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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 431 - The Benevolence Leader
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[Do you see that…the old man stares at the little cub strangely] Lory tilted her head as his curiosity pique.

[Uhm, is it connected with the library] Girsha also agrees.


[Describe me what do you feel inside the library?] 

Girsha takes a deep breath to recalled his memory [It's something old…ancient, and powerful…] he mutters.

Her eyebrows furrows as she contemplating [Whatever it is, the old man seems to know something…]

Meantime the celebration continues, the mood slightly uplifting after the servant called the dancers to performs for the guest. Nothing can increase men's mood more than a sexy dancer with the skimpy dress moving their hips suggestively.

The room suddenly becomes hype from the men excited laugh, their eyes popped out of their socket as their gaze strip off the dancer's body.

Some men who are more modest only dare to peek then they drink their wine pretending they didn't influence by the lascivious view in front of them although it didn't diminish the heat in their eyes.

And like always the women can only be quiet and swallow their anger and disgust while watching their men aroused with other women, Lory watch the sour face of the wives and fiancée then she sighs, now she understands what it means when people said

'This is the Men's World'

Lory shifts her glance to Zhao Li Xin who sit on the corner and just like she thought she found him lean his back against the wall while crossing his arms on his chest as his head look down from how stable his chest moves up and down lory would guess the man is sleeping.

'Yup, that my husband!' she proudly cheers for herself.

Because he stands far away in the back no one notice he is sleeping however someone is paying attention, Mo Ning Yuan's mouth curved upwards when she see Zhao Li Xin unaffected by the tantalizing view in front of him. It was dawn to Mo Ning Yuan that Zhao Li Xin wouldn't interested in vulgar women, maybe he likes someone like Nan Yu Qi, someone graceful and gentle. 

Suddenly she feel a pang in her heart, she wonders if that the reason he working so hard to bring the shadow tiger cub for Nan Yu Wei, is he attracted with that 'white lotus' too. A fire suddenly lit up within her, Mo Ning Yua glance at Nan Yu Qi who seat elegantly while sipping her tea gracefully. 

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No one can't deny Nan Yu Qi impeccable beauty since Nan Yu Wei passes away she becomes the number one beauty in sacred Mountain Peak Society, she has a long line of suitor if not because she already engages with Xie Hua Ling, many young masters from their society and outside the society would fight for her, Mo Ning Yuan use to not care with Nan Yu Wei her ambition is greater than her personal feeling but right now she suddenly feel suffocated and can't wait to rip Nan Yu Wei beautiful face apart.

Nan Yu Wei could feel a strong gaze from far away, she slowly lifts her head and she looks next to her then she sees petite women stare at her, Nan Yu Wei frowns because she didn't recognize her, the petite women seat is far ahead from her and the petite woman table is placing on the corner on the third rows, it shows she didn't have a high position in the society but why she stares at her with hostility?

Mo Ning Yuan realizes she shouldn't show her animosity, she immediately averts her gaze and looks down timidly. Nan Yu Wei frowns as she wondering if she thinks too much. Xie Hua Ling saw Nan Yu Wei fixed her gaze to someone so he followed her gaze then he notices Mo Ning Yuan pretty little face.

All of a sudden the fire burn inside his chest as he remembers what were they doing last night suddenly his throat feels dry. For Xie Hua Ling Mo Ning Yuan is his old obsession and also his first….lust. 

Although he attracted to Nan Yu Wei but in front of her he could never be himself, because of her respectable background he must present himself as the best man he can be, he must act as a gentleman and dignified young master. Xie Hua Ling cannot show his flaw in front of Nan yu Wei because he knows she will not accept it.

But Mo Ning Yuan is different, she knew him, she knew his fear, his worry, and his anxiety. She accepts his flaws and even his aberration the same as he accepts her.

Together they know that they are rotten meat cover in silk and gold so they comfort each other and feed their wild desire without any judgment. With Mo Ning Yuan he feel loose and free, even though he knew their relationship is risky but he doesn't know how to let go, it's too late for him to get away from Mo Ning yuan.

Xie Hua Ling takes a deep breath as he reluctantly averts his gaze from Mo Ning Yuan before anyone notices. He must be very careful right now, deep down he already make a plan for himself.

After he becomes the new leader of the society and has a strong foothold in the society he would make Mo Ning Yuan as his concubines. He believes at that time no one can't stop him not even the Nan family.

The dance performance finally ends sequentially they're leaving the room leaving disappointment and dejected from the men's face but the women finally able to breathe.

Suddenly Xie Hui Rong speaks "You, what's your name?" he points his index fingers.

The guest looks at each other then they follow where Xie Hui Rong pointing at. Turn out it pointing at the petite woman on the corner, the women look surprised and scared.

"Can't you speak?" Xie Hui Rong's statement sound more like a threat than a question.

The Woman anxiously bows her head "Ye…yes, this humble one name's is Mo Ning Yuan, Grandmaster" she weakly said. Just like little rabbit Mo Ning Yuan keep her head down, she didn't dare to lift her head. 

"Mo, Are you from Mo family?" Xie Hui Rong's surprise.

"Ye…yes" she answers with shaking voice. 

People could see her hand is trembles and her face lose her color, the petite woman look frail and pitiful she incites the men nature to protect the damsel in distress.

Xie Hui Rong didn't remember Mo Ning Yuan although the Mo family once a very respectable family that can match Chen's family, he only faintly remembers a little girl who was a cried for the death of her brother and accused his son as the perpetrator.

But he can't relate the little girl with the beautiful petite woman in front of him "You are Mo Xin Gi sister?" he asked.

"Yes, grandmaster" she softly replies.

Xie Hui Rong rests his head on his fist seemingly uninterested with Mo Ning Yuan "Lift your head…" he commands her.

Mo Ning Yuan startled then slowly she lifts her head. Xie Hui Rong stare at her indifferently but his dark eyes fixed on her as if he would devour her whole, Mo Ning Yuan bites her lips nervously as she averts her gaze from Xie Hui Rong. Her subtle moves amused him, she looks like a terrified rabbit in front of the wolf.

"How is your father?" he suddenly asked.

"Father still bedridden but his condition is more stable now…" she smiles bitterly.

"And your mother?" he asked again.

"Mother is taking care of father, that's why they send me alone to congratulated Grandmaster great achievement" Mo Ning Yuan looks aggrieve but determined she sound like a loving and innocent young girl who cares deeply for her family well being.

everyone feel regret and pitty Mo Ning Yuan fate to be born in a fallen noble family like the Mo family.

If Lory didn't know Mo Ning Yuan revolting behavior with many men she would feel the same likes, other people.

[ I don't get it, why all of them so good at pretending] Lory was perplexed, she doesn't know whether she should admire her or fear her [Do they take a mandatory course or something, why are they so good at acting?]

[Who knows, if you can acted half good as her you wouldn't get caught every time you lied] he teased her.

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[If I can acted like her, I give up my title and become actress] she jokingly said.

[Ssst….keep watching, ACTION!]

Back to the main hall again. Xie Hui Rong sigh "It's unfortunate for patriarch Mo to fall in this situation, he always been a good subordinate for me" Xie Hui Rong mutters in a low voice as if he genuinely grief for the Mo family. 

Other people might not understand but the Xie brothers could discern the bogus in their father words, a selfish man like him will never be grieving for anyone other than himself. 

"Young Miss Mo let's talk later. I want to know how is family condition" he said with deep concern.

"Yes, Grandmaster!" Mo Ning Yuan beamed as she nods her head excitedly.

Everyone is praising their leader benevolence, they feel fortunate, their leader is not only powerful but he also kind they all believe the future of their society can't be brighter under their leader reign. But the Xie brother knows better, Xie Hua Ling could feel a dark cloud hovering on the top of his head, unconsciously he clenches the winecup on his hand. 

Meanwhile Zhao Li Xin awake, he is not sleeping only cultivated because he feel boring but then he realizes the mood in the room slightly changes, Zhao Li Xin furrows his eyebrows 'What did I miss?'

While Lory and Girsha were gossiping, Lory mouth twitching as she feel disgusted [Hey I see Xie Hua Ling expression, is he thinking what I'm thinking?]

[What are you thinking?] Girsha lift his small beak with a teasing look.

Lory scrunch [You know….she and the old man] lory press her palms showing indecent gesture.

[What is that, are you praying?] he pretend to be innocent.

[You know what I mean!] Lory throws grape on him but Girsha catch the grape with his beak swiftly.

Girsha much the fruit as he speak [Well if he used strong cultivator Qi to increase her own cultivation she will not miss this chance. That old man is the strongest cultivator here"

Lory can't help but shudder [Is that mean she sleeps with three generations of Xie family?]

Girsha stunned and his eyes widen [You right, she is!] he burst to laugh.

Lory shakes her head in perplexed [Well…at least they have something to talk about] even though she said in a positive way she knew that's not a good thing.

Girsha laughter getting louder [HAHAHA….they F**k the same woman!~]