountain.

Sitting on a soft sofa he had created using animal fur, and dried skin, Wang held a cup of tea, looking opposite him.

Ruruo sitting there had become very attractive, just like some pampered wife. The fold temperament she exuded in the past all gone.

Even though one might say she lost some charm due to it. She seemed to have obtained something new, it gave out anaira of a wife.

As he took a sip, he observed Ruruo as they communicated with a smile.