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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 386 - A Tiger Out Of Its Cage II
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The Emperor's eyes darkened. He was restless deep inside, a foreboding feeling about the future. However, he had to keep face before his officials and citizens. He couldn't let Yuan Shao keep his position as General especially after he voluntarily stepped down. Yuan Shao was a famous General and considered a hero by the people. The Emperor couldn't behead him for what he considered an insult. The fact that Yuan Shao was also cunning enough to choose his own punishment tied the Emperor's hands.

Qian Mu Ting had made everything worse, not mentioning the reputation she destroyed. She would forever be seen as a shameless woman who tried to snatch someone's husband, not to mention she tried to kill the wife when she failed to seduce the husband. No one would want to marry a woman like that had she even lived. It was normal for Yuan Shao to refuse the engagement on those grounds. If the Emperor decided to heavily punish Yuan Shao for refusing his decree, the people would see the Emperor as a tyrant. This would plant a seed of distrust inside his people's hearts. It was the last thing a ruler would want for his Kingdom.


"It seems I can't change your mind… Very well, I release you from your duty as Liu Yan's General from now on. You are exiled from this country for your disobedience," The Emperor decreed firmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" It was like a heavyweight was lifted from Yuan Shao's shoulder. It was also the last time he would kneel before the Liu Yan Kingdom Emperor. An inexplicable feeling surged within him.

Ming Yue Yin was relieved that one problem was resolved but there was another issue pending. Ming Yue Yin gave Han Zi Yu a side glance and spoke to the Emperor in a relaxed manner, "I hope you did not forget about our unfinished business."

The Emperor let out a long sigh. He shot a quick glance at the men of the Han family but they looked helpless. The Emperor and Han family could have easily clean up Han Zi Yu's mess if she had accused someone from their Kingdom.

Unfortunately, Han Zi Yu had messed with the Liangzu Kingdom Empress and Hei Shen Sect. Those were two powerful groups that they couldn't trifle with. Han Zi Yu and Qian Mu Ting had been foolish as there was nothing their family could do to redeem them.

"I understand... Noble Consort Yu is guilty of hurting Empress Ming and Luo Ri Yi. She not only instigated the incident during her royal gathering, but she also failed to stop Qian Mu Ting's crime. I revoke her position as a Noble Consort and will send her to the cold palace," The Emperor said.

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The judgment was like a death penalty for Han Zi Yu. Her face turned as white as snow. She crawled on the floor and tightly grabbed the Emperor's leg as she begged for mercy, "NO! You cannot do this to me! I'm your wife! I've accompanied you for decades! Please don't do this!"

"You did this to yourself. You give me no choice!" The Emperor roughly pulled his leg from her. He didn't want to look at her anymore as she had ruined his plans. "Guards! Send her to the cold palace!"

Two burly guards with bronze armor entered the room and grabbed Han Zi Yu's arms.

"No! Help me! Father, grandfather, help me!" Han Zi Yu screamed and kicked with madness as she desperately begged. Her father and grandfather turned their cheeks away from her. They were unable to help her this time around. Her crimes were too big and her reputation was beyond saving.

The soldiers dragged Han Zi Yu out of the main hall and her screams soon became faint. Ming Yue Ying watched all this with cold eyes. She personally didn't think Han Zi Yu's punishment was severe enough. However, she also knew Lory was kind-hearted and would not wish to increase Han Zi Yu's suffering as she lost a daughter. Ming Yue Yin, however, doubted Han Zi Yu loved her daughter.

A loving mother would have discouraged Qian Mu Ting from seducing Long Ming as he already had a fiancée. Han Zi Yu should not have forced Qian Mu Ting to marry Yuan Shao when her attempt with Long Ming failed. 

"I hope this would satisfy your anger, Empress Ming. I don't want this incident to hinder our good relationship," The Emperor said with a sly smile.

'Do we have a good relationship?' Ming Yue Yin pushed the thought at the back of her head as it was enough for now. Ming Yue Yin shrugged and nodded with a smile, "Of course, may our kingdoms cooperation last and prosper."

"I shall leave unless there is something else," Ming Yue Yin flicked her robes. She glanced at Yuan Shao for a second before she walked out of the room in a relaxed manner.

Yuan Shao raised from the floor and left the room without a word. He was no longer General Yuan. He was finally free. Yuan Shao left the room with lighter steps. A smile bloomed on his face. The Emperor frowned as he watched Yuan Shao's figure disappear from his view. 


"Are you not worried?" Lory was under the wisteria tree as the garden was still being repaired. The tree was the only flower tree that was unharmed by the fire.

"The brat might not be an Empress for long if she can't handle a simple task," Zhao Li Xin said casually as he sat next to Lory and leaned into her.

Lory was sketching in her book with a charcoal pencil that Zhao Li Xin made for her. Her eyes were trained on her sketch as she reprimanded him, "Don't say that. You will jinx her."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Zhao Li Xin placed his head on top of her shoulder.

"I hope Master Yuan's plan also ran smoothly," Lory muttered.

Zhao Li Xin was a little annoyed as Lory was worried about another man, "Don't worry. He is smarter than he looks."

"What's wrong with his look? I think he is quite…hand…" Lory was startled when Zhao Li Xin glared at her with a warning. His face which was only an inch from hers left her tongue-tied. Lory cleared her throat awkwardly.

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"Here. You must carve the amulet with these words," Lory shifted the conversation to the drawing in her book. It was a circle entangled in a certain position with rune marking all over it. It was a very complicated drawing.

"Make sure you don't leave any words or lines out. The amulet wouldn't work if there is something missing," Lory reminded him.

Zhao Li Xin took the sketch and observed the pictures. He raised his eyebrows meaningfully, "It's quite detailed…and I should make…how many amulets?"

"Six!" Lory said with a teasing smile. She knew it was painstaking for him to making them.

Zhao Li Xin sighed but didn't comment on her suggestion. He decided to ask something else, "Is everyone in your world able to do this?"

"It depends on their knowledge," Lory shrugged. "This magic circle is something my mother created a long time ago. The basics are from a protection soul spell, a glamour spell, and an enchanted spell. She expanded the magic circle as a protection for a curse. It was not an easy task but my mother was very good with such things."

"She was the one who taught you?"

"Lucas and I…" Lory nodded her and smiled. "She planted this knowledge in a book and made our father keep it until my awakening. He then gave it to me and Lucas."

"Planted knowledge? Awakening? What is that?" Zhao Li Xin was eager to know more about Lory but she rarely talked about herself. This is why he dug up more whenever a chance came up.

"Planted knowledge means transferring your knowledge to a certain item. It could be a book, gems, or anything. As for awakening…well, that is the moment when the Gifted power wakes within someone," Lory closed the book and rose onto her feet. "Let's go. We need to make the mold and carve these things first!"

"I thought you wanted to wait for them?" Zhao Li Xin rose too and patted the dirt from his dark robes.

"These are the boring steps. Carving and molding the designs will take hours. We will ask them to join us later…"

"As you wish…"