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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 506 - The Confession II
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When Zhao Li Xin came Huo Long already left the room, it took quite a long time for Zhao Li Xin to prepare her bath so Lory knew Zhao Li Xin might do something else other than prepare her bath. Lory was staring outside the window from her bed seemingly lost in her thought when he enters the room. 

She notices someone's presence so she shifts her glance to the door, Zhao Li Xin stands there with inexplicable loo. He walks across the room with long stride then sits next to her "What are you thinking…" there's an indescribable worry in his heart whenever he saw Lory make that kinda expression.


Is like she would disappear just before his eyes when he first met Lory he used to saw her wear that expression while gazing the night sky, her expression is a mixture of loss, grief, and loneliness, but recently she rarely make that kind of expression again, as time goes by she becomes more cheerful and lively, and it gives a sense of relief to Zhao Li Xin, but now she make that expression again, and Zhao Li Xin heart becomes restless as fear slowly creeping into his heart.

Lory notice the apparent fear in his eyes and her heart sink in guilt, Lory raised her hand slowly she traces his perfect carved face with her fingers, she admired his beauty but most of all she admired his perseverance, his strong mind, and his unyielding heart, he possessed the strength that she doesn't have if she possessed the strength like him will the situation become better.

"I love you…you know that don't you" Lory softly said.

He took her hand that touch his face, Zhao Li Xin kiss the back of her hand "I know…. but, I love you more than you do" his dark eyes stare deeply into her eyes, the way he looks at her make her body warm and her cheeks tinted with pink color.

"I scared lory…." he suddenly whispers as he clenches her hand tightly "I scared to face the world alone, to let this moment become a distant memory, I'm scared….I'm very scared, can you see? I can't live in the world where you do not exist, I truly can't" he hold lory hand with both his hands as if his life depends on it "Please rely on me, tell me everything, I will save you and even if I failed I will follow you, wherever you go, heaven or hell, I'll follow you.....I'll stay, so please"

"Li Xin.." her heart ached for him, she pulls him to her chest then engulf him inside her embrace "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you….I don't want to drag you, I thought I could handle this myself, hurting you is the last thing in my mind, I'm sorry" Lory circle her arms on his neck while burry his face on his chest.

She feel guilty for making this domineering man beg desperately in front of her, Zhao Li Xin is the exceptional man who stands above the emperor and ruler of this world but, he has beauty, brain, and strength that exceed every man. His name alone could shake his enemy to their core but now that same men were pleading in front of her, he look loss and defeated. Lory blamed herself for what she has done to this man.

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She takes a long deep breath, she pushes him lightly from her embrace then slowly take off her clothes, Zhao Li Xin watch her with a frown, lory then turn around then take off her inner robes then she shifts her hair on her shoulder, two inches below her napes there's a small black tattoo snake.

"This is my mark, the cursed of the tainted soul" she coldly said.

Zhao Li Xin was stupefied because he never notices the tattoo before, it was embarrassing how lacked his attention to her body eventhough they had share intimacy more than once, he slowly touches the tattoo who is nothing more like a harmless paint.

"Careful, that thing is alive" Lory remind him "Normally it only looks like a little tattoo on the skin but if it felt I extort more power than I should be or if it felt threatened it will turn into giant snakes that linger in my skin"

Zhao Li Xin's expression turns grim "Is it hurt?" 

Lory smiles wryly "It was….unpleasant" she smoothed out her words so it's not making him more worry.

Of course, Zhao Li Xin knows it, his eyes become darker as abyss but he holds his anger, there still a lot he needs to ask "And the flower I saw before?"

"It's from my mother, a druid insignia, I think it supposed to hold the cursed when it loose control" Lory pull the robes back then she turns herself around.

"Is the cursed has loose control before" he narrowed his eyes "Is it….lose control when you heal my poison" his become suspicious when he think again at that day, perhaps the cursed was lose control so that's why Lory left in a hurry even before he awoke, she probably hide somewhere until the cursed inside her calmed down, then that's mean she had suffered all alone because of him "You not even know me at that time" he shown strong disagreement with her reckless action.

"Well….I'm in the mood at that time" Lory shrug nonchalantly. She had many reasons in her head but Lory will never tell Zhao Li Xin that probably the biggest reason she saves him because it was love at first sight for her. 

"What, the mood to kill yourself?" he quipped while squinting his eyes in anger towards her.

Lory pursed her lips in annoyance "But I'm fine now, so don't make a fuss over it…."

"A fuss, you said!" his voice raised when he heard her nonchalant reply "So you put yourself in a dangerous situation for a stranger just because that night you are in the mood!" Zhao Li Xin enraged.

"But, but the stranger turns out to be you so it's a good thing don't you think, do you want me to let you die than that mean we will never meet!" she justifies herself.

Zhao Li Xin massaged his forehead as he becomes irritated but has no word to refuted "Fine, just…don't you ever do that again" he warns her sternly.

"Okay…." She presses her lips "But if the situation like the brat or Li Mong Zi, I still have to help them because Trinity fragments are involved"

"Fine, if the situation like that, I allowed it but you can't go anywhere without me" because the trinity fragments are essential to break Lory curse Zhao Li Xin is willing to compromise. 

"Let's back to this cursed again….I want to know why you never tell me the severe of the situation" he stares at Lory with a serious gaze.

Lory got intimidated by his stare, can't help but avert her gaze "It's….it's because I don't want to drag you into this messed, it was a mistake to collude with Lazarus but I have no choice, this is the only way I could do to save Lucas"

"Is your brother know?"

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Lory shakes her head "No, not until the last moment.." she bitterly smiles.

"Will you do the same to me, hiding it until the last moment" Zhao Li xin glare at her.

Lory shakes her head profusely "No, of course not! I plan to tell you, I just wait until I get the whole trinity and get rid the cursed" 

Zhao Li Xin was still in doubt "When the cursed is gone, will you be okay then…" it's hard to believe everything will go smooth like that, this is an actual demon they talking about.

"I….supposed to be" Lory bites her lips nervously, the truth is she also not sure. In history, no one had come alive from the cursed of the fallen god, there's no records or rumor about it so she cannot be sure, Lory shrunk her neck "At least I have a chance to fight back…" 

"And if you lose…?" Zhao Li Xin stares at her deeply as he waiting for her answer.

"I cannot lose, the worlds will end if Lazarus regains his power" Lory clench her fist on the blanket.

Zhao Li Xin suddenly hit by bad premonition so carefully he asked "Then what would you do?" he prays Lory has a good plan because if it not, he doesn't know what would he do.

Her mouth slightly opens but there are no sounds, her lips tremble as she tries to explain. Zhao Li Xin didn't need to hear no more just from her hesitated expression he knew that is not a good plan. His face becomes as dark as charcoal and he fumed with anger, he abruptly raised from the bed.

"NO!" he shouted.

Lory never saw him this mad before, but how could she explain to him that destroying her soul perhaps the only way to save the world "Li Xin….please…" she pleads him to listen to her.

"I SAID NO!" he shouted louder. He could guess Lory's plan is not something that she came out alive out of it. He could feel the blood in his veins boiled it's even hotter than his immortal flame, raged was apparent in his dark eyes. He knew the feeling is too much to handle, he needs to get away before he accidentally hurt her. 

Zhao Li Xin turns around with long strides he left the room while slamming the door. Lory's body flinches, she looks at the door with an anxious face, Lory scared she had crossed his bottom line. She slumps against the pillow then she covers her face with both her hands then she wondering what would happen to them now.