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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130: Ayla

I wasn’t making much progress with pulling out the ring. I kept looking around, trying to

find something else to aid me. I was instructing Kylee to do so the same, helping guide her

as best I could. She was working at the hinges of the cage door when Harry came back.

“That’s adorable, Kylee,” he sneered. “Thinking you could accomplish anything remotely

as impressive as an escape.

Kylee looked dejected, but the hatred filled her eyes. Harry shoved his hand through the

bars to grab the small metal rod she had been using. With a scream, she stabbed it into

his hand. A wave of pride rippled through me. I started laughing as Harry bellowed.

His eyes shot to me.

“Okay, my love,” he said venomously. “You think pain is funny?”

“Your pain,” I clarified. “Come on, Harry. I’m sure even you can enjoy the poetry in this.”

He smirked at me, almost genuinely. That is until he turned and opened the cage. He

reached in, grabbing my mother by the hair and dragging her out. He kicked Kylee hard as

she tried to hold on to her. Ma was kicking a screaming as he pulled her before me.

“Stop, Harry,” I yelled. “What are you doing?”

“You think my pain is funny,” he snarled, gripping Ma by the throat. “Well, it would hurt

me greatly if I had to kill my mate’s mother.”

His other hand was on the back of her head, poised to break her neck in one quick motion.

My mother stared at me with terror in her eyes,

no longer fighting.

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“Harry, don’t,” I pled.

“No? Why not?” he spat. “It would be so easy. It’s not like she deserves you. Not after

everything she’s done.”

“Harry, you’re not going to murder my mother.

He stared at me. His breathing began to slow. I couldn’t tell what was going through his

mind. But by the way he looked me up

and down, I knew I didn’t want to know. He finally released my mother’s throat, but his fist

remained firmly in her hair. When he finally looked away, he dragged Ma back to the cage,

throwing her back in.

He went to a table and grabbed a rag before stalking toward me.

“You’re right, my love,” he said eerily. “Enough of this playing around. It’s time to finish


Fear gripped me as I tried to pull against my restraints. He knelt next to me and brushed

my face again. Then suddenly, he was shoving the rag in my mouth, gagging me so I

couldn’t speak. I tried to pull away, but he was too close. Once he finished tying it, he

grabbed my face hard, making me wince.

“I’m sorry, my love, but it’s necessary. We can’t have you commanding me before the

process is complete,” he said.

He pulled me toward him. I cried out as my shoulders were wrenched in the wrong

direction. He leaned in, his hand running down my chest, trailing a finger along the curve

of my breast.

“You know, they say marking your mate in the throws of passion is the most exquisite

feeling anyone could experience,” he whispered against my jaw, his hands moving down

to grip my hips. “I have to be honest.

I’m too curious to resist, my love. I’ve been waiting for so long. Imagining what you feel


A silent tear ran down my face as my whole body shook. He shifted to face me. I kicked

out, hitting him square in the leg, sending him to the floor. I kept kicking, just trying to hit

anything to keep him away from me. I was screaming against the gag, using whatever

strength I had to pull against the ropes still around my wrists.

Harry managed to grab my legs, deflecting my movements long enough to grab my waist.

He spun me around, my knees painfully hitting the stone floor. His hand held my hair,

yanking my head back as he pressed himself against me. I could feel him against the

small of my back and I tried desperately not to throw up.

“Stop fighting, Ayla,” Harry hissed, tearing my underwear from my body. He turned my

head to look as my family watched in horror, crying out for me. “If you don’t want to

watch them die, you’ll stop fighting.”

“Don’t stop, Ayla,” Kylee sobbed, tears rushing down her cheeks.

Ma was screaming next to her. I tried to tell them to look away, but I couldn’t link with


“I will cut their throats and make you watch until every drop of blood is drained. Now,” he

almost cooed, “be a good girl.”

His hand moved between us. He pulled away as he fumbled with his pants. Kylee kept

yelling for me to fight as she held my mother, covering her face so she couldn’t see. I

closed my eyes. My mind went to Theo but quickly pushed him away. Holding back the sob

that threatened to break from my chest. I wouldn’t let this bastard take Theo from me as

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I braced myself for the agony that was about to overtake me.

But I suddenly fell to the floor. My arms popped as I landed on my side from something

ripping Harry from behind me. I struggled to right myself, but as I did, I cried as I saw

Kieran growling viciously at a rage–filled grey wolf.

Hands came up to my face, pulling the gag from my mouth. I was surprised to see Pierce

kneeling next to me.

“It’s okay, Ayla,” he said. “I’m going to get you out of here.”

“No.” I cried as he reached for the ropes. “They’re soaked in wolfsbane. Get Kylee and Ma

out of here first.‘


Pierce looked toward the cage across the room. “I swear I’ll come back for them,” he

insisted, “but Theo and Kingston would kill me if I left you behind.”

“Pierce, save my family first,” I commanded.

He gave me a disapproving look but lowered his hands.

“Now it’s my fault,” I said with a smirk. “Go.”

Pierce rushed to the cage, grabbing a metal bar to pry the door open, lifting it off its

hinges. He lifted Ma and started guiding them toward the back of the room. I breathed a

small sigh of relief, turning back to the fight before me.

Then Kylee was by my side.

“Kylee,” I yelled, “get out of here.”

She was sawing at my ropes with a shard of glass.

“I’m not leaving my sister.”