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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 520 - Princess Is Lost Again
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A night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars, is a tranquil night and people finally return to their home after a long day. Tonight Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen decide to stay at the same inn as Lory and Zhao Li Xin to make it easier for the girls to meet, the husbands were certain if they didn't do this their respectful wife will leave them in the morning so they can meet with each other 

Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying occupied another luxurious room on the same floor as Lory and the people who are gratified are the Inn manager because his Inn has accommodated two powerful figures in the countries, he sure from here on his Inn would become more famous than ever before.


Lory takes a seat on the wooden couch on the balcony, She enjoys the sounds of waves and gentle night breeze while Girsha spends his times fly above the ocean, just like her Girsha miss the smell of the ocean too much. All of a sudden a knitted shawl wrapped her.

"How many times should I tell you to wear something warm at night" Zhao Li Xin reprimand her but his words fill with indulgence, it sounds very gentle make her heart fluttered.

"Thank you," Lory said with smiles, the shawl does make her feel warmer.

Zhao Li Xin takes a seat next to her then circles his arms around her waist, while Lory rests her head on his chest. The sounds of his heartbeat make her feel safe and sound, she never felt like this with other men not even with her brother Lucas.

"Where is Girsha?" Zhao Li Xin notices the absence of the bird.

"Fly somewhere, he is called the 'Lord of the sky' anyway," Lory said softly while toyed with Zhao Li Xin's long hair.

"Oh, I see.." he make a short reply.

"Li Xin, are you nervous?" Lory suddenly asked.

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"About what?" 

"Your family at Gui Hong continent isn't it, maybe we will meet them"

"Probably…."Zhao Li Xin said indifferently, his family has never been his priority. Not like other people who are dying to re-connect with their family, Zhao Li Xin doesn't feel that way. He doesn't know why maybe there something loose in his head but he doesn't need his family acknowledgment. 

If there anything he curious about is who gives noble consort Ying cold poison, the poison didn't mean to kill him instantly but tortured him day by day until he dies, he wants to know who is the person who had so much hatred for him, there also another thing he curious, how he connected with the first king.

"Li Xin what would you do when you reunited with your family?"

"I don't know…." He honestly said.

"Hey, what if your family didn't like me?" Lory worriedly said. In this world Lory had a humble background, weak and mediocre looks, is normal if Zhao Li Xin's family will not satisfied with her.

Zhao Li Xin holds her tighter "Then I don't like them either, in this world I only need you, other people are only necessary existence for me" he said firmly without a shred of hesitation.

Lory lifts her head as someone who values family very much Lory doesn't want Zhao Li Xin estranged from his birth family "Don't say that, I don't mind if they don't like me, I think is quite normal. If I have a son with qualification like you I would also want him to have extraordinary women to be his wife"

Zhao Li Xin guffawed at her remark "My dear Lorient, I don't think there are no other extraordinary women in the whole wide world who is more extraordinary than you" he kisses the top of her head while he continues laughing, Lory words sound very ridiculous for him.

Lory puffed her cheeks, on contrary Lory never seen herself as an extraordinary person, she is just like other peoples, she works hard, she studies diligently, and make a lot of mistakes. Her lineage didn't make her automatically become a great person. God knows that she earns all her success with her own blood and sweat. 

If there anything extraordinary in her life is probably the burden she has to carry as a Princess and the heir of Lucient. Is something that only she and Lucas could understand.

Zhao Li Xin realizes her sudden mum, he thought Lory still think about his unimportant family "Don't let your mind go wild, believe me, I don't need a family to make me feel whole, all I need is you, and that will never change" he lifts her chin gently then slowly lay his lips on hers, the kiss once slow become faster as their lips nimble each other.

"You understand?" he didn't want her to doubt his feeling.

Lory wants to say 'yes' but Zhao Li Xin already seal her lips with his, Lory knew where is this going and she did not refuse it, it's been a while since they been intimate, maybe is much longer for Zhao Li Xin because she was in a coma before.

His hands start to grope below her waist, his breathing becomes heavy as he tries to control his burning desire, he keeps reminding himself to be gentle because Lory still recuperated from her coma. Sadly his mind and body have a different thought, and just like fire once is ignited it will not stop until it devours everything he touches. 

Lory's eyes turn hazy, her body quiver under his gentle touch, she can't help let out a soft moan as something surged increasing higher and higher like a tide and her mind suddenly blank, just like a wave hitting the shore she weakly lean to his chest while trying to calm her breathing.

"I want to see you" he whispers in her ears.

Lory knew he wants her to remove her disguise, ever since Zhao Li Xin saw her real appearance he insists Lory removes her shapeshifter spell whenever they got intimate, Lory glad her husband fond her real face compare to the disguised she used to wear. But something suddenly flashes in her mind and Lory suddenly pushes Zhao Li Xin's chest.

"You don't mind? My body….the mark on my back don't you think is disgusting" she forget about the mark behind her back, she used to hide it but now he knows Lory doesn't know what he thinks about her body, does he worry to embraced a cursed woman like her, is he not afraid? Normal people would feel disgusted or at least hesitated.

Suddenly her cheeks were cupped gently by large hands, and his dark eyes stare deeply into hers "My dear wife, do you think a little mark on your body could erase my desire to you, my dear I think you underestimated my feeling for you."

Lory's eyes widened, she sees fire burn in his eyes his undeniable yearning was apparent in his gaze. Lory's heart beating like a drum she can't hear anything but her own heart.

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"Do you think I mind to die under you? consider how I lived my life all these years, I think dying like this is a blessing for me, dying from something I like the most" he grins wickedly, Lory thought her heart leap to her throat, her face completely turn as red even her ear is red too.

'Speak like a true pervert!' Lory didn't know should she feel happy or worry.

Zhao Li Xin kisses her both eyelids, nose, and eventually her lips "I want to see the real you" he said again impatiently.

His alluring voice make her unconsciously removes her spell without thinking further, then her appearance instantly back to her original appearance, bluish dark hair, snow-white skin, and big purple eyes.

When she blinks her clear big beautiful eyes, her expression remains dazed like she was in a tranced, Zhao Li Xin expression soften, and the fire within him burn wildly, he knew he can't hold much longer. 

He lifted her princess then swiftly bring her to their spacious bed. They spend the night of passion until dawn, Lory has to beg and cry to make Zhao Li Xin let go of her. The truth is they only did it twice but every session took very long she starts to think is 'it' stuck on hers or what, why he didn't pull out?

And so the exciting night over and as the expected result Lory is lost again, or more likely said she was knocked out. Zhao Li Xin lay next to her, he pulls the blanket to covers her shoulder then carefully tug her messy hair behind her ears. it's almost dawn, he doesn't realize he bullies his adorable Princess for the whole night no wonder she cried so much. Oh well, he would coax her later with nice food....or nice weapon.

Zhao Li Xin chuckles at his thoughtfulness, never in million years he would think he becomes dotting - henpeck husband like this, but he was happy, very happy it almost scares him.

Zhao Li Xin watched her sleep with smiles on his face then his eyes suddenly darted on Lory's nape, Zhao Li Xin shifts the hair from her nape and there he sees the black snake mark tattoo on her nape, the same mark that tortured his princess for a long time, Zhao Li Xin eyes turn icy cold as he grazes the mark with his thumb, soon he will get rid this awful marks from his Princess once for all. One day he will set her free.

On the next Morning Lory skip her breakfast, she doesn't care that Yang Xi Ying would tease her the whole day because of this, it's been a while since she make love with Zhao Li Xin, maybe because the Lord is deprived too long from his needs that's why he released his piling up desire without any restraint. 

And as a result, Lory feel numb from her hips to her legs and her whole body feel sore it feel like she was engaged in a marathon. Overall none of her body feel good, and she has too many hickeys on her body that Lory could see even without a mirror. Lory is grateful for the conservative's clothing in this world that she can hide all these remarks perfectly.

Only now Lory is certain there something wrong with Zhao Li Xin insatiable appetite, they already married for almost a year her body should already adjust to his rhythm not to mention she gain more fragments and her body become stronger afterward, she also exercised regularly but why she still limp on the bed like a log every time they engage in a night battle, why she always lost!