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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 33
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Chapter 0033

| shift into my wolf form and run to Cara’s house. | stop at the edge of the forest line. | can smell the charcoal of

the grill and can hear my dad and Mr. Nelson's. voices on the breeze. As | listen, they move back inside and |

creep closer, using the outdoor training center to hideand my scent so | can listen in. If Cara is upset or

angry about today, | need to make it right.

Kai is ready to burst into the house and let her know we are the ones who want to claim her, but I hold him back.

| hear Dad asking about the gift and letting her know that he’s heard of her mystery man. SHIT! If dad has heard

about that, then he’ll be wondering why | haven't said a word about it. I'll have to figure out something to say to

him soon.

| hear Dad ask permission for something and I’m guessing he wants to read the card. | know I'm right when he

asks if she’s figured out who her mystery man is yet. | listen and realize that she knows the betting odds, but has

eliminated Liam and Jason. Makes sense, Jason is only a friend and Liam, well, he pretty much excluded himself

with his actions today.

Then | hear her ask if my father heard about what happened today. My hackles rise when | hear him angrily

asking if | challenged Liam over her. | open the mindlink, letting him know there is no problem with Liam. I'm

hoping that’s true. | haven't actually checked myself, only went by what Chase has told me.

And then | get the kick to the gut. Liam is coming over to train with her tomorrow. It’s a great honor. One I'd just

about give my nuts for. No wonder Liam didn’t followoutside. Cara had done exactly what needed to be done

to de-escalate the situation. But because of Kai's possessiveness and my inability to keep a hold of him, Liam

was now going to be able to spend twith my girl. And not just any time, special training time. | knew Dad

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

wanted Mr. Nelson to train our warriors. He's wanted it for years, ever since | could remember. It had to be a

bitter pill to swallow to know that Mr. Nelson would now be training Liam personally, because of me.

Kai is growling in my head. ‘Shut up!” This is all your fault. He wouldn't be coming over here tomorrow if you

hadn’t lost control.” | yell at my wolf.

‘Wrong!” He replies. ‘He needs to realize that she is ours and that he will never have her.” | grit my teeth and pull

him back so | can continue to listen.

I tune in just in tto hear Mr. Nelson put dad in his place. Unfortunately, the threat in his words is clear. Giving

up one day of training was nothing to possibly



Kai whines in my head at the thought. ‘We have to be smarter, Kai. If you really want her, we have to show that

we are the better option. We have to be better than Liam. He has the advantage, they have a longer, stronger

relationship than we do. So don’t screw it up again, or it may be the last time. Even if she is our mate, she could

reject us for him if she doesn’t find us worthy.’ Kai lays down in my head, not agreeing, but not disagreeing

either. The thought of losing Cara and Artemis is hurtful to both of us.

Nr. Nelson's next words shockthough. He agrees to think about training our warriors. That is huge and my

dad seems to be happy with this progress.

I laid down and listened while dad told them about the increased rogues in the neighboring pack. | haven't

spoken to my father today, so | wasn’t aware that other packs were also struggling with increased rogue attacks

and the one today. seemed especially problematic.

When dad said he had to leave to speak withand do damage control with Liam, | knew he was coming to

chat with me, so | headed back to the forest.

When dad walks up, | see his eyes start to bleed to black, lettingknow Zakai was coming forward. “Son, we

need to talk. Shift back.”


Chapter 0034

| do as requested. | find an extra pair of clothes in a hollowed area of a nearby tree and put sshorts on then

step back out to speak to my father.

“Want to tellwhy an intelligent, gifted Guardian who is a member of our pack doesn’t think my son, the

future alpha, would be interested enough in her to be staking a very public claim?“.

| turn and begin heading toward the packhouse, pulling my thoughts together. before speaking. “You and mom

have raisedto know who Cara Nelson is. I've known my whole life what we owe that family and what they

have sacrificed for us.” | turn to look him in the eye. “What neither of you ever actually did was make sure | knew

who Cara Nelson, the person, is.”

My dad continues to stay silent, so | take that as my queue to continue. “So, last week, | saw her in school. There

was something about her.” | run my hand through my hair. “I didn’t know who she was. But | was drawn to her,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

so | went up to her and introduced myself. | asked her what her nwas and what pack she belonged to.”

When I looked back up, my dad was just staring at me. This t| waited him out.

“I'm guessing that didn’t go well?” he asks.

“About as well as you would expect,” | replied.

“And so this week of gifts is...what? An apology?”

“Yes and no,” | respond. “At first, that was how it started. | wanted her to know that | know who she is and that |

appreciate her and her family for everything they have given us. But then Kai wanted more. Each day when |

wrote the cards. for her, | put more of my intent to not only claim her but to let her know that | want her. That we

want her to be ours.”

“And Kai is sure that he wants her?”

“Yes, he’s been very clear and | have checked with him several times this week so | wasn’t making false


| wait a beat and then voice the concern that Chase brought up earlier tonight. Could it be that Kai's attracted to

her as a Guardian rather than a mate, dad?”

Dad looked thoughtful as he stared out into the dark night. “I don’t think it’s because she’s a Guardian. You've

been in the sschools all your life and you are just now noticing her, right before your 18th birthday. I think

maybe Kai is


Chapter 0034