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Villain Retirement-Novel

Chapter 285: Liaison
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Chapter 285: Liaison

A large, weird-colored orb floated in the air– and soon, Riley emerged from this sphere; the smile on his face, still not fading away.

He stared at this sphere for a few seconds, before letting it fall towards the colossal hole he created from lifting up the city of Toronto; the giant lake of Ontario, not spilling inside the hole despite the cavity it left.

Riley lifted up the entire city of Toronto, a feat that truly solidified his identity as the son of the strongest telekinetic the world has ever known. The city's neighbors could see it so clearly– how cleanly and smooth that city was taken off the land; it almost looked like someone scooped a spoonful of ice cream from a tub, one could almost even see their reflection from how silky and flat the surface of the concave was.

Add the fact that the lake of Ontario, that would otherwise spill inside the concave, was stopped by a colossal invisible wall– almost making it seem like they were witnessing the birth of a much larger Niagara falls, except frozen. If it was kept like this, then this would truly no doubt be one of the wonders of the world.

And so;

Lifting up the entire landmass of the city of Toronto.

Holding back the lake from falling into the cavity it left which would probably cause problems to the cities the giant lake was bordering.

All the while fighting with aliens of unknown strength and actually managing to defeat them– No, dominate them.

And all of these were caught on camera that Riley himself seemed to be hovering around him from afar.

Taking all of this into account… wouldn't it be said that Riley Ross has already surpassed his biological mother as the strongest telekinetic?

And taking some of these into account…

"Did… he just wage war against the aliens?" One of the people in a certain dome muttered; almost all the eyes of the people in the shelter, fixated on their phones as they watched the news.

"I… I think so? Shouldn't… we have talked to them first?"

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"Are you stupid? You think someone wielding a giant ass weapon like that came for peace?"

Once again, the opinions of the people are split. Some were saying that Riley Ross was rash and that he should have approached the aliens with caution; the other half, however, agreed with decisions outright, especially the rising fan's club, PANDA.

It hasn't been a minute, and yet PANDA already had a music video containing a montage of Riley Ross's fight in Toronto which was being shared almost every second. But soon, however, the views stopped advancing.

"What the… what happened?"

"Is my phone broken?"

Everyone's screens started to blackout; this darkness did not last long, however, as their screens once again lit up after a few seconds.

"Who… is this?"

"Majin Bae?"

On their screens, however, another stream popped up– some tried scrolling away or closing it so that they could return to watching the news, but they were unable to.

[Hello, mud people.]

"Are these… the aliens?"

The people started to whisper and murmur; their breaths, almost faltering as they stared at the pink-skinned individual talking on their screen. The man had a flat nose, similar to what one could find in snakes; its head, completely devoid of any hair.

"No… this one is different, the alien being shown on the news has blue skin, not to mention three eyes."

"Then; what is this?"

"Wait, are we being invaded by another alien species?"

"The fuck? How does that even make sense?"

[Please do not panic or be alarmed– we are what you may call Clovians, from the planet… Clovux.]

The clovian continued to talk; its eyes, similar to a diamond,

[We have not come here to harm you, and instead, to respond to the call we have received multiple moons ago.]

The clovian's speech was slow, almost sluggish. Almost as if it was trying to find the most suitable words to utter.

[The call stated that your Champion is dead, a Themarian.]

"...A call?"

"What champion? Themarian? Is she talking about Megawoman?"

"Wait… someone contacted these aliens?"

The people once again began to whisper, but quickly shut their mouths as they continued to listen to what the clovian was saying.

[It is reported that she was killed by darkness. And now, with your Champion gone, you are left vulnerable to the threats that want to take what is yours,]

The clovians face then started to wriggle; until finally, its nose which was akin to that of a snake's started to resemble that of a human. Its eyes which were previously diamond produced color-- imitating that of a human's.

Hair also started to protrude from its skin; and now, after a few more seconds, she already resembled that of a woman– an eerily normal-looking woman.

[My name is Anra, we are more similar than you think and we have come here to help you.]

The clovian, Anra, now blinked a couple of times– the expression on her face, becoming more human by the second.

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[We can be your new protectors…

…all that we ask is you welcome us.]



Back in the floating city of Toronto, Riley was currently staring at the black hole which the first alien warrior emerged from. For some reason, it was still open.

The alien scout and the 2nd alien warrior's portal were now gone, but the one in front of him still had no signs of disappearing.

Is it because the one that emerged from it was still alive? Riley thought as he looked at his left hand… which was currently grabbing the large alien warrior by its jaw. The alien seemed to still be breathing judging by the thumping of its chest.

These aliens seem to be more durable than humans, Riley thought. After all, it was already bleeding quite heavily from having all of its limbs ripped off– and yet it was even alive after minutes.

It was the same with the alien warrior that exploded earlier; even with a spear lodged through its mouth, it was still alive– something that Riley couldn't really do with humans that much.

"..." Riley then turned his gaze back at the black hole, and then once again towards the alien; looking back and forth between the two as a smile slowly crawled on his face. Although their screams were not as beautiful as humans, they could last longer than them.

If there were a hundred of them, wouldn't Riley be able to create a song?

And so, with this thought, Riley stepped closer to the black hole. This thing… should lead him to wherever they came from, right?

"Don't worry, Megawoman…

…I'll do your job for you," the smile on his face was as wide as ever as he stepped into the black hole…

…only to just pass through it.

"..." The alien in his hand, however, was gone. Seeing this, the only thing that Riley could do was let out a short but very deep sigh– he really thought that he would finally be able to create a song that would last for at least 3 minutes.

"...Did you just try to enter the portal, you little shit?"

"..." Riley then quickly turned around as he heard a very familiar voice, only to see a face… that was completely burning from anger, quite literally.

"Oh… Greetings, sister."