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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67

“Where are you taking me, Jen?” Livia shouted in annoyance.

“Sit still, Sister-in-law. | will take you to an extraordinary place where you can release the tension.” Jenny and

Sophia laughed at the stime.

“Don’t be weird, Jen. If your brother finds out I'm going to a place like that; I'm done.” So even though Livia

doesn’t know where they will take her, Livia’s mind is already leading somewhere.

“Haha, sister-in-law, what are you thinking?” Jenny drove the car, not caring about her sister-in-law’s grumbling.

When Livia turned to Sophia for an answer, she just laughed and kept her mouth shut. Keep their destination a



Loud screams filled the sky.

The three of them queue for the second tto ride the roller coaster.

Even though it was the second time, the screams of the three women were still as loud. Even more so.

After the rides stopped, they got off. Near them were two people who immediately fell down and sat down.

Nausea and pale. But not with Livia and her two sisters-in-law. They laughed together as they descended the

stairs for the second time.

They were satisfied screaming without anyone being bothered to hear their screams. It seems that the purpose

of the creator of the roller coaster gmay indeed be for that, yes. It makes people scream as much as they

want to the point of being relieved and heartbroken.

“How can there be a place as cool as this in our city, huh?” Livia grabbed Jenny’s hand, and she pointed at the

Bomb car.

“Con up.” Livia is like a child whining to her mother. Jenny and Sophia followed. Today is their sister-in-law’s

day, they both muttered.

Today the two sisters-in-law will be intimate with the woman that their sister loves.

“Sister-in-law, how are you enjoying your youth? This place has been around since two years ago.”

Livia was stunned and amazed, but she quickly looked away. “I worked hard to survive. I'm not the younger

sister of a rich man like you.

Yeah, she has to earn money, and living is not easy in her family.

“Pfft, sister-in-law, now you're the rich man’s wife. So please have fun as much as you want today.”

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They went up and chose their respective cars. Play crash like a kid.

Livia burst out laughing when Jenny scolded her loudly for hitting her car.

It's really fun to go out with other women like this.

After getting out of the bomb car arena, they had exhausted their energy, now collapsing in the food court.

Sophia was the smallest who could get a drink order, while Jenny and Livia sat dropping their heads on the table.

“Thanks, Jen, for bringinghere. This is so much fun.”

‘I have to invite my employees here on vacation. So let them play satisfied while screaming. So far, they can

only scream in the shophouse when they meet a naughty and weird customer. Here, she even had tto curse

Damian earlier without feeling guilty and disturbing people. Jen and Sophia didn’t even listen.

Sophia appeared with three drinks. She also bought snacks. “Let's eat!”

“Uhh, apparently, you guys are cute too, huh. I'm sorry, I've been judging you badly all along because you really

are annoying. But | don’t want to apologize. You guys were annoying yesterday.’

“Sister-in-law, how was your first night?”

Livia choked on her drink at Jenny's uncensored question.

“What? I'm curious about the first night between you and Brother Damian. So please tell me.”

It felt like Livia wanted to pinch Jenny's lips. How can she ask embarrassing things like that with a normal face?

“That's also the first tfor Brother Damian. You must be shy but rushing. Haha.”

This tLivia dropped the snack in her hand.

‘Did Jenny just say that it was the first tfor Damian? So | am the first and the only one? Hey, how is that


“First tfor Damian? Hey, no kidding, Jen.” Livia smirked and then drank the juice from her glass. “Who's

kidding?!” Jenny and Sophia shouted together.

“Hey.” Livia still showed a reaction of disbelief.

Jenny slammed the table, making Livia jump. The girl stroked her chest and glared at Jenny.

“What do you think my brother is like?”

Livia was speechless, confused to find the right choice of words. But she was even more confusing to think that

her words could be accepted by these two girls who admired her brother. “Brother Damian is the best man in the


Yes, yes, he is their brother.

“He’s a man who should be precocious and take care of the three of us. Instead, he had no tto grieve for

strengthening her mother and siblings. Do you know?!” Fiery.

“Keep your voice down, Jen. Do you want to be reported by the police for disturbing public order?” Livia pinched

her sister-in-law’s hand

“Maybe that’s why Damian always keeps his distance from other people. But, uh, | don’t know. | don’t want to

guess because | don’t know what he’s thinking myself.”

“Sister Helena is Brother Damian's, first love.” Jenny continued the story that contained so much information.

This tLivia’s face wrinkled even more. She really couldn't believe it.

“Hey, Jen, telleverything, but you can’t add to it. Your brother is already great, so don’t polish his greatness

again. | want to know the real him!” Livia touched Jenny’s hand. Smile warmly.

‘Con, tell all the secrets of Mr. Damian.’ “Four years ago, they met at the green lake,” Jenny started her

story. Sophia also chimed in very enthusiastically beside her. They both really admire their brother.

Livia knows that sparts of the story about Damian are exaggerated. But she didn’t interrupt. Leave it alone.

The important thing is that they are happy, Livia thought.

“But two years ago, sister Helena left without saying goodbye.” Ending the story with annoyance. So now Jenny

has wholly changed her heart from Helena. Yes, because she felt that she didn’t have a chance anymore.

“But wait, how do you know it Damian and Helena haven't done it together before.” Livia was embarrassed by

her own question.

“Sister Helena told us. Could it be that you haven't done it with my brother too?” Sophia is angry, feeling


“Nonsense!” Livia pokes Sophia’s hand. “Mr. Damian is the first and only for me, you know. “Livia’s face was red

with embarrassment, and she chased away the awkwardness by grabbing a snack and eating it voraciously,

“Woah, are you shy? I'm happy. Haha.” Jenny and Sophia raise their hands in a high five. “We are also still

virgins, you know. Brother Damian can be angry if we date freely. So we can date, but don’t get involved in


Livia narrowed her eyes. Don't believe it.

“Hey, we can get severe punishment if we violate the dating rules.” Sophia tried to convince Livia. “What is the

punishment? You will be shaved?” Sorry, but Livia giggled when she said that.

Jenny snorted.

“Worse than that.” Jenny hits the table. “Stop your hand, Jen. Do you want to be a judge? You keep hitting the

table.” Livia continued to snack beautifully. “We can’t play on social media again. Our account will be deleted.

Anyway, we can’t play any form of social media.”

“What?! What kind of punishment can that be called?” Lazy question from Livia.

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“The punishment should be shaved or tied to a mountain. Haha, sorry. Jen, just kidding.” Livia stroked Jenny's

hand, whose face was already burning. Livia was still holding back her laughter while apologizing.

“Sister-in-law, shaved or tied up in the mountains is still not much. Our hair can grow again. But if we are not

allowed to play on social media, how about our followers? We are social media celebrities.”

“Pfft... After all, you can’t live if you don’t hold your cellphone for a while.” Livia just relented.

“But does Mr. Damian really say that?” Livia was really curious about what Damian’s nature was like. “Forbid you

to date freely?”

“Brother Damian said, it's okay to date, but keep your honor. That's what he said. He will worry about us, sister-


“Uhh, it turns out that he really loves his sisters, doesn’t he? It's only right that these two people adore their

brother like that.

“Hey, let's take a picture of the three of us then.”

The story of the first night ends. Excited chirping. You know, when you're excited about taking photos together,

Livia is also fighting for position and style.

Jenny posted it on social media. The caption is, “With Sophia and Damian Alexander's beloved wife. XOXO! Let's

have fun.”


“Why?” Damian had already handed the last document he signed into Brown's hands.

“Miss Jenny posted a new photo on her social media account. Would you like to see it?” Brown handed over the

cell phone he was holding.

Damian's face immediately brightened reading the caption written by Jenny.

“Let them have fun.” Damian really looks very happy to see what Jenny wrote.

“Apparently, they already know who to support,” Damian muttered to Assistant Brown.

“Okay, Young master.” Brown nodded.

“Have Livia’s parents apologized?” Move on to another matter.

“Not yet, Young master, they are already being nice, but | think the young lady also just thinks they are nice

because you are there.”

“Make sure they apologize properly to Livia. Now, I'm hungry. Let's eat.”

“Okay, Young master.”

In the meantime, the workers in the Alexander Group building are still struggling with their jobs.