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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 157
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Chapter 4: Ayla

I was trying to confirm a pattern I might have found in Harry’s journal when Jimmy showed


“You just about ready, Luna?” he asked, pulling me out of my work.

I looked at him in confusion.


“Your meeting at the university,” he replied. “I’m your bodyguard for today.”

I sighed, dropping my pencil on the table. “Do we really think I need a bodyguard every

time I leave the grounds? I’m still going to be within the city.”

“And you were stabbed within the packhouse,” Mina chimed in immediately, not even

looking up.

Jimmy pointed at her. “What she said. Now, I’m ready when you are.”

“Alright, alright,” I said, checking my watch.

It was almost one–thirty. I tucked the notebook back in my bag and straightened up my

area. I waved goodbye to Mina, reminding her not to stay there all day, and followed

Jimmy out. He kept looking around the grounds to ensure we weren’t noticed as we

headed toward my car. I insisted on driving.

“You know, we may have to figure out a different workplace,” I commented. “It’s going to

get harder to keep the cellar a secret if there‘ s more traffic going in and out.”





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Chapter 4 Ayla

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“I was already thinking that,” Jimmy said. “That entrance was fine before when we rarely

needed to use the space. But that was a big part of what made it so secure. Now, it seems

conspicuous. I’ll talk to Alpha about it.”

I nodded as I rolled down my car window to enter the gate code. They used to keep the

gates open all day before the incidents with Randy and my attack. I felt a slight pang of

guilt at all the changes my arrival had caused. I knew it wasn’t that big of a deal. It’s not

like the packhouse grounds were completely walled off, just the areas you could drive into.

Everyone still had access to the woods for shifting. And the gates really only tracked

people coming and going All pack members had codes or could gain access whenever

they wanted. But it still felt like I caused an inconvenience.

We pulled onto the college campus, and Jimmy helped direct me to the administration

building. We went in and told the receptionist I had arrived. She was a middle–aged

woman with a full figure and short black curly hair. Her face lit up when I told her my


“Oh, yes, Luna,” she said brightly as she stood from her chair. “Come with me and I will

get you situated.”

She led us down a short hallway into a conference room, directing us to sit anywhere.

“I’m Mrs. Becky, by the way. It’s an honor to meet you, Luna,” she said. “When we heard

the news that you were attending, the whole office has been a twitter about it.”

It was hard not to smile at her. “Well, thank you, but I’m not in just yet,” I replied.

“I am sure you know that this is just a formality, Ms. Garner,” a male voice spoke.

“Though, I suppose it’s missus now, or in fact, Luna.”




hapter 4. Ayla

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“Mr. Andrews?” I asked, recognizing the male who had entered the


“Ayla, my dear, it is wonderful to see you again,” Mr. Andrews said kindly as he took my


“What on earth are you doing here?”

“I left Howling Falls after Kylee graduated,” he said. “I’m on the administrative board and

admissions committee here at the college now. When I saw your name come across my

email for a special admission, I knew I had to take over.

“Jimmy, this is Mr. Andrews,” I said. “He was my headmaster in high school. This is Jimmy,

he’s…” I paused.

“I’m the bodyguard,” Jimmy said, extending his hand. “For now, at least.”

“Ah, yes,” Mr. Andrews said. “We are aware of the situation regarding Mrs. Garner’s safety.

In fact, our head of security is on the way to join us today, as well.” He directed us to take

a seat. “Along with two other faculty members who wanted to be present for the interview.

But as I said before, this is just a formality. We would be honored to have you at our

university. And not because you are our future Luna, my dear.”

“Well, I have been out of school for a while, Mr. Andrews,” I stated. “So, I know I’ll have to

start at the bottom.”

“Nonsense. Don’t forget I know what you do for a living,” he said with a wink. “That, plus

other parts of your work history, has allowed us to apply introductory credits to your file

already. So, you tell us what you want to take and we’ll get you all squared away.”

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The door to the conference room opened and two more people entered. There was a tall,

slender female with a rather sour look on her face and




Chapter 4 Ayla

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another male. He didn’t look to be quite middle–aged yet, although it could be hard to tell

with wolves. But he had dark features and a pleasant face.

“Ah, here they are,” Mr. Andrews said as we all stood. “Mrs. Garner, I‘ d like you to meet

Professor Elkins and Professor Armand.”

I extended my hand to each of them. Professor Elkins shook it quickly like it was on fire or

something. Professor Armand held it gently, planting a small kiss on my knuckles

“Luna Ayla,” he said. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you.

“Yes, Professor, I’ve heard a lot about you,” I stated. “I hear your research in ancient

architecture is simply fascinating.”

“Well, I hope you plan on taking one or two of my classes,” he replied.

“Indeed,” I said. “In fact, I may have some material that you would find particularly

interesting. I’m working on some research of my own and recently found some old books. I

would love to get feedback from an expert like yourself.”

His face lit up in curiosity. I knew Alpha Harden and Randy had been in contact with him,

so he was expecting us to meet. But they didn’t know about what my father had left me.

“I am intrigued and eager to be of service, Luna,” he said with a bow.


