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The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Chapter 242: What? Is that all you can do? (5)
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When Lee Gun spoke, a commotion broke out within the 200-pyeong workshop used for lectures. There was only one reason for this.

Before throwing down the gauntlet, what did Lee Gun say?

“Wait a moment! Heaven’s Punishment was made by Lee Gun?”

“You guys said the Capricorn made it!?”

Everyone stood up from their seats.

Before, the master craftsmen from other temples had been enjoying the battle, but they stood up in anger now.

“Hey, Capricorn temple! Is he telling the truth?”

The Capricorn disciples were shocked by the angry shouts.

“What are you saying? O-Of course, he’s lying!”

“What? He’s lying? Someone of Lee Gun’s stature wouldn’t tell such a bold lie. It isn’t as if he’s unaware of what will happen.”

“No way…!”

Originally, the other master craftsmen had come here for entertainment. However, they could no longer be spectators watching a fire burn across the river.

What was the reason they had held back while the Capricorn temple had acted high and mighty?!

‘They were supposed to be the ones who had created the greatest holy items of humanity!’

Yes, the reason the Capricorn temple was upheld so highly was the fact that they had made Heaven’s Punishment.

Heaven’s Punishment was one of the most famous treasures in the world. It was one of Lee Gun’s eight great weapons, which everyone coveted.

Even if Lee Gun were called lousy, there was a reason his items were famous enough to appear on the black market.

‘The premium wasn’t added, because he was simply the comrade of the Zodiac Saints.’

Lee Gun’s raid videos were still among the highest viewed videos on YouTube. Then there was the video of the raid in Russia, which was still being passed around in secret.

Seeing the video, everyone had wondered how a B-rank could accomplish such feats.

When posed this question, Giselle had explained that this was all thanks to the buffs loaned out by the Zodiacs and the equipment made by the Capricorn. She had said that without them, Lee Gun would be like a regular B rank.

Several Zodiac Saints had denied this assertion, but Giselle had put out well-crafted fake evidence. That had boosted the credibility of her assertion.

With the transformation ability of the Pisces, creating fake witnesses and evidence was easy.

Anyway, Giselle had labeled Lee Gun a B-rank awakened being, and in turn, his items were given astronomical value. Why?

‘My god. These are items that can make even a B-rank into a Saint rank!’

‘What would happen if someone of the general rank used those items?’

That was why the generals desperately tried to win bids for Lee Gun’s items. It was also why disciples rushed to obtain trivial items belonging to Lee Gun. They believed in the effect of those items.

Of course, a separate group, made of those like Sungjae, was purely in it because Lee Gun’s personality(?) had won them over.

Anyway, that was the lay of the land.

In all of Lee Gun’s raid videos, Heaven’s Punishment was always present, and it was the highest rank item he possessed!

In truth, Heaven’s Punishment had been put up for auction in Beijing eighteen years ago. Those who had checked its abilities were shocked.

Of course, the ownerless Heaven’s Punishment had violently resisted, so they couldn’t measure it properly. However…

“At the time, it was said the data was equivalent to an SS-rank weapon, right?”

“That’s right. There was also that incident….”

In truth, Heaven’s Punishment had become famous for another reason, too. It was when Heaven’s Punishment came out in the auction.

A surprise attack by an unknown group had tried to interfere with the auction. The mysterious group had attempted to steal the weapon for some reason.

Moreover, several hundred monsters, which had never been seen before, had shown up! They weren’t the monsters of the unknown civilization that people saw daily.

Although this wasn’t confirmed, the lowest rank monster had been at least red zone rank! Therefore, the auction house had instantly turned into hell.

Kevin and Stevens had also come to the auction house to bid for the weapon, but their powers had been ineffective on the monsters, leaving them flustered.

At that time, the restrained Heaven’s Punishment had broken the chains and killed all the enemies by itself, as if it was getting its revenge. Moreover, the weapon roared because it had failed to protect its master inside the tower.

‘Because of that incident, Heaven’s Punishment was completely drained of its power. Moving the weapon had become possible afterward.’

The appraisers who remembered that incident gulped.

At the time, it was said that Heaven’s Punishment had used all of Lee Gun’s magical energy, which was imbued within it.

Anyway, the weapon’s stock exploded because of that incident. The Virgo temple and the Leo temple had lost two rankings for not being able to do anything against the monster.

At the time, Kevin had been gunning for the number one spot, yet he had been pushed to fourth place. Stevens, who had been in third place, had been pushed down to fifth.

As for the Capricorn temple that had made Heaven’s Punishment…

[Capricorn temple’s ranking increased (11 ▶ 3)]

Although the temple was later pushed down by the battle-type temples, it had benefited from the reputation for eighteen years.

Moreover, Heaven’s Punishment’s stock had continued to rise as the false stories about Lee Gun were slowly unraveled.

Then, Lee Gun had stopped the attack by the monsters by himself, and the weapon that he treasured had made him that much stronger.

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That was why the assessment of the Capricorn temple was rising rapidly in recent days.

And so…

“What? Lee Gun made that too?!”

“That means Lee Gun already made an SS-rank weapon back in the day!”

“They are frauds?!”

Lee Gun picked at his ears. According to his standards, the weapon had been at the S rank instead of the SS rank.

‘It seems they were generous in their appraisal.’

In truth, Heaven’s Punishment was the first holy item he had made. So he found it lacking in many facets compared to his other items.

However, it couldn’t be destroyed because of the ingredients he had used.

‘Moreover, it isn’t an S-rank weapon now. It’s an EX-rank weapon.’

While pandemonium erupted inside the workshop, one being reacted in anger.

[Heaven’s Punishment keeps protesting that Lee Gun is its master and that he had created it.]

[Heaven’s Punishment feels aggrieved.]

When Heaven’s Punishment wailed, Lee Gun patted it.

“It’s fine. They all know who created you now.”

The Capricorn Constructs glared at him.

[That is enough slander!]

[That’s right. You evil bastard! He’s slandering us! He is trying to steal our reputation to grow his temple!]

The words made Lee Gun laugh. “Slander? Why don’t you call your Zodiac?”

[Stop making ludicrous statements, you bastard—]

“If you guys succeed in making a copy, I’ll go under the Capricorn temple.”


The commotion within the premises got louder than before.

“Did you hear that? The Serpent Bearer temple will go under the Capricorn temple.”

“At this point, it really seems like Lee Gun is the one who created Heaven’s Punishment.”

The shocked Constructs laughed.

‘You are digging your own grave.’

It seemed that the bastard didn’t know what he was putting on the line.

‘If the Serpent Bearer comes under us, we can absorb his affiliate temples too.’

The Capricorn temple had always been ranked middle to low. This move would allow the Capricorn temple to rise to the high ranks!

‘This is an amazing opportunity.’

Ranking wasn’t a measure of absolute strength, but having a high rank had its benefits.

‘We must seize this opportunity.’

Of course, the Constructs knew the truth.

They knew Lee Gun had made the weapon. However, this changed nothing.

‘There is no way our god is unable to make an item made by a human.’

Their Zodiac could see the structure of a holy item just by looking at it. It could copy items just from touching them. So what was this? Lee Gun only wanted a copy!

‘As expected, he doesn’t know anything since he used to be a stupid human.’

Moreover, he had offered to lend them the item.

‘He’s handing us all the information.’


At this point, they considered their victory assured. Therefore, the Constructs immediately yelled out.

[Alright. We were the ones to make Heaven’s Punishment. Of course, we can make one more.]

[The Zodiac wants this.]

They grabbed each other’s hands as they made a circle. Then, they called for their master.

[Oh, master of creation, who creates all creation!]

The Constructs used the Zodiac Summon skill, which called forth their master!

[Please show him your skill! Rip open the mouth of that foolish bastard!]

[Please appear in this place for the sullied honor of the Capricorn temple!]

A pillar of purple light surged up. It was an incredible amount of energy.

This display caused a commotion amongst the disciples.

Kevin raised his guard.

‘The Capricorn is coming.’

Why would the Zodiac not come!

‘It merely has to copy an item! There is no way it’ll bypass this golden opportunity!’

If it didn’t show up, it would be staining the reputation of the Capricorn temple! This was a grave matter where the reputation of the Capricorn temple was on the line! There was no way the Capricorn would refuse to come!

And as expected, a powerful light surged forth. When the light dissipated, the Capricorn—




Their master should have shown up.


The Capricorn hadn’t shown up. There was no one there. The only thing everyone could see there were the buzzing flies.

The flustered Constructs opened their eyes wide.

[It seems our voices weren’t heard. Let’s call for our Zodiac again.]


They attempted it again using the same method.

[Master! Please make an appearance here! Please recapture the reputation of the Capricorn temple!]

[They insult the god of the manufacturing workshop, whom all the gods of the Divine world seek out!]

It didn’t matter that they had raised their voices.

[The Capricorn feels awkward. It has refused the call.]


Lee Gun smirked. “Your Zodiac refused your summon? That means it has a guilty conscience, right?”

Those words caused a ruckus within the grounds.

“This is nuts! The people of the Capricorn temple really are frauds.”

“That’s right. They have deceived us. Why wouldn’t the Zodiac show up unless it has a guilty conscience?”

“Wow! Out of all of them, I thought the manufacturers would be clean!”

The dwarves were shocked.

‘Oh, Master! Why!’

This opportunity was practically a layup, so why was the Capricorn rejecting it?

‘Our master should be able to copy that bastard’s weapon just by touching it!’

In the end, they poured out their contribution to summon their Zodiac.

‘We’ll surely be able to summon Master with this!’

[Master! You just have to create the same thing!]

[Please show— Ahhhk!!!]

They were about to chant the summoning spell when they screamed. Instead of the Zodiac being summoned, a purple lightning bolt fell from the sky.

[Ahhhk! Why are you attacking us!]

The Zodiac seems furious.

[The Capricorn asks why they keep looking for it.]

[The Capricorn is angry that you guys let this incident grow out of hand.]

[The Capricorn says it’ll get rid of all its stupid underlings.]



Lee Gun couldn’t stand it anymore. He laughed as he clutched at his stomach. “What the hell? I never expected it not to show up.”


Lee Gun had an idea about what was going on. This was inevitable.

‘The Zodiac knows what Heaven’s Punishment is made out of.’

Unless the Capricorn had lost its mind, there was no way it would pluck the whiskers of the Leo. That wasn’t all.

‘A long time ago Sebastian was successful in stealing Heaven’s Punishment.’

He had been trying to copy it. Despite getting this opportunity, the Capricorn Saint had failed. He had failed despite a highly motivated Capricorn making an appearance.

This was why Lee Gun was certain. “You guys can’t copy this.”

The Constructs ground their teeth when they saw his confident smile.

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‘He only learned how to manufacture by stealing our blueprints, yet he is acting arrogant!’

In truth, Lee Gun had learned how to manufacture holy items by studying their blueprints.

It had happened around the time when Lee Gun had just awakened. At the time, Lee Gun had only his body.

‘The Zodiacs put in manufacturing orders with us for their Zodiac Saints.’

On the other hand, Lee Gun didn’t have a Zodiac to even give him an overcoat. Therefore, he made weapons for himself. It had been child’s play for him.

‘Of course, the method to make holy items differed from that of making human weapons.’

Therefore, those of the Capricorn Constructs had laughed as they watched Lee Gun get beaten to a pulp by the monsters.

‘Someone like that…!’

‘He was able to make such a weapon…!’

The more galling part was that he had stolen a blueprint for something basic, the blueprint for a blunt weapon (C rank).

He had made Heaven’s Punishment using that blueprint.

‘It was probably luck that the weapon developed a sense of self. That’s why the weapon turned out to be that powerful.’

[Alright! We’ll try copying the weapon…!]

[It was made using a basic C-rank blueprint. From a big picture point of view, this should be easy!]

The Constructs placed their hands on Heaven’s Punishment as they used their skill. This was a summoning skill that summoned the ingredients the weapon was made of!

[Come out, the ingredients making up Heaven’s Punishment!]

The ingredients were summoned on the ground.

[Good. Let’s grind down the ingredients…!]


[How dare you summon me, you impudent bastards!]


The blacksmith Constructs screamed when they heard the familiar voice.

[W-wait a moment! Isn’t that the Leo?]

[It is… Ahhhk! Why is it here?!]

[Look here, human! Which ingredients did you use?]

Lee Gun picked at his ear. “What else? I used the Leo’s tooth.”


[You crazy bastard! How dare you use the item of such a being!!]

[Y-You dare use such an item as an ingredient. We can’t copy it!]

[Do you have a death wish for using this as an ingredient!!!]

[Ahhhk! Hurry up and cancel the summon— Ahhhk!]

[I’ll eat all of you!!]

The Leo was finally about to emerge from the light when…


An incredible light flashed in the air as if it was trying to sort out the summon of the Leo. This light was shaped like a goat.

[The Capricorn has appeared.]

The light was so bright that even seeing it was hard. However, it had the head of a goat and the body of a human.

The Constructs roared as if they had expected the appearance of their master.

[You’re finally here, Master!]

[Please hurry up and make that wretched bastard—]


The goat let out lightning bolts. The Constructs screamed as they fell over.

[The Capricorn says its underlings did this on their own.]

[The Capricorn will take back its useless servants.]

This angered the Leo, who was about to be summoned.

[Hurry up and come here, you goat bastard?!]

The Leo tried to swallow the Capricorn, but it disappeared when the summon was canceled.

The Capricorn let out a sigh of relief.

[I’ll take back my useless servants]

It seemed this matter would end without a big fight. Kevin and the Virgo disciples relaxed as they put away their swords.

The Capricorn was true to its words as it tried to take back its Constructs. However…



Accompanying the sound of an ax hitting something, blood flew into the air.

“You’re going nowhere. You have to pay what you owe.”