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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 732 - The Altercation
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After a long day of sleeping like a log, Lory wakes up in a good mood, because she gained more trinity fragments, her body is filled with more mana and naturally it makes her feel stronger and recover faster than before.

To celebrate her success gained the trinity fragments and drive away Lazarus temporarily Lory decided to reward herself with a long nice hot bath complete with perfume and flower petals, after a great bath Lory returned to her room but she was surprised by Yang Xi Ying busy rummaging through her wardrobe when she came, Yang Xi Ying face beaming like a  lightbulb when she sees Lory. 


"Look Lory, I think this dress will accentuate your skin tone and brighten your beautiful eyes, let's try it now!" Without waiting for Lory's reply she quickly helped Lory to get dressed, while Lory who had no desire to fight against Yang Xi gave up under her enthusiasm.

Yang Xi Ying dressed her in a dark blue silk dress embroidered with silver Peony flowers, the dress looked simple but very elegant and sophisticated especially after she put a white sash adorn with diamond beads around Lory's waist.

Lory looks at the dress in the mirror and wonders since when she has this dress, but then again it should be expected since Black turtle palace sends new dresses every three days and replaces the old one after one month, Lory who never pays attention to Style doesn't bother to check what other kinda dress she had, after all, Lory has little interest with small matters like fashion even when she was in Harland, as long the clothes looked good and proper then she was fine with it. 

"Oh my, you look so beautiful, now let me do your hair!" he pulled Lory to the dresser and then pushed her to sit in front of the mirror.

Lory was speechless when she saw Yang Xi Ying having a good time by herself, "You are the Jiu Yun sect's young mistress and the first daughter of a first-rank official. How can you help me get dressed like a maid, what would you do if people talk bad about you?"

"Besides, I'm doing this for myself, ever since I saw your real appearance I already imagined what kinda dress, jewelry, and style would suit you, finally I have a chance to dress you up so why you ruined this for me? "she pouted her lips pretended to be hurt. 

Only now she realized how hard to resist the beautiful girl "Fine, do whatever you like!" she quickly coaxed the beautiful lady, a second later Yang Xi Ying's beautiful face beamed like a blossoming flower as she continues brushing Lory's hairs. 

Lory stare at Yang Xi Ying then sighed and lament to herself 'Beautiful girls it's so dangerous..'

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While busy dressing Lory like a living doll, Yang Xi Ying talked about what happened to the Sanguan family and the current situation of the Yunmo empire, unexpectedly not only the Queen Dowager who lost her mind, there were also several people who also shown the same symptoms and all of them were Lao Min Na patients. The emperor was enraged and release imperial orders to catch Lao Min Na dead or alive. 

"Lao Min Na has worked as a doctor and alchemist for a long time so clearly she had a lot of patients before, I wonder what will happen to them now?" Yang Xi Ying shuddered when he recalled how bad the Queen Dowager was, how could a woman who was strong and dignified like the Queen Dowager fall into this miserable state.

Lory ponders for a second the say: "It depends since when Lao Min Na add Lazarus blood on her medicine, I guessed at first she sincerely wants help them but stayed with Lazarus for a long time it's impossible for her to have a clear mind, Lazarus was clearly got under her skin" Lory let out a long exhales "No, perhaps Lao Min Na never had the chance from the beginning….."

"Thak God, you are safe now Lory," Yang Xi Ying said.

"Not without a high price…" Lory smiled bitterly, for her own safety her mother lose her life even Girsha was not spared, she had lived in limbo for several years until she finally able to save Lucas, it wasn't an easy life and when she thought everything was over she was sent to another world, alone and stranded without power or family she was forced to start a new life, luckily she still has Girsha. For years she lives like a leaf on the stream, she didn't know what to do or where to go, without duty and the name's to carry on Lory once again throw in a limbo state.

But then she accidentally met Zhao Li Xin, even though he was a bit strange and awkward but he was gentle and kind to her, he was also a good listener, very tolerant and attentive, Zhao Li Xin may look cold from the outside but in inside he is very warm, she brings joy to her life and she makes her smile again, with him around Lory finding her purpose, she gives her a reason to be strong, and to fight again, finally she makes him remember who she was supposed to be.

It's funny how Zhao Li Xin always said she had saved him but the truth was Zhao Li Xin had saved her too, without him she might not have the will to fight Lazarus anymore nor the reason to live, the constant fight in her previous world had exhaust not only her body but also her soul, maybe without Zhao Li Xin Lory would only destroy her soul and disappeared quietly, but because Zhao Li Xin was here and the promise they made, Lory found a reason to survive. 

"Enough, talking about bad things thing, look how beautiful you are" Yang Xi Ying proudly said. She made simple side braids then scattered white flower hairpin on Lory's hair, the white flower enhanced Lory's bluish hair made her look like a forest fairy. Yang Xi Ying can't stop admired Lory's face, there are no words she could find to describe how beautiful Lory is.

"You really have good taste, in my world, you will become a good stylist" Lory saw her own reflection with awe.

"What is a stylist?"

"It's a profession where the job is to dress other people to make them look good," said Lory.

"Isn't that a maid" she frowned?

Lory burst to laugh "No Way, unlike maid you have a right to be respected and choose if you wanted to work for them or not, you will be paid by the hours and have other benefit depend on which company you work with"

Yang Xi Ying's eyes widened "There's such a great profession like that for women in your world?" Yang Xi Ying who was raised as a good daughter and good wife never thought a woman could have a career.

"There was dozens of occupation for women, they can even become prime minister or ruler if they wanted despite their humble background, as long you work hard, nothing is impossible!" Lory explain.

Yang Xi Ying was dumbfounded, Lory rarely talks about her old world but from Ming Yue Yin's description she knew Lory's world was more liberal and open-minded compare to this world, she can't help feel envious of women in Lory's world.

"Your world sounds amazing, I wonder what would I be if I live in your world" she suddenly feel dejected.

"Well, not always, you may not meet a nice man like Li Mo Zhen" Lory interrupted "Even though my world sounds good but there is also a downside because everyone was too focused on their careers many of them don't think about serious relationships let alone marriage, if you live in my world finding a good man like Li Mo Zhen is like finding a needle in a haystack, you might not be that lucky, you might not even get married before you reach the age of thirty. " 

"Thi….thirty?" Yang Xi Ying gasped, she was married at the age of seventeen even that can be said quite late compared to her sisters and other noble ladies who were married at fifteen and sixteen, she can't imagine a woman that willing to be a bachelor until they are thirty, is it because it's so hard to find a good husband?

Lory laughed, even more, most women in this world married so young that they would already have mature children at that age, and they might become grandmothers before they reach forty, so it must be surprising for Yang Xi Ying to know that women will remain single until they were thirty, but different worlds have different cultures.

Honestly speaking, Lory never thinks less about women in this world, most of them are graceful, well-behaved, and very cultured, they can paint, play musical instruments like Gu Qin, they understand poetry and know how to embroidery, all of it was something that Lory could never do no matter how hard he tried so she had nothing but great respect for women like Yang Xi Ying.

If a woman like Yang Xi Ying came to her world Lory would bet all her fortune that there would be hundreds of suitors waiting in her front door wanted to be Yang Xi Ying husband, not only very beautiful she was also calmed, gentle, soft-spoken, and filial to the elder, Yang Xi Ying not only a high material wife but she would become a good mother as well, a woman like Yang Xi Ying was the most sought after woman in her world, heck if she was a man she would fight with Li Mo Zhen to for Yang Xi Ying too.

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But of course, Lory never voiced her thoughts out loud because she didn't want to cause trouble with two possessive men namely Li Mo Zhen and Zhao Li Xin.

In the meantime at the side hall, Zhao Li Xin was accompanied by Li Mo Zhen, Mu Jan Ge, and Tien Meng Ji, the atmosphere turned to be awkward and a little bit tensed. It's been a while since Zhao Li Xin meets his former master, Tian Meng Ji, he might not show it but Zhao Li Xin didn't expect to meet with Tian Meng Ji again.

Li Mo Zhen and Mu Jan Ge didn't want to involve in their complicated master-disciple relationship, they just coming because Tian Meng Ji begged Mu Jan Ge to come, while Li Mo Zhen only reason to come is to respect Mu Jan get, but he didn't want to talk with Tian Meng Ji because he knew Tian meng Ji didn't like Lory too much especially after he saw Lory real appearance.

"Uhm, Xin'er how are you, you looked well" he finally the first one who breaks the silence.

Zhao Li Xin took a quiet sip of wine "I ..." she replied briefly, unlike normal people Zhao Li Xin doesn't care about filial piety, for him, there are too many parents who use this sentiment as a tool to control and impose their will on the younger generation, and people like Zhao Li Xin there's nothing he hates the most than being controlled. 

"Uhm…about your wife…" he asks in a low tone.

"What about it?" Zhao Li Xin quickly becomes defensive.

Tian Meng Ji smile awkwardly "Ah, no…I mean, her appearance looks strange, is she not from Xin Fang continent?" 

Mu Jan Ge's eyes twitch, he doesn't know anymore which one is the disciple and which one is the master their position seems to be reversed. He glances at Li Mo Zhen who sit across to him, even though Li Mo Zhen was not as talented as Zhao Li Xin but when it come manner and filial piety his disciple is much better than Zhao Li Xin, he glads his disciple didn't as scary as Zhao Li Xin.

"No, she's not…" he replies vaguely.

he looks left and right then whispers with a low voice "I heard that…she was a sorceress" 

Zhao Li Xin narrowed his eyes "So…..?"