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Triplets on Secret Mission

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

Molly’s eyes darkened as she thought about this. After she was disowned by the May family a couple of

years ago, she had nowhere to go but her foster parents’ home in the countryside. However, Molly’s

foster parents had always been petty. They had preferred a son over a daughter. Hence, when they

knew that Diana was their real daughter, they did not want to keep Molly anymore. Besides, Molly, who

was pregnant, was a burden, so they chased her out without any hesitation! Molly had nowhere to

settle down. In the end, it was Grandpa Dave who found her and gave her a load of money before

sending her abroad. That was why Molly and her babies could survive. Initially, Molly did not want to

return to Northfolk. But Walter gave her a call a while ago and ordered her to cancel her engagement

with Adam. Furthermore, Grandpa Dave was unwell recently, so she wanted to pay him a visit. After all,

Molly and her children were indebted to Grandpa Dave. He was the only person in the May family who

cared about her! Molly recomposed herself when she thought about it and looked at the three babies

next to her. A gentle smile grew on her face as she patted their head. She then said softly, “The plane

is about to land in an hour or so. We’ll pay Grandpa Dave a visit once we’ve settled down. You will all

have to greet him politely then, got it?” The three children nodded diligently. They had porcelain white

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skin, fluffy cheeks, and a big set of clear eyes. They were extraordinarily delicate and beautiful, as if

they were dolls. “Don’t worry, Mommy. We remembered what you told us. Grandpa Dave saved us, and

he’s also the person who treated you the best in the family! We’ll just obey Grandpa Dave like you do,

Mommy!” The eldest of the bunch, Alex, nodded sternly as he hit his chest and guaranteed. Ben, the

middle child, and Claudia, the youngest child, raised their hands as they said, “Yeah, we remember.”

Molly smiled with relief. “But Mommy, are we going to stay in Northfolk after coming back here this

time?” asked Alex again the next second. Molly responded gently. “Not sure! But we have to stay in this

country for some time. Grandpa Dave is rather weak, so I can help him with my medical knowledge.

We’ll decide when he gets better!” “I see…” Alex listened to Molly as he brushed his sharp chin and

pondered. “We’ll need a lot of money for our return then!” He tapped on the phone screen next to him

and said, “To be honest, I logged onto the hackers’ private network before boarding the plane. There’s

a mission from the Anderson family in Northfolk; they’re offering ten million dollars for you to personally

treat Sean Anderson’s leg, Mommy. He is the current person in power in the Anderson family. I think

you can take up this mission!” Molly frowned upon hearing that. These years, she was repelled by

wealthy families like these because of the May family. So, she had decided that she would never treat

people from wealthy families. Besides, she had a lot on her plate during her return this time. She was

afraid that she might not have the energy to do it. So she could only reject Alex, “Darling, you know

mommy’s principle…” Alex seemed to have already expected this as he nodded. But he was also

secretly shooting glances at his siblings beside him at the same time. The two other siblings

immediately understood it as their eyes sparkled! The naughty Claudia wrapped her arms around

Molly’s arm and spoke adorably, “Mommy, why don’t you accept this offer? You have a big family to

raise now!” She pulled up her fingers and counted seriously. “There’s me, my two brothers… Cherry,

Kiwi, and Papaya; three pets. You must’ve got a lot of pressure!” Ben chimed in and objected as well,

“That’s right, Mommy! We want to stay in a big mansion, eat a lot of good food, and play fun things…

Honestly speaking, the project you asked me to invest in had no returns. We’re poor now! We only

have two to three hundred thousand dollars on our card now…” Molly was surprised. “How come?

Don’t you have a good eye for these investments? We’ve never lost any money for the past two years!”

Ben looked as if everything was normal and said, “Investments have risks! Besides, no matter how

good my judgment is, I’m still a five-year-old kid. Isn’t it…normal for me to lose money?” Molly was

immediately at a loss for words. Her three babies had always been extremely gifted. Alex was good at

calculations; Ben had a superior judgment of investments; and Claudia loved artsy activities like piano,

chess, and books. She even had a good photographic memory. Molly never worried much about her

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three babies. But she would have never expected to face a financial risk as soon as they returned to

their country. Molly was in a daze for a while, but she still disagreed with her children. “Let’s talk about

this when we land!” The three little ones grew anxious after listening to Molly! The reason they insisted

their mom treat that person in power in the Anderson family was that they suspected that that man was

most probably their daddy! … At that moment, in the first-class cabin on the same flight– A man in a

black suit was sitting at the window seat in the front row. His hair draped across his forehead, and his

eyes were half-closed. He had long lashes, and his eyes were upturned like a fox, charming and

passionate. His side profile was sharp, as if it was carefully sculpted. Together with his sharp nose and

thin lips, he looked like a piece of art. Tony, his assistant, was reporting softly next to him, “Sir, the

physician you are looking for hasn’t replied until now. It seems like that person’s strange principle of not

treating wealthy people is true.” Upon listening, that man looked up. His emotion-filled eyes were

replaced by coldness and stateliness. His words also had no warmth to them. “Continue to send that

physician our request. Increase the pay if it isn’t enough until that person agrees! Also, track that

person down. It’s best if we could find that person.” “Understood.” Tony nodded and obeyed his
