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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 407 - The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
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Lory continued the discussion with Zhao Li Xin once she finished the meal, "She wants you to serve Xie Hua Ling? Why?" 

"I don't know why she chose Xie Hua Ling over Xie Xian Zie but I think we will find out more sooner?" Zhao Li Xin propped his chin with his fist.


"You think Mo Ning Yuan will give us permission to visit the sacred library? I don't trust her. She comes from a noble family but the Mo family is losing their power. How could she be able to help us?" Lory was dubious about Mo Ning Yuan's ability.

"Not just power but they lack money too but she dared to promise me five million gold tael and four grade pills... It would be interesting to see how she fulfills her promise," Zhao Li Xin raised his eyebrows and sneered coldly.

Lory didn't think Mo Ning Yuan would dare cheat Zhao Li Xin but her actions were reckless with her current family situation. Unless she had another card under her sleeves. Something they were unaware of. Lory's eyes bulged. There was only one possible explanation for Mo Ning Yuan's bravery, "You think there is someone backing her up?"

"Why are you surprised? I believe she has latched on someone from an influential family to back her," Zhao Li Xin said with an obvious expression. He knew women like Mo Ning Yuan very well. She was like Lao Min Na who attached herself to powerful men one after the other. She would then spread her wings and leave a man behind after he had outlived his usefulness like what she did to Zhao Yi Chen. 

"Who do you think the powerful man is?" Lory's excitement increased with curiosity.

"I don't know yet…" Zhao Li Xin said as he rose from his seat and patted his robes. "I need to meet with Mong Gui now. You should rest."

"But I need to gather with the other maids. It is possible I may hear more rumors about Mo Ning Yuan," Lory grinned with anticipation.

"Lory…" Zhao Li Xin reprimand with a stern voice and warned with a serious look, "Get some rest, or I will make you be unable to leave the bed for two days!"

"Oh…okay… I'll rest… I'll rest… You can leave now," Lory smiled dryly as she shooed Zhao Li Xin away. Although she loved him very much, her body was unable to withstand his passion. It was better to not provoke him for a while.

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Lory smiled with satisfaction when Zhao Li Xin left the room. He was also satisfied as he was triumphant over his Princess. Lory pursed her lips once he left as she didn't know what to do in the small room alone. She thought of drawing to pass time as it had been a while since she sketched. Girsha flew in from the window and landed smoothly on the table at that moment.

[Where are you from?] Lory asked as she prepared her drawing book on the table.

[Outside… Hey, when you got busy with the boy, I stayed at the Mo woman's place and saw her get busy with her subordinate. I feel there something wrong with the Mo woman as another man she called 'brother Chen' visited her soon after and guess what? She got busy with the brother Chen again] Girsha said with an ecstatic voice. He was quite amused as it was the first time he had seen a very active woman since he came to this world.

[Hump… Her perseverance is better than yours!] Girsha thought Lory needed more exercise to improve her stamina.

Lory blushed when she heard the word busy but she pushed the embarrassment away when Girsha mentioned there was a second person who visited the Mo woman. Was he the family her backer? [Chen? You didn't get his real name?] 

[I don't know. She only called him brother Chen] Girsha tilted his cute head as he thought.

[Huh…] Lory pondered for a second as she glanced at Girsha [We need to watch that woman]

[Done! I already attached my consciousness to another bird. I will tell you if something happens]

[Nice job, birdie!] Lory shoved a bowl of grape to Girsha.

Girsha shrunk from the bowl [No! No grapes today…]

[That's new… What's wrong?] 

[Stomachache…] Girsha shook his little head with a sullen expression.

She never knew a First Kind could have a stomachache from eating too many grapes [What do you want to eat now?]


Lory narrowed her eyes but decided to not ask further. She replaced the grapes in the bowl with two pieces of bananas and shoved them at Girsha [Enjoy…]

[Ugh…hardly] Girsha mouth twitched with disgust as he looked at the yellow fruit.


Zhao Li Xin had a meeting with Mong Gui inside the underground basement. There was a young maid who joined them this time around. The maid was about twenty years old but looked sixteen. She was quite beautiful but she put too many freckles on her face to hide her true beauty.

"Milord, this one is called Yu Rui. She is from the Red Vermillion Palace. She has served the Mo family for two years. She might know more about Mo Ning Yuan than me." 

Yu Rui was overly nervous to meet her Lord. She heard many rumors about her Lord's infamous reputation. Mong Gui had also warned her to behave and not irk their Lord in any way. Her back was drenched with cold sweat after being in the same room with Zhao Li Xin for one minute.

"Speak…" Zhao Xin hissed.

"Ye…yes, milord" Yu Rui was startled but quickly collected herself. "Mo Ning Yuan is seventeen years old. She is the first daughter of the Mo patriarch's official wife. She is known to be a pure and gentle lady. Her cultivation talent was also not bad but it still couldn't match up with her brother's, Young Master Mo Xin Gi."

"What do you know about Mo Xin Gi?" Zhao Li Xin asked.

"Mo Xin Gi was a very talented young man but there was a weird rumor attached to his talent. They said Master Mo was talented but his cultivation increased at a high speed in a few weeks before his death. They say he had two breakthroughs in less than a month. The Mo family was awestruck by his progress and even claimed Mo Xin Gi would become the strongest cultivator in the Sacred Mountain Peak society. However, he suddenly died without a warning…"

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"How did his corpses look like when he died?" Zhao Li asked.

"His personal servants at the time said blood burst from his nose, ears, mouth and even his eyes. All of his organs melted," A chill ran down Yu Rui's spine when she first heard how Mo Xin Gi died. A handsome talented young man lost his life in a horrible way. It was a pity.

"Zhao Li Xin's eyebrows furrowed gradually as his finger tapped the table in a monotone sound as he immersed himself in deep thought. He suddenly raised his head and spoke to Mong Gui, "Send another messaged to Jin Hao." 

"Yes, Milord!" Mong Gui cupped his fist courteously.

"Does anyone know Mo Ning Yuan stayed in the temple last night?" Zhao Li Xin shifted his eyes to Yu Rui.

"No Milord. The place is a taboo as those who become monks are outcasts of the Sacred Mountain Peak society. A young noblewoman like her should never involve herself with them. However, she had visited the place many times in secret," Yu Rui said. She was also baffled why Mo Ning Yuan choose to visit such a place.

"How long has she been visiting the place?" A thought flashed in Zhao Li Xin's mind.

Yu Rui tilted her head as she recalled her memory, "For about one and a half years." 

"This happened after Mo Xin Gi died?" 

"Yes, Milord"

"Hmm…" Zhao Li Xin rubbed his chin as he smiled mysteriously. "How is the Mo woman's cultivation now?"

"Rumor says she is still at the Master Level at the Perfection Stage," Yu Rui answered.

Zhao Li Xin sneered as he discovered something else, "Make sure she isn't wearing any amulet or talisman to hide her cultivation. You also need to watch over her closely."

"Milord, do you think she is hiding her cultivation? Why?" Mong Gui was startled and Yu Rui's eyes also widened at Zhao Li Xin's words. Was Mo Ning Yuan pretending to be wolf in sheep's clothing?

"Just watch over the woman and be careful. She is more dangerous than she looks," Zhao Li Xin warned his subordinates. Mo Ning Yuan must have a lot of people on her side for her to be able to move without notice for over a year. He thought he could use her as she had much hatred for the Xie family.