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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 426 - Celebration
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In the morning she can hear the sound bird chirping, a real cute bird, unlike Girsha. The sunlight pierced the thin curtain and the weather become slightly warmer, Lory wants to stretch her limbs but she can't move, not even an inch, she thought she has sleep paralysis but why she feel hot. Lory force her eyes to open then she realizes Zhao Li Xin's face very close to her face it almost kisses her cheek and he wrapped her tightly like a koala.

He knew Zhao Li Xin can be clingy sometimes but it never likes this before, she doesn't want to wake him up so Lory carefully pushes him but as expected his body is unmoved, Lory tries to push his hand from his chest and yet it didn't even slide a little as if he glues his hand on her body, the weight of his body slowly bother her.


Feeling suffocated she wiggle her body away from him, she finally able to turn her body sideways but suddenly he tightens his embraces "Sleep…" he said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm not sleepy, I'm hungry…"the moment she said that her stomach grumbles.

Zhao Li Xin immediately awaked and they look each other in silent, Lory shyly smile and another sound come from her stomach again, this time longer and louder. She remembers she only eats a snack before she sleeps so it's obvious she would be hungry now. Zhao Li Xin faintly smiles as he retracts his arms and leg from Lory's body.

"Let's eat" he cooly said.

Lory massaged her neck first, her body feel stiffed after sleeping in the same position for the whole night "I take a bath first.." Lory yawn as she rise from the bed and strides to the bathroom.

Zhao Li Xin watch Lory who walk to the bathroom while massaging her waist, he feel guilty for making her body sore but not in a good way, after having a long conversation with Girsha his worries reach to the level even he was stunned. What would you feel when an actual Demon wants to killed your beloved one. He itched to force Lory to tell him everything but when he saw her peacefully sleep he didn't have the heart to question her.

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Just like Girsha said, her past is too painful she never wants to talk about it, he understands because he also didn't like to bring up his past too for his case is because it's an embarrassing moment of his life when he was weak and helpless but Lory is different. Girsha said she become less smiling after her father die and after long years her personality changed a lot. She becomes more serious, gloomy, and bitter. 

Zhao Li Xin can't imagine his cheerful princess is the same person Girsha talk about and he don't want her to become like that again even for a second, so he didn't ask her, he want to keep everything like this he will never question her past. He will concentrate to the future, he will kill that damn demon and make her so much happier so one day she will talk about her family with a smile on her face.

Zhao Li Xin take a deep breath after he make his decision. He changes his robes to his disciple uniform, the tacky yellow robes he hated so much, he takes a seat in front of the mirror then he tied all his hair into a top knotted and secure it with 'Zan' across his bun. His face remains exquisite because Lory hasn't activated his shapeshifter spell on him, with neat hair and yellow robes Zhao Li Xin looks like a gentle and refined young master even though he can get rid the coldness and his eyes.

"You look great!" Lory suddenly appears behind him.

The corner of her mouth curved slightly when he saw her reflection in the mirror, Lory also still in her original face. She become more comfortable showing her face in front of him after he shows how much he loves her real appearance…passionately.

"But the yellow color does not suit you" Lory pursed her mouth as she tilted her head.

"I never been good in bright color" he make scorn smiles for himself.

Bright color is something that royalty and noble people use to wear because it represent wealthy and believe as an auspicious color so fabric with this vibrant color is highly demand by rich people but Zhao Li Xin hated it, bright colors are blinding his eyes so he never wears it, everything he wears is in a dark color, dark blue, dark red, dark green or just black if she wants a little vibrant he add a little splash of gold on her robes but that's it.

Even Bei Li Yan bright red color annoyed him but it suits Bei Li Yan character and he is too lazy to remind Bei Li Yan every time then he considers Bei Li Yan accomplishment for the Hei Shen and his usefulness for Zhao Li Xin and also because Zhao Li Xin didn't need to see Bei Li Yan every day he decide to let Bei Li Yan do whatever he wishes.

For him the only person who is annoyed him wearing bright color is Lory, love make Zhao Li Xin completely biased toward her. in Zhao Li Xin's eyes lory is like little sunshine that brighter his world and warmed his heart so why would he complain about her.

"Why you dress differently today?" she got curious because Zhao Li Xin uses to tide his hair loosely but why today he is so neat.

He pulls Lory to sit on his lap "Today they all gather in the main building to congratulated the leader of the Society came from his close door cultivation, later all inner disciple and influential family will be attend the Banquet to celebrated their Leader breakthrough to sovereign level" Zhao Li Xin said indifferently.

Lory frown slightly "Why I never heard…" Lory covers her mouth with both hands then she whispers to Zhao Li Xin ear "Hei Shen sect make celebration banquet for your breakthrough" she said in very low voice she worry if someone hears them.

Zhao Li Xin wants to tell her with his array protecting their courtyard there's no way anyone would hear them but then he remembers how he lied to her to be quiet during their intercourse and enjoyed her desperate expression all night if lory knew he was teasing her, Lory would not take this lay down so Zhao Li Xin acted like normal men all over the world would do, he keep his mouth shut and pretend nothing happen.

"How many banquets I should make in a year if I celebrate my breakthrough all the time, besides I hated crowd and loud noise, and who I want to invite?" 

"Aww…you sound like the unpopular kid in high school" Lory cupped his face gently "You can invite the four king palace?" Lory raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Li Xin furrows his eyebrows "I already saw them too much recently" he said with clear annoyance.

"….." Lory forgot his husband weird personality so she patted his shoulder with perplexed looks,

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"Why don't you give me a special reward when I have a breakthrough" 

Lory wants to say yes but when she saw his seductive smiles she becomes hesitant, Lory unconsciously cover her chest "What…what do you want…?" she nervously said.

Zhao Li Xin widens his smiles as he eyeing his chest with lust filled his eyes "Hm..there something I want you to do…." his voice becomes deeper as he taking a deep breath trying to control his desire.

"Hey, my eyes are over here!"


The Main Building of sacred Mountain peak places higher from other buildings except for the old library. It's a humongous building with lavish decoration and gold painted roof, it's also used as the residence of the Xie family. the building is like a small palace it shows how much prestige for the Xie family but at the same time it also incited jealousy and envy from other noble families.

Zhao Li Xin is lean on the wall while crossed his arms on his chest he calmly waiting for Nan Yu Qi and Xie Hua Ling to come because he can't enter without them. Mong Gui secretly watches his Lord waiting patiently with half doze eyes. Anger is boiling in his heart, how dare they make his venerable Lord waiting, Mong Gui clenched his fist as he can't wait to destroy this whole society for their impudence.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin's mind is run everywhere, he able to forced Lory to reward him big time whenever he got a breakthrough and he already imagines a lot of things he would do to her. his face remains expressionless but his mind is filled with PG-18 image. In the old days Zhao Li Xin didn't have trouble holding his urged because he has none of them. 

But after he knew Lory, he feel like a broken dam. He wants her every night and every second it's a mind-boggling feeling but he can't help it. if not because he worries for her health he would have her every night, unfortunately, his Princess body is much more delicate than women cultivator body and her stamina can never match him, he doesn't want to torture her so he followed her pace even though it never satiated his desire toward her only make it stronger just like drugs whose dosage must always be increased.

"You here" a soft voice awoke Zhao Li Xin from his indecent daydream.

Nan Yu Qi called him from inside the carriage. The beautiful girl lifts the curtain her delicate face mesmerized the onlooker who was passing by. But Nan Yu Qi's lovely face only dropped his desire from max to negative.

"Follow us!" she commands him. Zhao Li Xin straightens his back then he follows the carriage on foot.