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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 530 - Dark Magic
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Lory left with Mong Yi after she reassures his worrywart husband than on the way out she accidentally bumps to Yang Xi Ying. It's rare to see Lory alone without Zhao Li Xin tag along "Where are you going?" she blinks her eyes.

"Oh, nothing…someone looking for me, you remember Yu Qin the mad who got bullied yesterday?" she reminds Yang Xi Ying.


Yang Xi Ying frown "The one from Zhuang family?" she widened her eyes in surprise.

"Yes, that one…" Lory replies calmly.

"What does she want?" Yang Xi Ying can't help to be warry because no matter how harmless Yu Qin is she is from the Zhuang family servant.

"That's what I try to figure it out" Lory shrug casually without feeling worried.

On the other hand, Lory's nonchalant attitude make Yang Xi Ying worrier "I'm coming with you!" she said firmly without giving Lory a chance to reject.

"Oh, okay…" Lory make a gesture with her head to beckoned Yang Xi Ying to follow her.

When Lory climbs down the stairs she sees Yu Qin at the front door the girl's face loses her color and she looks fidgeting, even for a normal people it's normal to be terrified surrounded by Hei Shen people not to mention for a weak and timid little girl like Yu Qin, Lory wants to applaud her for not being fainted.

Yang Xi Ying's wariness also decreases tremendously when she saw Yu Qin's sorry state, The little girl's hands trembles profusely while she keeps her head down.

"You want to see me?" Lory make her voice gentler as not to scare the little girl further.

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Yu Qin quickly lift her head, she looks anxious but her eyes glimmer with hope "Ye…yes, I.. I don't mean to..bo…bother you" she becomes more stutter than usual although she tries to calm herself, but it's not working when the expectant person stand in front of her.

She looks like a scared kitten, Lory and Yang Xi Ying feel bad for her "Don't be scared, let's talk privately" Lory waves her hands then Mong Yi lead them to the private room on the second floor.

Lory brews her favorite 'blue tea' to eased Yu Qin nerves but when Yu Qin realizes she serves with expensive tea that cost her half salary her nervousness increased by leap and bound, Now Lory thought she would use her healing gift if this girl suddenly has a heart attack.

"Calm down Yu Qin, this lady didn't have a sense of propriety so you can relax" Yang Xi Ying understand Yu Qin was so nervous in feudal society the disparity between the rich and poor is wide as a sea, for a servant to sit in the same table and serves with the same food that the master had is something indescribable.

Yang Xi Ying had observed Lory from the first time they met, Lory never treats people based on their position, although she never overly close or generous to the servants but when she talks to them or when she replied to them Lory always look at them in the eyes and treat them with the same politeness and she always said 'thank you' it just a simple words but Yang Xi Ying realizes it lit up the mood whoever received it.

Yang Xi Ying finds it weird at the time but then she gradually used to it, even Lory's behavior starts to rub on her and because of that Yang Xi Ying's reputation rose among Jiu Yun sect members in the ways she never expected.

"Hey, what you mean I don't have a sense of propriety?" Lory pouts her lips.

"Is okay, is one of your charmed anyway" she patted Lory shoulder like a concerned Mother.

"Why do I have a feeling, you mocked me?" Lory squints her eyes as she stares yang xi Ying dubiously.

"..." Yang Xi Ying averts her gaze from Lory deliberately "So Yu Qin, why are you here, just talk freely okay" Yang Xi Ying beautiful smiles eased Yu Qin nervousness quite a bit.

"I….I….I want to ask a favor" she said timidly.

"Okay….what is it?" Lory encouraged her to talk further.

"I…I heard Hei Shen sect is very powerful so….can you….can you help my third master" Yu Qin bit her lips she waiting for the harsh lash out from Lory for her audacity.

"Third young master? If I'm not wrong the other maid said your master crippled right?" Lory rest her chin on her palm.

Yang Xi Ying clasped her hands "Oh yes, Brother Li said the third master of Zhuang family got an accident at hunting…or something then he becomes crippled and his health also deteriorated"

"If it's only a crippled why is it influence her health too, that does not make sense?" Lory grew suspicious, she had seen people in the wheelchair before other than unable to walk they basically can do everything else like normal people, they can even do sky diving!

"That what brother Li said too, it's got weirder because his health drop tremendously only in a month or less" Yang Xi Ying eyebrows creased closely.

Listening to their discussion Yu Qin hope ignite again "The madam had called many famous physicians but no one knows how to heal my third master" 

Yang Xi Ying knew from Li Mo Zhen that the third master from Zhuang family came from lowborn family, the mother is a humble woman from nomad tribes, that's why she is not eligible to become concubines moreover a wife and so the girl can only be a 'bed warmer' is a cruel faith for a woman but that happened.

Yang Xi Ying knew the faith of a child that born from that situation, thankfully the child is male not a female even though she can marry with influential family but at least he would not become a token that could be given to anyone who wanted. But still, a child from a lowborn woman used to incite hatred from the other wife and children so Yang Xi Ying doubts the madam real intention.

"Is the physician credible you sure they are not a quack?" Yang Xi Ying gaze deepen, she got her own experience as a noble daughter whose father has few concubines in his courtyard, is not a strange thing for women inside the harem scheming to each other.

"No – no ’ no, madam is very good and kind too, she will never do anything that would harm third young master, I bet my life for it" Yu Qin convince Yang Xi Ying and Lory eagerly "Rather than madam, the one who is more suspicious is that woman….Miss Lao Min Na…" she looks down while mutters.


It's like a lightning in a daylight Lory and yang Xi Ying eyes bulged is like their eyeball almost drop from the socket, Lory unconsciously clenched her fist "Wait, is Lao Min Na got something to do with your master illness?" Lory leans forward at the same time Yang Xi Ying's face also becomes tense. 

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Yu Qin didn't know why they reacted strongly, she nervously nods "I don't have a proof….is only my master suspicion"

Yang Xi Yin small the table with her fist "That Da*n wench! Why that sl*t always hurt innocent people wherever she goes?" Yang Xi Ying boiling with furry, Lory was startled this is the first time she heard yang Xi Ying cursed eloquently. 

Her burst of anger scared the poor little girl Yu Qin. Well, Yang Xi Ying's bloodshot eyes and her murderous aura would terrify anyone who looks at her right now. Lory then pull Yang Xi Ying sleeves gently "Xi Ying calm down, you scared miss Yu Qin here…..and me" 

It seems what Fargo said is true every beautiful girl has a temper. 

Yang Xi Ying realizes she make Yu Qin face turn to pasted, she snorts in disdained then take a deep breath and drink the whole cup of hot tea, Lory's eyes twitch as she watches Yang Xi Ying unbothered by the hot tea, perhaps the rage in her heart is hotter than the tea.

"Okay…."Lory takes a deep breath then shifts her attention back to the frightened Yu Qin "Tell me why your third master suspicious with Lao Min Na?"

Yu Qin peeks on Yang Xi Ying after she's sure that Yang Xi Ying didn't angry with her she looks at Lory and explained what had happened since Lao Min Na and Jin Kai came to the Zhuang Manor. Lory listening Yu Qin from the beginning then gradually her gaze deepen, Zhuang Mu Zi situation feel familiar, she had seen this before at Verrion.

At that time she visits another Kingdom as Harland representative, The crown prince at that Kingdom experience the same thing as Zhuang Mu Zi but still, Zhuang Mu Zi's condition dropped faster than the crown prince, either it got nothing to do with Lory suspicion or it worst than she thought.

"Is Lao Min Na had spent time in your Master courtyard?" Lory crosses her arm on the table as her face becomes rigid.

"Yes, Miss Lao is the one who personally taking care of the master after all" Yu Qin innocently said.

Lory let out a long sigh she close her eyes tiredly then look up to the ceiling with perplexed looks 'This is not good' she laments to herself, with Lazarus help who knows what Lao Min Na gives to Zhuang Mu Zi. Lory can't help to feel responsible to every Lao Min Na victims because she knew the one who orders Lao Min Na is Lazarus and the one who brought Lazarus to this world is her.

[Girsha, where are you?] 

[Fly above the sea….it's beautiful out here, it almost feels like home] Girsha said with glee.

[Glad you're happy but I have to disturb you oldie….I need your help]