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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 380 - The ‘Gifted’ People
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When everyone busy clean up the Yong Heng Manor, Wu san Bo was busy to calculated the damaged and investigated the crystal sphere from Qian Mu Ting because of that he misses the chance to know about Lory secret, one day when he learned about this he couldn't sleep for two today feeling aggrieve and upset.

"First I need to tell you that cursed is accumulated by a strong feeling that infected an item or a place, it can be jewelry, weapon or in a rare case, a house or even bigger like a small city or village, it's all depend on how powerful the person who created the cursed was" Lory need to explain everything about cursed just in case one day they will have an encounter with it.


"What happened to the cursed with the white sword belong to Li Mo Zhen it was an accident, Li Mo Zhen accidentally stumble with the white sword and when he touches it he was affected by it  but the sword itself didn't mean to hurt the owner he just influenced by the feeling of the previous owner"

"But Ri Yi, many weapons are made for hurting other people it's normal to accumulate anger and hatred, if that the cased then it would be a lot of cursed weapons in the world but we never encounter or anything like it" Bei Li Yan frown while propping his chin with his palm on his knee.

"You right, to created cursed other than the feeling of the master it also needs a catalyst, some people used blood or a soul and for the white sword, the catalyst is this" she flips her palm then she opens her clenching hand and suddenly a white light appears floating above her hand then the white light transforms into glowing shards of silver metal.

Everyone is awed-struck, Bei Li Yan hits Jin Hao's shoulder repeatedly while his eyes fixed on the shards and his mouth opens and closed uncontrollably and for the first time Jin Hao didn't react in fact he didn't notice it, Jin hao eyes widely open he stares at the glowing shards with dumbfounded expression and so is the Mong brothers.

"These are the fragments of the staff call Trinity, the white sword absorbed one of the fragment and it make the weapon and the wielder powerful, the same happened with providence sword that belongs to Nan Yu Wei, the sword her increased her cultivation to a leap and bound but when Nan Yu Wei try to hurt me and so the fragment is lash out onto her and retract the blessing out of her, that's why Nan Yu Wei become awfully weak"

"So the swords reject Nan Yu Wei because of you?" Jin Hao stunned.

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Lory clenches her fist and the shreds disappear "Yes, My existence has awaked the fragments that's why the providence rejects Nan Yu Wei as the master and when she tries to hurt me using the sword, you know what happened" Lory shrug her shoulder nonchalantly.

"Milord, do you know about this too?" Bei Li Yan stares at Zhao Li Xn with awe.

"More or less…"Zhao Li Xin answer indifferently, Lory never explains everything clearly all he knows she needs to find all the fragments to make her strong but why, who or where to find the fragments, he never knows.

Lory feel guilty when she heard Zhao Li Xin comment, she does never explain anything clearly maybe because she still hiding about Lazarus cursed, she still reluctant to drag him into her messed although it seems inevitable based on Zhao Li Xin temperament he will stick to her no matter what and that's what scares her.

"The curse that inflicted Nan Yu Wei called Reticent Spell, it used to make the carrier enabled to reveal their master secret to the enemies, they used to cast this spell to spies or secret agent but because the cruel nature of this spell it was banned to used and all violators will be charged with heavy punishment"

Everyone exchanged glance to each other with confused looks, and Jin Hao becomes the first one to question her "Who will charge them?" it's weird because no one knows about cursed before Lory came, is there anyone in the world who knows about this?

Lory look down and smiles at the end this is something she must to do, she shifts her glance to Zhao Li Xin, he smiles back at her then he held her hand "Don't worry, I'll be here" he said softly.

"It won't change anything aunty, you still you…" Ming Yue Yin smiles brightly at her. she realizes what Lory about to do and Ming Yue Yin didn't feel anything is wrong, s good to have more people to share her secret so Lory would have more attachment to this world and she doesn't feel like an outcast anymore.

Bei Li Yan, Jin Hao, and the mong brothers suddenly become nervous, they knew Lory past is not simple and she has a mysterious power that no one ever saw, but because Zhao Li Xin never allowed them to question Lory no one dare to probe her further that's why they become overly excited for what she might reveal.

Lory takes a deep breath then she tightens her clench on Zhao Li Xin hand "As you all might be expected, I'm not from this Jiang Wei Kingdom but the truth is I'm not from anywhere" Lory bite her lower lips and waiting for they're reaction, no one said anything and they are making an impatient expression and so she began again.

"The truth is…I'm not from this world" her breath hicks after she drops the bomb, sadly all of them looking at her with a puzzling look, they seem not to understand what's that supposed to mean, is she saying figuratively or literally?

Lory sighs deeply "Let me show you…" Lory close her eyes, she let go of Zhao Li Xin's hand then she holds her left wrist and rubs it with her right thumb suddenly all of her body engulf with dimmed purple light, everyone squints their eyes with another awed expression. What appears at their eyes is something they could bever forget for the rest of there life.

Her fair skin becomes fairest it turns to the color of snow, her long dark hair turns to bluish color and the straight hair becomes wavy, her dark iris turn to light purple color, her face is not like anyone they ever saw, she looks strange but oddly beautiful. They stare at Lory's real face without blinking all, for a minute everyone is paused they not make any move for sometimes.

Lory feel awkward being stared like that, on the other hand, Zhao Li Xin annoyed because they staring at Lory to long, using his wide sleeve he covers Lory's figure and he shouted angrily "ENOUGH! How long are you gonna stare at my wife!"

Zhao Li Xin's angry voice awaken them from their stupor, is like a dream Bei Li Yan shaking his head while Jin Hao pinches the bridges between his eyes, so many things he needs to absorb in a short time he feel a bit dizzy, on the meantime Mong Ki and Mong Yi exchanged a glance with blank looks, they wonder if they see the same thing.

Lory pull-down Zhao Li Xin hand "I'm sorry to startle you guys but I'm not a demon or anything and I can assure you I mean no harm to any of you, the truth is I don't know why am I here?" Lory waved her hands wildly, she doesn't want to lose a friend she finally has.

Ming Yue Yin giggles watching their reaction "Well, you are something isn't it aunty like a god messenger or something" Ming Yue Yin rose from her chair nonchalantly and take out a small table and begin to brew tea on the side.

Bei Li Yan surprised how calm Ming Yue Yin's reaction is but that can only mean one thing "You knew about this isn't it, Empress Ming?" Bei Li Yan pouts his lips he feel dejected for other people outside the Hei Shen Sect knew about this before him the King Palace.

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 "I know long before uncle, so you don't have to be sad" Ming Yue Yin was poured hot water inside the teapot as she answers casually.

They simultaneously shift their shocking gaze at Zhao Li Xin while Zhao Li Xin stares at Lory with despondent eyes, Lory feel wronged this is Arthea doing is not her fault that brat seen her real appearance, but she can't say that without making another explanation and she's too tired for that.

"Okay, I'm sorry I'll make it up for you okay…" she coaxed Zhao Li Xin with sweet smiles. Lory's real smile is even more beautiful than her usual smiles once again they all stare at her in trance.

Zhao Li Xin's expression lit up "Sure, you will compensate me tonight," he said in delight but firm tones.


'Is he forgot our room burns to the ground?'

Lory didn't want to upset the 'Demon Lord' so she pretends she didn't know about it, she clapped her hands to gain their attention "Okay, back to the main topic about the cursed!"

Ming Yue Yin finish brewing the 'pink Blossom' tea for Lory then she hands the teacup for Lory since she talking a lot "You fear someone able to create a curse, is Qian Mu Ting cursed is inflicted by someone"

Lory sips her tea then sighs "That's what I'm afraid about…"

"Could be possible anyone like me created a cursed?" asked Ming Yue Yin.

"Impossible" Lory shakes her head "Only the gifted people could make a cursed"