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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 33
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Chapter 033

There Are Even More Despicable Tyler took a deep breath of smoke and sighed, “What can I do? That

rebellious girl, she doesn’t even listen to me. How would she be polite to those people?” “You are

souseless! You are her father, and you can’t control your daughter! I think you can just directly hold a

press conference and cut off the relationship with her! Hearing that, Tyler patted his thigh and said with a

sad face, “Hey, don’t let the media interfere in our affairs! It’s so shameful! Besides, even if I’m not the

president, we have so much savings and many side industries. Our life will still be the same! “How can

that be the same?” Lena replied angrily. “Hatchworks is a family enterprise. It’s just getting on the right

trackand becoming a listed company! Now, such a big company has

tallen to an outsider! No matter what, I will not swallow this anger!” “So what? That old man can give his

inheritance to whoever he wants! “Please, how can the inheritance not be passed on to the son but to

the sind daughter? If I knew you were such useless, I wouldn’t have marrin you Tyler took a deep breath

and shook liis head in frustration. Back then, if Lena had not seduced him, he would not have betrayed

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his tunity Many years ago… He had just married Molly’s mother. They were newlywels, and they were

still on their honeymoon. During that period, Lena had hooked up with him Originally, he just wanted to

have a one-night stand with her, but he did not expect Lena tobe pregnant! Moreover, Lena directly found

Molly’s mother and said that she was preuant with Tyler’s child Molly’s mother had a strong temper. After

knowing Tyler was cheating their age, she moved out of the Hill’s Resulence without saying: anything

and insisted on divorce. Thinking about it, he was sorry for Molly’s mother, wit he could not save their

relationship anymore. Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and marry Lena. “Darling, I don’t care! You

have to get an explanation for my two cousins My cousins have been working in the company for almost

twenty years. It shefires them now, how will they live in the future?” “Okay, I’ll give Molly a call and ask

her what’s going on!” With that, Tyler picked up his phone. He was forced into a corner and had no

choice but to call Molly “Hello, Dad, what’s the matter?” Molly answered the phone “Molly, I heard that

you laid off more than a dozen old employees of the company? Hearing that, Molly pondered for a few

seconds. Then, she replied, “Yes, Dad!”

Those people are old employees of the company. They have worked in the company for more than

twenty years. How can you lay then off just like that?” “Dad, these people are taking undue profit from

chaos! They even occupy important positions!” Molly said calmly. “The new employees don’t have

suitable job arrangements. Those old employees will only drag down the company! So, I laid them off.

“Molly, you can’t be so unreasonable! Those people are all relatives of Lena. They have been working

with me for twenty years! Hurry up and call them to go back to work!” “I’m sorry, these people have

already been laid oft. It’s impossible to let them come back! “Molly…” “If you have nothing else to say, I’ll

hang up first!” At once, Molly hung up the phone. Tyler was so angry that his heart ached. He cursed,

“This damn girl is really unreasonable!” “Look, what did I say?This damn girl is deliberately trying to

make trouble tor us! Since she won’t listen to you, you don’t have to care about her! Tomorrow, you go

and hold a press conference and cut off the relationship with her! Just see if she has the lace to stay in


The next day, as soon as the stock market opened, Hatchworks’ stock Icll to the bottom again if it went

on like this, the company would not able to last few days. Things got worse all of a sudden Even Samand

lean could not sit still and rushed to the company one after another “Ms. Hill, the stock price has dropped

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so much! What should we do?” “Yes! Since the beginning of the listing, the stock price of Hatchworks

Group has never dropped so drastically!” “If this poes on, the company will collapse…”

Hearing their words, Molly said, “Don’t worry, let me find a way!” Obviously, it was not normal for the

stock price to fall so sharply all of a sudden. Molly reacted immediately. Ivan must be behind this matter!

It was early in the morning Molly had no choice but to call Ivan. On the other side, Ivan looked at Molly’s

phone call. Ivan smiled and lazily answered the phone. “Oh, hello! You can’t help calling me so soon?”

When Molly heard this, she was even more certain that it was him making the trouble. She was so angry

and could not help yelling at the phone. “Ivan, does it make sense for you to do this? Don’t forget that

Hatchworks also has your shares!” “I don’t care. I can afford to lose this little money!” Ivan sneered. “If

you want to compete, we can compete fairly! Don’t play tricks behind the back! Don’t you think that you

are despicable and shameless? “Thank you for the compliment. I’m just that despicableand shameless!

There is soinething even more shameless that I cando. Do you want to try it?” “You…” Molly gritted her

teeth angrily. “How is it? Have you considered it?” Ivan’s tone was full of the provocation and arrogance

of a winner “Ivan, can you stop messing around? Please separate business and private matters! If you

have any dissatisfaction with me, you can solve it in private! Don’t play tricks on work!”