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Villain Retirement-Novel

Chapter 298: Proxy
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Chapter 298: Proxy

"...This is weird, Megawoman. I can't seem to make contact with Silvermoon."

While everything outside was in chaos; fighting the aliens, fortifying their defenses, giving people shields, Riley was casually talking with an unconscious woman.

It was almost as if they weren't being invaded at all as Riley was just sitting beside Megawoman's bed, peacefully talking to her despite the fact that she had not, even once, opened her mouth to respond.

Of course, it was not mostly his fault– Megawoman has also, not once, let go of his wrist. For what reason, he does not yet know.

"I will leave you here for a bit, Megawoman," Riley then looked at Megawoman's face, before closing his eyes and taking in a short but very deep breath. And soon, as he opened his eyes, the view of a restaurant welcomed him– with the guests dining all wearing the same white robe.

Everyone was looking at him, of course. How could they not, when he was standing on the stage in front of all of them with a microphone in his hand.

"...I apologize for disturbing your meals, beloved guests," Riley then said as he gave the microphone to the man beside him, one of his clones that was playing the cello, "You're the vocalist for now."

"Y… Yes, boss!" The cello-playing Riley quickly stood up and gently placed his cello to the side as Riley stepped down the stage.

"All of you may continue."

And as soon as Riley said that, all the clones that had stopped moving once again continued with their activities– playing music, standing, serving the guests their meal and needs.

"It's you!"

And immediately, one of the guests stood up– pointing a steak knife towards Riley as she did so. Of course, once again, it was the only person that still seemed to not want to be a guest even after almost a year– Ellie, aka, Ms. Friday.

"Do you really think it's right to lock us up like this!?" Ellie screamed, her ponytails, bubbling along as she did so.

"Ma'am, please. You're disturbing the other guests," one of the Server Rileys approached Ellie.

"Don't touch me!" Ellie said as the ground beneath her started to turn into some sort of stone. And as soon as the other guests saw this, they all quickly moved from their tables.

"Why aren't any of you fighting!? Have you all lost your minds from spending all of this time locked up in this fucking hell!?"

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"Ma'am, please. You are not allowed to use your powers in the dining hall," the once hospitable tone of the Server Riley beside her disappeared, replaced by a sort of vigilance as he took a step closer to her, "We don't appreciate that kind of–"

"It's fine, Marco."

But before he could take another step, Riley raised his hand, "Just call Diley, tell him I need him for something."

"At once, boss," Marco bowed towards Riley as he turned around– not before rolling his eyes at Ellie, of course.

"If you're going to lock us up here forever, then just fucking kill us!" Ellie then raised the steak knife. But instead of swinging it towards Riley, she turned it around and pointed it towards her chest,

"I am not going to become like the rest of these mindless zombies of yours!" And with that roar, she pulled the knife towards her chest. But alas, she didn't really think that Riley would actually allow her to die, did she?

The other guests could only shake their heads and sigh, as a miniature version of Riley suddenly appeared in front of Ellie's chest, stopping the sharp tip of the knife from piercing him and Ellie's chest with telekinesis.

Judging by his small trembling hands, however, he seemed to be having a hard time in doing so; he was also starting to somewhat whimper, immediately causing Ellie to let go of the knife.


Ellile was about to say something, but before she could do so, Little Riley suddenly slapped her right on the cheek.

"Hmph," Little Riley then scoffed before once again disappearing.

"Diley has not shown you yet, has he, Ms. Croft?"

And while Ellie was still dazed with what just happened, Riley slowly approached her, "Elizabeth Croft, you were born in the outskirts of King's Lynn, England."

"W… what? Ellie woke up from her stupor as she heard Riley's words, "What is this?" She then muttered as she looked at Riley and the rest of the guests, who sighed and looked away as soon as their eyes met.

"Both of your parents are deceased," Riley then continued as he stood in front of Ellie, looking her directly in the eyes, "And you were left with your younger brother, Elliot."

"You…" And as soon as Ellie realized why Riley was saying what he was saying, her eyes started to widen, "What… what have you done to my brother?"

"Nothing yet," a small smile appeared on Riley's face, "So please do not do anything that you would not like the outcome to. I would dislike it if all of my guests suddenly become sad."

"...All?" Elli muttered as she took a small gulp.

"It's a team effort, after all," Riley said as he looked at the other guests, "If we decide to cut one of your brother's fingers, it wouldn't be fair to the others if we don't do the same to their family."

"...What?" Ellie once again looked at the other guests.

"You are quite lucky Diley seems to like you, Ms. Croft," Riley sighed, "He usually tells the guests immediately what would happen."


"I wanted to know how long she would last, boss."

And before Ellie could say another word again, Diley showed up, "It is a pity you've told her."

"I apologize," Riley shook his head, "I would get you a new one so you can restart."

"Really!?" Diley's eyes widened as his smile reached from ear to ear, "...I want one of those pink aliens."

"Hm," Riley nodded.

"And so, please, boss. What is it you desire for you to suddenly visit all of us amidst all the fun and chaos out there?" Diley then gestured towards one of the empty tables, pulling out a seat for Riley; waiting for him to sit before sitting as well.

"The rest of you may finish eating, do not worry about us," Diley then waved his hand, and as he did so, the music once again started– with the Server Rileys assisting the guests back to their tables.

"Are you here because we can't contact Madam Katherine?" Diley then said, the smile on his face slightly fading.


"It is truly weird, she usually answers before the third ring," Diley clicked his tongue several times, "Maybe she has finally betrayed us? Should we fold her mother into multiple layers and livestream it, boss?"

"No," Riley shook his head, "Let her do what it is she wants for now, she deserves at least that."

"I agree, boss," Diley nodded several times.

"I do, however, need someone to be her proxy," Riley then let out a sigh, "I need someone to buy me some things in the grocery."

"..." Diley blinked his eyes a couple of times as he heard Riley's words; but after a few more seconds, he nodded, "Of course, boss. I will have someone get you what you need."

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"No," Riley shook his head, "It's for Megawoman. I can't buy it myself since that would ruin the surprise– and I can't let any of you buy it for me. Everyone is on high alert right now because of the alien invasion, and it is already getting scattered on the internet that I am with Megawoman."

"Very circumstantial, is it not?" Diley chuckled, "I suppose people are getting suspicious of you lately, boss. If they realize you can create clones, there is no denying anymore that you are Darkday. And with Bernard not here, it would be hard to erase the videos."

"Yes, thank you for understanding, Diley."

"Makes you wonder, no? How some parts of the world seem to just go on with their lives even with the alien invasion? Groceries are open, bars are open, even some of the schools are open," Diley sighed,

"Such a privilege and they don't even appreciate it."

"It's just an alien invasion, Diley," Riley shook his head, "Getting a gift for Megawoman is more important."

"...Of course, boss. Then… might I suggest getting one of our guests to do it?" Diley then stood up, "I'll personally fly them in the sky, we'll be low-key… okie?"

"Very well, I will leave it up to you." And with those words, Riley's head suddenly shook; his eyes, turning white for a couple of seconds before returning to normal.

"W… what?"

"Yes, yes. You're confused, now go. The one who replaced you has a bad voice," Diley then immediately pushed the Riley in front of him away and gestured to him to return to the stage.

His eyes then started to dart towards the guests, and as he did so, the guests all perked up.

"Oh, all of you excited to go out?" Diley chuckled, "Too bad, there could only be one and I have already chosen…



…is," he then said as he pointed at Ellie.


"Yes, I feel like it would be fun if it's you," Diley then suddenly burst out in laughter, filling the entire hall with his voice.

Warden, who had been watching the entire scenario through the surveillance cameras, could not help but scratch his head, "Why...

...didn't they just ask me?"


Hi, I wrote a new story called 'Undying Monarch'. Check it out if you have time!