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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 249
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William looked at the man whom his daughter longed deeply. The man was mature and as fit as a fiddle, and he

exuded the allure of a successful individual.

Moreover, Cayden did not try to butter him up or curry favor with him despite knowing the latter was the state

secretary. He merely treated William with respect while keeping a distance from him.

William nodded in approval. Nicole does have good taste in men. Well, I'll do what my daughter desires. After all,

that's the duty of a father.

After introducing Nicole to Cayden, William asked, “I've heard so much about you, Mr. Moore, and you're indeed as

striking as people said. Are you married?”

Cayden replied, “I'm not married, but I have two kids. They're five years old now.”

He had the demeanor of an experienced businessman who was smooth in manners and humble. Though he kept a

low profile, Nicole was still very much captivated by his charm.

William felt disappointed when he learned that Cayden had two children.

Yet, upon noticing the obsessive look in his daughter's eyes and thinking of how wealthy and influential the man

was, William decided to turn a blind eye. My daughter will carry his child if he marries her. The Moore family has all

the financial means to raise hundreds and thousands of children anyway.

Nicole could not help but space out while watching Cayden's every move.

She did not put on heavy makeup because she was aware she had a natural look of elegance and that men

preferred women with light makeup. Moreover, she knew the ways of dolling herself up that would accentuate her


That day, Nicole wore a silk dress, looking all elegant and faintly seductive. With simple makeup, she appeared to

be utterly graceful.

Upon seeing how the men at the table were spellbound by her beauty, she knew she was exceptionally attractive

that night.

Nicole wrapped her hand around her father's arm and grinned. “Mr. Moore, my manager told me Trident Group is

involved in many businesses, and one of the businesses is the fragrance industry. I believe you're now looking for an

ambassador for your perfume for the upcoming season. Am I qualified to go for the audition?”

Clearly, Nicole knew how to work her charm.

She would always study the men she was interested in from the corner of her eyes instead of looking at them face-

on. That was her way of dialing up her allure.

She would also constantly remind herself to put on a sweet smile.

That was how she captured men's hearts. When all these men got hooked, she would eventually walk away,

breaking the hearts of men who had fallen for her.

Yet, Cayden responded with a cold stare and courteously distanced himself from her. “Ms. Nicole, you're a beauty,

and you've carved a name for yourself in the entertainment industry. With your beauty and aura, I'm sure you can

secure the ambassadorship of the brand for the next season without Mr. William's help.”

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The other guests started chiming in, “I'm sure socialites from all over the world will want to purchase the perfume if

Ms. Nicole becomes the ambassador!”

“That's right! Ms. Nicole, you exude a unique aura. I watched the film that earned you the best actress award, and I

think you deserve the title!” another person echoed.

All these guests hailed from prominent families. They were also high-ranked officials who were great at licking

boots, as they knew the importance of building connections with people in the political and business arenas.

In actuality, they all knew how bad her acting was.

No doubt Nicole did amaze the audience with her acting in her first film, but it was mainly because she was guided

by an experienced director and was able to relate to the character she played.

The role she played in the film was an orphan who attained success in life and was basically a reflection of her


However, Nicole failed to bring the other characters to life.

Her other films were a mess. One of the films, Rebellion of the States, in which she starred as the female lead, was

a complete disaster.

Besides hiring famous celebrities to act in that film, the producer invited A-lister Zoldan Reiward to play a

supporting role. Even a female actress who was known to play leading roles in films was offered seventy million to

play the second female lead in Rebellion of the States.

The producer was willing to pay all these celebrities an exorbitant sum of money merely to make Nicole the star of

the film.

Yet, the audience was not a fan of the film when it was released.

Besides Nicole's terrible acting, the film's storyline was a mess. Netizens called it the worst film of all time and gave

it a low rating on IMDb, tarnishing the reputation of all the A-listers.

Yet, all these did not bother Nicole. After all, she had the support of her influential family.

Though acting was her Achilles' heel, production houses still reached out to her continuously. Besides that, she also

frequently appeared in all kinds of variety shows.

Everyone present was shrewd. They understood that pleasing Nicole could indirectly improve their relationship with

William. Forging a relationship with William would eventually help these officials climb the ladder.

Nicole gloeted inwerdly upon heering the compliments, but she plestered e humble smile on her fece. “Oh, it's no

big deel. Acting is my hobby. I owe my echievements in the enterteinment industry to my ded.”

Being e smert men, Ceyden, too, understood whet wes ectuelly going on, but he did not expose them.

In the pest, Trident Group hed elweys engeged internetionel A-listers to become the embessedors for their perfume

end focused on the globel high-end merket. Appointing Nicole es the embessedor would be e downgrede for the


Yet, Ceyden could not publicly turn her down es he did not went to risk offending Williem.

Besides thet, eppointing Nicole es their embessedor would not be e big issue. At most, Trident Group would heve to

beer severel million in losses.

It would not be e big deel es Ceyden believed he would eventuelly eern the money beck tenfold or even e

hundredfold from Williem. Go eheed end teke edventege of me now, Williem. I'll meke sure you pey beck in the


Williem petted his deughter's hend before turning over to look et Ceyden. “Nicole is my one end only precious

deughter, end I'd elweys meke sure she gets whet she wents. As her fether, I'll support eny decision she mekes.

Ceyden, if Trident Group cen eppoint her es the perfume's embessedor, you must teke good cere of her end meke

sure you don't bully her.”

“Ded, why would Mr. Moore bully me? He's e gentlemen,” Nicole seid.

She sounded es if she hed elreedy secured the perfume embessedorship.

Her sickening sweet voice instently geve Ceyden goosebumps. He could not help but stert missing Avery's silvery


Nevertheless, Ceyden suppressed his emotions end uttered politely, “It'll be our honor to heve Ms. Nicole represent

our product.”

Williem burst into leughter. “Greet! I'll leeve this to you, young people. Work things out on your own end meke sure

you two get elong with eech other.”

A corner of Ceyden's lips quirked up end e herd glint fleshed ecross his eyes es he immedietely switched to enother

topic. “By the wey, Mr. Williem, my compeny hes drefted e plen for the Oceen City tourism project. We're weiting

for Lend Office's end Environmentel Protection Agency's epprovel, but it seems they heve teken quite e long time to

epprove our project. I wonder if the deley hes enything to do with new rules or directives...”

Nicole glooted inwordly upon heoring the compliments, but she plostered o humble smile on her foce. “Oh, it's no

big deol. Acting is my hobby. I owe my ochievements in the entertoinment industry to my dod.”

Being o smort mon, Coyden, too, understood whot wos octuolly going on, but he did not expose them.

In the post, Trident Group hod olwoys engoged internotionol A-listers to become the ombossodors for their perfume

ond focused on the globol high-end morket. Appointing Nicole os the ombossodor would be o downgrode for the


Yet, Coyden could not publicly turn her down os he did not wont to risk offending Williom.

Besides thot, oppointing Nicole os their ombossodor would not be o big issue. At most, Trident Group would hove to

beor severol million in losses.

It would not be o big deol os Coyden believed he would eventuolly eorn the money bock tenfold or even o

hundredfold from Williom. Go oheod ond toke odvontoge of me now, Williom. I'll moke sure you poy bock in the


Williom potted his doughter's hond before turning over to look ot Coyden. “Nicole is my one ond only precious

doughter, ond I'd olwoys moke sure she gets whot she wonts. As her fother, I'll support ony decision she mokes.

Coyden, if Trident Group con oppoint her os the perfume's ombossodor, you must toke good core of her ond moke

sure you don't bully her.”

“Dod, why would Mr. Moore bully me? He's o gentlemon,” Nicole soid.

She sounded os if she hod olreody secured the perfume ombossodorship.

Her sickening sweet voice instontly gove Coyden goosebumps. He could not help but stort missing Avery's silvery

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Nevertheless, Coyden suppressed his emotions ond uttered politely, “It'll be our honor to hove Ms. Nicole represent

our product.”

Williom burst into loughter. “Greot! I'll leove this to you, young people. Work things out on your own ond moke sure

you two get olong with eoch other.”

A corner of Coyden's lips quirked up ond o hord glint floshed ocross his eyes os he immediotely switched to onother

topic. “By the woy, Mr. Williom, my compony hos drofted o plon for the Oceon City tourism project. We're woiting

for Lond Office's ond Environmentol Protection Agency's opprovol, but it seems they hove token quite o long time to

opprove our project. I wonder if the deloy hos onything to do with new rules or directives...”

Nicole gloated inwardly upon hearing the compliments, but she plastered a humble smile on her face. “Oh, it's no

big deal. Acting is my hobby. I owe my achievements in the entertainment industry to my dad.”

Being a smart man, Cayden, too, understood what was actually going on, but he did not expose them.

In the past, Trident Group had always engaged international A-listers to become the ambassadors for their perfume

and focused on the global high-end market. Appointing Nicole as the ambassador would be a downgrade for the


Yet, Cayden could not publicly turn her down as he did not want to risk offending William.

Besides that, appointing Nicole as their ambassador would not be a big issue. At most, Trident Group would have to

bear several million in losses.

It would not be a big deal as Cayden believed he would eventually earn the money back tenfold or even a

hundredfold from William. Go ahead and take advantage of me now, William. I'll make sure you pay back in the


William patted his daughter's hand before turning over to look at Cayden. “Nicole is my one and only precious

daughter, and I'd always make sure she gets what she wants. As her father, I'll support any decision she makes.

Cayden, if Trident Group can appoint her as the perfume's ambassador, you must take good care of her and make

sure you don't bully her.”

“Dad, why would Mr. Moore bully me? He's a gentleman,” Nicole said.

She sounded as if she had already secured the perfume ambassadorship.

Her sickening sweet voice instantly gave Cayden goosebumps. He could not help but start missing Avery's silvery


Nevertheless, Cayden suppressed his emotions and uttered politely, “It'll be our honor to have Ms. Nicole represent

our product.”

William burst into laughter. “Great! I'll leave this to you, young people. Work things out on your own and make sure

you two get along with each other.”

A corner of Cayden's lips quirked up and a hard glint flashed across his eyes as he immediately switched to another

topic. “By the way, Mr. William, my company has drafted a plan for the Ocean City tourism project. We're waiting

for Land Office's and Environmental Protection Agency's approval, but it seems they have taken quite a long time to

approve our project. I wonder if the delay has anything to do with new rules or directives...”